Chapter 278 Daming Sea King
Inside the Daming Palace, Zhu Gaochi held the secret letter from Zhu Zhanchang, frowning tightly, as if he had encountered something more important than the rebellion of Prince Han.

In the letter, Zhu Zhanchang informed Zhu Gaochi of what he had done in Dongying during this time, and also informed him that he was going to do something to Zhu Yunwen. When he received the letter, Zhu Yunwen had already died in the cold sea.

After reading the secret report, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then he understood why Zhu Zhanyi didn't come back even after Zhu Xi's death, and he specially chose to do it after Zhu Xi's death. He thought that his filial piety was not good, and Zhu Xi's death was delayed. If he can't come back, now it seems that he is the most thoughtful and the one with the best filial piety.

At this time, the angry Zhu Zhanji came in. He is now full of anger and anger. He didn't salute when he walked in, but took a cup of tea and drank it first.

Now his father Zhu Gaochi is the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.

"Father, what is the urgent call for me to come back? It really pisses me off. The second uncle is a dead scoundrel. He yells in the city and says what words. The prostitutes in the brothel are ashamed when they hear it. It's really shameless." Zhu Zhanji Apparently it wasn't the case.

Zhu Gaochi ordered him to guard Yingtian Mansion. Zhu Gaojiu came to scold once every two days. Zhu Gaojiu still pretended to be the orthodox Ming emperor, but Zhu Gaochi ordered him to guard and not attack. stand up.

Zhu Gaoji is a veteran in the battlefield. At this time, he is fighting for the country's capital, and he is now occupying a rich and prosperous land in the south of the Yangtze River. Although there is no natural danger to rely on, he has calculated that Zhu Gaochi's character will never be attacked by a large army. Life is ruined, this is something that he, the "benevolent prince", can never do.

So Zhu Gaojiu kept angering Zhu Zhanji while winning over Zhu Gaojiu and drawing cakes. Zhu Zhanji took Zhu Di as an example, and this character is not at a disadvantage. Being scolded like this every day, one day he couldn't help but do it first.

In fact, he also contacted Zhu Zhanchang, saying that he would be crowned king, and that all the Nanyang Dongying and Guangdong vassal divisions would belong to him.

But Zhu Zhanchang followed Zhu Gaojiu to fight, eat, drink, and play for a long time. The second uncle's words were the same as the gifts he received. The critical moments were never counted, and the third uncle was often fooled by him.

Seeing Zhu Zhanji's angry look, the old eunuch beside Zhu Gaochi immediately whispered, "Your Highness, you have to bow down to your majesty first."

At this time, Zhu Zhanji reacted and immediately saluted: "My son has seen the father and emperor, and my son is disrespectful, and I hope Your Majesty will punish him."

"That's it, that's it."

"Father, why are you urgently urging your servants to come back?"

"I have something to ask you."

Zhu Zhanji was stunned, just because he wanted to ask himself something, he made himself come back from the front line all the way?

Zhu Gaochi gave the eunuch a look, and all the servants retreated.

"What is the father doing?"

"This matter is very important, just listen to it, others can't listen."

Looking at Zhu Gaochi's serious and cautious appearance, Zhu Zhanji finally became more serious. Usually, most of the eunuchs around Zhu Gaochi would be there, but this time he let them out.

After everyone else went out, Zhu Gaochi closed Zhu Zhanchang's secret report and asked, "Zhanji, what if you knew that Jun Jianwen was still alive?"

"Ah?" The people of Zhu Zhanji were stunned. They didn't know why Zhu Gaochi suddenly asked such a question. No one had mentioned about Jianwen-Jun for a long time, and he almost forgot.

"What if you knew that Jun Jianwen was still alive?" Zhu Gaochi asked again.

Zhu Zhanchang thought for a while, it was impossible for Fat Daddy to suddenly mention this issue for no reason, and Zhu Gaochi was holding a secret report in his hand, so Zhu Zhanji roughly guessed something.

"Father, is there any news?"

"Don't ask more, answer my question first." Zhu Gaochi asked again.

"If Erchen learns of his news, he will report it to his father first, and then quietly order someone to kill him." Zhu Zhanji did not shy away.

"What if your grandfather was still alive?"

Zhu Zhanji said with some embarrassment: "Then report to the emperor first."

Zhu Gaochi thought for a while and showed the secret report to Zhu Zhanji. Zhu Zhanji took the secret report, and after reading the first point, he was already shocked. Zhu Yunwen was in Dongying and the identity of Emperor Komatsu was living in the future, as well as the information of the Kui organization.

"This, this..." Zhu Zhanji didn't know what to say for a while.

"Why did Zhanyi hide it and not report it, and deal with it privately?"

Zhu Gaochi sighed: "Zhan Chang made up his mind the first time he learned of the existence of Jun Jianwen, to hide this matter from your grandfather, because your grandfather was already in bad health at that time, and he didn't want to. Let your grandfather and grandfather worry again, and once the matter breaks out, the news of Jianwen-Jun is likely to be leaked."

