One Punch Monk

Chapter 104 The Monkey King's Secret

Chapter 104 The Monkey King's Secret
Shen Budu manipulated the female puppet, climbed over the window and jumped onto the ground of the inn.


Obviously, the weight of Tianhan meteorite exceeded the estimate.

On the lawn on the ground of the inn, a pair of deep footprints were smashed out.

This puppet has a certain degree of autonomy, even if Shen Budu has no time to control her, she can still understand and act according to the last instruction given to him by Shen Budu.

Overall, it's a good tank plus scout.

With a thought in Shen Budu's mind, he began to try to control it with the eyes of the Buddha's heart and the implanted divine thoughts.

However, at the next moment, Shen Budu suddenly discovered that the invisible Monkey King flew out.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Shen Budu was a little puzzled, since he entered Chang'an City, he always felt that something was wrong with Monkey King.

This kind of abnormality can be manifested in concrete manifestations that Monkey King, who was originally lively and active, running around "squeaking" non-stop, began to become taciturn, and lost track from time to time, although he will come back in the end, but this kind of Acting alone is obviously purposeful.

During the day, Shen Budu was busy searching for news and buying mansions, so he didn't have much energy to concentrate on his elder brother.

Now, he finally realized that Sun Wukong was not in a bad mood, but that he really encountered something that he didn't want to tell him.

Shen Budu controlled the female puppet and chased after it.

Monkey King has been moving quickly to the east, followed closely by Shen Budu.

His female puppet is not slow either.

When Sun Wukong encountered the patrolling city guards on the road, or the practitioners in Chang'an City, he avoided them without hesitation.

Shen Budu didn't intervene, but quietly followed behind Monkey King.

Sun Wukong knew that he was following, but he didn't have any special reaction.

He wanted to know what Monkey King meant by doing this. Did Monkey King find anything in Chang'an City?But in Chang'an City, there is something that Sun Wukong is very concerned about.

Shen Budu's female puppet followed Sun Wukong until it was dark, and Sun Wukong also left the city from the east gate of Chang'an City.

Monkey King found a small secluded farmyard, stood at the door for a long time, and then walked into the house slowly.

"It seems that something really happened."

Shen Budu frowned slightly, he couldn't figure out what Sun Wukong was worried about, he wanted to enter the farmyard to inquire about the situation, but he was worried about disturbing Sun Wukong's plan, so he could only wait patiently.

At night, the moonlight was bright, and the Chang'an city outside the farmyard was brightly lit, making it look very prosperous, but inside it was dead silent.

Shen Budu observed quietly on the roof for a while, and found nothing unusual, but his heart was full of doubts.

He didn't know what kind of trouble Sun Wukong had encountered, and he couldn't know whether the people here knew the identity of Monkey King. If he went in rashly, he would definitely be regarded as an enemy.

"Well, since he doesn't want to tell me, then I'll stay here for now, observe for a while, and ask him when I have a chance."

Shen Budu sighed, he decided to stay and wait.

However, something went wrong soon.

Just as Shen Budu was about to manipulate the female puppet to sit down, he felt a violent vibration under his feet.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A loud noise came from the house, and then I saw Monkey King rushing out while roaring, "teng", and flew to the roof with somersaulting clouds. His figure looked extremely strange in the dark night sky.

Shen Budu was taken aback for a moment, he didn't know what happened, but he felt a strong violent breath.

"What's the matter, big brother?"

Shen Budu thought of this, and immediately manipulated the female puppet to walk to the side of Monkey King.

Then, he saw a scene that surprised him.

Sun Wukong's golden eyes shot out red light, this red light seemed to be able to penetrate everything in the world, Shen Budu could even feel that the heat emanating from his golden eyes could almost burn his puppet made of Tianhan Meteorite.

Big Brother recovered so fast?
Shen Budu was a little horrified.


The house next to Shen Budu was cut in half by the heat rays and then suddenly collapsed, stirring up dust all over the place.

With a wave of Sun Wukong's palm, those collapsed blocks turned into ashes, and he also flew above Shen Budu.

"Elder brother, what happened? Why are you so irritable?"

Shen Budu asked quickly, and then saw a corpse exposed in the house.

This is the corpse of an old man, not a monster like the one in the story of Three Dozens of Bone Demons, but a human being.

His body looked strong and powerful, with traces of aura, his chest was dented from the beating, and his head was pierced by red light.

Sun Wukong, murdered?

However, before Sun Wukong could answer, an astonishing aura suddenly rose in the city of Chang'an not far away, as if thousands of troops were galloping towards this side, and a strong sense of oppression enveloped the entire city.

