Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 337 The Last Knight of France

Saint-Ouen Cemetery, where the bodies of many clergy are buried, is crowded with people today, and many dignitaries in London have come to witness this historic moment.

The moment she saw the Pope, Joan of Arc began to resist fiercely. Joan of Arc, who had been hungry for two days, was very thin, and she did not know where the strength came from, struggling desperately. She had a firm and tenacious character and could endure physical pain. torture, but she was unwilling to accept the trial, the previous trial in the church had cost her half her life.

Now the trial in the cemetery also invited the Pope, what does this mean?
No matter how hard Joan tried to resist, she had been starved for a long time and only had a thin body left, so she was no match for this group of armored guards.

Being pressed and kneeling in front of the Pope, the guards obviously also disliked the bad smell on her body.

The pope's nose was a little uncomfortable, but he didn't make any movements like pinching his nose for the sake of dignity. He held a book in his left hand, and every page on it was written with dense words, but there was only one word of God left between the lines. The golden scepter symbolizes the highest authority and the dignity of God in the world.

The pope has an extremely important meaning in Europa culture.

The stern-faced pope spoke slowly: "Joan of Arc, you lied that you had received an oracle, you lied that you had seen an angel, you started a war with this lie, slaughtered Ingoland's soldiers, and made countless Ingoland of women and children mourn the death of a loved one."

"No! You're lying, you're lying!

"Joan wailed hoarsely, this time she was not gagged like last time, she could speak, and Catherine wanted to use this to see her make more fools.

The Pope was not affected by her, and read out her crimes, which were the same as the crimes in the church. It was tantamount to stabbing her again, and blood began to ooze from her shoulders.

The inexplicable oozing of blood startled the people around.

The struggle just now caused both Joan of Arc's shoulders to ooze blood. One shoulder was caused by the previous sword wound that had not been properly treated, and the wound had not fully healed for a long time. The other shoulder was the place where the old injury was added during the struggle hurt.

In this scene, Joan's eyes were bloodshot and she roared at the Pope angrily: "You are the spokesperson of God, you shouldn't be like this, you shouldn't go against God's will and judge a devout believer, I risk my life I swear by name, I am the most devout believer of God, I am innocent!

The pope was frightened by Joan's aura.

But he didn't care if Joan was guilty or not, he didn't even know Joan before he came.

Why did he still come to judge Joan of Arc?Simply because they give too much.

"God loves the world, and even gave his only son to the world. He is merciful and open-minded. He never wages wars and never kills mortals. But you wage wars again and again in the name of God, causing countless people You died in a bloody war, you are guilty, you will be expelled from the church, and your identity as a believer will be deprived."

When she heard that she was going to be excommunicated, Joan's eyes were blank. This was even more painful than killing her, because not being able to die as a believer meant that she would never be able to see her god after death. . …

This is like, you were originally a senior group member in the black silk hobby group, but one day the group leader suddenly judged you in front of all the group friends, saying that you are actually a false black silk lover, and framed you as a naked You are a leg lover, and everyone, including the group of friends who used to communicate with you, spurned you, you will definitely feel that the sky is falling and nothing more.

This is framing, this is murder, they are killing the god in her heart.

The pope put the scepter on his chest, and solemnly read: "I condemn you in the name of the pope, I formally excommunicate you in the name of the pope, God will never bless you again, God will never Will enlighten you again."

When the Pope said these words, the surrounding Ingoland nobles gave the strongest cheers, and Joan of Arc knelt on the ground devoutly, praying continuously, she still firmly believed.

But a big foot kicked her, and the guard stopped her from praying. She knelt up again and continued to pray, but only the guards' punches and kicks greeted her.

If it is said that the guards were a little scruples before because of Joan's reputation, but now that the Pope has pronounced her a false believer, they no longer have any scruples, and seeing Joan's ugly appearance these days, they have already It is far from the saint.

Then the soldiers of the guards brought buckets of cold water and poured it on Joan of Arc, cleaning all the mud and excrement on her body.

Joan of Arc was shivering from the cold, but she kept chanting prayers to God in a daze, hoping that God could hear her words.

After she was washed, the guards forced her to put on the long white dress worn by a penitent woman. She refused desperately and was almost forced into it.

After several times of struggling, Joan of Arc was powerless, she collapsed on the ground, she had no strength to struggle, her eyes stared blankly at the ground, not far away were the feet of the nobles, she could only see these things .

After a while, she felt dizzy again, and she was helped up by the guards, but this time she was not taken into the donkey cart, but forced to walk out of the Saint-Ouen Cemetery.

She was excommunicated today, the last day of her trial.

In the center of London, Lady Catherine has ordered someone to set up her execution ground.

A burning place, surrounded by countless logs, Lady Catherine seemed to have seen the blazing flames, she wanted to kill Joan of Arc's sacrificial flag, so as to send troops to attack the Northern Front, and win the victory in one go.

When Joan of Arc walked in front of the execution ground prepared for her, she seemed to see the future in front of her eyes at this moment. She would die in this fire. She saw her skin being scorched inch by inch in the flames. Her eyes and bones would all be eroded by the scorching fire, and she could feel countless pains.

The flames will spread around her. It is the first time that she is so afraid of death. She used to fight for his belief. Even if she dies, she believes that she will go to her god, enter heaven, and be surrounded by the holy light. , but now she is officially excommunicated by the Pope, God's spokesperson, and God no longer blesses her.

She's just a poor little girl.

"Help me, save me." She no longer said her prayers, she just looked at everyone around her helplessly, she turned to everyone she could see, men, women, old people , children, ladies, farmers, beggars, nobles, help. …

But there were only livid faces to greet her. Wherever she went, everyone avoided her. She would be executed in the name of a witch and become the antonym of her saint.

