Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 336 The Third Steam Mothership

Chapter 336 The Third Steam Mothership

In Daejeon City, Ashikaga Yoshinaka was invited to the mansion of Zhang Xianqi, the ambassador of Dongying. At this time, Zhang Xianqi lived in the mansion prepared for him by Zhu Zhanqian. It makes people feel that we are stingy.

Zhang Xianqi is the spokesperson of Daming or Zhu Zhanqian in Dongpu. Even Ashikaga Yoshinaka, the bestowed king of Dongpu, must at least maintain his peers when he sees him.

Zhang Xianqi poured tea for Ashikaga Yoshinaka. The antique tea ceremony pays attention to the word slow.

"Your Excellency, General Ashikaga, I heard that you contacted our imperial concubine to send your daughter to the Ming Dynasty's palace."

The matter cannot be concealed, and Ashikaga Yoshinaka doesn't think there is any problem: "I heard that among the imperial concubines of Daming, the real concubine is from the Jurchen clan. In order to strengthen the relationship between Daming and Dongying, I am willing to let my daughter enter the palace."

Zhang Xianqi, the daughter of Ashikaga Yoshinaka, has met her before, she looks very ordinary, how can Qingben beauty follow her father, if she enters the palace, won't it cause trouble for Zhu Qizhen?This child is very handsome at a young age.

"General Ashikaga, if you have these things in the future, please use me, the ambassador of Japan, to contact me rashly. Your Majesty asked me, and I didn't know anything about it. It's not a big deal for me to lose face, but Your Majesty said that it is not in accordance with the rules. It's not good for Your Excellency if things come back."

As soon as he heard this, the little ninety-nine in Ashikaga Yoshinaka's heart was instantly shattered, and he could not lose money by stealing chickens.

Somewhat embarrassed, he said: "It was done by my family members. I just found out about the women's boudoir. Ambassador Zhang is not to blame, not to be blamed."

"Of course I don't dare to blame you. The beloved son of the parents has far-reaching plans for it. I can understand that the general and his wife want to let their daughter into the palace, but our Ming Dynasty has always valued etiquette, especially today's His Majesty, a rare and wise monarch in ancient times. , the most important thing is etiquette, and violating etiquette is violating His Majesty's taboo."

Ashikaga Yoshinaka was even more embarrassed. Zhang Xianqi's words were not without blame. Zhang Xianqi went on to say: "Your Majesty and our Highness Haiwang have a deep brotherly relationship. His Highness Haiwang was ordered to establish the Western Federation. He will naturally come back after the British and French are pacified. If the silver mine There are obstacles in many matters, Your Excellency the General should know our Highness's temper."

Zhang Xianqi's intention of threatening is very obvious. Threatening the ruler of a country in this way will obviously make people uncomfortable, but Ashikaga Yoshinaka, the Dongying general, was originally promoted by Daming.

According to his own ability, it is very difficult to secure this general, but Zhang Xianqi is able to protect him. Although he is a little careful, he is relatively weak and easy to control. It is not necessarily better to replace him.

Zhang Xianqi knew that what he had to do was to maintain the mining of this large silver mine and the benefit of the silver mining company. Zhu Zhanqian crossed such a long front to fight, and logistics supplies were a vital factor. The main source of money was this silver mine and Xiangjiang. Hong Kong and Nanyang industry support.


In Nanhai University, Aka and his scientific research team are excitedly trying two new types of artillery, one of which can be carried on the shoulder and fired, individual bazooka, after a few test shots, although the accuracy is difficult to control, But it works.

The other is a large-scale artillery with nine bursts. Its range is much higher than that of the current artillery, which can realize the requirements given to him by Zhu Zhanqian and achieve fire coverage.

And this kind of artillery is installed on the latest tanks.

Because the research and development of the internal combustion engine is not smooth enough, the latest tank still uses a steam engine, and it is very large, more than twice the size of the tank that Zhu Zhanqian had seen in the world before, which can improve the living environment of the soldiers inside the tank .

I have to sigh that only a powerful empire like Daming can tinker with this stuff.

The tank has a main gun and a nine-shot continuous cannon. As long as this big guy appears on the battlefield, its powerful destructive power will definitely become a sharp weapon for attacking cities and villages.

The front line is fighting, and the research and development of weapons in the back is also accelerating.

Commander Yang Lu, who had just been fully reinstated as an official, and Chen Youshan, magistrate of Xiangjianggang County, came to Nanhai University and found Taoka.

"Tauka has seen two lords."

