When Zhu Zhanqian bought Kezhi Port straightforwardly, everyone did not expect it to be so fast, and they also officially saw Zhu Zhanqian's decisive decision, either to sell or to fight, there are only two choices, and I don't tell you any reason at all. .

This also allowed Mu Bin and others to fully see Zhu Zhanqian's determination, which seemed completely opposite to Zhu Zhanqin's usual lazy and even procrastinating temperament.

In Nanyang, North Korea, and even Japan, he tried to avoid wars as much as possible, and used more peaceful means, economics and trade to obtain results that were beneficial to Ming Dynasty, but now he tends to use war to Get the desired result.

Because war is indeed faster now.

There will be many aftereffects of war, but we can't control those.

Just like buying Kezhi Port so quickly this time, Zhu Zhanqian has already included the war in his calculations. When he bought it on the same day, Daming's army took over Kezhi Port including all the defense facilities in the city.

He expected that the king of Vijayanagar would not just sit back and watch Kochi Port be sold to foreigners so easily, war would definitely happen, and Zhu Zhanqian still had no time to argue with Vijayanagar here , since you want to fight, hit it early.

Zhu Zhanqian immediately sent warships back to Temasek to contact merchant ships to deliver supplies, and established a port base here.

Then, under the protection of the guards, followed Singer to his mansion.

Although Singer is a royal nobleman in this country, his mansion is not as luxurious as that of a county magistrate in the Ming Dynasty in the eyes of Zhu Zhanqian and others.

Its manufacturing process is rough, and the materials used are not cheap. After all, there are a lot of wood here, so this thing is not expensive here.

From the construction of its houses and the goods for the common people along the way, it can be seen that the manufacturing industry here is still very backward. Compared with Daming before the steam engine, it is far behind. There is no such country in front of Daming. The power to resist.

Because the country of Vijayanagar is a country of slavery, it itself is enslaving most of the people. These people have no time or ability to develop their skills, and people who cannot eat enough every day have no time to learn architecture and manufacture. , which is an endless loop.

Entering Singer's residence, after sitting down, Singer said to Zhu Zhanqian with great concern: "Your Highness, I sold Kochi Port to you. My brother Wang knows that he will definitely bring troops here, and I hope you will definitely come here." Protect us."

Zhu Zhanqian nodded: "It's natural, you have gathered all the nobles in Kochi Port, I have something to say."

In a slavery society, a small number of slave owners control the vast majority of resources and the right to speak, as well as a large number of slaves.

A few dozen people are the top leadership of the city, and Singer summoned them all in a short while.

Zhu Zhanqian looked at the dozen or so people. These people were more afraid of Zhu Zhanqin. This vigorous and decisive Daming Sea King was like a vicious beast.

"All the slave owners in Kezhi City will be protected by the Ming army as long as their hearts are towards Daming and doing things for Daming. All your rights and interests will be preserved, and all your positions will be protected by the Daming army." Zhu Zhanqian faced This group of people who were already a little scared spoke these words gently. …

Several people looked at each other, and all looked at Singer. Singer was their leader and the largest slave owner in the city. Naturally, he still laughed and said, "Your Highness is the only one who follows."

Others also echoed, at least Zhu Zhanqian said verbally that they would protect their rights.

Zhu Zhanqian then warned: "If you all dare to betray Daming, Daming will never tolerate betrayers."

Several people were beating in their hearts. Now the city is full of Daming's army, and their army strength is not enough in front of Daming. Zhu Zhanqian is to prevent them from contacting their king, and to cooperate with each other. Although they still can't beat Daming, but There will be more trouble.

Zhu Zhanqian said again about the digging of the canal: "You should have a lot of slaves in your hands. I need to dig a canal next. You can contract a section of it. I will give you a lot of money when the digging is completed on time. I believe everyone should know about the deal between Your Excellency Singer and me, our Ming army has plenty of money, you can rest assured."

After dealing with these slave owners, they are now afraid of Zhu Zhanqian, but they have to be made more afraid.

Port Zhu Zhanqian looked at Yang Feng and patted him on the shoulder: "Be careful along the way."

Yang Feng clashed fists and palms, and solemnly swore to Zhu Zhanqian: "Don't worry, Your Highness, Yang Feng will definitely complete the task during this trip."

