Chapter 340 PUAs
The Ming army stationed in Yinggelan. In order to protect Zhu Zhanqin's safety and avoid radical Yinggelan soldiers, Humphrey took care of the leaders of the surrendered Yinggelan troops and gradually disarmed these troops.

In the Garden of Flowers, Ming's army is digging three feet to search. The architectural style of the Yinggelan people is completely different from that of Ming.

Zhu Zhanqian returned to the warship to deal with the affairs of England that he had just taken over, and to prepare for the next attack on France.

The news of the fall of Ingoland reached France, and the common people in France were reveling, and the Ingoland troops left in France also surrendered one after another. The Duke of Burgundy had already defected, so nominally after the fall of Ingoland, France The lost ground should be recovered soon, and the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France is officially over.

But the Prince of France and the Duke of Burgundy in France couldn't be happier. They knew that the terrifying Sea King of Ming Dynasty would definitely come to France after taking care of Ying Gelan. Golan thing.

The Prince of France, Charles, is now very popular because of Joan of Arc. He also knows that Joan of Arc was rescued by Zhu Zhanqian. I no longer know.

He was panicked, panicked, but he had nowhere to go. Now he thought maybe it would be a better choice to hand over his crazy father. After all, what happened to Zheng He was his father's fault and had nothing to do with him. Joan of Arc has always been a member of her own faction, maybe she would forgive herself if she knelt down to plead with her, after all, she is a devout and benevolent believer.

After several days of recovery, Joan's body has almost recovered, and her hair has grown a little, just like a child's haircut.

But I have to say that Joan's round size is pretty good-looking, and her brain is quite round.

Zhu Zhanqian touched Joan's forehead when he had nothing to do. The touch of short hair is very interesting. This is the same mentality as liking to touch rice in the supermarket.

"Your Highness, touching your head is a sign of disrespect in our culture." Joan was very speechless.

"It's a show of respect in our culture."

"Then can I touch His Highness's head?" Joan asked back.

"It's not suitable during the day, wait until night."

Joan of Arc looked puzzled, apparently not understanding what Zhu Zhanqian meant.

Zhu Zhanqian brought Joan of Arc to the Garden of Flowers, pointed to the landscape flowers and said, "How about it, is it beautiful?"

"Your Highness, I have no intention of admiring the flowers."

"Little girls, don't always look like they are bitter and bitter. Girls must first know how to love flowers and grass, and feel the beauty of the world."

"But Your Highness, Lady Catherine loves flowers more than grass. Do you think she is a woman who knows how to love?"

Zhu Zhanqian was taken aback for a moment, and wanted to say a few warm words, but Joan of Arc was completely like a woman who didn't understand the style.

Joan continued: "How many people in the world are too busy to stop and appreciate these beautiful scenery. Lady Catherine has such a huge palace, but she doesn't know what love is."

Fortunately, she spoke French, so it would not cause ambiguity. It was true that Joan was eloquent in the history books, and there were many pronunciations in French, so she could be said to be eloquent.

"Your Highness, we have discovered three secret passages, and we are sending guards down to investigate."

"Let the soldiers pay attention, there may be a mechanism in the tunnel."

"Understood, Your Highness."

Seeing that there were fewer people, Joan asked, "Your Highness, what will you do with the King and Queen Mother of Ingoland."

Zhu Zhanqian looked at Joan's embarrassing appearance. What she wanted to ask was not the fate of Queen Mother Ingeland, but how Zhu Zhanqian would treat the King of France in the future.

"The little king is still young, so he probably doesn't know much about what happened back then. Duke Humphrey has already interceded. As long as the little king is interested in paying tribute to my Ming Dynasty, I can let the past go and let him continue to be the king of Ingoland. I also gave him a seat in the Western Federation. As for the Demon Empress and her male favourite, they caused chaos in the world, and I will give them the result they deserve when I have a clear look at what happened back then."

Joan of Arc understood that the King of France did such an inhuman thing to Zheng He back then, and he must have been unable to escape, but the crown prince had nothing to do with this matter, so there should be a way to survive. Seeing that Zhu Zhanqian had no intention of getting involved, she I feel a little relieved.

It can be seen that Joan of Arc still has no intention of blaming the prince.

