Chapter 339 The Fall of Ingoland

Joan of Arc looked at the man in front of her. She accidentally took the flagpole Zhu Zhanqin was holding, and stared at the man in a daze.

"What are you doing in a daze, if you don't leave, the fire will really burn up later."

Zhu Zhanqian ran out on his own, Joan of Arc followed, and the soldiers of Daming escorted them away.

At this time, the Ming army came in, and people were already in panic. Suddenly, a group of Ming soldiers carrying firearms appeared, and the Yinggelan soldiers on the edge of the execution ground were caught off guard.

But after all, there were not enough people, so we fought and retreated, and retreated to the Thames River.

Fortunately, Yinggelan's soldiers only knew that a group of Daming people robbed the court and robbed Joan of Arc, but they didn't know that Daming Sea King was among them, and that Mrs. Catherine and the others had already run away, otherwise they would have chased them desperately team.

Arriving in a building by the Thames River, the Ming army quickly emptied the three-story building, and then defended the Yinggelan soldiers who came to attack. Zhu Zhanqian said to Joan of Arc: "You go to the top of the building. , Raise the dragon flag of Ming Dynasty, so that the warships by the river will see us."

Joan of Arc took two steps with the military flag and fell powerlessly on the stairs. Zhu Zhanqian immediately helped her up and asked, "What's going on?"

When the situation was urgent, there was a gurgling sound from Joan's stomach.

She is hungry.

For a moment, Joan blushed a little, and her tense nerves relaxed a little, she felt tired all over, and wanted to eat and sleep irresistibly.

"This is a residential house, go find something to eat yourself." Zhu Zhanqian was not too difficult, and went to the top of the building to hold a flag.

Daming's warship had already approached, and the moment he saw the battle flag, he approached.

The Ming soldiers guarding the building kept firing to prevent Yinggelan's soldiers from approaching. Gunshots rang out, and the smell of gunpowder filled the air.

After a while, the supporting troops arrived. Under the suppressed firepower, Zhu Zhanqian covered Zhu Zhanqian and returned to the warship with Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc ate ​​a little something, returned to the warship and said, "His Royal Highness, please give me a suit of clothes." At this time, she was still wearing the white linen clothes worn by penitent women.

"There are no women's clothes on the warship now, please wait later."

"I want armor."

Zhu Zhanqian and Joan of Arc looked at each other for three seconds, and Zhu Zhanqian said, "Come here, give Joan of Arc an armor."

Not to mention that Joan of Arc wearing the armor of the Ming army really has a special charm. The armor full of oriental majesty and the face of a real Western woman has an indescribable exotic style. It's a pity that she is almost bald now, otherwise she should He is a heroic French Royal Forest Army, and now he is a French fighting nun.

Successfully rescued Joan of Arc and evacuated. Of course, this can only be regarded as a side mission. The main mission, the fog has fallen.

There used to be jokes that the five most difficult dungeons on Blue Star are Watching the Great Wall, Raging Seas, Winter is Coming, Orphan in the Twist, and the Iron Tower is still there. They correspond to the five good people on Blue Star. Now Zhu Zhanqian is opening Orphan in the Twist among them. , or in other words, it has already been opened, and now it is in the final stage of making this copy.

Countless cannon fires rang out one after another. The defense in the city of Ingoland London was very tenacious, and the section of the Thames River in the center of the city was not wide enough. Golan's artillery, so Zhu Zhanqian ordered them to stop first in more open waters.

The capture of London is definitely not something that can be done in a day. It cannot be too radical, but it must be done steadily. Now that the Suez Canal is opened, Ming's warships and supplies will come in a steady stream, and I have no worries about the future.

The warship opened the way, and the army advanced in an all-round way. Joan of Arc had never seen such a way of fighting, and now she was even more surprised by the armor she was wearing.

"His Royal Highness, your armor is lighter than ours in France, but the defense has not weakened."

This is the benefit brought by the development of basic industries. Because of the development needs of steam warships in Ming Dynasty, all forging and smelting industries are also developing rapidly, and the armor of soldiers is getting better and better. Under the condition of ensuring defense power , more portable.

"His Royal Highness, how many guns does your Ming army have that you gave me before?"

"The vanguard troops on the front line should have one, and there are special circumstances where some people bring two."

Joan was so shocked that she couldn't speak. The warship and the Ming army who landed on the warship, let alone a few thousand people, how much would it cost for each of them to have such a firearm? What other equipment such as individual grenades? A strong combat power is built up by countless money.

