Chapter 276 Zhu Di's Will
Zhu Zhanchang came to Hiroshima for the first time. This is a peaceful and quiet place. Zhu Yunwen and others developed steam engines here, but they are useless now. on a grade.

When Zhu Zhanchang arrived in Hiroshima, the news of Emperor Shimitsu's death also came. In a short period of time, both Yoshihide Ashikaga and Emperor Shimitsu died, but Zhu Zhanchang could rule out the suspicion because neither of them had Zhu Zhan by their side. Existing people exist.

Ashikaga Yoshitsune is in a turmoil now, because Ashikaga Yoshihide's son Ashikaga Yoshimo died three months ago, so now Ashikaga Yoshitsune is the first in line to the general's heir, and the aristocrats of Eastern Ying are eager to move, and the turmoil in Eastern Ying is also fermenting among.

Zhu Zhanchang was not in a hurry to intervene to deal with this matter.

At the port, Zhu Zhanchang met the monk Huasou Zongtan, the most famous old man of Eastern Buddhism in this era.

This is a short man with sparse hair, and even his teeth are incomplete. He can become a street beggar indiscriminately by changing his cassock.

As soon as Xiu Zongchun made a recommendation to the two, Huasou Zongtan led Zhu Zhanchang to see Emperor Xiaomatsu.

On the road, many people were looking at Zhu Zhanchang, the tall and graceful son, the legendary Prince of the Pearl River.

They really wanted to go up and ask him, is Daming really as good as the rumors say?

The people at the bottom of Dongying are full of yearning for the Ming Dynasty. That powerful and rich country may relieve their sorrow and suffering.

When he came to the place where Zhu Yunwen was, Yang Feng took the guards to completely surround the mansion, and Zhu Zhanchang led people into it.

"His Royal Highness Zhujiang County, long time no see."

Zhu Zhanchang sat down: "Emperor Komatsu is a good way to kill Ashikaga Yoshichi and Emperor Shimitsu in just a few days."

The most surprising were Hei Snake Ji, Li Xianyu and others. They didn't know why Zhu Zhanchang said this, but they also understood that what Zhu Zhanchang said must be what Emperor Xiaomatsu did.

It's understandable to kill Ashikaga Yoshichi, but what about the Emperor Mitsuyuki?In their eyes, it was his own son.

This time Zhu Zhanchang did not let the two avoid it, including Zhang Xianqi and Yang Feng.

"It can be regarded as fulfilling the wish of His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County. It's hard to say anything. It's just that the general of Dongying and the Emperor have both died, and the current situation is turbulent. How to stabilize can only depend on His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County. My abilities are limited. , I'm afraid I can't help." Zhu Yunwen spoke in a very flat tone.

"All you need to do is hand Kui to me."

This is the purpose of Zhu Zhanchang's visit, he wants to receive Kui.

"His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County is too impatient. What you need to do now is to let the King of Han and the Crown Prince fight first, and the snipe and clam will compete for the fisherman to gain." Hou Xiaosong said in a tone as if he belonged to Zhu Zhanchang. General counselor.

Zhu Yunwen narrowed his eyes slightly. Now Daming is in turmoil. According to his information, Zhu Gaojiu, the king of Han, had already had a quarrel with Zhu Gaochi. When the king of Han bowed to Zhu Di from the capital, he left with his troops, but he returned to Zhejiang and assembled the two divisions of troops and horses. There seems to be a sign of war on the edge of hoarding and Yingtian.

The reason why the King of Han dared to do this was a secret edict with the seal of Zhu Di.

Now the information of Daming is coming like raindrops every day, and every piece of information is saying that Daming is in turmoil now.

"I'm not in a hurry. Now is a good opportunity. I need Kui to do something for me."

"There is no need to explain from the Prince of Zhujiang County, Kui has already started. Your Highness knows why Zhu Gaojiu, the king of Han, dared to lead troops to approach Yingtianfu after returning to the fief.

Zhu Zhanchang had information in his hands, but Zhu Gaojiu led the troops into Beijing, and after bowing to Zhu Xi first, he asked the cabinet for Zhu Xi's widow.

Zhu Gaojiu looked at the posthumous edict and read it repeatedly, but could not see any problems, but when he returned from the capital and returned to the fief, he took out another posthumous edict, which said that it was located in Zhu Gaojiao, the king of the Han Dynasty.

Zhu Di's handwriting and Zhu Di's seal are exactly the same as Zhu Gaochi's, the only difference is the successor.

How did the two identical edicts come about?

Zhu Yunwen smiled and said, "My spy is good at writing and has access to Zhu Di's jade seal, so he imitated a posthumous edict, which is enough to cause turmoil in Daming. As long as Daming is in turmoil, His Royal Highness Prince Zhujiang County, your chance here it comes."

