Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 322 Chapter 321 Western Federation

Chapter 322 Chapter 321 Western Federation
In the city of Suez, during this period of time, with the stabilization of the waterway, more and more businessmen from Daming came over. Why?Because Zhu Zhanqian needs a large amount of supplies, he can earn a lot of money by sending them over, so many merchant ships are constantly running here.

Suez City is becoming more and more prosperous visible to the naked eye.

The Ming army is stationed here, and the number is still increasing. The number of slaves has exceeded [-], and the number of death row prisoners has exceeded [-]. Zhu Zhanqian also built a machinery factory in Suez City to produce simple equipment for digging canals. There are also many people who want to come to the city of Suez to find opportunities to make a living, which has led to a huge increase in the population of the small city of Suez.

The increase in population has brought strong demand. In a short period of time, Suez City has become a pearl on the bay, and because there are a large number of Ming troops stationed there, there is no need to worry about security issues.

Because of Zhu Zhanqian's temporary departure, Xiaosheng became the top manager here administratively.

He himself was responsible for most of the trivial things for Zhu Zhanqian, so he could handle it.

At this time, in his office, there are several big business owners who came from Ming Dynasty. These people have doubled their net worth several times in the trade between Guangdong and Nanyang, and they are also the most active in calling for overseas expansion. The few people who came here originally came to visit Zhu Zhanqian, but they didn't expect Zhu Zhanqian to be away.

The chubby Guangdong Chaozhou merchant gang Guo Qinjian came to Xiaosheng's desk with a small box on his face, and slowly opened the box with his hands full of gemstone rings.

The inside is bright and golden, filled with gold, and next to it is Guo Qinjian's smiling face.

"Treasurer Guo, what does this mean?"

"Eunuch Zhuang, this is my heart. These days, I heard that you have not even had time to sleep for the errands you have given for His Highness. We feel sorry for you when you work so hard." Guo Qinjian was the first to contract Hong Kong Port Foreign Trade The merchants who carried out foreign trade in the warehouse have made a fortune along with them over the years.

So I am also very familiar with Xiaosheng, after all, I often have to deal with him, and he is also one of the guests who often come to the Zhujiang County Prince's Mansion during the Chinese New Year every year.

Xiaosheng covered the box and said, "Master Guo, you don't get paid for nothing, but something is wrong?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I just think you've worked hard and honor you."

Guo Qinjian said so, but Xiaosheng is not stupid: "I heard that after His Royal Highness issued an order to allow commercial firms to develop overseas territories, shopkeeper Guo spared no effort to go to the West, and I heard that many places have been developed."

Xiaosheng has heard some news about the sea.

When others were still hesitating, Guo Qinjian had already acted immediately. People are superstitious. He made dozens of times his net worth by following Zhu Zhanqian. He believed that following Zhu Zhanqian would definitely continue to earn more, and He had other ideas, too.

Guo Qinjian smiled: "Sure enough, you can't hide anything from Eunuch Zhuang. Of course, my old Guo has to do the order given by the prince. Where I let the ship go, I found some fertile land and educated the local aborigines. This is just the beginning. Don't worry, father-in-law, these places belong to His Excellency the King of the Sea, and the navy flag of Ming Dynasty stands everywhere."

Xiaosheng nodded in satisfaction, and pocketed the gold that Guo Qinjian had given him: "The shopkeeper Guo is brave and resourceful, no wonder His Highness often praises you."

"Yoyo, I dare not take it seriously. Lao Guo, I just follow His Highness to do things with all my heart. His Highness told me to deliver food to Suez City. I came without saying a word, and I will continue to come in the future."

"Treasurer Guo, don't worry, His Highness will never let you lose money. If you send the food, His Highness will let you earn more."

"Eunuch Zhuang, I don't mean that. Your Highness is fighting for the country. I should do my best. I just have a question I want to consult with you." Guo Qinjian rolled his eyes and looked at the other people present. It's all the same, waiting for Xiaosheng's answer.

Xiaosheng put down the official document in his hand, looked at the crowd, and said with a slight smile: "You all want to ask about the things His Highness promised earlier."