"Jeanne, you should rest first, you have suffered a lot these days."

I am most afraid of your sudden concern. Joan of Arc, who has been humiliated for so long, feels extremely warm in her heart just because of this sentence. It is worthwhile in any country’s story to lend a helping hand to a girl when she is most helpless. A promise story.

Joan of Arc was taken down to rest first, and she still has great uses in Zhu Zhanqian's plan.

"Order to continue to attack Ingoland, and to order that those who surrender will not be killed. Those who know the current affairs will sacrifice King Ingoland and Queen Mother, and reward them with a thousand taels of gold. King Golan and Queen Dowager will be rewarded equally."

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward, and this move can greatly boost morale. The soldiers of the Ming army were already in awe. After getting the news, everyone rushed forward vigorously. The time to make contributions has come.

The big men in the Ingoland line continued to recommend, and the Ingoland line quickly shrank to the inner city defense of the main city of London.

At this time, the nobles of Ingoland were completely in chaos. The army outside was full of Ming's troops. If they wanted to escape, they had nowhere to go. Where could they go? Now the northern part of Ingoland has been occupied by Duke Humphrey. Occupied, the Ming army is coming from the south, do you want them to jump into the sea?

They don't have this blood.

Moreover, Mrs. Catherine, the little king, and several nobles who were the leaders were all gone at this time, and even the pope was gone. In the face of the national crisis, the queen mother went first.

For a while, Yinggelan's internal affairs were also in chaos, and the rest of the people were discussing.

"Let's surrender. I want Duke Humphrey to surrender. Duke Humphrey said about the demon queen and treacherous ministers to be captured. We used to work under Duke Humphrey. I believe His Excellency the Duke will not embarrass us." The Minister of Current Affairs had already changed her title immediately, calling Mrs. Catherine the Demon Queen.

"Do you think the Ming army will accept our surrender now?"

This question silenced everyone present. Daming Evil Dragon came to take revenge. At the beginning, they never believed that someone would come to revenge for an envoy who crossed mountains and seas, but Daming Evil Dragon was such a person.

"Let's defend the city of London and negotiate with the Ming army. Everyone has seen the demon queen's rule during this period. The new spectacle is a waste of people and money. The superstition of male favors has caused a mess in Ingolan. It may be better for Duke Humphrey to come back. Choice, the king is still young and needs the help of a visionary and capable regent like Duke Humphrey."

I don't know if it was true or was bought by Duke Humphrey. Now many ministers in the castle have started to speak well of Duke Humphrey, and the wind of surrender is rampant.

The dragons were headless, noisy at the top, and chaotic at the bottom. Ingoland's army only resisted in London for three days before surrendering to Duke Humphrey, who was pressing from the northern line.

Here they still played some tricks, Ming didn’t surrender like the Ming army but like Duke Humphrey’s army surrendered. In essence, there is no difference. After all, Duke Humphrey himself is Zhu Zhanqian’s lackey.

But history is written by human beings. In the future, as long as it is written that the Ming army is foreign aid invited by Duke Humphrey to overthrow the rule of the demon queen, the reputation of those who surrendered will be better after all.

People all over the world are the same. The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world is for profit. Fame and fortune are two words that no one can avoid.

Duke Humphrey's northern army joined Zhu Zhanqian as soon as they received Yinggelan's surrender, and asked Zhu Zhanqian to make a decision.

Zhu Zhanqian likes Humphrey's work, he distinguishes the seriousness from the seriousness, and when he gets mixed up with Zhu Zhanqin, he will go all the way to the dark, and Yinggelan's most loyal and good general is none other than him.

With the Emperor Yongle Sword hanging from his waist, Zhu Zhanqian led a group of golden armored Ming soldiers to receive the surrender of the Yinggelan officials outside London.

A group of English nobles stood in rows. Behind them was the main city of London, which had not been baptized by heavy artillery fire. Two warships of the Ming Dynasty were slowly driving in from the Thames River. Humphrey's army and the army of the Ming Dynasty were Take over control of key areas.

The conditions for the surrender of the English have been written, and Duke Humphrey put the document in front of Zhu Zhanqian: "Your Highness, this is the surrender condition I negotiated with them, please see if you agree, currently Lady Catherine, Owen Tudor , John and the king have not been found yet, and we will continue to search after entering the city."

Zhu Zhanqian looked at it roughly, then closed the document and said: "These conditions are all right, but a few things need to be added."