Because Zhu Zhanqian mainly stays at Kezhi Port temporarily, which is the most important port on the way, Zhu Zhanqian must manage it well, but the Fourth Fleet of the Ming Dynasty South China Sea has to set off.

An elite force of 1800 men, the ships of the fleet were sailed as they crossed the Cape of Good Hope without supplies, circumnavigated the continent of Africa, and arrived at Europa to rendezvous with Houxian.

This team included 13 members of the Huanhai Troop who had returned before, and Zhu Zhanqian's long-time guard, Yang Feng.

Most of this fleet is composed of elite soldiers or experienced sailors, and they are also top players in the army. Regarding their combat effectiveness, Zhu Zhanqian is assured of their combat capabilities.

But most of these people were young people, although a few older ones were let go, but in the end Zhu Zhanqian decided to let Yang Feng go too.

Yang Feng has followed him for so many years. As his guard, he has done his duty and won Zhu Zhanqian's trust. The task of this trip is arduous, and Yang Feng understands that this is also Zhu Zhanqin's test and opportunity for him.

Yang Feng got on the warship and set off non-stop.

The estimated fuel of the Fourth Fleet including the supply ships can support it to a position close to the Cape of Good Hope, but it has to rely on sails behind it.

Because there are sailors who have returned from voyages around the world, they have experience and finally feel relieved.

"Your fleet has brought a lot of guns. Be careful not to touch the water or they will not be used. When you get there, find Mr. Hou Xian to meet up. Make sure they are safe, and then find a place to establish a base in the early stage. In Ingoland."

"It's Your Highness, I understand." Yang Fengzhong was full of confidence.

Zhu Zhanqian established this early base in Ingoland because Ingoland belongs to the island, and at this time, they are fighting with France in the Hundred Years War, and most of their troops are in the continent of Europe. The island's troops are slightly lacking. Relying on an army of nearly 2000 people and new weapons, it should be possible to lay down a place as a base in theory. …

"Also, if you have laid down the place, remember to follow the place I marked on the map and send a small team from the Mediterranean Sea to join us and connect the two sides."

Yang Feng didn't know why Zhu Zhanqian was so sure that there was a piece of Mediterranean Sea here, because Zheng He and the others hadn't gone there, so they could only attribute it to the guidance of Tianfei Mazu.

As long as Ming's warship arrives in the Mediterranean Sea and docks at the other end of the Suyinshi Canal, even if the canal has not been dug through, it can still pick up a small amount of people and supplies, and transport them by land and then by water. Zhu Zhanqian is now I tried every means to quickly go to Ingoland and Europa.

Zhu Zhanqian didn't know how much he would lose in this line of business. As a staunch materialist, he can only pray to God now that there will be less storms, so that my children in Daming can arrive safely.

The fourth fleet was sent to Europe, and Zhu Zhanqian sent another fleet of 2000 people to Hulumos, the city of the Timur Empire. As the son-in-law of the Timur Empire, although Zhu Zhanqian and the Timur Empire did not count Many, but now his uncle is the speaker, and Zara has also communicated with his uncle several times, which can be regarded as a friendly relationship.

Zhu Zhanqian himself will not go now, because considering the location of Khormos, Zhu Zhanqian plans to build a port, but he should not be so tough on the Timurid Empire, but a cooperative attitude, open trade, and inform Ming Dynasty The position of the South China Sea Third Fleet in the Western Ocean.


On the third day after Zhu Zhanqian came to Kochi Port, soldiers outside the city suddenly reported: "His Royal Highness, there are a large number of slaves and soldiers gathering outside the city. It should be the arrival of King Rajput's army."

Ever since he learned that Zhu Zhanqian bought Kochi Port, King Rajput was furious and directly summoned the army, and their capital was not far from Kochi Port, so they came very quickly.

From their point of view, Zhu Zhanqian did not mean buying Kezhi but forcibly occupying it. In fact, that is almost what it meant.

A large number of slaves and soldiers gathered outside the city. The original city defense of Kezhi was very backward. There were no tall city walls and almost no city defense facilities.

Among the crowd, ten slaves pulled a huge chariot and walked out. It was Rajput, the king of Vijayanagaro.

