I thought it would be a bloody and cruel battle, but now everyone understands that this is just a one-sided massacre. How can the slaves' thin bodies and thin bones resist the guns of the Ming army?

The war came and went quickly. If the opponent didn't persist for an hour, they would be defeated. The slaves were not fools. There was no way to survive if they rushed in like this, so it was better to just run together.

Being able to face fear directly and live and die calmly has always been the fearlessness of a few people.

The slaves ran back like crazy, and the guards under King Rajput have now completely lost their ability to control the slaves.

The turbulent slaves rushed back in the direction of King Rajput like a tide, densely packed all over the mountains and plains, from which it can be seen that the so-called 10,000+ slaves should indeed be true.

The reason why the Ming army was able to withstand the flood of efforts was because of the coverage of firepower, but King Rajput did not have the coverage of firepower.

Relying on the long whips in the hands of the soldiers and the concept of dignity and inferiority deeply rooted in the hearts of the slaves to control the slaves, but in the face of life and death, the slaves have broken free from the shackles, and they are no longer afraid of the whips in the hands of the soldiers, rushing to this place The King's Guard.

"Stop them, hurry up, stop them." King Rajput shouted in a panic, the fruit in his hand fell, and the beauty in his arms stopped hugging him. Seeing the slaves approaching, King Rajput Jipt was completely panicked.

He panicked and ordered the guards to retreat, but it was too late, and the slaves rushed into the guard group.

Ming's army moved forward at this time, forcing the slaves to continue to rush towards King Rajput's team.

When there is a tiger chasing after you, you can only rush forward.

The slave master's knife slashed at the flying slaves. The sharp knife can cut off the head of a dirty and smelly slave with one knife. The slaves' bodies are all skin and bones, and they have no resistance in front of the big knife. .


When the number of people piled up to five, six, seven or eight, the slave master's sword could no longer cut down. Although the bones of the slaves were light, the sword could still cut through the gap. There were more and more people, and the sword became stronger and stronger. Blunt, now it's the turn of the slave owners to be afraid.

Those slave master guards wielding long whips and big knives were covered with lowly slaves who they usually oppressed, beat, and killed wantonly. The smelly and dirty hands grabbed his arms, their calves, and inserted them into his Eyeballs, the starving man opened his incomplete teeth with overwhelming hatred, biting and venting, allowing the miserable shouts of the guards to resound throughout the world.

The slaves seem to have never been so happy as they are today.

When the Ming army saw this scene of hell on earth, they couldn't help feeling terrified in their hearts. A certain degree of backlash when people were oppressed was simply horrifying.

Without morality, without law, without any restraints, it is like a wild beast that has been locked in a cage and has gone mad, and is wantonly venting its misery after rushing out of the cage.

The king's guards also began to retreat and scattered, and now they had no time to take care of other things. The fat king fell to the ground, and the slaves completely submerged him in an instant, and his beauty did not escape the madness of the slaves.


This woman usually follows the king, and she likes to vent her anger on the slaves. If something goes wrong, she likes to watch the slaves kill each other for fun. Now she is wantonly violated by those dirty slaves she hates.

This is like a one-man symphony concert, flute, piccolo, single yellow pipe, double yellow pipe, trumpet, cornet, trombone, French horn, tuba, using hands and feet together, flustered and overwhelmed.

When the Ming army was sweeping the battlefield, the tragic scene was still going on, it was unsightly.

This battle happened quickly and ended quickly. When the army found the king's body in the sea of ​​corpses, it was officially declared that Ming had won the battle.

This is the disadvantage of slavery. A small number of slave owners rely on the system to control a large number of slaves. The system itself is unstable. When it breaks out, the slave owners are not the slaves' opponents at all.

Singer watched the entire battle, and he was terrified, but also very grateful.

Zhu Zhanqian found Singh as soon as the war ended.

"Your Excellency Singh, you are the royal family of this country, right?"

Singer knelt down with a plop. Although the young prince in front of him spoke extremely politely and maintained diplomatic respect, he was a killing god with a powerful war machine. Singer faced Zhu Zhan like a slave. Kneel down and worship.

Zhu Zhanyan helped him up: "Your Excellency Singer, why do you need to do such a big gift?"

"In the future, Singer will only follow His Highness's lead, and I will be His Highness's dog."

Zhu Zhanqian smiled slightly: "Your Excellency Singer, a country cannot be without a king for a day. Now the monarch of your country has just died in a slave riot. As his younger brother, I think you should take up the burden of this country and shoulder the burden of the country. Take up your duties as a younger brother and become the monarch of this country, what do you think?"

