Chapter 279
Later, Emperor Komatsu's ship disappeared on the sea, no one knew what happened, and it was even a few days after people remembered this incident, because the distribution of silver is the most important thing for the nobles and high officials of Dongying now.

The senior officials of Dongying gathered in Daejeon City, and they all went to Iwami Silver Mountain. They saw the vast silver mines, which were transported out like randomly mined stones. No one would not believe Zhu Zhanchang’s words. Huge silver mountain.

The second steam mothership battle group of the South China Sea Fleet arrived in Daejeon City. There were more than 4000 heavily armed Ming soldiers on the more than ten warships of the steam mother ship fleet, as well as tanks and other equipment. There are 1 Ming troops, and they are all well-equipped.

In a place like Dongying, it would be difficult for Ashikaga Yoshito, a general, to assemble an army of [-] people in a short period of time, but Daming arrived across the sea faster than he convened.

Of course, Zhu Zhanchang appeased him, how could these troops attack Dongying, just to protect the safety of the silver mine, after all, the general didn't want to see such a big silver mine fight.

The benefit is to be distributed to them in order to stabilize the situation in Dongying, transfer contradictions, and prevent Dongying from becoming a battlefield. Daming has to continuously send troops. After all, the northern grasslands are in chaos, and the second uncle has not solved it.

But while sharing the interests, they must also understand that on this sea, who has the final say, but Daejeon City is Daming's concession, and Iwami Ginzan is within the concession and is under the jurisdiction of Daming.

Zhu Zhanchang's aggressive demonstrations aroused dissatisfaction among some people, but most people remained silent.

Because of Daming's strength, and because the silver mine can be divided into their own, it is obviously more beneficial for them to remain silent in the analysis of interests and situation.

When everyone is silent because of their interests, your sobriety appears to be a little naive.

Zhu Zhanchang joined Ashikaga Goshi to expel several dissatisfied Dongying nobles, and then a group of people happily began to discuss the matter of the silver mine.

Zhu Zhanchang had already thought about the general plan, and Zhu Yunwen had never thought about the position of Emperor Yu. Instead, he had already discussed with Ashikaga Yoshigyo to set up a young child who called Emperor Mitsuko as Yu. Emperor.

But Zhu Zhanchang was not in a hurry to announce the plan, but let this group of people immerse in the joy of branching the silver mine. They have been discussing plans for several days in a row. Everyone wants to share a little more, which also leaves people no time to think about it. The Emperor Komatsu, who disappeared above the sea, was gradually forgotten.

At this time, Ashikaga Buddhism needs the support of Zhu Zhanchang the most, so even if the advisors around him think that Daming will infringe Dongying, it is definitely a great advantage for Ashikaga Gitanic to work with Zhu Zhanchang.

He is not a careerist, nor does he have grand ideals, so he can become the richest and most nourishing general in the history of Eastern Ying.

Those aristocrats who were expelled from Daejeon for not abiding by Zhu Zhan's rules were indignant, so they gathered together to find Zhu Zhan's trouble, but an event two days later made them no longer have any relationship with Zhu Zhan. The mind of confrontation.

Because Zhu Zhanchang announced the Dongying Basic Development Fund.

As soon as the Dongying Basic Development Fund was announced, the whole country of Dongying was shocked. The people of Dongying never thought that such a big pie could fall from the sky and smash it on their head seriously.

Of course, the aristocrats and high-ranking officials in Dongying have opposed the establishment of this fund, but this kind of thing is like a Pandora's box.

In addition to being shocked, the people of Dongying are more joyful. At this time, if someone says to cancel this fund, it is the enemy of all the people of Dongying, and even the general will overturn it for you.

Using Dongying's money to win over the hearts of Dongying, of course, Zhu Zhanchang could not really distribute this money to everyone in Dongying, otherwise he would really be a saint.

There are several conditions to be allocated to the Eastern Basic Development Fund.

One: It is not based on people, but households. If each household is divided into two households in the future, the total distribution will not be increased, but the distribution will be divided into two parts.

Two: The number of households will be counted in one township as a unit, and the total number of households will not be increased in the future.

[-]: Any person who commits a crime in any household will be disqualified from distribution, and the excess will be equally distributed to other households.

