Chapter 302 I, Arrived

The port of Tianjin Port was brightly lit that night. The prince of Ming Dynasty and the king of the sea were waiting on the port. The surrounding area was under martial law. No ships were allowed to go out to sea or dock. They were waiting for Zheng He to come back. .

Zhu Zhanji couldn't wait any longer. Looking at him anxiously, Zhu Zhanji said, "Fifth brother, I have never seen you so nervous."

"Brother, when Zheng He is back, everyone will believe what I said that the world is round, and no one will say that I have hysteria anymore."

"By the way, why are you so sure that the world is round?"

Zhu Zhanji's question stumped Zhu Zhanqin for a while. He used Tianfei to fool Zheng He before, but Zhu Zhanji didn't believe in Tianfei.

"At the beginning, I discussed with Master Yao Guangxiao why the hull of a ship disappears first and then the mast when it is far away. In the end, the two of us wondered whether the world would be a circle."

"Let Zheng He sail rashly just by inferring it?"

"Isn't this coming back? It shows that the world is really round." Zhu Zhanqian smiled happily. With such evidence, his new knowledge can be continuously promoted in the future.

Behavior can only be changed by changing cognition.

The two waited until late at night, and in the darkness, the First Fleet of Guangzhou Funanhai sailed into the port. As the warship sailed in, Zhu Zhanqian couldn't wait to pick up Zheng He.

But there is only one dilapidated ship in the middle of the South China Sea First Fleet. When Zhu Zhanqian saw that warship, he had a bad idea in his heart.

Although Zheng He did not bring a treasure ship with him when he set off, he brought a whole huge team of warships, more than a dozen warships, but now only one ship that is almost damaged has returned.

Maybe it was because of too much wind and waves, or maybe it was lost. After so many years, it is normal.

Zhu Zhanqian comforted himself constantly, giving himself a strong psychological hint not to think about bad things.

The battleship docked, and the captain Mu Bin came down: "My minister, see His Royal Highness the Prince, and see His Royal Highness the King of the Sea."

"Mu Bin doesn't need to be polite, I'll go and see Zheng He first." Zhu Zhanqian saw that the warship had stopped steadily, and was about to rush up, but Mu Bin stretched out his hand to stop Zhu Zhanqian.

"Mu Bin, what do you mean by that?"

"Your Highness, please be mentally prepared." Mu Bin saw Zhu Zhanqian's excitement. He was afraid that Zhu Zhanqin in this state would be too psychologically disappointed, so he boldly stopped him.

"What do you mean?" Zhu Zhanqian's heart turned cold, and even Zhu Zhanji who was beside him frowned.

"Master Zheng He has died soon!"

"What? What's going on?"

"Your Highness, don't be upset, I just explained the matter to you first, let them tell you the details when they are on the battleship, and I will not have time to ask in detail in the future." It was the first time Mu Bin saw the angry Zhu Looking up, a trace of fear was born in my heart.

Zhu Zhanqian quickly boarded the dilapidated warship. The sailors and soldiers on the warship were only 13 people, and they knelt down one after another.

"Where is Zheng He, where is Zheng He?"

"Master Zheng He...has mobility the cabin."

Zhu Zhanqian walked in quickly.

The only cabin on this dilapidated warship was clean. Zheng He was lying on the bed at this time. He opened his eyes. He saw Zhu Zhanqian, and he could see the eyes flashing in his eyes. He wanted to sit up. Come, but it can't be done.

Zhu Zhanqian stepped forward, his excited eyes instantly turned to anger.

Zheng He's legs were empty below the knees, and his left arm was broken at the root. The handsome Zheng He before was gone, only him who was exhausted and disheveled, and he was very weak. If his eyes were not open, he could still Turn around and he's almost a corpse.

A sound of "Ah... ah..." came out of his mouth, and Zhu Zhanqian realized that Zheng He's tongue was gone, and he couldn't even speak.

"How is this going!"

Zhu Zhanqian roared hoarsely, like a ferocious dragon roaring, shaking the livers of the people behind him, and even Zhu Zhanji was so shocked by Zhu Zhanqin's aura that he was speechless.

Zhu Zhanqian never expected Zheng He to become like this.

The accompanying crew immediately knelt in front of Zhu Zhanqian and Zhu Zhanji, and said with snot and tears: "Your Highness, Your Highness, I waited for the wind and waves that I bypassed along the route to come to the continent of Europa, which is exactly as shown on the map." There is a continent here, and a group of people were fighting there when we first arrived, and they involved us in it, but they were not strong enough under our artillery, and they were quickly defeated by us."

"But we have a limited number of people after all, so we only occupied a small place and planted the flag of Ming Dynasty."

"Then their envoys wanted to communicate with us. Unfortunately, we couldn't understand each other. It took us a long time to understand the meaning of the two parties. The other party's name was Francie, and he was fighting with a place called Ingoland. , have been fighting for decades."

"At first, Lord Zheng He didn't intend to stay there any longer. He just wanted to replenish supplies and set off. Who would have thought of King Francie's tricks."

