Taking advantage of nightfall, Wang Baoyu and others conspired to start a riot. In the darkness, a group of people rushed to the stairs guarded by the guards.

A group of desperadoes, who would be willing to dig the soil here day and night, no night is fine, no day is really hard.

In order to get out of this dark life, the prisoners on death row saw someone attacking the guards, and immediately took advantage of the chaos to coax them together.

The Suez Canal was first divided into sections and excavated together. The soil in the middle of each section was not excavated at the beginning, and each canal pit was formed here. The number of people in each pit was different. The managers themselves allocate.

What Zhu Zhanqian wants is to dig through as soon as possible. The more you dig, the faster you will get more rewards, so the slave owners who have more slaves have built a lot of canal pits.

At this time, the riot was only a death row canal pit, with more than 1000 people.

The death row prisoners rushed to the ground, gunshots rang out all at once, soldiers of the Ming army began to counterattack, and gradually surrounded many Ming troops. In fact, the Ming army already had a plan to deal with this situation.

It seemed dangerous, but amidst the gunshots and grenades of Ming army soldiers, only a small group of rioters in the early stage rushed out of the encirclement, and all the rest were forced back.

No one wanted to be shot, and most of these death row prisoners were greedy for life and afraid of death, so they were quickly repressed and returned to the canal pit.

As for those who escaped in small groups, some people even wanted to sneak into the city, but the death row prisoners in handcuffs and shackles were so easy to distinguish, it was tantamount to nonsense.

When Xiaosheng arrived at the scene, he was basically completely calmed down.

Looking at the dark crowd in the canal pit under the starry night, Xiaosheng's eyes were full of contempt and anger: "Where's the manager, where's the manager?!"

Xiaosheng's furious voice made the manager of the canal pit tremble with fright, and hurriedly knelt down in front of Xiaosheng, crying and saying: "Eunuch Zhuang, Eunuch Zhuang, I am innocent, it was all caused by these ignorant guys!" What came out, when they rushed up, I was the first to lead people to resist."

This is a manager sent by the nobles from Japan, and most of the people in the canal pit are death prisoners from Japan.

Xiaosheng was not in a hurry to deal with him, but said to the people around him: "Calculate how many people were killed or injured by our army in this riot."


There are many corpses of death row prisoners on the ground around here, and there are also Ming soldiers who were injured and died.

The administrator felt the anger and viciousness on Xiaosheng's body, and immediately kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Eunuch Zhuang, our family will compensate for all losses."

"How do you pay for life?" Xiaosheng's indifferent tone scared him.

"Eunuch Zhuang, spare your life, spare your life, I am willing to give 100 taels of silver to each dead Ming soldier as a compensation."

Xiaosheng was expressionless and ignored his begging for mercy. This was the first time such a thing had happened, and there were no more than two ways to deal with it. First-time offenders should be punished lightly, and they should be killed as an example.

Under normal circumstances, it should be a light punishment for first-time offenders. After all, the turmoil of death row prisoners is an uncontrollable factor. Is it all the fault of the managers?It's human nature, not his fault alone.

But now is not a normal situation. Now the canal is being built, and all the people are using slaves, or vicious death row prisoners. If you treat them kindly, will they thank you for your kindness?

"Which family are you from?"

The kneeling person said in a non-standard Chinese language: "I belong to the Mitsui Consortium. Our Mitsui Consortium will compensate for all losses. I also ask Eunuch Zhuang to spare. His Royal Highness Hai Wang is a benevolent His Royal Highness, and he will definitely not open his mouth." Killing ring."

He was almost crying, but his begging for mercy didn't seem to reach Xiaosheng's ears.

Xiaosheng waited for the statistical results to come, and looked at the names of Ming army soldiers on the paper. More than a dozen people were killed and more than fifty were injured.

"For the soldiers of the Ming army who died in the riot, a compensation of 500 taels of silver will be paid to each of them, and the injured will be compensated 100-500 taels of silver according to the condition of their injuries. Is there a problem?"

Such a huge amount of compensation made the administrator look embarrassed, but seeing Xiaosheng's fierce eyes, he immediately softened: "Yes, yes, Eunuch Zhuang is right."

The soldiers around him asked, "What about Mr. Zhuang and the prisoners on death row?"

There are roughly more than 30 death row prisoners on the side, all of whom are tied up in five flowers. These are those who have not been killed after rushing up before, surrendered and were arrested.

