Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 301 Zheng He Chapter Is Coming

Chapter 301 Zheng He is Back

This day was the opening day of Yenching University, Zhu Zhanqian arrived early, and Zhu Zhanqian also found a principal for Yenching University.

Yu Qian.

As an official of the imperial court, in theory, he should not come to the university to serve as the president, but the existence of Yenching University is the same as that of the Central Bank of Ming Dynasty, and it is counted as a national administrative unit. Official position, but in terms of salary, it is one level higher than his own job.

Theoretically speaking, he was promoted, and the emperor allowed him to hold two errands concurrently. His position was still retained, but he could only get one salary. Of course, he could ignore the affairs of the court.

Yu Qian felt a little uncomfortable wearing the clothes that Zhu Zhanqian spent a lot of money to make for him.

When tailoring Yu Qian's clothes before, he said no need to wear his own official robes, but Zhu Zhanqian told him that now that he is the president of Yenching University, he has to make a good appearance, otherwise it will make people think Yenching University treated its principal badly, and it will treat its students badly in the future.

In desperation, Yu Qian could only ask Zhu Zhanqian to spend money, but he also told him not to spend too much, he said he would pay for it himself.

But when he put on this spiritual robe today, Yu Qian was also helpless. It's not that he didn't want to pay, but he really couldn't afford it.

Zhu Zhanqian had someone tailor-made a set of clothes for Yu Qian using the royal family's tribute Ku Jinzhuanghua.

Kujin in the Ming Dynasty was later called Yunjin. Since the Yuan Dynasty, it was a tribute to the imperial court. It was deeply loved by the royal family, and the price was high. drank.

"My lord's blue and white body is very energetic." Yu Qian's wife looked at her husband from the sidelines, and couldn't help but feel happy in such expensive clothes. She also accompanied her husband for such an important event today, although I can't go to the stage, but it's fun to watch from a distance.

Clothes make a man, indeed.

Yu Qian still felt awkward, Zhu Zhanqian said: "You, just wear this suit. The whole body is blue and white, implying a life of innocence. It was changed with dark green make-up, flower gauze and python clothes. No python, no flying fish, just change it. You can rest assured that you have not violated the rules of etiquette."

"Your Highness, the style does not exceed the etiquette, but the material greatly exceeds it. This is a royal tribute." Yu Qian's face was almost turning bitter.

"I have already told my father that I have money and have nowhere to spend it. I am afraid that I will be missed. Anyway, I have to spend it. It is better to spend it myself. Don't talk about it. Come on stage, the principal has spoken."

Yu Qian went up to the stage, and the audience were the first batch of students from Yenching University, the jury of the Hongxi Literature Award, and a bunch of people watching the excitement.

Naturally, he couldn't show his timidity at this time, Yu Qian cheered up and came to the stage to speak.

Zhu Zhanqian watched from the background, while Yu Qian spoke in a spirited manner.

Yu Qian's wife walked up to him and Chen Xinyue and saluted: "Thank you, my lord and princess, for promoting Yu Qian."

During this period of time, Chen Xinyue had a good relationship with Yu Qian's wife according to Zhu Zhanqian's intention, so she took charge of her and said, "Huiming doesn't need to be too polite."

Before Chen Xinyue wanted to address her as her elder sister, Yu Qian's wife, Dong Shi, dared not bear it, so she finally called her by her first name.

"Yu Langzhong is a pillar of the country, and my prince is a man who loves talents. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. The friendship between Yu Langzhong and the prince is a good story between gentlemen. You don't have to worry." Chen Xinyue still saw that Yu Qian's wife was so fond of Zhu Zhanqian Yu Qian, who was rewarded with a lot of money, expressed his concern.

She knew her husband's temperament well.

Dong is very grateful to Zhu Zhanqian. Before meeting Zhu Zhanqian, Yu Qian's official career was not smooth, and it can even be said that it was not smooth, but since Zhu Zhanqian appeared and led Yu Qian to fight in the Western Regions, Yu Qian has already He is a doctor of the Ministry of War and the president of Yenching University. He is young, not to mention high in position and authority, but he has the appearance of being an upstart in the dynasty.

At this time, a little boy ran over and ran to Zhu Zhanqian: "Uncle Wu, Uncle Wu."

A boy with a thick head and a thick head, not very good-looking, but very upright, this is Zhu Zhanxiong's eldest son, Zhu Qizheng, whose mother is Li Shang, the princess of North Korea.

Zhu Zhanzhen has two sons now, but unfortunately they are not the sons of the concubines, so even if they are concubines, Zhu Qizhen is the first heir to the current Zhu Zhancheng vassal king, and in general, his violent second brother, for the eldest son It's not bad, and even treats Li Shang a lot better.