"Professor Tao, you don't need to be too polite. Let's get straight to the point. How is the construction of the latest tank?"

"Six units have been built, and construction is still underway."

As he spoke, he led the two of them to the side of the behemoth.

Chen Youshan reached out and touched the tank, feeling a little surprised in his heart. Such a giant steel beast would have been unimaginable a few years ago. The changes in these years are really incredible, especially the batches of students from Nanhai University who graduated After that, all kinds of new things emerged one after another. According to Zhu Zhanqian's electric power principle, the power plants and the utilization of electric energy have changed a lot, which can basically be described as changing with each passing day.

It's even a little scary to be fast.

"Mr. Zhang San said that the third steam carrier has been tested for long-distance sailing, so you have to speed up your progress. Put the number of tanks that His Highness said you need on the steam carrier. I think Your Highness wants to put down the two countries in one battle, and your Highness is fighting on the front line, so we can't let His Highness hold you back."

Tauka said in surprise: "The steam mothership has already launched." He has been busy with tanks, so he doesn't know much about it. He only knows that the third steam mothership is completely different from the first two. It can be said to be a super-large transport ship, but Zhu Zhanyan said that the deck of this steam carrier has reserved space for Taoka's aircraft in the future.

It's a pity that Taoka has not yet developed anything that can fly. After research, he has drawn an aircraft that imitates the shape of a bird, and the students of Nanhai University have helped him study the flying conditions, and found that only those with enough power , theoretically, it can fly.

But he doesn't have the kind of power plant with low weight, and the steam engine is not suitable, so he can only hope for the internal combustion engine that Zhu Zhanqian described to them, but the development of the internal combustion engine is far from the stage where it can be used.

He just felt that he had let Zhu Zhanqian down, everything was going in a good direction, only his side had not been able to really fly.

He thought back to the boy who pointed to the sky of Jianghe and told him that this day must also be Daming's day, and he just felt uncomfortable.

The plane is not good, and the tank must not be a hindrance, and the quality and quantity are guaranteed to be transported to Zhu Zhanqin.

"Don't worry, both of you, we are stepping up manufacturing these days, ten tanks must be in place before departure."

"That's good, thank you, Professor Tao."

Seeing the progress in the manufacture of tanks, the two hurried along the river and returned to Xiangjiang Port. At this time, Xiangjiang Port was already extremely prosperous, and the merchant ships on the sea in the port were like crucian carp crossing the river.

The high-rise buildings on both sides of Changcheng Street continue to rise from the ground, and the latest housing technology is used here. There are big wealthy groups here, and no one wants their buildings to be inferior to others. There is a new building built.

In the beginning, it was only two or three floors high, and later it was five or six floors, seven or eight floors, and the higher the earlier, the challenges were constantly stimulated by money, and everyone's preferences were completely different, and the shape of the building was also completely different.

Chen Youshan looked at several new warships at the port, and said to Yang Lu: "Commander Yang Du, this time you personally supervise the departure of the army, I believe you will be able to win the battle."

Yang Lu was also full of confidence: "After joining His Highness for this expedition, we will win in one battle. No one in this world will be able to fight against the Ming Dynasty. We will all be immortals, hahaha."

As a general, Yang Lu knew better than others what victory in this battle would mean.

Chen Youshan had an unnatural smile on his face, obviously worried and said: "But Commander Yang Du, the great credit can't be really great, so all these years are for the revenge of Lord Zheng He, They went to war because Britain and France disrespected the Ming Dynasty, not for the merits of the world."

Chen Youshan's reminder made Yang Lu understand from the bottom of his heart that even if he has made great achievements, he can't be credited. What he said was that Britain and France disrespected Daming, and His Royal Highness Haiwang went for Daming.

This is the skill of the scholars in the court. The same thing has a different meaning if it is changed.

Zhu Zhanqian's current situation is to avoid being attacked by people in the court and reduce the words that are unfavorable to him. Therefore, all letters sent by Zhu Zhanqian from the west must first go through Chen Youshan, and Chen Youshan will take care of him. Polish it up, make the terms of everything as neutral as possible, express things, but don't promote merit.

Although Zhu Zhanqian and Zhu Zhanji have been regarded as brothers and sisters by outsiders, they can be regarded as models of royal brotherhood for so many years, but Chen Youshan understands that there is actually a thin layer of gauze between them. Even a little bit of sparks falling on it is an endless situation.

He has to protect his Highness.

And he still felt that his Highness Hai Wang would be a far better emperor than Zhu Zhanji.