Singer said tremblingly: "Whatever your Highness thinks, it should be so, what His Highness says is what it is."

Zhu Zhanqian patted him on the shoulder solemnly: "I believe that under the leadership of Your Excellency Singh, the country of Vijayanagaro will definitely be able to establish a good relationship with Daming, but the name of your country is a little difficult to pronounce."

Singer heard what Zhu Zhanyan said, and immediately said: "Whatever your Highness said we should be called, we will be called whatever."

"Let's keep it simple, let's call it Garo Kingdom. I believe His Excellency Singh has the ability to settle domestic affairs. I don't want to see domestic turmoil in Garo Kingdom, and I don't want to see any incidents that affect our Kochi Port in Ming Dynasty." Things happen, if anything happens that affects Kochi Port and Daming, I will blame you."

Singer was sweating coldly and nodded repeatedly.

Zhu Zhanqian said again: "Of course the army of Ming Dynasty will help you to a certain extent, so that you can become the king of this country."

"Yes, yes!" Singer immediately nodded and bowed, as long as he had the Ming army as his backing, wouldn't it be easy for him to be a king?
Zhu Zhanqian did not want this country to become a part of Ming Dynasty, because Zhu Zhanqian understood the disadvantages of slavery and understood that slavery would definitely be eliminated. Just like the previous kings, the chains of slaves' hatred converged on the king.

It's just that Zhu Zhanqian needs these slaves now, and he is unwilling to bear this hatred, so he can only pass it on to others.


Zhu Zhanqian is now like the boss of some companies. It is estimated that there is an executive in charge of the affairs. He turns a blind eye to his wrong actions and makes his subordinates hate the executive. Just come out and fire this executive when the time comes, because it's all his fault.

Be a good person yourself, and the work is done.

Jiajing and Yan Song, Qianlong and Heshen all have similar relationships.


Victory in one battle, lightning and flint, this battle also verified that everyone's thinking about Zhu Zhanqian was correct, that is, he can't fight.

He basically handed over the command power to Mu Bin and other generals, and Zhu Zhanqian conveyed to them that the firepower coverage is the main focus and the equipment advantage is used to fight.

He doesn't have any tactics, but it proves that he can't fight and also proves another thing.

That is, the army of the Ming Dynasty hardly needed any tactics of the era of cavalry and infantry. The digging of trenches, burying of mines, and coordination of infantry and tanks taught by the Huangpu Military Academy were enough, and there was no need for conspiracies.

Zhu Zhanqian did not intervene in the follow-up processing of the Garo Kingdom, and let Singer handle it himself. All he needed was for Singer to stabilize the Garo Kingdom and maintain this huge slave system, so as to help him dig better. canal.

These days, Zhu Zhanqian ordered the soldiers to repair various large-scale material storage locations in Kochi Port, just beside the port, and when the follow-up merchant ship material ships arrive, they can be properly stored.

When the first batch of supply fleets arrived, there were envoys from the imperial court who brought news that Zhu Zhanqian had been sent back by the imperial court, and news that Yang Lu had been dismissed and stayed at home.

The envoy was brought in front of Zhu Zhanqian, who sat upright and asked, "What did the imperial court send you here for?"

The envoy was also a tough one. He took a look at the surrounding soldiers who were fully armed and majestic, but he was not frightened: "Sea King Zhu Zhanqian led the army out without permission. He has no law, no respect, and ordered him to return quickly." , self-ordered and punished."

For some reason, the envoy who came did not carry the imperial decree, but expressed it orally.

When he finished speaking, all the guards glared, Zhu Zhanqian looked at the young messenger and smiled slightly: "What's your name?"

"My humble minister, Li Xian."

"Li Yushi, who can speak out and speak out, is a man of integrity. This king also deeply feels that his trip is not in line with the rules. These days, he has been whipped and tortured in his heart every day. It just so happens that you are here. Wait a few days to settle down. Alright, I'm heading back here."

Li Xian was taken aback by Zhu Zhanqian's words. The rumored Sea King Zhu Zhanqian is not a person who is easy to negotiate.

"Come here to treat Li Yushi well, and serve him with delicious food and drinks."

Li Xian immediately sensed something was wrong and said immediately: "Your Highness, please return to the voyage quickly, and I will always follow His Highness."

He was afraid that Zhu Zhanqian would run away quietly when he heard what he was saying now, and he would not be able to catch up with him.