Zhu Zhanchang was secretly shocked, who was Zhu Yunwen's spy?It is actually possible to do such a thing, which is also the reason why Zhu Zhanchang must master Kui's information. It is too dangerous for such a person to ambush in Daming.

Zhu Yunwen is happy to see that Yu Daming has become more chaotic now. He has lost the heart to restore the country. The only thing I want is what I can't get. Don't think about it. Stealing opportunities when Daming was in turmoil, so he was willing to let Zhu Zhanchang use him, because he was also using Zhu Zhanchang.

The matter of the two Zhu Di edicts has just begun, and it will continue to ferment over time, and it will definitely intensify in the future.

People like Zhu Gaoji will create opportunities when they have no chance, not to mention that the opportunity is in front of him now. Now that he has the imperial decree in his hand, he believes that the old man has chosen him as the heir. hide.

In Zhu Yunwen's thoughts, Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Gaojiu fought. If Zhu Gaochi wins, later generations will also say that Zhu Xi is rumored to be Zhu Gaojiu's, leaving a stain. If Zhu Gaojiu wins, it will be even better. Zhu Zhanchang and Zhu Zhanji will definitely continue the war. Going down, Daming will still be struggling in the quagmire of the civil war, and the fourth uncle's family will fight to the death, he will be happy.

"My father and second uncle have both sent letters. My father wants me to go back to Guangzhou House, and my second uncle wants to invite me to talk, but I don't plan to go back now." Zhu Zhanchang's expression remained calm.

Zhu Yunwen understood that the current Zhu Zhanchang was a sweet treat, and both Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Gaoji wanted to win over.

"What do you mean, Your Highness?"

"How about the last time you arranged to capture my eldest brother? Your spies don't seem to do as you did. I do everything I do now to make wedding dresses for others. There is a eldest brother in front of me." Zhu Zhan Shi's words are ruthless.

"My spies just found the opportunity to hand over Zhu Zhanji's violation of the etiquette, and Zhu Xi died. It seems that the matter was suppressed by Zhu Gaochi."

"Can it be rescheduled?"

"It's already being arranged, and the news will also come to Han Wang Zhu Gaojiu."

Zhu Zhanji's eyes narrowed slightly, as long as the matter was handed over, he could follow the clues to find out who was attacking Zhu Zhanji and who was Zhu Yunwen's spy.

After some discussion, Zhu Yunwen was always reluctant to hand over the news of the spies. This was his most valuable thing right now, and it was impossible to hand it over easily.

"I'm curious about how His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County intends to stabilize the situation in Dongying."

Zhu Zhanchang asked Li Xianyu to take out a drawing and put it on the table. It was a map of Daejeon City.

"Ashikaga Yoshiki is dead. Ashikaga Yoshitsune has done a very good job as the director general of Zhu Rihe Group in the past six months. I plan to share a dividend first. I will push Ashikaga Yoshikage to power and become the new general of Toyo. As for the emperor's words , I would like to invite Emperor Komatsu to come out."

Everyone who was shocked by Zhu Zhanchang's words, people who didn't know Zhu Yunwen's identity were shocked that Zhu Zhanchang would actually invite Emperor Xiaomatsu to take the position of Emperor Huang again, and Huasou Zongtan, who knew Zhu Yunwen's identity, was shocked by Zhu Zhanchang would actually do so.

Zhu Yunwen usually has some crazy ideas, but his nephew seems to be more crazy than him. Is the Zhu family's dominant inheritance?

Huasou Zongtan thought that Zhu Yunwen was right, his nephew, the Prince of Zhujiang County, was a complete conspirator, an unscrupulous politician, and a crazy careerist.

He is more ambitious than Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and more ruthless than Zhu Yunwen, but Zhu Yunwen told him that Zhu Zhanchang not only did not kill him, but also planned to cooperate with him to return him to the temple name of the Ming Dynasty, Huasou Zongtan thought it was Zhu Yunwen He fell ill again, but now it seems that the Prince of Zhujiang County should do it.

There is no doubt that Zhu Zhanchang's goal is the throne, so he will continue to cooperate with the people of Dongying.

At this time, Zongtan Huasou came out and said, "His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County, and His Royal Highness Emperor Komatsu has already abdicated, and it is not in line with the ancestral system to reappoint as Emperor."

"No, I can." Zhu Yunwen said it himself.

"Your Highness..."

"There is still room to make some contributions to Dongying." Zhu Yunwen said grandly.

Zhu Zhanchang smiled and pointed to the map of Kanyu on the table and said, "I heard that Shi Jianshan said that there are silver mines buried in the ground before, so I was interested in getting people to explore it. Guess what?"