Four: Anyone who has Japanese pirates in the family will be disqualified within the three clans. If the Japanese pirates are caught and turned in, they will be exempted.

Four basic regulations, the first two days are equivalent to setting the Dongying Basic Development Fund to be similar to the effect of the decree.

Yes, it is very reasonable, but as far as the greed of people is concerned, no one wants to be divided into half, especially in this society of primogeniture, Dongying is like Daming, in theory, the eldest son inherits the title and wealth, but now the second son is even more Small children also have the right to inherit, and they will not give up this wealth.

Don't underestimate this wealth, this is the wealth of mining silver, for the people at the bottom, this money is even the sum of their annual income.

If things go on like this, it can intensify the contradictions in every family in Dongying, and it will not show results in a short period of time, but after five years or ten years, there will be more and more people who want to separate households, and the contradictions will become more and more intense. , delegating economic contradictions to each household, making it the norm and dragging Dongying into the quagmire.

The latter two are also very reasonable. Japanese pirates are inexhaustible, but the people of Dongying will continue to report the pirates they know in order to draw a clear line with the pirates. Then there will be more snitches.

A country that lays on the silver mountain to make money will also lose its fighting power.

Let alone the aristocrats of Dongying, how can you live while you lie down and make money?It is human nature to eat, drink and gamble on women's tickets, and those who are sober will be completely covered by extravagance.

The strategy of exhausting the country is not a one-day event.

Let this country lose its fighting spirit and let this nation lose its fighting power.

And now Datian City is still happy and prosperous. Ashikaga and the imperial family have received a large part of the benefits. Other aristocrats are fighting for each other. Zhu Zhanchang did not set any thresholds. They themselves voted to determine the proportion of several major aristocratic families,

It is time for them to show off their communication skills and their ability to exchange interests.

This is a sandbox simulation game in some economics courses. They are immersed in it and play it. It seems that they have long forgotten the death of the emperor and Ashikaga. After a few days of no news Emperor Komatsu seems to not exist.

Zhu Zhanchang lay leisurely in the warm house. He was very stunned, and let the nobles of Dongying fight. He was sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.

Li Xianyu cooked a pot of casserole porridge in the small yard. This was what she learned when she followed Zhu Zhanchang in Guangzhou. She knew that Zhu Zhanchang liked seafood porridge, so she learned it for a long time, and it was especially delicious.

Alia came over: "It's really fragrant, I'll try it first."

Li Xianyu carefully stopped her: "Sister Arya, the heat hasn't arrived yet, just wait."

"You people of Ming Dynasty will be ready, a pot of porridge has to be made so fine."

"His Royal Highness likes to drink, so it's more refined." Li Xianyu smiled lightly. Alia looked at her and understood why Zhu Zhanchang liked her. Such a gentle and tactful woman is also naturally charming, quiet like a virgin, and moving Young woman, how can a man not like it.

However, she tried to imitate Li Xianyu's behavior and almost vomited herself. She was still not suitable for this kind of gentle way. After all, she didn't look so peaceful and elegant, and she never acted like a spoiled child.

When the casserole porridge was ready, it was brought into the room, and Zhang Xianqi happened to come, and Zhang Xianqi helped her to bring the bowl in.

Zhu Zhanchang smelled the seafood porridge and sat up.

Li Xianyu put down the porridge, opened the lid, and the aroma came out: "His Royal Highness, the crabs in Dongying are really very good, as well as the shrimps, the porridge is very fragrant."

Li Xianyu first filled Zhu Zhanchang with a bowl, and couldn't drink hot porridge in a hurry. While she was filling the porridge, Zhu Zhanchang and Zhang Xianqi first chatted.

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty has believed it. This time it is not a secret letter, but an imperial decree. You can see for yourself."

There is no doubt that Zhang Xianqi knew what the imperial decree was, and Zhu Zhanchang took it over with a smile. When he opened it, he saw that it was really the news that Zhu Gaochi was entrusting the kings. When he saw his column, he became dumbfounded.

Alia and Li Xianyu gathered around to see the imperial decree on Zhu Zhanchang's hand.

"Wow, Your Highness is amazing. It's actually the Great Ming Sea King."

"The King of the Sea is more powerful than any other king. The other kings are kings of a certain area. His Highness is the king of the entire sea in Daming." Li Xianyu appreciated that His Majesty's division of seals is really in place.