Rajput's face is quite similar to Singh's, taller, a little bigger, but fatter, and the fat on his body is like a chariot in a puddle of oil and water. He doesn't like wearing clothes, so he is naked.

The slaves struggled to pull the cart, and his fat body kept shaking.

In order to fight against Ming's army, King Yujia personally conscripted, but it was obviously impossible for him to fight.

He ate fruit, put his arms around a beautiful woman, and sent envoys to reprimand Daming, Singh and others in Kezhi. He dared to occupy Kezhi without shame. Those who are willing to hand over Kozhi and compensate Baiyin can save their lives.

Zhu Zhanqian in the camp sneered, "You can't control yourself."

"Guard all the main roads, rely on trenches to fight, and supply weapons and ammunition well." Zhu Zhanqian just issued a simple combat order.

In anticipation of a war, trenches were dug on all the main roads, and even if there were no walls, there were certain fortifications. The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were completely crushed in terms of combat methods and weapons and equipment. …

In this backward slavery country, the way of fighting is to let the slaves go to die first, and in order to prevent the slaves from rebelling, all the slaves at the front have neither armor nor good weapons, and rely entirely on their bodies. It was especially bloody at this level, but against full-armored Ming soldiers with sharp swords, in hand-to-hand combat, even ten of them might not be able to defeat a single Ming soldier.

Not to mention the Ming army, where everyone is equipped with firearms, they will die no matter how many times they come.

Zhu Zhanqian was extremely angry at King Rajput for his contempt, and ordered an attack while shouting.

A group of slaves were driven towards Da Ming's position, and as they approached, there were explosions everywhere.



The Ming army's minefields were used as an outer cover, and the opponent didn't even know that there was such a weapon and kept rushing in.

When the explosion sounded, blood froth flew everywhere, broken limbs and broken legs were everywhere, and the slaves charged like crazy and fell into endless fear. At this moment, they wanted to run back.

Looking at the sudden explosion, the Rajputs were stunned, why is this so?What kind of weapon is this? It exploded out of thin air on the ground.

He knew the firearms of the Ming army, and he specially brought out three artillery pieces this time. He was proud of his country's ability to manufacture firearms, and even wanted to use it to invade other countries.

But he has never seen the mines of the Ming army.

Looking at the slaves rushing back, Rajput shouted: "Stop them for me, dirty and lowly things, soldiers rush for me."

But they didn't know where the Ming army's landmines came from, and they were all terrified. What kind of method did the Ming army use, but the king told them to rush, and if they didn't rush, they would be disobeying orders.

He also commanded the slaves to charge. In order to make the slaves not afraid of death, they also took out meat. Whoever rushed quickly had meat to eat.

The hungry people were irrational, and in order to eat a mouthful of delicious meat, the slaves charged against the Ming army again.

The commanders everywhere commanded in an orderly manner: "Fill one round and release it."

The artillery of the Ming army also started.



Under the double blow of artillery and landmines, a barrier covered by firepower was formed. If you want to pass through this barrier, you must first accept the baptism of artillery fire.

Flesh and blood resisted artillery fire.

Historically, the battle loss ratio between the British army and the Qing army in the Opium War exceeded 1:100, and it was even said to reach 1:600. This was when the statistics of the Qing army were unknown at that time.

But now there is a bigger gap between the Ming army and the opponent's weapons and equipment. When the war started, the opponent has not been able to pose any threat to the Ming army, and the corpses have been scattered all over the field. The opponent's artillery has insufficient range, and now it is impossible to hit The position of the Ming army.

Singer and the others looked at this almost one-sided massacre, and he was terrified. On the contrary, he was a little thankful that he was timid at first, otherwise he would have to face such a Ming army.

Seeing that a small number of people rushed out of the range of fire coverage, but they were greeted by soldiers of the Ming Dynasty with long guns and short cannons.

Adhering to the principle of saving money, the soldiers all save their bullets. It is also because the threat from the opponent is too small. A few people rushed out and took away with a few shots.

Their battles were fought with lives, and Ming's battles were fought with money. Guns and supplies, artillery and landmines all cost money.

The two sides are no longer in the same dimension.

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