Now Zhu Qizhen was brought back to the capital, because of the relationship between Li Shang and Li Xiaozhu, Zhu Qizhen often went to Zhu Zhanqian's house. According to his mother's teaching, Zhu Zhanqian would take him to play when he has nothing to do.

Li Xiaozhu ran after this eldest nephew, and stopped him: "Qi Yan can't run around, if something happens here, it will be troublesome."

"Auntie, this place is so beautiful. What kind of place is this? It's so big, it's much bigger than my father's palace."

Theoretically, it should be called Aunt Li Xiaozhu, but because it is a royal family, it is generally called Madam, even if it is an aunt, it must be called Concubine Zheng, so he is called Aunt Li Xiaozhu, which is more affectionate.

Li Xiaozhu smiled slightly, her eyes became the shape of crescent moons: "This is Yanjing University built by Uncle Wu, look at the people below who are all studying in this school."

Zhu Qizhen choked up when he heard the school: "Mr. Teacher is very bad, if he doesn't know how to beat him."


Zhu Zhanqian patted Zhu Qizheng on the head, and Zhu Qizheng looked at Zhu Zhanqian in pain: "Uncle Wu, why did you hit me?"

"Study well at a young age. If you don't learn well, you won't even be able to marry a wife."

"Father the king said that he will marry me the fifth wife in the future."

Zhu Zhanqian was speechless, how could his second brother say this to children.

"Forget it and go play, you are still young, when Qi Zhen is older, I will teach the two of you together."

Zhu Qizhen ran out to watch the fun in no time.

Chen Xinyue looked at Zhu Qizhen a little bit disappointed, when will she have her own child.

Girls under the age of 20 think about being a mother every day. If modern boxers know about this, they will call you a sanctuary machine every day.

The opening ceremony of Yenching University is going on in an orderly manner, Zhu Zhanqian has a little leisure time, and the Hongxi Literature Award will be coming soon, so it can only be said that he is taking a break from his busy schedule.

When everything seemed to be calm, a fast horse galloped over thousands of miles to the city gate of Shuntian Mansion. When he arrived at the city gate, the horse couldn't stop for a while, rushed in, and didn't stop until he fell to the ground.

The guards of the capital surrounded the horses and people who suddenly broke in with weapons in their hands.

The horseman was dressed as a Ming soldier, it was obvious that the fall just now was not light, the horse couldn't stand up, and the person fell to the ground, his leg bone was broken.

The guards were about to escort this man to break through the gate, but he took out the urgent letter from thousands of miles and endured the pain and shouted: "The urgent letter from thousands of miles, hurry up! Quickly! Send someone to deliver it to Your Majesty."

Seeing that the letter from Tianjin Port was taken out, a guard immediately took the letter and rushed to the palace on horseback.

The injured messenger said again: "Quickly, send someone to inform Lord Haiwang that Zheng He is back, Zheng He is back!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. There are a lot of people around now. Most people know Zheng He’s name, and everyone knows that Zheng He was fooled by Zhu Zhanyan’s saying that the world is round, so he went on a voyage. Haven't come back for years.

This is also one of the two points that Zhu Zhanyi is often said to have a brain problem by the folks. The other point is that humans are derived from monkeys.

Now Zheng He is back, he's back!

It’s just that no one knows whether Zheng He sailed to the end of the world and turned back, or whether it is true that the world is round and he circled the world and returned.

Notification of such a major event is naturally rewarded. Someone has already gone to the palace just now, and everyone on Zhu Zhanqian's side is also scrambling for it. In the end, the leader of the imperial guards set out to report the news by himself based on the principle of not letting the fat and water flow to outsiders. .

Yenching University is now crowded with people and it is very lively. The head of the imperial guard rode to the gate of the university, and when he arrived at the place where Zhu Zhanqian was, he couldn't squeeze in for a while.

What to do if you can't get in, just squeeze hard.

Fortunately, the people in his army were strong and strong, and he squeezed into a group of literati and students abruptly.

When he arrived at the front, it happened that Yu Qian's principal had finished his speech, and the crowd was noisy. He couldn't find where Zhu Zhanqin was for a while, so he shouted.

"I have something to see His Royal Highness Haiwang."

"I have something to see His Royal Highness Haiwang."

"I have something to see His Royal Highness Haiwang."

But Zhu Zhanqian didn't hear his call, he ran all the way and now panted and shouted: "His Royal Highness, Zheng He is back!"

When the people around heard his voice, they stopped discussing and looked at him in shock.

"His Royal Highness, Zheng He is back!!"