Coming up with the name of a Sea King out of thin air, Zhu Zhanchang understood that this should be Zhu Gaochi racking his brains, for fear that only a Yue King would be wronged himself, but this name, the Sea King certified by the state, doesn't seem so good.

Fortunately, the word Neptune in this era doesn't have any bad meaning. Even in modern times, it is a neutral word. Think about what's wrong. In the future, I will be Zhu Zhanchang, the sea king of Daming.

Zhu Zhanchang laughed, and Zhang Xianqi laughed along with him, and said, "Your Highness, His Majesty's message also said that he had already gone to arrest the Kui organization's hidden stake in Daming, and is now interrogating, as long as he can grasp the actual evidence, then It can be proved that the edict in the hand of Prince Han was deliberately forged.

"This is also a good thing. Come on, let's eat porridge together. In winter, the porridge cools very quickly."

A bowl of hot porridge, if you can share it with your friends, is a blessing in the world. If the porridge is still warm, you are lucky.

"Zhang Xianqi, your child is born."

"His Royal Highness Hongfu, it's a boy, named Zhang Songbai, Songbai Changqing." Zhang Xianqi talked about the smile on his newborn son's face, which he had not seen before in Daming.

Zhu Zhanchang nodded: "Then things are almost over here, then come back to Daming with me."

There is light in Zhang Xianqi's eyes. He knows what it means to return to Daming. Zhu Zhanchang promised him that in ten years of Dongying, he will enter the cabinet to worship the chancellor or be a senior official. Zhang Xianqi's errands are well done.

"This time, my eldest brother has arrested people from the Ministry of Rites. The position of the Minister of Rites is already vacant. I will recommend you to go. You are qualified regardless of merit and ability, but your age may not be enough. You stay in the position of Shi Lang for two years first, and then serve as Shang Shu, don't feel wronged."

Zhang Xianqi immediately thanked him, but rejected Zhu Zhanchang: "Thank you for your kindness, but the situation in Dongying is not stable. I have been in Dongying for many years, so I am better than others. Let's continue to help Your Highness in Dongying."

"Have you thought about it? If you miss such a good opportunity, you will have to wait for a long time."

"Sir, think about it."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xianqi did not want to hold the position of the six books, and chose to stay in Dongying. To be honest, Zhu Zhanchang was really reluctant to go back to Zhang Xianqi. Zhang Xianqi left, and he had to send another ambassador over to rebuild the relationship between Dongying. network.

Zhang Xianqi thinks that following Zhu Zhanchang is the most promising. Everyone knows that he is Zhu Zhanchang's person. Zhu Gaochi will use him, but Zhu Zhanji may not. The shares, it is now better and more comfortable.

When everyone was happy, Li Xianyu got up and walked in front of Zhu Zhanchang, picked up Zhu Zhanchang's bowl and bowed slightly: "His Royal Highness, my concubine will serve you another bowl of porridge."

Zhu Zhanchang nodded, looking at Li Xianyu always with a slight smile, she seemed to be the same as when she first saw her, nothing changed.

She smiled slightly, the beauty bowed her head, she was delicate, she was shy, it was the spring breeze, the warbler and the grass grew, it was the young man's heartbeat, and it was the wind of this night that warmed the cold winter.

She refilled a bowl of hot porridge and looked at Zhu Zhanchang, but the smile on her face disappeared, and she was full of shock and emptiness in an instant.

In the next instant, Zhu Zhanchang and others were still laughing around the table, but Li Xianyu's body shook and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The blood fell into the pot of seafood porridge and fainted, and landed on Zhu Zhanchang's clothes directly opposite her. Before anyone could react, he spat out a second mouthful.

Her complexion was pale, and her body was like a falling leaf, and she froze.

The table was overturned, the porridge bowl fell to the ground, Alia, who was close, hurriedly supported Li Xianyu, Zhu Zhan took three steps and two steps, came to Li Xianyu, and hugged him.

"Xian'er, Xian'er, hurry up and call the doctor, hurry up and call the doctor." Zhu Zhanchang shouted in a panic.

Alia and Zhang Xianqi rushed out to find the doctor immediately.