"First of all, Yinggelan insulted our Ming Dynasty envoy and disrespected Ming Dynasty. This war took two years. Our Ming army suffered heavy losses and cost a lot of money. Yinggelan must pay our army 4.5 million taels of silver. The regular tariff is used as a guarantee, and it will be paid off in 39 years, with an annual interest of 4%, and a total of 9.8 million taels of silver with principal and interest.”

As soon as this remark came out, all the Yinggelan nobles present took a breath. This Ming’s Neptune’s appetite is really too big. With such a huge amount of wealth, it means that the entire Yinggelan will be working for Daming for more than 40 years. .

But disagree?The Ming army is already approaching the city, money is a small matter, and life is a big matter, and based on the experience of these nobles, the money for this kind of indemnity is paid by the state, and it will basically not infringe on their private property, and even say that all the money of the gentry If it is returned, the people's money may be divided into two or eight.

Duke Humphrey is a little embarrassed, because if there is no accident, he will be in charge of Ingoland, what should he do with such a large debt.

Seeing the embarrassment of Duke Humphrey, Zhu Zhan said to him in a low voice: "Your Excellency, Duke Humphrey, after conquering a large part of France's debts can be passed on to France, and the matter between you and me Let's do the math."

"Your Highness is still too big, why don't you erase the odds."

Zhu Zhanqian thought for a while and said, "Okay."

Humphrey immediately knelt down with a knight ceremony, and bargained to reduce the compensation amount of Yinggelan to 4 million taels of silver. Later generations will also spread that the heroic and fearless Duke Humphrey won the praise of Daming Sea King with a standard knight ceremony. The chivalry and gentlemanly demeanor of the English won a good story for Ingoland to reduce the compensation of 0.5 million taels of silver.

Giving Zuzu and Duke Humphrey face will allow him to manage Ingoland better in the future and make money for Ming.

"Second, set aside a place in the center of Yinggeland City to build a cemetery for all the Ming soldiers who died. Every year today, all nobles, royal families, and major officials of the court in Yinggeland must go to the cemetery to worship. "

"Thirdly, the original Yinggelan disbanded most of the existing troops, and the major passes were guarded by the Ming army garrison. Only the royal guard of honor remained to serve the royal family members, and the army under the command of Duke Humphrey could remain."

In the end, the British had to rule the British, so Zhu Zhanyi left a lot of rights to Duke Humphrey, but after the Ming Dynasty stationed troops, it meant that Ingeland lost most of her independent rights.

Can a country with foreign troops be called an independent country?

Even if such a country seems to be developing well, the economic situation is good, and the people are rich, but there is always a collar around the neck. When the master pulls the hand, it will jingle. , wagging its tail cheerfully, the master thinks you are not good.

These regulations were added, and Zhu Zhanqian led the army into the king's castle in Yinggeland, and signed the contract under the witness of everyone.

After signing, Zhu Zhanyan announced very happily: "Next, Ingoland will become a state of the Western Commonwealth. Your Excellency, Duke Humphrey, will also serve as governor and member of parliament. Of course, the king of Ingoland will also become a member of parliament. The most important thing now is to quickly find the King of Ingoland and the Demon Queen, so as to prevent the Demon Queen from kidnapping the king to do irrational things."

"His Royal Highness is right. Now conduct a comprehensive search of the main city of London. Even if the ground is turned over, the safety of His Majesty King Ingoland must be ensured." Duke Humphrey immediately chimed in.

For him, it is best for the little king not to die now, but to wait until Lady Catherine, Duke John, and Owen Tudor are all killed, and after his ruling power is clarified, he will not accidentally fall or take the wrong medicine when he is sick It is best to die quietly.

Zhu Zhanqian immediately led the soldiers to the rumored Madam Catherine's newly built courtyard [Flower Garden].

The most likely possibility for the suddenly missing Lady Catherine is hidden in this magnificent castle.

Even the well-informed Zhu Zhanqian was surprised by the huge castle. It covers an area of ​​more than 150 hectares, of which the water area exceeds 50 hectares. It is an artificial lake dug out of the mountain.

The flowers transplanted from various places can make the flower garden full of different kinds of spot flowers all year round. The colors are gorgeous and beautiful.

"Your Highness, what about this palace? We didn't find the construction blueprint, but it is said that there are countless secret passages underground. Have you burned it?"

"What do you do if you burn it? If you burn it, you will hate the country and the family. Keep it and make it my palace in Yinggelan."

"Dig, dig three feet into the ground and dig out the underground tunnel for me. I want to see if any Mrs. Catherine is hiding in it."

(End of this chapter)

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