The sound could reach a little further, everyone stopped, and Zhu Zhanqian, who was in the background, also got the news.

"Outside Your Highness, a man dressed as the commander of the imperial guards of the capital is shouting." Xiaosheng said in a panic.

"Shout what?"

"He said, Zheng He is back!!"

Zhu Zhanqian stood upside down for a moment, and his excitement was uncontrollable. He slapped the table and stood up: "I'm back, I'm back."

He strode towards the outside, Yu Qian and others followed behind him.

"His Royal Highness, Zheng He is back!!!"

As soon as he came out, he heard the man shouting again.

"Who is in the audience?" Zhu Zhanqian asked loudly.

Seeing Zhu Zhanqian come out, the man immediately saluted: "My minister, Yulin Zuowei, is in charge of Tang Fang."

"What did you shout? Louder, I can't hear you."

"Urgent letter from Tianjin Port, Zheng He is back!!"

At once everyone could hear clearly, Zhu Zhanqian deliberately made him louder so that everyone could hear clearly, let you say that I fooled Zheng He out, let you say that my world is round, it is a hysterical attack.

Now that Zheng He is back, this is the ironclad proof.

"Reward, 50 taels of gold."

Everyone in the audience was stunned, knowing that Neptune is rich, and it is too generous to make a move. This is money that Deputy Habayashi Zuowei will not be able to earn in his entire life. Arrived.

Continuing the limelight, Zhu Zhanyan continued: "Zheng He's return from circumnavigating the world is a first-class event. Yenching University will teach everything he saw and heard on the sea. Today, the opening ceremony continues and the Hongxi Literature Award The opening continues, and this king will leave first, and this king will go out to meet Zheng He."

Xiaosheng knew Zhu Zhanqian's thoughts well, and when he was speaking, he had already led his horse over.

Zhu Zhanqian flew on his horse, whipped his horse and rushed towards the city gate.


inside the palace
Zhu Gaochi also got the news, and his reaction was the same. He stood up in shock. At this time, Zhu Zhanji was discussing the Northern Expedition by his side, and said in shock, "Is the world really round?"

Before, everyone thought that Zhu Zhanqian’s words were nonsense, the same nonsense as people transformed from monkeys, but Zheng He believed him and set sail. There has been no news for so many years. Most people think that Zheng He is dead. At the end of the world, but today came the news that Zheng He is back.

Zhu Zhanji asked eagerly: "From what direction did Zheng He come back?"

The imperial guard said tremblingly: "The person who sent the letter only explained that the news was sent back by the fleet on the sea around Dongpu."

"Eastern Ocean?!" Zhu Zhanji's scalp was numb.

If the return should be from the Western Ocean to the Southern Ocean, then it should be from the Jiaozhi side, but now it is from the east. Could it be that it really came back around the world.

Zhu Gaochi no longer hesitated: "Hurry up, hurry up, bring the messenger in, let the imperial doctor treat him, and send someone to notify Zhan Qian."

This is a major event that will change the world. If it is true, the world will change.

"Your Highness, Lord Haiwang has set out for the city gate."

"Zhanji, go, you go too."

"Yes, Father."

Zhu Zhanji also rode there.

Zhu Zhanqian arrived at the gate of the city first, and the injured messenger was being bandaged. Zhu Zhanqian dismounted and asked, "But you sent a message, Zheng He is back."

"This is His Royal Highness Neptune." The person on the side introduced him.

The messenger hurriedly saluted and said, "His Royal Highness, the South China Sea Fleet sailing off the coast of Japan has received news that they have received Lord Zheng He's warship and are now returning."

"Dongying Waihai!" Zhu Zhanqian was overwhelmed with surprise, and said with a manic smile, "I knew it, I knew it, Zheng He would definitely be able to do it, if others couldn't, Zheng He would definitely be able to come back."

"Prepare the special train, I'm going to Tianjin, I'm going to sea to meet Zheng He."

Zhu Zhanqian's excitement could not be restrained before.

At this time Zhu Zhanji arrived, and he had never seen Zhu Zhanqian so excited.

He had never been so excited when he became king. At this time, Zhu Zhanji realized that Zhu Zhanji cared more about things like Zheng He's return than power and wealth.

At this time, another messenger rushed over.

"Report! Zheng He's fleet is returning and will arrive at Tianjin Port tomorrow."

Zhu Zhanqian was so excited that he was about to set off.

"Zhan Yan, wait."

"Brother, I can't wait for a moment."

"I mean wait for me to go together." Zhu Zhanji smiled.

The two headed to the train station and immediately set off to Tianjin Port to meet Zheng He.

It's time to set sail for the Ming Dynasty's great navigation era.

(End of this chapter)

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