Zhu Zhanqian played with the prayer beads in his hand and said, "After you were arrested, it seems that your prince didn't think about saving you."

"His Royal Highness Charles is isolated and helpless in the country, and his strength is weak. The nobles in France are so difficult to control. I can understand his difficulties."

Zhu Zhanqian continued to coil the beads, slipped them one by one through his fingertips, and said lightly: "According to what I have learned, after the duke of Burgundy jumped back to France a while ago, the king of France died because of abnormalities. The spirit is not suitable for governing, and now your Highness Charles is in power, and he is fighting fiercely with the Duke of Burgundy at this time."

Joan's expression was lonely, and she didn't want to say any more, did she really not know?She just doesn't want to admit it.

As long as Prince Charles is willing to pay a certain price to mediate with Ingolan, I believe Ingolan will agree to release Joan of Arc, and a French saint like Joan, a national hero, is worth his price to save, but he is unwilling.

"Jeanne, if I ask you to go to France to persuade your prince to hand over your king and Duke of Burgundy to me, and apologize to Daming, can you do it?"

Joan bowed her head and remained silent. She knew that it was impossible to do it with her strength alone, but after seeing the almost destructive power of the Ming army, she understood that if France could not surrender the king and the Duke of Burgundy, then only If there is no end to death, France will definitely be attacked by the Ming army.

Can he convince Zhu Zhanyan?

This idea came to her mind, but it dissipated immediately. Although Zhu Zhanqian seemed to have a good impression of herself, it was limited to this. Her intuition told her that it was impossible for Zhu Zhanqian to give up any important things for her. matter.

Zhu Zhanqian said in an almost indifferent tone: "Joan of Arc, I saved you, so you have to show your value and prove the value of my painstaking efforts to save you."

Zhu Zhanqian who said this made Joan feel that he was the oriental emperor who had seen sitting on the Daming Dragon Throne in a dream. More strategizing ability.

Everyone is just a pawn on his chessboard mountain.

"I will give you a Ming army, go back and tell your people, tell the believers in France, you have returned according to the will of God, you have been reborn in the flames, and you have brought the banner of God to lead the French to the glorious tomorrow."

Joan looked at Zhu Zhanqian in shock: "No! Your Highness Haiwang, no one can impersonate the name of God. God is supreme and pure."

Zhu Zhanqian was speechless and asked in disbelief: "Do you still believe in your god?"

Joan said firmly, "Your Highness, King of the Sea, I have figured it out these days. In the oracle that God gave me back then, God said that the blue dragon in the east will drive away the Ingolans.

God said, fire for fire, blood for blood.

God said, God bless France.

God said, I will save you, my child. "

"It did it, God sat down, you must have followed God's will to save me."

Zhu Zhan was so angry that she wanted to scold her, seeing Joan's appearance, and knowing that she was not talking nonsense, but she really believed it, she was really angry and funny for a while.

Joan of Arc is like a housewife who is deceived by PUA after being deceived by a telecommunications fraud, and then firmly believes that she is a housewife with extraordinary financial talent. She insists on transferring the money to the bank account that the scammer told her to earn twice the interest every month, even if the police come. Stopped her, she even wanted to transfer money inside.

It was Lao Tzu who saved you, not your god, and I have no relationship with him.

Zhu Zhanqian became angry, but at this moment the soldiers ran over: "Your Highness, I found a man from Ingolan underground, who seems to call himself a bishop."

Zhu Zhanqian led people into the tunnel first.

The entrance of the tunnel is in Mrs. Catherine's room. The tunnel is brightly lit. After walking a distance, I saw some signs of damage to the mechanism.

"Your Highness, the institutions here have been completely destroyed by us." The soldier reassured Zhu Zhanqian.

When I came to a room in a tunnel, a cardinal was naked in the room, wearing his red cloak. That was the bishop who tried Joan of Arc in the church.

And the smell of copper in the room, the bishop actually smelted copper in this underground room at this time, and the Western bishops have traditional abilities in copper smelting.

Zhu Zhanqian looked at him angrily, but he was speaking to Joan of Arc: "Look, you are all people who believe in God. Are you a so-called believer? What is your belief?"

Joan of Arc looked at the bishop, unable to speak for a while, Zhu Zhanqian ordered: "Kill him directly, so as not to get the dirty air outside under the sun."