"But it is too dangerous for him to act like this. It is difficult to ensure that the news will not be leaked after weighing between General Dongying and Zhu Yunwen."

"In general, the results are good. Ashikaga Yoshichi said that Emperor Guangyi is dead, and Jianwen-jun has completely disappeared. Do you know why he did these things alone?"

"My son couldn't understand for a while."

Zhu Gaochi touched the dragon chair with his hand: "The best result of the whereabouts of Jun Jianwen is to disappear in the fire of that year. No one should mention it yesterday, today, and tomorrow. People love the stories of the royal family. The news about Jianwen-Jun will be amplified infinitely, and if there is no more news later, then the records about Jianwen-Jun in the history books will be over by then."

After speaking, Zhu Gaochi sighed again and coughed: "Any news is a heart attack for your grandfather, so Zhanchang pretended to be close to Dongying, and continued to develop and grow, just to stabilize all the knowledge of Jun Jianwen's news. People, killing Dongying people with the hands of Dongying people, everything was done after your grandfather passed away, and when they had no doubts, they did not leave any traces."

After dealing with Jianwen, he actually took control of Dongying.

The last news of Jun Jianwen was the fire in the palace that year. People would always discuss it, but the news only disappeared in the fire.

Zhu Zhanji asked back: "But the father, since Zhanyi wants to hide everyone, why did he tell you again at this time?"

Zhu Gaochi glanced at Zhu Zhanji meaningfully, and said slowly: "Just what he did in Dongying this year, for the steam engine, the factory and the silver mine now, when the matter of your second uncle settles down, Don't you have to be played over and over by the courtiers? One after another can be pulled up to the court and criticized. If he is not worried about being captured, he will probably bury this matter in his heart, and no one will know. The secret is the real secret."

A gentleman does not stand under a wall of danger, he is just protecting himself.

Zhu Gaochi was very relieved that his son could think like this. He felt that if he was Zhu Zhanchang, he would never be able to do better than him.

"The fifth brother is thoughtful and thoughtful, but his actions in Dongying are not right after all, and this matter cannot be discussed in the court. There are still many ministers who will participate in the performance in the future."

"As long as the father and you, the eldest brother, trust him and criticize him in the court, why should he be afraid? Zhan's actions will never be criticized. Zhanji, you have to help him."

"My son understands, the royal father is at ease."

Zhu Gaochi breathed out a gratified breath: "There is one more thing, the Kui organization mentioned by Zhanyi had a secret stake infiltrating the court, and participated in your training of eunuchs in the house, because your grandfather was seriously ill at that time, and I will This matter was suppressed. I didn’t expect it was mentioned by Dongying Anzhuang. You should take someone to arrest the Anzhuang, and by the way, you will wipe out all its partisans. , is also the work of the dark pile, the biggest suspect, Chen Yun, the Ministry of Rites."

"Chen Yun from the Ministry of Rites?" Zhu Zhanji looked at Zhu Gaochi in surprise.

This is the current left servant of the Ministry of Rites, who has reached this position at a young age, and is one of Zhu Di's most trusted officials in the last two years of his life.

For Ming Dynasty officials to achieve this step, the background must be understood by Jin Yiwei. If there is a problem with his identity, how can he be promoted, and Chen Yun is an upright person and won the trust of Zhu Di.

The current left servant of the Ministry of Rites, and because of the temporary vacancy of the Minister of Rites, his current authority is equal to that of the Minister of Rites, but the six ministers speak, can Dongying's dark pile really go this far?
"Royal father, Chen Yun and Zhanyi had conflicts before, and Zhanyi, who was directly harmed by Chen Yun, lost the military power of the three southern divisions. Zhanyi might be suspected of being captured."

Zhu Zhanji's suspicion is reasonable and reasonable. Who told the other party to be Chen Yun? Almost the entire court knows the hatred between Zhu Zhanchang and Chen Yun, and Zhu Zhanji is famous for his erratic temper and can do anything.

Zhu Gaochi also had some headaches about this, but he believed in his son more.

As the current leader of the Ministry of Rites and deeply trusted by Zhu Di, it is indeed possible for Chen Yun to encounter Zhu Di's seal when Zhu Di was seriously ill. Moreover, he himself is good at writing, and is good at imitating, yes, and participating in the capture of Zhu Di. Zhanji was also the one who taught eunuchs and appointed eunuchs in the mansion, and he was right.

After careful consideration, Zhu Gaochi said: "First order Jin Yiwei to investigate in private. If it can be verified, it can prove that the will in your second uncle's hand is a forgery. Such a secret post is extremely harmful to our court, but such a thing is definitely not his. A person can do it, and there will always be someone who understands something from the people around him, and you have to do it.”

"I understand." Since this kind of thing also involves Zhu Yunwen, Chen Yun has a high probability of knowing Zhu Yunwen's identity, so if it is verified that he has no chance to speak, only Zhu Zhanji will come.

"Also, I have sent the maids in the palace to take care of Ruowei. You are also going to be a father, so you should be more prudent."