"They invited Mr. Zheng He to go and say that they would like to thank Mr. Zheng He for helping them repel the Yinggelan people. They also said that they would establish diplomatic relations with Ming Dynasty and pay tribute to Ming Dynasty. Mr. Zheng He went after thinking about it. Who would have thought that they broke their promises and directly arrested Lord Zheng He."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanqian could no longer restrain his anger. Now this era is in the period of the Hundred Years War. According to the time when Zheng He sailed, the king of France at that time was the famous crazy king Jerry VI in history. .

"After Lord Zheng He was arrested, Eunuch Hou Xian negotiated with France many times, but the Kingdom of France refused to negotiate, so Eunuch Hou Xian led us to fight against France."

"Although our weapons and equipment are better and our combat effectiveness is stronger, after all, we are weak and our supplies are insufficient. We won the frontal battle, but we couldn't enter the Kingdom of France. With insufficient ammunition supplies, we were forced to retreat by them. At sea."

"There was no news of Mr. Zheng He for a long time. Later, when we got the news, it was the mad king Charles VI who was parading through the streets in a luxurious carriage, and Mr. Zheng He was tied up in a cage without a strand of hair on his body. Put together the stolen military flag of Ming Dynasty and the weapon as his spoils, and show it off on the street."

This time it's not just Zhu Zhanqian, Zhu Zhanji is the same, his eyes are full of anger, this crazy king of France has trampled on the dignity of Zheng He and Daming.

"Why did they treat Zheng He like this?"

The kneeling man faltered and said: "According is said that because Lord Zheng He is a eunuch, the mad king is very interested, so...just...want to study it."

There was uncontrollable anger in Zhu Zhanqian's eyes. Zheng He had received such humiliation, and now he only wanted to avenge Zheng He.

You can't reason with the lunatic, maybe only Daming's cannon fire can wake him up.

"Later you rescued Zheng He." Zhu Zhanqian lowered his voice and kept as calm as possible.

"It's been a few years since Mr. Zheng He was captured. We sent ships back the same way to seek support but there was no news. Later, Eunuch Hou Xian tried to contact Yinggelan. The two countries were at war at the time, so we wanted to join them. Hitting Francie, I didn't expect Ingolan to be even more shameful. They pretended to cooperate with us and spent money to buy Lord Zheng He back from King Francie, but they didn't hand over Lord Zheng He to us, but let us In exchange for warships."

"We had no choice but to exchange with him, but when Master Zheng He came back, he had been tortured like this. I don't know if it was the French or the English, and we only had three warships left. Powerless to counterattack.”

"Master Zheng He's wound was not treated in time, and maggots were already growing on his legs. Eunuch Hou Xian asked us to take Master Zheng He back to the voyage, but Master Zheng He insisted on continuing to sail. He believed His Highness's words. This The world is round."

"Eunuch Hou Xian did not come back with him, but settled down on a small island. Together with [-] soldiers, let us use a boat to take Mr. Zheng He first. He said that if we go around Go back to Daming, ask the emperor to send troops, and let those who insult my Ming Dynasty be punished."

As he said that, the man knocked his head on the ground fiercely, and tears welled up in his eyes: "Your Highness, please send troops to avenge Lord Zheng He and the soldiers of Ming Dynasty."

Zhu Zhanqian clenched his fists tightly, blood oozing out unconsciously, how many inhuman treatment Zheng He has suffered in these years, the shamelessness of Britain and France is beyond the tolerance of common sense.

Zhu Zhanji shouted: "First ask someone to call the doctor and show it to Zheng He."

The people in the fleet said: "Master Zheng He has been getting weaker and weaker since he set off. Two months ago, he could only rest in bed. The vast sea has limited supplies. I will shrink down and go on a diet, but Mr. Zheng He is also unable to eat. , It’s been a long time, and it’s all relying on strength.”

Zhu Zhanqian looked at Zheng He who was speechless and could hardly move on the bed, his heart was full of distress, and tears were in his eyes. Looking at Zheng He's hopeful eyes, he seemed to understand something instantly.

"Can this ship still sail?"

Mu Bin was stunned by Zhu Zhanqian's sudden question, but he immediately answered: "The hull is dilapidated, but it is mainly aging, and there is no serious damage. The steam engine has not been used for many years. I used to rely on sails. I will try it after I meet it." It should still be usable.”

"Immediately order someone to overhaul and set off for Guangzhou Mansion immediately."

"Your Highness!!" Mu Bin didn't know why Zhu Zhanqian wanted to drive this boat to Guangzhou Mansion at this time.

"Do as I say!"

"Yes Yes."

Zhu Zhanji patted Zhu Zhanyi on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry Zhanyi, what do you want to do now?"

Zhu Zhanqian glanced at Zheng He, turned his head and said, "Brother, before Zheng He set sail, he believed that Concubine Tian would welcome him back."

He wants to sail the ship to Guangzhou, and to Xiangjiang Port.

"Your Highness, the boat can be launched."

After a while Mu Bin came back.

Zhu Zhanqian directly ordered: "The warship set sail, escorted by the steam mothership battle group, and headed for Xiangjiang Port."