"Bold madman!"

A majestic voice sounded from Chang'an City, and then a figure was seen flying out of Chang'an City.

Under the light of the red moon, it is exceptionally clear.

Could it be Wang Shouxin, one of the only two second-rank martial arts masters in the Great Zhou Dynasty?

When Shen Budu saw Wang Shouxin flying over, his expression changed.

Shen Budu didn't expect that at this juncture, Sun Wukong would actually provoke Wang Shouxin. You must know that at this time, if Wang Shouxin wanted to kill Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong would undoubtedly die.

Shen Budu's body is still in the city, the problem is, he can't fly!

"Eldest brother, what did you do? Why did you kill this person?"

Shen Budu asked anxiously, and at the same time, his body was also rushing over.

Sun Wukong didn't speak, but looked up at the sky.

Shen Budu also followed Sun Wukong's line of sight, only then did he realize that there were countless dark clouds gathered in the sky, and these dark clouds kept rolling, as if giant dragons were roaring.

Doubts abounded in Shen Budu's heart.

Sun Wukong never responded to Shen Budu, but instead stared at the sky, seemingly in a state of deep thought.

Shen Budu had no choice but to continue to wait.

Time passed by bit by bit, Shen Budu looked at the thicker and thicker dark clouds in the sky, and couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"What is Eldest Senior Brother doing? Why isn't he running away? Is he going to fight the sky for his life?"

Shen Budu was anxious, but he didn't know what to do.

Finally, when the dark clouds gathered to the limit, Shen Budu suddenly found that Monkey King moved.

I saw a crimson light shining in Sun Wukong's pupils, it was the light of the golden eyes releasing rays.

However, Sun Wukong suddenly covered his head fiercely.

Shen Budu saw that the light in Sun Wukong's pupils gradually weakened.

Sun Wukong's piercing eyes finally stopped.

Seeing this scene, Shen Budu finally breathed a sigh of relief, but another guess emerged in his mind, he thought in his heart: Could it be that the supernatural power displayed by the elder brother can't be used too many times?

Monkey King squatted on the ground, when he raised his head, Shen Budu found something was wrong.

"Eldest brother, what are you doing? Why do you look at a loss?"


Monkey King scratched his head blankly, like an innocent little monkey, he didn't seem to remember what he did just now.

"It's no wonder that senior brother seemed to have been stimulated by something just now. Perhaps, the previous memory has awakened."

Shen Budu was thinking in his heart, with a wry smile on his face, looking at the corpse on the ground, he decided to go back and investigate carefully, to see if Sun Wukong really killed innocent people by mistake, or if there was any grievance in it.

"Brother, let's go."

Shen Budu picked up the monkey and said, Monkey King suddenly raised his head, with regret and annoyance in his eyes.

Although, since Sun Wukong was resurrected, he always likes to hit his head with an iron rod and fly around to tease him, but no matter what, it is impossible for him to let this big brother who looks like a newborn be caught here .


Sun Wukong suddenly yelled a few words at him, his voice hurried, like an immature boy complaining to his teacher.

Monkey King called again, but no one could understand what he meant, Shen Budu didn't understand what Monkey King was talking about.

Shen Budu controlled the puppet and led him to quickly retreat to the south. While running, he thought for a while, he really didn't know why Sun Wukong did this, why he came to the eastern suburbs of Chang'an at night to kill someone.

Shen Budu took a deep look at him, senior brother, what happened to you?

Seemingly seeing his doubts, Monkey King shook his head and did not answer, because he didn't know how to say it, and no one would understand that this incident was a devastating blow to the former Monkey King.


Sun Wukong yelled loudly again, constantly urging Shen Budu, hoping to leave here as soon as possible.

Shen Budu glanced at the sky in front of him, he saw a dense cloud in the sky, which was no different from what appeared above his head just now.In his heart, there was also a strong uneasiness, he thought, this time the big brother must be in trouble, I'm afraid it's not good.

But at this moment, a terrifying force suddenly enveloped his puppet's body, and then Shen Budu saw a general in golden armor walking slowly towards this side.

Shen Budu's heart shuddered.

This general, who is wearing golden armour, phoenix wings and purple gold crown, and lotus root silk walking on clouds, is the second-rank martial artist of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Wang Shouxin.

This Wang Shouxin stepped in, and he came to Monkey King, and he stared at Monkey King indifferently.

"It's you. Are you here to retrieve your equipment?"

These words seemed to instantly ignite Sun Wukong's anger, and his golden eyes lit up again.

(End of this chapter)

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