Zhu Zhanyi said that the land they bought or occupied will become the land of Ming Dynasty, but you have the right to control the territory, so Guo Qinjian will lead people to develop the land wantonly. He has earned a lot of money, and he wants a title. , I want to be an official, but because Zhu Zhanqian absolutely put an end to the matter of selling officials and nobles before, they have no choice. How to implement it.

Xiaosheng saw that the group of people were most concerned about this issue, so he said: "Don't worry, everyone, what your Highness said must be counted, but it is not yet the time to reward your merits. The contribution you have made to the construction of the Suez Canal , The contributions made to the smooth flow of the Western Sea Route will be recorded one by one, and when the major event is completed, it will be time for His Highness to reward the meritorious service."

"It's natural, it's natural. Can you please tell Eunuch Zhuang what kind of reward His Highness will reward you, so that we can have a good idea in our hearts."

It's all old Jianghu who want to fool the past with a few words. Xiaosheng motioned everyone to be quiet, and then said: "His Royal Highness has formulated a new system of rewards, called the parliamentary system."

Everyone is puzzled, they have never heard of the parliamentary system.

"Your Highness told me a general idea. After His Royal Highness's conquest of France and Ingoland is completed, the lands on the Western Ocean, Ingoland and France will form a Western Federation. States, you can understand them as vassals, and the rights of these states are in the hands of congressmen, who have different levels according to regions, which are equivalent to titles, and together form the Federation Council."

"The Federal Council will be the highest authority of the Western Federation, and together decide the various systems and even laws of the Western Federation. All members of Congress have their own rights."

Guo Qinjian asked: "The members of the Federal Council are not equal to the chiefs of the third department?"

"No, the chief of the third department should be called the governor or something in His Royal Highness's plan. The congressman does not have direct government powers, but he is also in charge of important powers such as impeachment and electing the governor. And there is another point, the congressman has a term of 6 years and can be re-elected forever.”

Everyone was surprised and delighted. All the shopkeepers present here are the shopkeepers of big commercial firms. For this reason, they all have excellent comprehension skills.

According to Zhu Zhanqian's plan, members of parliament do not have direct administrative power, but they have the supervisory authority over the governor and other administrative personnel, and they are also members of the highest authority, the Federation Council, which means that they will be with some nobles with titles Almost, even if he has no official status, as long as he has the power that this status brings to them, he is a noble, and he is no longer an ordinary businessman.

Although the identity of this member of parliament may not have any salary, but for these people, what is salary? .

And being able to be re-elected means that the status of this member of parliament can remain unchanged. It is not clearly stated, but theoretically it can be passed on to one's own descendants.

Isn't this a hereditary title?
"His Royal Highness said that the number of councilors is directly proportional to the contributions you make. The greater the contribution, the greater the chance of getting a councilor, and the more seats you will get."

This time, a tube of chicken blood was poured in. There is more than one member of parliament. If this is the case, can I have one and my son one?Guo Qinjian was ecstatic in his heart. Now he has made a lot of contributions. As long as he continues to get the seat of the councilor, it is almost a certainty.

"For now, His Highness has just told me about these things. Perhaps His Highness will have to wait until the war is settled before making detailed plans. After all, it is an unprecedented system. His Highness is currently busy with French Ingolan, and can't tell what to do. Come." Xiaosheng shook his head in distress.

Guo Qinjian hurriedly said: "Eunuch Zhuang is right. Old Guo deserves to die, so I shouldn't ask this question. Your Highness has already thought about it. What else should I worry about? Don't worry, Eunuch Zhuang. The problem, as long as anyone with a merchant ship dares to be short of money, he will have trouble with my old Guo."

Following Guo Qinjian's statement, other people also expressed their loyalty.

Although they don't quite understand Zhu Zhanqian's new system of parliament and members of parliament, they know that it is definitely not made up by Xiaosheng, and it is impossible for Zhu Zhanqian to make it up. As a human being, Zhu Zhanqian would never make up things like this, and the second reason is that it would definitely not be a matter of one morning and one night to come up with such a system that has never existed before.

Neptune is definitely taking this matter seriously, as long as they have this attitude, they will feel at ease.

"Everyone, go and work seriously." Xiaosheng accepted their gifts and sent them away.