The fleet that had just landed set off again. At the same time, Zhu Zhanji also ordered people to pass the news of Zheng He to the capital first. He was going to Xiangjiang Port with Zhu Zhanqian.

Zhu Zhanqian stood by Zheng He's side, Zheng He could barely move now, Zhu Zhanqian regretted and said: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault. If I didn't tell you what I said before, it wouldn't be like this. things."

The soldier who explained the whole process just now said: "Your Highness, Lord Zheng He has never blamed His Highness, Lord Zheng He traveled along the route His Highness said, often thought of His Highness, and always said that if His Highness is also there, Your Highness I should also want to see this scene, but after being arrested, I lost my tongue and could not speak, so I wrote a letter to His Highness with a pen in my mouth."

Zhu Zhanqian took the letter he handed over, opened it, and found that the handwriting was crooked.

His Royal Highness Zhujiang Junwang lightly said:

The humble minister sees the vastness of the sea, and His Highness can also see it.

It was very brief, and it was already very difficult for Zheng He to write down these few words.

He has suffered so much humiliation, but in his heart the dream of sailing far outweighs his physical difficulties, and the scenery of the sea is all he pursues.

Zhu Zhanqian held the letter in his hand. Zheng He never blamed him, even after suffering such physical torture, Zheng He never blamed him. before the bed.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhu Zhanji stepped onto the deck, only to see Zhu Zhanqian was already standing on the bow of the ship.

"It's windy at the bow."

Zhu Zhanqian didn't seem to hear Zhu Zhanji's words, he stood blankly, the sea breeze was blowing, and it was icy cold.

"Have you not slept all night?"

Zhu Zhanqian nodded, and Zhu Zhanji said with concern: "Don't be exhausted, the burden on you now..."

"Brother." Zhu Zhanji considered Zhu Zhanji's words, and Zhu Zhanji looked at Zhu Zhanji with some doubts.

Zhu Zhanqian still looked ahead, facing the icy sea breeze and said, "Brother, I'm going to avenge Zheng He."

"Francie and Ying Gelan insulted my Daming and my envoys. This hatred must be avenged. Don't worry, my brother thinks the same as you."

Zhu Zhanqian is well aware of Zhu Zhanji's character. Francie and Yinggelan are thousands of miles away from Daming, and it is not easy to fight there. The long distance is doomed to the difficulty of supply, which will consume a huge amount of national strength to a large extent. But there is no return. When the court officials persuade them, Zhu Zhanji is a person who is very good at weighing the pros and cons. It is impossible for him to ignore the opinions of the court.

Zhu Zhanqian said meaningfully: "Brother, in the past two years, people have always compared me with you."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhu Zhanji's expression became serious. The two brothers have not talked about this matter yet, and it seems that this is not a topic that can be put on the table, but Zhu Zhanji said at this time come out.

"Others always compare the two of us as brothers, and what's more, they wish we could have a good fight. It's best to decide the outcome as well as life and death."

Zhu Zhanji's expression became serious, a little embarrassed.

"Brother, we are brothers. Others just want to see a joke. I still remember the days when I followed my elder brother to play. Others always thought that we two brothers must fight to the death, but I never thought of grabbing anything from my elder brother. I don't want to say it is hypocritical, I want to go to the West, and I hope that my elder brother will trust me and support me."

"I have always trusted you and will always support you."

Zhu Zhanqian shook his head and said, "Brother is smart, I mean you should understand, I won't grab anything from you, once the West Expedition takes place, I will be away all year round, and I also hope that my brother will not be fooled by anyone and doubt me."

The two remained silent as the sea breeze blew.

The words of the two brothers are very simple, without any false elements.

After a while, Zhu Zhanji said: "Brother won't believe what other people say."

The sea is quiet and silent, and the waves are magnificent.


A few seagulls pass through the gorgeous orange glow, standing freely and lazily on the reefs on the shore, sometimes a few spread their wings, and sometimes make cheerful calls, calm and indifferent, adding a layer of mystery to the ocean at dusk feel.

When the ship arrived at Xiangjiang Port, it was dusk the day after tomorrow, and the orange sunset covered the sky. Zhu Zhanqian and others moved Zheng He's bed out of the cabin.

Zheng He looked at the highest mountain in front of Hong Kong under the orange light.

Under the bright rays of the sun, Tianfei seems to be protecting all the ships returning to the port at the port.

Tears welled up in Zheng He's excited eyes, his concubine came to pick him up, at the end of the world and the beginning of the world.

All the hard work along the way seemed to be in vain, and the suffering he had suffered on his body had been forgotten. Bathed in the golden sunlight and accompanied by the singing of seagulls, he felt unprecedentedly comfortable.

He looked at Zhu Zhanqin, this His Highness was no longer the child he used to be, he was tall, stable, and heroic, and he had the temperament of Emperor Yongle.

Recalling the scene before sailing back then, I recalled Zhu Zhanqian's words.

Yeah, the world is just a ball

His Royal Highness, King of the Pearl River, Zheng He has arrived.

 The plot about Zheng He was set up from the beginning. The author himself admires adventurers very much. I think if there is a need to choose a person who completes the circumnavigation of the world for China, it must be Zheng He.

(End of this chapter)

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