Xiaosheng looked at these people. Now they are all bound and kneeling on the ground, like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"Throw it down." Xiaosheng's tone was indifferent

"Throw them one by one, towards the crowd." Xiaosheng added again.

Two soldiers lifted a death row prisoner. The death row prisoner was struggling desperately, begging for mercy constantly, his whole body writhing like a maggot.

The soldier threw it into the canal pit with all his strength.

The death row prisoners in the canal pit looked up at the starry sky. They didn't know what was happening above, but because of today's punch card, they knew that what awaited them next would be more severe whipping and stricter discipline. The workload is double what it is now.

While imagining the hard life in the future, those condemned prisoners who didn't punch their cards hated it in their hearts, while watching a figure above being thrown down.

A figure fell to the ground in the darkness, accompanied by a howl, the body wriggled continuously on the ground, luckily no head down, nothing happened, but maybe this should be called bad luck, in the great pain, no one helped , just prolong the death period, deepen the painful experience, and prolong the painful time.

Everyone understood that this was the Ming army trying to scare chickens and monkeys, and after a while, another one was thrown down.

One after another figures fell, and the people below dodged one after another and were inevitably hit. The lucky ones died when they landed, and the unlucky ones wailed in the pit like a puddle of mud.

In the end, Wang Baoyu was pulled in front of Xiaosheng, and the soldier said, "Grandpa Zhuang, many prisoners on death row confessed that this person abetted them."

Xiaosheng looked at the man and recognized him, the big pirate Wang Baoyu.

Back then, Xiaosheng participated in the Zhoushan naval battle with Zhu Zhanqian. He was still young at that time, and he saw the viciousness of these big pirates on the evil side, and his memory is still fresh.

What impressed him even more was the fierce resistance of the women in the Zhoushan naval battle, and they died in the sea. Since that station, the Ming Dynasty's coastal defense strategy has completely changed, and coastal residents have never been bullied by Japanese pirates.

He still remembers the eyes of his prince looking at the blood-stained sea, the eyes of mourning for the country and the people.

At that time, Yamamoto 62 was captured, but Wang Baoyu ran away. When I saw him today, although his face was stained with blood, Xiaosheng recognized it at a glance. It was the big pirate Wang Baoyu.

"Long time no see, Wang Baoyu."

The big pirate who was so glorious back then is now kneeling in front of him, haggard, ugly, and dirty, this is his true face.

Wang Baoyu obviously didn't know who Xiaosheng was, nor did he know that Xiaosheng had participated in the Zhoushan naval battle, so he just knelt in front of Xiaosheng and begged for mercy, "This father-in-law, this father-in-law, I still have a lot of treasure at sea, and I didn't teach you For the people of Dongying, I will give you my life, and I will take you to find my treasure, and give it all to you, all to you."

Looking at his face begging for mercy, Xiaosheng felt in a trance that he saw the soldiers in the Zhoushan Guard Station crying hoarsely: "I want to live!!"

In a trance, I felt that it was the decisive face of the Zhoushan women who committed suicide in exchange for the soldiers rushing to kill without any scruples.

After so many years, it turns out that the anger and hatred have never receded, and today I can avenge them.

Xiaosheng looked at him coldly, as if there were thousands of troops standing behind him, and said softly, "Wang Baoyu."

Wang Baoyu stared at him blankly, and kicked his foot towards his face, without any extra words, Xiaosheng kicked him down.

Wang Baoyu fell down in disbelief, the weightlessness of his body let him know that he was going to die this time.

In Xiaosheng's eyes, the falling Wang Baoyu seemed to have turned into Chen Baiyue who committed suicide and threw himself into the sea, both falling towards death.

Chen Baiyue's sentence: "The one who kills me is the Fifth Highness." The words are still in my ears.

Hearing the sound of Wang Baoyu falling to the ground, Xiaosheng said softly: "The one who killed you is Zhuang Sheng, fathers and villagers in Zhoushan, all the thieves and criminals are dead, and the mountains and rivers are safe. Rest in peace."

After dealing with all the prisoners who committed crimes, Xiaosheng looked at the administrator again and said, "Do you have parents and children in your family?"

The administrator was stunned, he didn't know why Xiaosheng asked him this question, suddenly he thought of the worst result.

"Eunuch Zhuang, we will compensate, we will all compensate, and you can add more money, more money." Just now the amount of compensation has been negotiated, and he doesn't know why Xiaosheng still troubles him.