Yes, Daming God of War has been reborn successfully.

"Yes, Erchen understands."

Zhu Zhanji naturally followed this task, and then left first. Zhu Gaochi coughed twice and looked at the back of his leaving.

The eunuch entered the door at this time, saw Zhu Gaochi coughing, and hurriedly greeted him: "Your Majesty, you must take great care of your dragon body."

Zhu Gaochi's health is inherently bad, and it is easy to have problems in winter. He usually reduces his work in winter, but now he is the king of a country, and now the country is facing internal and external troubles, so naturally he can't rest.

Zhu Gaochi waved his hand for the eunuch to bring the memorial, and the eunuch said: "Your Majesty, Nanyang Jiaozhi and other countries have sent envoys to pay homage to the late emperor, and they have now crossed ashore in Tianjin."

Zhu Gaochi was a little relieved. He was afraid that the south would be the same as the north, taking advantage of Zhu Di's death, but it was not bad. Although there were still people in Jiaozhi who wanted to rebel, the small-scale rebellion was suppressed. Most of the people's hearts are still towards the Ming Dynasty.

Looking at the Dibao in the south, Zhu Gaochi smiled gratified: "Although Zhanyi is a bit eccentric, he uses the economy to control the people's livelihood in Nanyang. No matter how chaotic Nanyang is, any leader of Nanyang is concerned about business with Daming. , the reverence of my dynasty is greater than ever."

The countries of the South Seas do not value who is the emperor, but more on the continuation of commerce and trade. The trade and commerce of these years, and the expulsion of pirates by the Daming Navy, have improved their economic situation a lot, and people's livelihood is getting better and better. Even if there is internal chaos in his own country, he absolutely does not want to affect his business with Daming.

They all benefited from the scholar-official class down to the common people and peasants.

"I ordered Honglu Temple to settle them well, notify Zhanyong, and let him come forward to receive him. The kings of the Nanyang countries have arrived, and the number of envoys is also large. Daming can't lose his demeanor. Zhanyong is responsible, and his temperament is also more stable. ." The third brother Zhu Zhanyong was arranged for this errand.

The eunuch opened another imperial decree, which was Zhu Gaochi's enthronement edict, and other matters were almost arranged, mainly the matter of a few sons. When he ascended the throne, the sons naturally had to be appointed from the county king to the vassal king.

And whether Zhu Zhanji, the great grandson, will be established as the prince now, these are the questions that give him a headache.

First of all, Zhu Zhanji, the great grandson appointed by Zhu Di, theoretically should have ascended the throne himself and made him the prince immediately, but Zhu Zhanji has been too condescending and blindly respected in recent years, especially since drinking Ma Hanhai Going ill from Biho.

And Zhu Zhanchang's actions this time made Zhu Gaochi feel that Zhu Zhanchang seemed to be a more suitable candidate.

On the contrary, this younger brother is more stable.

It's just a balance between all parties, and I'm afraid that there will be a rift between the brothers. If I don't make Zhu Zhanji the crown prince immediately, I'm afraid that Zhu Zhanji will definitely feel uncomfortable, and it will also break the eldest son inheritance system, and it will make the old man more difficult. Er Zhu Gaojiu has something to say, and everything is based on stability.

Make Zhu Zhanji the crown prince.

Zhu Zhanyu and Zhu Zhanyong were naturally crowned kings directly on the basis of the original fiefs, especially Zhu Zhanyi was originally given to him by Zhu Di as the equivalent of a vassal king, but now it's just a name change.

Zhu Zhanjun didn't do very well when he came in, and he made a contribution. Every day he used the army as a god, and he was very arrogant.

The most difficult to seal is Zhu Zhanchang. In theory, it should be the most suitable to be named King of Yue, but Zhu Gaochi is afraid that he will feel uncomfortable. After all, his contribution to the country can be said to be higher than Zhu Zhanji.

The later generations of the Ming Dynasty were all affected by Zhu Zhanchang's achievements. To seal an ordinary vassal king, I felt a little bit sorry for Zhu Zhanchang, but is there anything else that can be sealed except the vassal king?

In ancient times, this was called Gong Gao Zhenzhu, and the emperor didn't even know how to reward you.

The eunuch clearly saw Zhu Gaochi's dilemma, and rolled his eyes and said, "Your Majesty, the Fifth Highness developed a steam engine, marched south to the Nanyang, and went east to the east, making the maritime trade of Daming prosperous, and countless steam warships guarding the coast of Daming. Everything is at sea, what does your Majesty think of the name of the Great Ming Sea King?"

"Daming Sea King? Daming Sea King!"

"Okay, okay, okay, let's call it Daming Sea King, Daming Sea King, and he is half a chip higher than ordinary vassal kings."

When Zhu Zhanchang learned about his title, everyone was stupid. Why did other brothers use the name of the fief as the title of the vassal king, and when they came to me, it became a personal behavior and morality?

The state-appointed Sea King seems to be pretty good too.

(End of this chapter)

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