At this time, a commotion broke out in the crowd, and several men with long swords rushed out and rushed in the direction of Joan of Arc, who were the followers of Joan of Arc.

The king and prince of France did not try their best to save Joan of Arc, but let Joan of Arc suffer humiliation in Ingoland, which made them intolerable, quietly crossed the strait and bought the guards, but they came too late , when she arrived, Joan of Arc had already been taken to the execution ground.

A dozen or so French soldiers came together and reached a consensus that even if they risked their lives, Joan of Arc would be saved.

Those who rushed to the execution ground drew out their hidden swords without hesitation in order to be able to touch Joan's side.

"For France!"

"God Bless France!"

With shouts, Joan's loyal followers rushed to Joan who was being held tightly.

Joan of Arc looked at familiar faces with tears in her eyes. These comrades who followed her to fight together, her cries were finally heard.

A gunshot interrupted Joan's burst of tears, and with the gunshot, a French soldier fell into a pool of blood. Joan looked in disbelief at the musketeers who appeared on the roofs on both sides.

Mrs. Catherine has long been prepared for someone to rob the execution ground, and she wants to wipe out this group of people here.

Gunshots sounded one after another, and the followers of Joan of Arc who had come for a long time fell one by one, and the nearest one fell in front of Joan of Arc, and blood flowed to Joan of Arc along the wet ground.

It was warm, even scalding, burning her.

Joan of Arc burst into tears, her eyes were dull, and she shouted weakly: "No, no, no."

At this moment, she no longer heard the laughter and applause from the people around her, only the sound of countless gunshots and the sound of her partners falling to the ground. Despair sucked her deeply into it like a black hole.

The last man in France died bravely.

In front of her, there are countless French knights kneeling on one knee. The real romance is bravery and sincerity.

"French people who are overconfident, do you think you can disturb our execution ground in Ingoland? We have already prepared for you, just to catch them all in one go."

Lady Catherine smiled triumphantly.

Just when she was triumphant, an attendant ran to her side in a hurry and said in a low voice: "Madam, it's not good, Daming's army has appeared by the sea, and it has already entered the Thames River."

Because of the noisy voice, Madam Catherine couldn't hear clearly, so the attendant could only get closer and said: "Madam, Daming's army is here."

After hearing it clearly, Madam Catherine immediately paled: "What's going on? What's going on?"

"Not long ago, Da Ming's warship suddenly sailed into the Thames River, bombarding wildly along the way, our army was powerless to resist, and now Da Ming's warship seems to be in an uninhabited territory."

"How is it possible? It's not the first time I've seen a warship of Ming Dynasty. The port and the river bank are heavily guarded. How could it be like this?" …

"Ma'am, go and have a look. There are at least [-] warships of the Ming Dynasty on the seaside and the Thames River, and the army of the Ming Dynasty has landed for the first time. There is also a strange balloon in the sky, and there are also soldiers of the Ming Dynasty sitting on it." .”

"Ah?" Madam Catherine seemed to be listening to someone telling a story. She couldn't believe this. How could there be so many soldiers from the Ming Dynasty who suddenly landed. The usually cautious Ming army has never landed directly to fight.

This landing operation shows that the Ming army's personnel and materials are extremely sufficient.

Madam Catherine panicked all of a sudden, and before she could make a judgment, another attendant brought the latest news: "The Ingolan army has been defeated in a big way, and the Ming army is now driving straight in, as if entering no one's land."

Lady Catherine's mind went blank, not knowing what to do.

Owen Tudor heard the news and whispered to Lady Catherine: "Madam, now we have to find a way to escape."

"But London has our most elite troops, and they can tenaciously resist the Ming army." Madam Catherine still pinned her hopes on her army.

"Madam, if we survive, we will come back again. We are also protecting the king. If we fail to survive, the target of Daming Haiwang is you. Think about what that Daming Haiwang will do to you. Lan No. [-] beauty, if it falls into the hands of Daming Evil Dragon, I don't know how he will torture you."

"I don't believe that a boy in his twenties can do anything to me." Mrs. Catherine is not convinced now. She doesn't know what kind of state a young man of this age is. He has physical strength and enthusiasm but is easily nervous and agitated.

"Mrs. Catherine, there are several ships of Ming soldiers who are hungry and hungry."

"Go, go quickly." Lady Catherine immediately made up her mind.

"Wait." The fickle woman immediately stopped and looked around carefully. Now that many people in London have gathered here, it will take some time for the Ming army to come in. After the Ming army arrives, the people here The most, and the Ming army must have attracted the most, she immediately made up her mind to let this place continue, so as to help her attract attention and give her more time to escape.

Suppressing the panic in her heart, she announced to everyone: "The French witch Joan of Arc lied about seeing an angel, triggered a war between Ingoland and France, and intended to subvert Ingoland. Today, she has been excommunicated by the Pope. I Sentence her to death, by burning."

Boiling sounds erupted from the crowd, and most of them simply watched the excitement. For this mob, burning a French witch was so exciting.

The whole execution ground was full of excitement, only the executioner was a little nervous, he was a devout believer, he knew that the trial of Joan of Arc was unfair, but he had to light the fire for the killing, which made him feel uneasy.

Joan of Arc walked slowly towards the steps, she held the cross in her hand and said in her mouth: "God, God."

When she was tied to the stake, she looked at the body of the French man who died bravely for her. The cross in her hand fell slowly, and fell into the middle of the piled wood through the gaps in the planks, sinking into the damp and In the blackened soil.

At this time, a guard whispered in her ear: "If you want to live, then shout, shout that you want to live, don't shout to God, shout to those who can save you."

Joan was surprised why the guard said this to her. Looking into the distance, it seemed that there was a young man standing on the top of the clock tower looking at her, waiting for her.

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