After saying that, the merciless soldier swung his knife and chopped down, ignoring the bishop's begging and wailing.

Zhu Zhanqian came out of the tunnel with a dark face: "This is your priest, your god taught you these things."

"No, no, it's just his personal behavior that has nothing to do with God, and God will send him to hell." Joan of Arc was still arguing.

Zhu Zhanyi revealed the truth of Joan of Arc religion in his opinion: "Your so-called kindness, benevolence, and all good qualities need to be maintained by relying on God's punishment, so those who really possess these good qualities will You are bound by rules, and those ugly people can use these rules to discipline you."

"You attribute all your happiness to God's gift, so those who don't believe in God can deceive you with a sentence of lies. The wolf walks among the lambs and teaches them dedication."

Zhu Zhanqian looked at Joan of Arc and asked, "Did God save those French knights who fell under the knife of the Ingolans in order to save you?"

"I know you're going to say that God will take them to heaven."

"But Joan, people die when they are killed, and they die when they die. Have you seen them go to heaven?"

"Divinity is only a part of humanity, and humanity is always higher than divinity."

The soldier hurried over: "Your Highness found Lady Catherine, the king, and her male favourite."

Zhu Zhanqian no longer had the heart to preach to Joan of Arc and lead people to the place where Lady Catherine was found.

At this time, Lady Catherine has been taken out of the cellar, disheveled and ragged, his male favorite Owen Tudor is naked, and Duke John is disheveled.

"How is this going?"

"When we found them, they were... were..." The soldier was a little embarrassed.

Zhu Zhanqian instantly understood that it must be Mrs. Catherine, who is truly a person who enjoys blessings, and makes herself as comfortable as possible whenever and wherever she lives, just like the dark cellar she built herself and specially built a sewer for water, Neither the dry road nor the waterway is left behind, she is indeed a woman who thinks before and after.

Sooner or later they are caught, and they have nowhere to go.

After all, it was the first time the two met, and Madam Catherine immediately began to beg for mercy: "His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness, please forgive us, we can give you a huge amount of wealth."

It is still a routine of wanting to use money to impress people, but Zhu Zhanqian should be regarded as the richest person in the world now, is he still short of your three melons and two dates?
A chair was brought over, and Zhu Zhanqian sat down: "Lady Catherine, Duke John, can you please tell me about my dear friend, why Zheng He, our envoy of Ming Dynasty, lost his tongue, hands and feet."

"It has nothing to do with me, nothing to do with me, I'm just in charge of connecting." Duke John hurriedly shied away, trying to pull himself out.

Zhu Zhanqian looked at Mrs. Catherine, and Mrs. Catherine also said: "When we received Zheng He, he was like that. He was a Frenchman. The Frenchmen did terrible things to him."

It is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the words, and they will not tell the truth so simply, so Zhu Zhanqian ordered: "Lady Catherine, Owen Tudor, and Duke John are detained separately first, and I will interrogate them one by one later."

"Your Highness, Your Highness, what I said is true." Duke John began to beg for mercy, but Zhu Zhanqian planned to be locked up for two days before speaking.

Talking to Joan of Arc before was interrupted, and this short period of time made Zhu Zhanqian think of a new way.

Facing Joan of Arc who was brainwashed by the Holy See’s PUA, even if she was rescued on the burning ground, Joan of Arc still firmly believed that God was saving her. Zhu Zhanqian knew that she would never be able to wake her up, but Joan of Arc’s role was incomparable Huge, Zhu Zhanqian still needs her.

What is the way to defeat magic?
Only magic can defeat magic, and only PUA can defeat PUA.

Zhu Zhanqian arranged the subordinates to be far away, and then said softly to Joan of Arc: "Joan of Arc congratulations on passing the test."

"What test?"

"God's high test of your loyalty, everything I told you just now, everything you experienced before is God's test of you."

Joan's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Zhu Zhanqian nodded resolutely and said, "Yes, actually including me coming to the west is also God's guidance. God told me to come and save this land that has been infected by darkness, and save his most devout believers."

"It's just that God's name on our side is different from that on your side."

Joan asked urgently, "What is the name of God in the East?"

Zhu Zhanqian thought about a general story line, and then said.

"God called Lao Tzu on our side, and Lao Tzu came to save you."

(End of this chapter)

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