Zhu Zhanqian’s final choice was to cooperate with Joan of Arc first, trying to intercept and capture Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester in England. He said something very meaningful to Joan of Arc, but Joan of Arc did not say anything. Shaken, he handed over the information to Zhu Zhanqin and planned to leave.

Zhu Zhanqian was sent outside the camp, and before the trenches, Joan of Arc looked at the trenches dug by the Ming army, fortifications, and guns and weapons, and couldn't help but sighed: "The Ming army's way of fighting is exactly the same as ours. It's completely different, according to records, a few years ago, Ming's army entered the battle between Ingoland and France, and the Ming's army was able to suppress the attacks of our two countries, probably because of these firearms."

She has heard about the Ming army. Although it was a short battle, it left an indelible impact on both Britain and France. Some people won battles with one enemy and two, but they never saw However, under the command of Zheng He, the Ming army fought in an orderly manner. During the Hundred Years War, Britain and France saw that the Ming army armed with firearms had no power to fight back.

Zhu Zhanqian did not explain too much to her but said: "You can use the firearms given to you, but the ammunition is limited. I don't mind if you can imitate them. There is another point you can understand. Our army was much stronger back then."

Zhu Zhanqian is not confident in his own technology, but in the current manufacturing capabilities of France and Ingoland. The two countries that have been at war for many years, now their manufacturing industry, even if they put the blueprints of firearms in front of them, They are all capable of making them. If you give them firearms and they go back to disassemble and analyze them, he can't make them at all.

What was promised must be done, Zhu Zhanqian gave some rifles to Joan of Arc.

"Your Excellency Joan of Arc, you should keep these firearms for the time being. If everything goes well, it's fine. If not, I will recover these firearms as soon as possible."

Joan of Arc rode on a white horse and drove away from the camp of the Ming army. Looking back, the Highness was still looking at her, with his hands behind his back, confident and calm.

How powerful their country is to make him so confident, and how confident he is to disrespect God.

Joan of Arc brought back the firearms of the Ming army. The French all knew the power of this thing, and their eyes lit up.

"Is this the firearm of the Eastern Empire? This thing is very powerful. With these weapons, we will not be afraid of anyone." The Duke of Marseille immediately held a gun in his hand.

"Your Highness, we will take these weapons to the northern front to resist Ingoland's army." Joan of Arc looked at him and seemed to want to keep these things for herself, and reminded her, and the soldiers under her command took these Firearms were put away.

The Duke of Marseille was instantly unhappy: "You all took away what we can do to resist the army of the Eastern Empire."

"His Royal Highness, these weapons are helped by the Eastern Empire. They will retreat and will not continue to attack us in France, so you don't have to worry." Joan of Arc did not tell the truth about the transaction information with Zhu Zhanqin. The fewer people, the better. Doesn't she know what virtue these people have?
"Your Excellency Joan of Arc is really powerful. After entering for such a short time, the army of the Eastern Empire can retreat, and they can also obtain their firearms. Did you use something to make a deal?" The Duke of Marseilles began to feel strange.

The soldiers glared: "Your Highness, please be careful with your words."

"Then please tell your saintess what happened inside? Why would the Eastern Empire treat Her Majesty the saint so kindly, of course if your saintess is still a "sage"."


All of Joan of Arc's subordinates drew their swords. The words of the Duke of Marseilles were insulting their saintess. Their saintess was sent by God to guide them in the direction of their progress. She was pure and eternally pure.

The Duke of Marseille did not expect that his eccentric words would cause such a big reaction to Joan of Arc's subordinates. He underestimated Joan of Arc's status in their hearts.

These nobles in the West like to talk about yin and yang, but it doesn't apply to Joan of Arc.

Marseille looked at Joan of Arc's followers all around him, and closed his mouth resentfully.

Joan got on the horse and was not disturbed by such words. She had heard these words a lot. If she was disturbed by such words, how would she continue to fight.

"His Royal Highness, Duke of Marseilles, I will return to the northern frontier of France first. His Excellency Sea King of Ming Dynasty is definitely a man of his word. He will evacuate, but please be careful not to disturb him during his evacuation. He, otherwise, if he gets angry, there will be a big battle. We can't support the battle here, and we can only rely on His Highness the Duke himself."