"Hall... Your Highness..." Li Xianyu called out to Zhu Zhanchang with blood in her mouth, clutching Zhu Zhanchang's clothes tightly, she didn't want to die.

The sudden change made Zhu Zhanchang a little overwhelmed. How could this happen suddenly without warning? Li Xianyu was not sick, and even if he did, it would not happen suddenly. Poisoning, only poisoning.

A mouthful of blood gushed out again, and Li Xianyu's eyes were bloodshot. She looked uncomfortable, as if she couldn't breathe, and seemed to be in incomparable pain all over her body.

She struggled to grab Zhu Zhanchang's clothes.

A teardrop fell on Li Xianyu's cheek. Li Xianyu saw Zhu Zhanchang cry. She saw Zhu Zhanchang's panic and concern, and saw the helplessness of a teenage boy.

Now he is not the Prince of Zhujiang County, who is in a hurry and is able to maneuver with ease, but her boy, the boy who called her to show her with a smile.

At this moment, she no longer struggled, and gently loosened Zhu Zhanchang's clothes, which she held tightly, and stretched out her blood-stained hand to wipe away the tears for Zhu Zhanchang, but she was afraid that the blood would contaminate the young man's white face, finally drooping down.

"Your Highness, cry for me, it's enough."

"No! No! You have to live. I haven't married you yet. When the doctor arrives, you must hold on."

With a pale smile, Li Xianyu exhausted all his strength and said, "His Royal Highness, I am in a humble position, I know...I know I'm not worthy of you, so I made a verbal promise, Xianer...Xianer is very happy. "

"Nonsense, I said that I wanted to marry you, but I wanted to marry you. I said that you are not allowed to die, you are not allowed to die, Xiaosheng! Xiaosheng!"

Xiaosheng stumbled in. He had been by Zhu Zhanchang's side for so many years, and Zhu Zhanchang's thoughts were very clear to him. At this time, he held an imperial edict in his hand.

"Xian'er, what I say never counts. I said that if I marry you, I won't lie to you. I'm just afraid that an ordinary marriage will be too hasty, so I specially asked for an imperial decree from the emperor before I set off. When I got the imperial decree, I even paid Happy to fall."

Zhu Zhanchang said with tears streaming down his face.


Xiaosheng hurriedly opened the imperial decree and read: "Fengtian carries the emperor, and the edict said: I have heard that Li Xianyu, the daughter of the people, is skillful and generous, gentle and honest, and has an outstanding appearance. I am very pleased to hear it, and I can be compared with the prince's fifth son, Zhu Zhanchang, the prince of Zhujiang County. To be built on the ground, in order to become the beauty of a beautiful woman, Li Xianyu is specially appointed to marry Zhu Zhanchang, the prince of Zhujiang County, as the concubine of the prince. It. Appreciate this"

Listening to Xiaosheng reciting the imperial decree, Li Xianyu's eyes were blurred, but he looked at Zhu Zhanchang with a shallow smile. This time, she finally reached out and touched Zhu Zhanchang's face with her last strength. She was no longer a nameless person. The singer of the sub, but the concubine of the Prince of Zhujiang County.

Her teenager said she did it, as if recalling that the boy who was not taller than her once boasted that Haikou wanted to marry her. She held a glimmer of hope but also understood that it was just an extravagant hope.

She lived her life in a false life constructed by others.

In the constant use of others, the young man was her only light. She ran towards him, ran far, far away, and finally hugged each other.

"Xianer! Xianer!"

"Your Highness, plant some... cherry blossoms for me..."

"Plant! Let's go back and plant!"

At this time, when the imperial decree was finished, Li Xianyu's hand dropped weakly.

Zhu Zhanchang hugged Li Xianyu tightly in his arms, the blood was mixed with tears, dripping on the corner of the girl's slightly curved mouth, and he kept muttering to himself: "I said... I said I wanted to marry you. …”

She was powerless and slightly distressed when she looked at the young man in front of her for the last time. Her young man could stand alone in the dark carrying the secrets of the Ming Dynasty, and he could also bear the smiles of Qingfeng Mingyue and the girl.

My boy should be the best in the world.

 Xian'er's affairs are foreshadowed in the chapters that left Daming, don't scold, don't scold, the author is an idiot

(End of this chapter)

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