The soldier on the side strode forward: "I intend to monitor His Royal Highness Haiwang, I will cut it off."

As soon as the words were spoken, the long knife was unsheathed, and this posture was really about to make a move. It must be a lie to say that there is no panic.


"and many more."

When the sword was on the verge of breaking out, Zhu Zhanqian yelled to stop with a smile, and then walked over.

He patted the soldier who drew the sword and said: "There is no need for my own people to draw the sword, put it away."

"My lord, he disrespected you."

"Put it away, put it away." The soldier put the knife away angrily.

Li Xian had a long time in his heart, he always felt that the soldier just now should really know how to fight, and he really put his head on his belt.

"I mean what I say, and I will definitely go if I say it, but now you can see that we have already captured Kochi Port, so we can't lose it. You wait a few days until the settlement here is settled."

After thinking for a while, Li Xian said: "I obey the order, and I invite His Royal Highness Sea King to return to the voyage as soon as possible."

"That's right, we are not enemies." Zhu Zhanqian laughed.

Li Xian followed Zhu Zhanqian to see the status quo of the slaves in Kezhi Port. Zhu Zhanqian did not deliberately change the living conditions of the slaves. Li Xian saw the slave owners' love for the slaves What you do makes you angry.

"His Royal Highness, the border tribe is barbarian, rude people, they act like beasts, so many slaves are like pigs and dogs, I feel that since it is already our territory, it should not be like this anymore."

The cultural environment of Daming has been getting better and better over the years. With money, people are more and more important to themselves, and the laws are also improved. Seeing the slaves of the Jialuo Kingdom, it is inevitable that they feel uncomfortable.

Zhu Zhanqian then asked him a question: "Li Yushi, you said that if we had never fought the barbarians in the north and they rushed into the Central Plains, how would our wives and children be treated? Please remember."

"The barbarians in the north slaughtered the people of our dynasty, and piled up their heads as a Beijing watch." He was very impressed by the first newspaper that year.

"Yes, the barbarians in the north have learned some Central Plains culture over the years, but they treat my people like this. Don't other barbarians do the same? You look at him pitifully, and if you help him, it may be possible to look back. When he rides on your head, he bullies you harder than the people who bullied him back then, he has never learned our etiquette, righteousness and shame, his life tells him that he must either be bullied or be bullied."

As soon as Zhu Zhanqian said these words, Li Xian looked at him in surprise. How much heaven and earth is hidden in this young prince's chest, he can see people and things more clearly than many elders.

"My minister has been taught."

Zhu Zhanqian smiled slightly: "Let's take care of our own people first."

Three days later, Zhu Zhanqian was going to set off. Li Xian had been by Zhu Zhanqin's side all the time, and he was sure that Zhu Zhanqian was going to set off. He was very glad that the trip went so smoothly. No embarrassment.

Therefore, it is said that seeing is believing, and hearing is false. The rumors about Zhu Zhanqian being so bad and perverse are all false. Only he, Li Xian, saw it with his own eyes. He is so elegant, gentle, and wise. The masterful sea king Zhu Zhanqian is the real Zhu Zhanqian.

Zhu Zhanqian personally welcomed Li Xian to board the ship. Li Xian felt very honored. He set off with Zhu Zhanqian and the huge South China Sea Fleet, sailing on the sea, even the sea breeze was warm and exciting.

"I must say more good things for King Hai when I go back this time, but I can't let the people in the court capture him indiscriminately. He is really a good highness."

More than ten days later, when the ship made a decision to dock temporarily, a group of dark people on the shore were looking at their warship curiously. Who is this person? I haven’t seen it before. What is this place?
He quickly found Zhu Zhanqian: "Your Highness, it seems that this place is neither Nanyang nor Daming."

"These people may be tanned, they can't be wrong." Zhu Zhanqian swore.

After confirming the direction and setting off again, he went north, but this is not Daming either.

Li Xian made another attack.

Zhu Zhanqian looked distressed: "Yeah, I don't know what's going on, this captain can make such a low-level mistake, how can he take the chart upside down, and turn it upside down for me."

The vast sea, let alone a censor, it is normal for some experienced sailors to get the wrong direction. The sea is endless, who knows where it is.

Anyway, the fleet has now sailed to the Red Sea.

Before he knew it, Li Xian had accomplished a remarkable achievement, becoming the first imperial censor of the Ming Dynasty to reach the African continent. In this way, being deceived also made him famous in history.

Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

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