One Punch Monk

Chapter 103 New Skill: Puppet Art

Chapter 103 New Skill: Puppet Art
The makeup on her face is still well preserved, and the skin on her body is fairer than snow, without any blemishes.

But Shen Budu saw something strange.

This woman does not seem to be human.

More like a puppet?
"However, although this puppet looks good, I don't know if it can still be used. If this puppet can be refined again, it may have many special abilities."

With a movement of his finger, a drop of blood fell on the puppet's brow, and then quickly blended into the puppet's skin.

Shen Budu's ray of divine sense also entered into the puppet.

He began to study the internal structure of the puppet's body. This puppet's body is composed of pieces of material, and the energy transmission in the material is all gathered deep in the brain.

The materials in this body are very precious, and every part is polished with some rare materials, which is invaluable.

Shen Budu's divine sense searched the body for a while, and finally found a possible control port.The gap on the spine is very faint, if you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all, and there is no fluctuation in the gap.

"The puppet in here should be the puppet left by that earth-level fairy gate."

Shen Budu guessed: "However, this puppet is too strange, the material used is so good, there is no way to activate it. If it is a puppet left by the earth-level fairy gate, then this puppet must have a way to activate it. But the puppet in front of me is not there at all, what's going on?"

Shen Budu thought for a while, and then his spiritual thoughts continued to go up along the puppet's spine and into the head.

However, just as his divine sense got into it, it was blocked. This blockage came from a force deep in the sea of ​​consciousness. This is an extremely powerful force, which is enough to collapse the divine sense of ordinary practitioners, even Backlash to the annihilation of the soul.

Of course, to Shen Budu, this is nothing.

But just in case, Shen Budu could only stop exploring the puppet's sea of ​​consciousness, and didn't dare to drill into it rashly.

"This power is very powerful, but it is rootless water. It only needs to be consumed slowly, and it can be eliminated."

His divine sense quickly shifted direction, and then drilled into the puppet's heart.

There are many narrow passages deep in the heart, and there are many forks in them. They are not used to transport blood, but to transport spiritual energy, and they are all narrow. cause collapse.

Shen Budu's spiritual thoughts wandered inside for a long time, and finally found a passage in this corridor.

He quickly shuttled through the corridor, quickly passed through the corridor, and then appeared in a strange place.

Looking at the core control area that seemed to be driven by the aura of the puppet, Shen Budu was slightly surprised.

"Huh? Is this the sign of a puppet master?"

He had seen similar symbols and patterns in "The Essentials of Tianshu Formation", but he had never seen such symbols and patterns before.

"The core of puppet art is the puppet. The shape of the puppet, the strength, speed, intelligence, and other aspects of the puppet are all related to the puppet master, and the essence of the puppet is controlled by people."

At this moment, an old voice came to his mind.

Shen Budu immediately turned his head to look, only to see the spiritual image of an old man with a white beard standing on the other side, with a hat on his head.

The old man said: "You are very powerful, please come in with me."

As soon as the old man waved his hand, a door appeared out of thin air, and he stepped in first.

Shen Budu's divine sense immediately followed suit.

After Shen Budu stepped into the gate, the gate disappeared again, as if it had never appeared before.

He followed the old man into here, and then came to the most middle position.

"I think you must be very curious, why did I bring you to me. My spiritual sense has been sleeping for several years. In fact, I am dead. If you know something about this mansion, I think You should know that this place used to be the property of the earth-level immortal sect "Controlling the Crane and Capture the Dragon Gate", and I am the deputy head of this sect. There are many reasons for the collapse of the Controlling Crane and Capture the Dragon Gate. If you promise to fulfill my promise My last wish, this puppet, is my meeting gift to you."

"Thank you, but what material is this puppet's body made of?" Shen Budu asked.

"This body is made of Tianhan meteorite. Tianhan meteorite is an extremely rare material. This kind of Tianhan meteorite is hard to come by. Not only is it extremely strong, but it can also withstand powerful attacks. Although this puppet has fallen asleep, but there is no abnormality, this is the best evidence."

The old man said: "I think, my meeting gift should satisfy you, right?"

"What about the way to control the puppet? Just having this puppet should be useless."

"Okay, then I'll show you the elementary puppetry first."

The old man said, at the core of the puppet, the spiritual thoughts of the two saw the puppet standing up from the coffin following the old man's manipulation.

The old man pondered for a moment, and said: "I need you to do two things for me in exchange for intermediate and advanced puppetry. Of course, in addition, if you can help me do these two things, I will give you Some financial rewards, the control of the crane and the capture of the dragon also left some other hidden properties."

"Senior, let's talk about it, I'm not sure if it can be completed."

Shen Budu said that there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and he has long waited for the old man to put forward this condition.

The old man was already dead, and even a ray of remnants could only be maintained by pumping yang energy, and it was impossible to take him away, and it was not realistic to threaten him with force.

The old man nodded and said: "The first condition is that you help me kill someone. He is the Great Protector of Qianji Sect, a fourth-rank expert, and he is the traitor we used to control the crane and capture the dragon gate."

"What about the second one?"

"The second one is a former apprentice of mine named Lin Hao. He is a puppet refining master. He is not strong, but he is extremely good at disguising and hiding. If you want to find him, you must use a restrained puppet, which is this puppet. " said the old man.

"As for this puppet, I have already repaired it, you can use it with confidence, and you don't have to worry about it affecting your performance."

Shen Budu frowned upon hearing this.

He didn't say yes, but said, "Young monk will do my best."

"Okay." The old man replied again: "I personally taught Lin Hao's puppet art, and there is also a ray of my divine sense in this puppet's body, so you must not let others know the existence of this unique skill. If you want to learn after killing Lin Hao, I can let you achieve higher attainments in puppet art, and then I will pass on all my cultivation experience to you."

"See you in a month." The old man's breath was a little weak: "Remember, you only have one month, if you can't complete these two things within one month, then I can no longer teach you the puppet art gone."

The divine sense left the puppet and took it back to the inn.

Shen Budu went back, and in Yahang's astonishment, he bought the ghost house with all the money.

Then he returned to the inn and immediately sat down cross-legged, and began to practice the first level of primary puppetry.

Shen Budu has been practicing quietly for a stick of incense.

He opened his eyes and stood up.

He felt that he had completely controlled all the content from the first to ninth layers of the elementary puppet art at this moment, and he only needed to perform it according to the formula of the elementary puppet art, and he could control the puppet smoothly.

Well, what is it like to be a woman, no, to be precise, a female puppet?
(End of this chapter)

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