As Joan of Arc's horse hooves raised dust and flags fluttered, Joan of Arc still held her flag and left here immediately.

Looking at the back of Joan of Arc leaving, the Duke of Marseille cursed secretly: "Stinky cousin, I will kill you on the bed one day." His eyes were dark, and he hated women like Joan of Arc very much.

But he immediately reacted: "My white horse, my white horse!"

Hatred blinded his eyes, and only then did he realize that Joan of Arc had ridden his precious white horse away, and ran so fast that he couldn't even catch up with him.

Joan's followers ran away before asking: "Joan, if you let his horse walk away like this, he will hate you, and he will definitely speak ill of you in front of His Majesty the King."

"If I don't take his horse away, won't he say bad things about me?" I thought Joan was unintentional, but now it seems that she did it on purpose.

At this time, she gave a slightly sly smile, this shallow smile is what a teenage girl should look like, pure and lovely, youthful and beautiful.

"But Jeanne, how did you convince the people of the Eastern Empire?"

In Joan's mind, he recalled the radiant Prince of Ming Dynasty just now. He was stern, unrestrained, heroic and extremely intelligent. Such a person was really sent from heaven.

"Da Ming people are not warlike people. God said he was here to save us, so he must be here to save us. God will never lie to me, so I talked to him and he was willing to help. It's as simple as that." He really said it lightly.

"Then let's go back now, Jeanne, are you really not going to return the horse to the Duke of Marseille?"

"Others are not good, but he is a good horse. If you don't want to return it, let's go."

The followers of Joan of Arc feel that Joan of Arc is much more cheerful today, she is no longer the bitter and bitter look, she is no longer frowning, her complexion is redder, and she looks like a little girl.

What is this called? It's called near Zhu Zhechi. Girls will blush when they get close to Zhu Zhanqian.

On the side of the Ming army, Zhu Zhanqian agreed to Joan's conditions, and now he was about to evacuate, and he looked at Hou Xian.

"Eunuch Hou Xian, please understand what I did. It's not that I no longer attack France, but I have a better choice." Zhu Zhanqian wanted to explain to avoid Hou Xian's unhappiness.

Hou Xian immediately expressed his attitude: "Don't worry, Your Highness, Hou Xian is not someone who doesn't care about the overall situation. Your Highness's choice is correct from any point of view. I believe in His Highness's decision, and I will never doubt that His Highness is Zheng Zheng. With the determination to avenge my lord, His Highness came from so far away from Daming with an army, I wait for His Highness Xianwei to look forward to it, and I will not hesitate to die."

Zhu Zhanqian patted Hou Xian on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, my ultimate goal will not change."

"Hou Xian understands, and His Highness has weighed the pros and cons, I am very happy for His Highness Zheng He, His Highness is not a reckless person, he is brave and resourceful."

"Stop boasting, stop boasting, I'll be ashamed to praise you any more."

The two smiled at each other.

Zhu Zhanqian ordered the entire army to withdraw and leave the south coast of France. Of course, he also destroyed all the fortifications built before, so as to avoid being imitated by France.


On the warship, Zhu Zhanqian studied the voyage route map and the exact time that was really given to him. He was thinking whether this matter was a trap or not.

Because the fuel and ammunition on the warship were still sufficient, Zhu Zhanqian did not go back to replenish but chose to rush to the Ingoland Strait as soon as possible.

One month later, Duke Humphrey of Ingoland will come to meet Duke John, but Joan of Arc doesn't know why he came. This is the most tangled point for Zhu Zhanqian. , still thinking about the death of the other party, so why did Duke Humphrey come to meet Duke John?

"It's too suspicious, it's too suspicious." At first, Zhu Zhanqian didn't think about it. It was too difficult to think about everything under the circumstances at that time. Later, when Zhu Zhanqian thought about it, he felt that something was wrong, and the probability of being a trap increased again. .

But even if it is a trap, it should be a trap for Joan of Arc, and everyone can't predict that he will come like Joan of Arc.

