Chapter 341

"The story begins a long, long time ago. Lao Tzu was born with a weak body and a big head, wide eyebrows and wide ears. His eyes were as clear as abyss pearls, and his nose contained double bridges. He was born with a natural intention. When he was just born, there were three astrologers because A special star guide came to congratulate him, saying he was the savior of the world."

Zhu Zhanqian began to force it, and said: "Your book says that after the birth of a child of God, three eastern astrologers came to congratulate them. These three astrologers from the east came from us. They have foresight. The ability of the future has predicted the birth of Lao Tzu, in fact, the Son of God was born on our land, they praised God, they said Hallelujah, we call it Harry, Potter and Lord Lu Ya."

"When Lao Tzu grew up, he felt his mission. He rode a green bull out of Hangu Pass and headed west."

"Get here, preach kindness and fraternity, and then there are the stories you know."

Zhu Zhanqian knew that his writing was average, but the time he was given was too short, so he could only make up some origin stories. After returning to Daming, he would find those Qidian Group writers to polish the novels and give the stories to Yuan.

But I didn't expect Joan to really believe it. It's like a girl with a love brain, you talk rubbish to her, but what she hears is love.

"I received a revelation that there will be disasters in the west, moral decay, starvation everywhere, and monsters causing chaos, so I said that I have to come to the west and I have to save this world. Among them is Ni, and saving you is also what I mean."

Jeanne said excitedly: "And then, what should I do next?"

"Lao Tzu wants to save his people from the water and fire, and pass on his Tao to the world. It’s just for preaching, teaching the Dharma.”

"Your Highness, what is Tao and what is law?" The little Joan of Arc who had many questions asked again.

If you ask again, I won't be able to make it up anymore. Zhu Zhanqin is a little embarrassed, but he continues to make it up with the knowledge he knows.

"Tao can be said, very Tao, do nothing but do everything, follow nature, be calm, be kind like water, Joan, why do you think Britain and France have been fighting for so many years?"


"Because of greed, if there is a way in people's hearts, and everyone follows the rule of doing nothing, why use swords." Zhu Zhanqian didn't know where he was.

Zhu Zhanqian went on to say: "Tao exists in the heart, and the laws are outside. In addition to the inner moral standards, Britain and France must be governed according to the law. The laws of our Ming Dynasty were created by Lao Tzu and evolved over the years. Lao Tzu's laws are perfect for the people of England and France."

Joan of Arc heard what Zhu Zhanqian said, but she already believed most of it.

Zhu Zhanqian thought back on what he said just now, if he had to say it from the beginning, it might not be complete, and if he thought about it carefully, he didn't know what nonsense he said.

But for the love-brained girl who is PUAed, she doesn't listen to a word of human words, and she is distracted by every word of nonsense.

"Your Highness, let us save France together." Joan of Arc said excitedly.

Zhu Zhanqian felt helpless, with a smile on his face: "After I have finished interrogating the Queen Mother of Ingeland and the Duke, we are going to go to France."

This time, it was Joan herself who asked to lead the troops to France. As long as she used Joan's name, she would definitely be able to attack France. After all, France had a good land, so she had to reserve more production area for herself.

Queen Catherine, Duke John, and Owen Tudor were separated and detained. After two days of starvation, they were given some water to eat.

On the third day, Zhu Zhanqian went to interrogate them, but was stopped by Eunuch Hou Xian: "Your Highness, let me go."

"Hou Gonggong rest, I have to personally interrogate the matter of Zheng He."

After Zhu Zhanqian said this, Hou Xian stopped in front of Zhu Zhanqian, and said with a kind smile: "A few days ago, I followed His Highness to New Shanghai City, and met Xiaosheng. Xiaosheng followed His Highness, and now he is A person who can stand on his own. I am a foster father who is not as good as him. He calculated that His Royal Highness will definitely capture Ingoland and the Queen Mother of France. He also asked me a few words, which he heard from Master Yao Guangxiao back then. "

The old and dark eunuch, with a smile on his face, wrinkled his face like the bottom of a river pond scorched by the scorching sun, saluted slowly: "Your Highness, if you want to try a prisoner, you have to sit in the courtroom, with a mirror hanging high above your head and the blue sky above your head. The dungeon was dark, dirty and damp, His Highness's boots were dirty, although the subordinates are old, they are also very good at interrogating prisoners."