"Really?" Zhu Yunwen looked at Zhu Zhanchang in surprise, which was too coincidental.

Zhu Zhanchang smiled and nodded: "Well, not only there are, but a lot, a lot."

"How many?" Zhu Yunwen asked cautiously.

That's one-third of the world's silver mines this century.

Zhu Zhanchang smiled slightly: "Probably, how to say it, just like if all the silver in Dongying is collected together, it may not be half of this silver mine."

All of a sudden, Zhu Yunwen and others were all stupid. This was too amazing, which meant that as long as the silver mine was dug all the time, there would be a steady stream of wealth, which was enough to cover up the deaths of the general and Emperor Yu.

The best way to divert the conflict is to have a bigger conflict. As soon as the news of this silver mine is announced, then the biggest contradiction in Dongying now will be how to divide this silver mine. Those Dongying executives and nobles will definitely want to divide it up. A piece of the pie, and to a large extent there will be war.

This is a silver mine with greater wealth than Dongying's current national wealth.

"How does His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County plan to divide this silver mine?" Zhu Yunwen understood that if this silver mine was not handled properly, it might cause turmoil in the entire East Ying.

Zhu Zhanqian came up with his own plan: "Zhu Rihe Group will hold 40.00% of the shares. In this way, all shareholders in Zhu Rihe Group will have a share. This is a business that earns money if you dig it. Annual dividends are indispensable. Zhu Rihe And the steady increase of the group's stock is another wealth."

"Besides, the generals account for [-] percent of the total, except for the Zhu Rihe group."

"The emperor and his family account for [-]%, and this income is enough for the royal family themselves."

"The nobles and senior officials of Japan can share 20.00%."

Zhu Yunqi asked eagerly: "What about the last 20.00%?"

"For the last 20.00%, I will set up an organization called [Dongying Basic Fund], and distribute this asset to ordinary people in Dongying, or build bridges and pave roads in various places, so that all people in Dongying can enjoy The benefits of the silver mines."

For a while, Zhu Yunwen's eyes widened. Zhu Zhanchang's behavior was no different from that of a saint. He actually gave money to the people and saved funds to build bridges for them.

Zhu Yunwen immediately understood the reason why Zhu Zhanhan did this, no doubt to win the hearts of the people.

This big silver mine can directly double the economic situation of Dongying, and these things are also shared by ordinary people at the bottom. These things are not for him.

Moreover, there is a powerful Daming fleet escorting him behind him, so the people of Dongying would never dare to go to war with Zhu Zhanchang easily.

Everyone has scored points. Maybe some people are satisfied and some are not very satisfied, but there will never be large-scale riots. Even for money, everyone will be more peaceful. No one wants to live a stable and prosperous life. destroy.

Zhu Yunwen couldn't help but sighed that Zhu Zhanchang was really lucky. It was clear that Dongying was in such a turbulent civil strife. He thought that Zhu Zhanchang should use force to intervene in the civil strife in Dongying and completely control Dongying after the death of Ashikaga Yoshichi and Emperor Chengguang. Whenever there is a problem with Daming himself, Zhu Zhanchang should not have much available troops.

But I didn't expect a big silver mine to pop up suddenly, and Zhu Zhanchang has now become the person who divides the cake.

Is Ashikaga Church willing to be Zhu Zhansu's puppet?

Will do.

As far as he knows, Ashikaga Buddhism does not have the talents of his father and brother, nor does he have that ambition. As long as he can follow Zhu Zhan's Ashikaga, he will have more financial resources than his father and brother.

And now Zhu Zhanchang has invited Zhu Yunwen to take up the post of Emperor Komatsu again.

Does he want to be his puppet himself?

No, it is not.

He didn't want to go to the emperor's position to be a puppet himself, but to hold each other hostage and make himself his assistant. He knew that he would not hand over the Kui organization, but he had seen that the Kui organization could actually forge the imperial edict and disrupt the Ming Dynasty. , he needs his own help.

He needs this strength to be his arm and help him reach the top of the nine-five.

Fourth uncle, fourth uncle, this grandson of yours is really a person in troubled times. With such a person, why should the world not be in chaos?

Zhu Zhanchang looked at Zhu Yunwen, who had a grim smile on his face, and said, "Your Excellency, I will announce about the silver mine in Daejeon in a few days. Please also go with me, saying that Emperor Guangyi is dead, I believe Many people in the royal family have already come to you, go and help me stabilize this situation."

In the face of Zhu Zhanchang's request, Zhu Yunwen didn't want to do it: "Okay, I'll go with you."

"I can't be together, it's not good to be seen by others, I'll leave today, and Xian'er will stay with you and wait for two days later."

"Okay." Zhu Yunwen responded with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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