"The amount of compensation will be fully compensated by your consortium." With a wave of Xiaosheng's hand, two soldiers grabbed him and threw him down the canal pit amidst bitter wailing.

Xiaosheng wants to kill chickens and monkeys, not only killing laborers on death row, but also killing managers to show other managers, so that they will be more attentive and prevent more such situations from happening.

The soldiers thought that this was the end of the treatment, but what Xiaosheng said next was much cooler than the cold wind at night.

"It's a bit cold tonight, let's light a fire and let everyone warm up."

The soldiers were puzzled: "Eunuch Zhuang, let's go back to the house in the city first, let's wind in the wild."

"Order here."

"Huh?" Everyone didn't understand what he meant.

Xiaosheng pointed to the canal pit in front of him and said, "Put a big fire on it and light it up."

Everyone gasped. There are nearly a thousand people in this big pit. Lighting a big fire means to burn all the people inside.

"Didn't you hear?"

"Listen... I heard it." The soldiers were more afraid of Xiaosheng, he wanted to kill so many people.

The soldiers took advantage of the night to transport firewood and other combustion aids, and discussed while transporting.

"You said that Eunuch Zhuang usually looks kind and friendly. Why are you so cruel today? There are thousands of people here."

"What's so cruel, wouldn't it be better to burn this group of garbage, and save some food. These people are all death row prisoners, and their crimes are heinous."

"That's what I said, but killing so many people at once, I'm still a little panicked when I think about it. You saw the look in Eunuch Zhuang's eyes just now. It was too scary. Now that I think about it, I'm terrified."

Several people discussed in low voices.

"His Royal Highness Haiwang looks very gentle, never embarrassing others, and I have never even seen him swearing at others. Eunuch Zhuang is very vicious."

"Keep your voice down, what if someone overhears you?"

Slowly piles of firewood were brought over, and Xiaosheng ordered them to pour them into the canal pit.

The people in the pit thought that it would be over after Xiaosheng killed those people, but they didn't expect that logs kept falling down, and gradually they seemed to understand something.

Everyone's eyes are full of fear, people have survival instincts, they don't want to be burned to death like this, so people keep trying to rush out, but the stairs leading to the top of the pit have been dismantled a long time ago.

The greatest fear is not death, but the hopeless feeling of knowing that you are going to die but not being able to do anything about it.

The condemned prisoners began to climb the pit, but none of them could climb up the pit. Even if they climbed up by stacking the human wall, they would be mercilessly beheaded by the Ming army, but they died early.

Before the flame burned, there were endless cries, which spread far and far in the night.

The other canal pits did not know what was happening on this side until the flames were ablaze.

Flames rose from the canal pit, followed by the howls of death row prisoners.

Xiaosheng looked indifferently at the condemned prisoners in the pit who were avoiding the flames, and some were burned by the flames, and kept running to try to get rid of the flames on their bodies, but there were raging fires in all directions, and there was nowhere to escape.

At this time, Xiaosheng seems to understand some of Yao Guangxiao's words back then. Yao Guangxiao didn't let Zhu Zhanqian go to interrogate the prisoner by himself, for what reason, for Zhu Zhanqian's reputation.

Who is Zhu Zhanqian? He is the prince of Ming Dynasty. He is a person standing under the sun. We should try our best to avoid any stain on his identity. Because he should always be right, the embodiment of justice and morality, and the kind and gentle Neptune.

He can't interrogate prisoners without permission, can't beat and kill prisoners in the street, and can't kill prisoners, but someone has to help him do these things, just like Yao Guangxiao helped Zhu Di back then.

Did Zhu Di want to be the emperor himself, or did Yao Guangxiao plan to make Zhu Di the emperor?

This night, the workers and managers of several canal pits around here heard the wailing here, as well as the soaring flames, and the fear would be deeply buried in their hearts.

Fear is the best respect.

Xiaosheng turned around and said: "When the flames stop, send people down to clean up. I don't want any people to be killed, and then quickly arrange people to continue digging. No one or any factor can delay the progress of the canal's excavation."

From this day forward, no laborers and administrators dared to have any other thoughts. To a certain extent, everyone was afraid of Xiaosheng's ruthless methods, and there were a lot fewer people stealing and playing tricks.


At the same time, Zhu Zhanqian and his fleet had already ambushed in the Ingoland Strait, and they were waiting for Ingoland's army on the scheduled route.

White mist rose from the endless sea, and in the astonishment of everyone, several steam warships drove over.

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