Everyone also expressed their gratitude to Xiaosheng.

Xiaosheng sent these people away, and the guards around him looked at the dazzling array of gold and silver treasures, all of them were envious. As the eunuch next to Zhu Zhanqian, Xiaosheng was the object of everyone's fawning, even Chen Xinyue, who was the princess of the sea, was very fond of Xiaosheng. It is also good to be respectful, these businessmen naturally spared no effort in order to please the niche.

Xiaosheng saw their eyes and said, "What? Do you want it?"

"No...don't dare..."

"If you want, you want what you don't dare to do. You are all the guards around the prince. Some of you have low qualifications. Let me remind you, what money you can take and what money you can't. You can take the money that the prince allows, but the prince does not." The promised money, no matter how much it is, I will keep your hearts away, and a few people came to count these things and put them all in the treasury."

"Eunuch Zhuang taught me that."

Xiaosheng felt that these would all be Zhu Zhanqian's guards in the future, and they were selected out of thousands of choices, so he reminded him: "I have followed the prince since I was a child, and the prince has never been stingy with rewards. It is no less than these gold and silver artifacts. My glory, wealth and status are all given by the prince, so I set a red line for myself. I must not deceive the prince in everything. The prince never treats people around me badly. In the past, your leader Yang Feng will fight with His Highness this time, and when he returns from victory, he will ascend to heaven."

As he said that, Xiaosheng looked around the crowd present: "Follow His Highness, a person like His Highness, everything he does is an ancient and modern event, as long as he is dedicated to His Highness, I have never seen any bastard." not good."

Everyone thanked him one after another: "Thank you, Eunuch Zhuang, for your guidance."

Xiaosheng is a eunuch, but he is a very sensible eunuch, and he has always been cautious in doing things. When Zhu Zhanqian and Yao Guangxiao met for the first time before, Yao Guangxiao praised him. It is very few.

Zhu Zhanqian let him learn some culture and account management. Although he was young in the years of the Guangdong feudal governor, he was in charge of most of the internal affairs of the Zhujiang County Prince's Mansion at that time.

He has only one preparation for anything, and the prince has the final say.

The gold and silver treasures were taken away, and Xiaosheng continued to look at the things of the past few days. Managing such a big city and supervising the digging of canals made Xiaosheng feel physically and mentally exhausted.

The cost of building the canal is too high. Xiaosheng finally understands why those people in the court are unwilling to travel such a long distance to fight this battle. There are money-burning things everywhere, and there is nowhere to come from far away. Money, even if Ingoland and France were brought down, a lot of looting would not necessarily make up for the loss of building the canal.

The people in the court are still smart, but Xiaosheng firmly believes that the most smart must be his Highness, and His Highness has never done any business that lost money.

There are also millions of silver cars from the Ottoman Empire.

"Eunuch Zhuang, Eunuch Zhuang, it's not good..."

At this time, a guard ran over in a panic, shouting that something had happened, Xiaosheng remained unmoved, and still sat in his seat: "Speak slowly, what do you look like in a panic?"

"Eunuch Zhuang, Eunuch Zhuang, something serious has happened, the prisoners on death row have rebelled, all the prisoners on death row have rebelled."

Xiaosheng couldn't sit still now, Zhu Zhanqian told him to take care of these people before he left. A group of people full of evil is the most difficult to manage. He also expected that something might happen, but he didn't expect it to come So fast.

But because there is a Ming army in the city, Xiaosheng has confidence, and said calmly: "Be clear, what's the situation."

"Just when the night shift was about to change, there was a sudden riot, and the death row prisoners rushed forward one after another. There was a shortage of manpower for a while, and the death row prisoners began to rush out."

These death row prisoners were all desperadoes, some of them were instigated by Wang Baoyu, as long as someone took the lead, others would follow, and they took advantage of the nightfall to start attacking the location of the supervisors.

A group of people rushed out, and the number of guards was insufficient, causing the death row prisoners to rush up one after another, and now they fled in all directions, and even a small force wanted to take advantage of this time to rush into the city.

Xiaosheng's face was gloomy, and he blurted out: "Kill, those who break through the pass will be killed."

(End of this chapter)

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