Because Zhu Zhanyi has factors that Zhu Zhanji absolutely does not have, not intelligence, but idealism based on the future of the entire nation.

Following Zhu Zhanqian these days, he can clearly feel that Zhu Zhanqian is building a future centered on the Chinese nation. He has no aristocrats or prejudices in his eyes, and he seems to be very committed to this ideal future. As if experienced in practice.

Zhu Zhanji doesn't have this kind of spirit, neither does Zhu Di, nor do all the emperors with the same name.

But now Neptune has no intention, so he can only go along with the flow.

Yang Lu sighed in admiration: "Chen county magistrate is a talented person, only with someone like you helping His Highness can he be at the front line with peace of mind."

Yang Lu knew that although Chen Youshan was only a county magistrate, the county magistrate of Xiangjiang Port was not an ordinary county magistrate, and as Zhu Zhanqian's confidant, Chen Youshan had a wide career.

You can tell from just a few sentences that Chen Youshan is a person with a delicate mind.

"Commander Yang Du, His Majesty has allowed you to go to the front line to support His Highness the King of the Sea, but before you leave, you still have to send a letter to ask His Highness about the auspicious time for sailing, and wait until His Majesty has set a time and date before setting off. The situation on the front line is not in a hurry. In a day or two."

"Understood, thoughtful."

Chen Youshan continued: "Commander Yang Du, you have been a general for many years, and you are naturally relieved to be an officer in the army, but Commander Yang Du, I have been to the barracks many times in recent days, and now I am a general of the South China Sea Fleet. Ladies and gentlemen, I have developed a little arrogance. Some people dare to say anything without knowing the door, and even dare to talk about His Majesty and His Majesty. I have prepared a list here. Commander Yang Du will make you punish it. Missed His Majesty's important matter."

As a result of Chen Youshan's list, Yang Lu's face was a bit unhappy. It was obvious that Chen Youshan was also in the barracks, and he said it outright, not afraid that he would know.

"Okay, I see."

While speaking, a huge steam mothership slowly approached. It has a novel shape and is quite different from the previous warships. It is narrower in width but longer in length, so that it can pass through the Suez Canal.

The hull made of steel is useless with ordinary knives, guns and sticks, and it is not a big problem to resist a few ordinary artillery rounds.

When the steam mothership appeared, everyone looked at it. Zhang San and others got off the steam mothership and said to Yang Lu and Chen Youshan: "My lords, the steam mothership has been tested for a few days and it can operate normally. , but if you want to go to the Suez Canal, you need an accompanying material ship, and you can’t do it with your own fuel.”

"There is no need to worry about supplies and supplies. This trip is supported by the whole country."

Zhang San went on to introduce: "The interior cabin of the No. [-] steam carrier has been improved, new tanks can be driven directly in, and the living environment of soldiers has also been improved. At the same time, all the artillery on the ship has been canceled to free up space for carrying supplies. Weapons, according to the width of the hull, should be able to pass through the Suez Canal."

The three of them seemed to have imagined the deterrent force that such a behemoth would have on the countries of Europa after passing through the Suez Canal.


Ingolan doesn't know what's going on in the outside world now. Mrs. Catherine is immersed in the Joan of Arc who tortures France every day, but the French prince has never done anything to save Joan of Arc. It was all handled, which made the soldiers and civilians in France quite dissatisfied.

Outside the cemetery in Saint-Ouen on this day, a large group of Ingoland officials and dignitaries were gathering here. Because of repeated failures in battles, Mrs. Catherine and Ingoland urgently needed to boost the morale of the army, and her way of boosting the morale of the army was to abuse Zhen Germany.

Joan of Arc smeared with feces and sludge was brought to the Saint-Ouen Cemetery. She thought that today was just another insult.

These inhuman days still did not shake Joan's faith, she still firmly believed that her god would come to save her.

So when she left the cage on the donkey cart, she still walked into the Saint-Ouen Cemetery with her head held high.

But when she saw the people in the cemetery, Joan's face changed drastically and she shouted: "No, no, no, you can't do this." She became the helpless little girl again, tears streaming down her face with.

Because the person standing in front of her had a narrow face, tightly closed lips, hateful eyes and thin hands, the person's grade looked like sixty or seventy, he was wearing a golden crown, wearing a robe, and holding a scepter.

That was the Pope, and Ingolan invited the Pope to judge Joan of Arc, which was tantamount to killing Joan of Arc.

(End of this chapter)

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