Zhu Zhanqian thought for a while and said: "Then I'll have to work, remember to save your life, I have other arrangements."

"My subordinate understands."

In the dark dungeon, the three people who were detained separately were interrogated by Hou Xian one by one. Under normal interrogation, the answers they got were surprisingly consistent. They were all like that when the French handed Zheng He over to them. did nothing.

The overly consistent description made Hou Xian feel that the three of them had arranged their speech before, just to deal with the interrogation after being arrested.

Breaking through one by one, Hou Xian interrogated Duke John alone. He was the one who bought Zheng He back from the Duke of Burgundy and sent it to Lady Catherine in Ingoland.

Hou Xian took off all the shackles on Duke John, helped him to the fragrant English gourmet table, and stretched out his hand to signal him to start eating: "Your Excellency, Duke John, I have prepared some food for you. It’s been hard work for you these days, our Highness knows that you are still a chivalrous old gentleman from Ingoland, but we have to include you in order to interrogate the couple.”

Duke John swallowed his saliva. He didn't think that the Ming people would be so kind to him. Duke Humphrey wished that he would die sooner. Perhaps the food was poisonous, but people who were too hungry would not have the heart to continue thinking about these things, so they started directly. eat up.

He praised while eating: "Daming's food is much better than Yinggelan's."

At this time, there is still a period of time before the invention of the traditional fish and chips in Ingoland. The only good food eaten by the aristocrats in Ingoland is French food, the food of the English people. It is really hard to describe it.

"Your Excellency Duke John, please slow down, there are still more." Hou Xian moved the dinner plate to Duke John's side.

Duke John gobbled it up, and while he was eating, Hou Xian asked: "Your Excellency the Duke, our Highness came to Ingoland for the first time, and I heard that you are the Duke Regent and would like to cooperate with you so that you can help manage Ingoland in the future."

Duke John was a little skeptical, because Humphrey was now working under Zhu Zhanqian's command, and he had a bad relationship with Humphrey, but then he thought that Aquaman might want to balance the court, so he would be useful to Aquaman.

"I am willing to play for Aquaman."

Hou Xian laughed and patted him on the shoulder: "Your Excellency has such a heart of loyalty, I will definitely tell His Highness Haiwang, but His Highness Haiwang still has some concerns. After all, Your Excellency has some affairs with Zheng He, Haiwang's best friend. Madam Catherine confessed You said that Your Excellency cut off Zheng He's leg, don't worry Your Highness didn't believe her, you can't believe this woman's words, but you also know that our Highness is here to avenge Zheng He, if we can't catch the murderer, we won't let it go."

John is a shrewd person, he half-believes Hou Xian's words, the few of them have already made a confession, and cast all the faults on the French, and then as long as his family is still valuable, Sea King still has a certain value. The probability will keep him alive.

According to the news Zhu Zhanqian learned, John should be the least suspect. After John bought Zheng He from the Duke of Burgundy, he sent him to Ingoland with almost no time to stay, and he himself has been in France. .

Although John didn't believe that Lady Catherine would slander him so much, he felt flustered after being locked up these days, and he did nothing wrong with this matter. He was just responsible for spending money from the Duke of Burgundy to buy it. valuable.

After weighing a lot, Duke John said: "Your Excellency Hou Xian, I met that Zheng He at the beginning, when I bought him from the Duke of Burgundy and sent him to the port, I wonder who deserves so much money?" At that time, Zheng He’s hands and feet were all broken, but I had a few conversations with him. His English is very good, and he learned it in a short period of time. He is a very good language talent. people."

After hearing this, Hou Xian understood what Duke John meant and said, "Send someone to send Duke John back to the mansion, so I can take care of him."

"Thank you, Your Excellency Hou Xian, thank you, Your Excellency Hou Xian." Duke John kept thanking him.

Hou Xian reported the situation to Zhu Zhanqin, Zhu Zhanqin frowned and said: "According to what Duke John means, Zheng He can still speak and have his tongue before coming to Yinggelan, so at least Lady Catherine and Mrs. Owen Tudor is responsible for this moment."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Is that Duke John really okay to send home?"