As long as it is not a trap aimed at him, even if it is really a trap, he is also the uncertain factor, which will destroy their plan on the contrary.

Zhu Zhanqian sighed that there is too little information now, and there is no way to send spies on his side. After all, everyone looks different. If an Asian is mixed into a group of Europeans, it really can't be a spy.

After hesitating for a while, Zhu Zhanqian still felt that he had to give it a try. After all, if he succeeded, the profit would be too huge. If he captured the Duke Regent of the opponent, he would have enough bargaining chips whether it was negotiation or threat.

Zhu Zhanqian led the fleet towards the Ingoland Strait.

The sea is calm and calm, but it is not calm on the side of the Suez Canal.

A large number of slaves and condemned prisoners are digging canals day and night. Because of the hot weather, most of them are half-clothed. The slaves are okay and used to it.

The death row prisoners are much more delicate, and most of them are death row prisoners from Japan, North Korea, Nanyang and other places. The skin of these people can't stand the sun, and now they are peeling off, and the pain is unbearable.

But all prisoners on death row are the heinous criminals, and they are also experts in stealing, raping and playing tricks, such as Wang Baoyu.

The big pirate was betrayed by his subordinates and found in Dongying's death row, where he became a bargaining chip to ask Zhu Zhanqian for credit, and then was brought here to become a laborer for digging a canal.

Where did the big pirate suffer from this kind of suffering? He used to be the overlord in the sea. He has no status, no money, and no way to bribe the supervisor, which makes him unbearable.

Wang Baoyu was in the excavated canal pit. He was panting tiredly. He supported his arm with the hoe, raised his head and I looked up. The sun was still hot, and sweat flowed into his eyes, which was an unbearable sore feeling.

"What to look at, what to look at." After the overseer found out that he was being lazy, he slapped him with a whip, leaving a trail of blood on his body. It's not like rubbing salt on a wound.

He glared at the supervisor, the supervisor's whip came down again, Wang Baoyu immediately gave in, picked up the hoe and started digging, and when the supervisor turned around, he glared at his back gloomily. He is domineering without him suffering and suffering.

At night, when it was time to change shifts, Wang Baoyu and several death row prisoners lay on the ground beside them. Without bedding, they just slept on the ground like this, wearing handcuffs and shackles.

Taking advantage of the darkness of the night, Wang Baoyu opened his eyes, saw that there was no one around, and the supervisor was also in the distance. He elbowed the workers on the side of the roof, and several people woke up one after another.

"I plan to run away, will you follow me?"

"Brother, why are you running? The canal pit is very high. We can't climb it just by climbing. If we want to go up, we have to take the stairs. There are guards there, and we can't get out."

Another person also persuaded: "Brother, didn't Neptune agree, as long as we dig the canal, we will be free, even death row prisoners can be exonerated, I think it's better to dig honestly, it is always a way to survive."

At this time, there were shouts in the empty canal pit.




The voice came from top to bottom. It was a death row prisoner who wanted to escape, but was discovered, and fell down the stairs directly to his death on the ground.

"Brother, did you see it, where did it come from, let's dig honestly."

Wang Baoyu glared at the younger brother: "You are stupid, even if he really dug through, can he really let us go?"

"Yes, it will be. It's hard to chase after a word." Wang Baoyu's younger brother believed.

Wang Baoyu looked up at the starry sky, the galaxy was so bright, it should be the most beautiful in the world, but the two sides of the canal were like high walls to trap them, he didn't believe that Zhu Zhanqian would let them go.

"This place is like a big coffin. When we are dug and we are buried in it, you naively think that he will let us go. First of all, you have to live until the canal is dug through, right now this What to do, it won't be long before we have to die, you can see for yourself how many people have died over the past few days."

The two fell into hesitation, and Wang Baoyu lowered his voice and said: "I have already contacted some people, and we will start a riot at that time, and the number of supervisors is not many. A lot of merchant ships are the supplies of the Ming army, if we can snatch some, it will be enough for us to be domineering for a lifetime if we go anywhere, it is better than waiting for death here in the dark."

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