Hou Xian smiled sinisterly: "Duke John's family spent a lot of money to redeem him. They sold his original mansion. Does your Highness know who bought it?"


"Duke Humphrey."

"Are you sending John to Humphrey's hands?" Zhu Zhanqian understood Hou Xian's meaning.

Hou Xian bowed his head and said, "It's just a test of Duke Humphrey's loyalty to His Highness."

"Please explain, Duke John cannot die until I have an order."

"Your Highness..."

"I said that if you want to govern Ingoland according to the law, you must govern according to the law. I already have a plan. Let's try Lady Catherine and Owen Tudor again. Starting with Owen Tudor, you can use more punishment. He is not an Ingoland nobleman. , how hard a man's bones can be when he eats soft food."

"My subordinate understands."

After Hou Xian left, Zhu Zhanqian looked at the dazzling array of flower gardens in full bloom, and murmured to himself, "Zheng He, I am one step closer to avenging you. I want people from all over the world." Everyone knows how you died and who killed you."

"I want everyone in the world to know what kind of hardships you have endured in order to achieve the ideal in your heart."

"I want your name to resound on all seas in the future."

"I want all the children in future generations to learn the history of the sea, but they will never get around your name."

Hu Shanwei came to Zhu Zhanqian's side and said, "Your Highness, it's a bit cold today, so you should put on more clothes first."

"How about Joan?"

Hu Shanwei's voice is always gentle: "Joan of Arc is helping the Ming army to draw a map of France's military situation. She knows the military layout of France very well, even if the military layout of France is different now from before she was arrested, However, I believe the gap at the main pass will not be large, and it will be of great help to our army's next offensive."

Zhu Zhanqian nodded, since Joan of Arc was fooled, Joan of Arc is now full of enthusiasm, and she feels that she is saving France.

"That's good. As long as you use the name of Joan of Arc, even if you don't respond to everyone, it will definitely be much easier."

"Your Highness, England's treasury has almost been counted." Hu Shanwei handed a list to Zhu Zhanqian.

Checking the treasury is similar to ransacking the house, and it is difficult to avoid being corrupted by the executor, so Zhu Zhanqian ordered Hu Shanwei to supervise and reduce some losses.

Zhu Zhanqian looked through the list. Except for things like fixed assets and jewelry, there was very little real money. The two years of war in England had caused their treasury to run out of money.

Hu Shanwei took out another list and said with a little worry: "Your Highness, these are the funds borrowed by the Ingoland royal family over the years like a big bank."

Zhu Zhanqian didn’t look at this list and said: “It’s only natural to pay off debts, and it’s reasonable for them to ask the Ingoland royal family for money, but talk to Duke Humphrey, the Ingoland royal family is still We must first pay back the compensation owed to Daming before paying the rest of the money.”

Hu Shanwei covered his mouth and smiled.

Zhu Zhan asked with a teasing smile, "What are you laughing at?"

"I feel that His Highness is a bit bad, and I think that His Highness is a bit cute."

Zhu Zhanqian pulled Hu Shanwei close to him, "Where is the problem?"

Hu Shanwei lay limp and limp, with a look that you can pick and choose.

Zhigen and Zhidi didn't need to talk too much, but a guard came and interrupted them.

"His Royal Highness, France has sent an envoy."

Zhu Zhan's mood faded: "Let him wait."

Hu Shanwei gently pushed Zhu Zhanqian away: "His Royal Highness, please wait until later, the princess has given you thousands of reminders, and you must not miss your business."

Zhu Zhanqian went to meet the French envoy first.

The French envoy was an old man with white beard. When he saw Zhu Zhanqian, he said, "The foreign minister, Quasimodo, has seen His Royal Highness Daming Sea King."

Upon hearing the name, Zhu Zhanqian couldn't help but look twice, and asked, "Does your family live in Notre Dame de Paris?"

Quasimodo was stunned for two seconds: "No, Your Highness."

"Oh, what do you want from me?"

"Hearing that His Royal Highness the King of the Sea saved England, our King of France specially sent Chechnya to congratulate and express our King's attitude of wanting to form an alliance of friendship with Daming forever."

"You are not worthy."

(End of this chapter)

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