One Punch Monk

Chapter 106 The Queen's Will

Chapter 106 The Queen's Will
This round of golden sun was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already reached the top of Wang Shouxin's head.

Wang Shouxin quickly dodges and hides Jin Ri.

And this dodge also gave Sun Wukong a chance to transform back into a little monkey and jumped to Shen Budu's side.

The golden sun dissipated, and a young monk in plain robes stood in front of Wang Shouxin.

"who are you?"

Wang Shouxin saw clearly the monk in front of him, a very young monk, with a faint smile on his very handsome face and a kind look, he couldn't help frowning and asked.

"Xihang Temple, Shen can't cross."

After hearing his words, Wang Shouxin was stunned. A flash of light flashed in his mind, as if he remembered something.

His younger brother, General Qianniuwei Wang Zhongying, once mentioned a man to him after he suppressed the Hanzhong rebellion.

"Are you the little monk who killed the righteous man?" Wang Shouxin stared at the little monk and asked.

The little monk clasped his hands together slightly, with a kind smile still on his face.

"It's the little monk. I don't know what kind of feud Mr. Wang has with my elder brother, but he wants to make such a heavy hand. Can you settle this matter for the sake of the little monk?"

Shen Budu is not a person who likes to grumble, but right now, Wang Shouxin's identity is a big problem for anyone in the Middle Kingdom.

Wang Shouxin, one of the two second-rank warriors in the world, the official obeisance to the Hussar General, and the chief of the Chang'an Road Marching.His younger brother, Wang Zhongying, is a fourth-rank martial artist and General Qianniuwei.

These two generals who were born in the Wang family of Taiyuan together controlled one-third of the Imperial Army in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and they were the most powerful supporters of the Empress in the military circle.

When Wu Zhou was in the Tang Dynasty, Wang Shouxin was the most important person responsible for purging the Li and Tang royal families.

Even, with the development of thinking, combined with the identity of the former Tang Taizong "Yudi" of Zen Master Sanbuan, Shen Budu can almost believe that the conflict between the two parties is natural and inevitable.

The final result was that Wu Zhou successfully replaced Li Tang, which meant that Li Tang's supporters were massacred or suppressed.

This kind of consequence is not only reflected in the court, but also in high-end force.

Wang Shouxin's expression changed, his eyes shifted from Monkey King to the little monk, then from the little monk to Monkey King, and finally fell on the little monk.

"Sure enough!"

Wang Shouxin gritted his teeth, eyes filled with anger: "Who did I think it was? It turned out to be the disciple of the old bald donkey! Back then, when the old bald donkey hadn't slandered Taizong in the Northern Expedition, I would have sealed the wolf's residence and drank it. Ma Beihai is here! You should be killed, everyone should be killed!"

Shen Budu was slightly taken aback, he had only heard about the Northern Expedition to Wu Kingdom to expand the land for three thousand miles, but he had never heard of this statement.

But since there is no way to achieve a peaceful solution, this person uttered wild words to insult Master and hurt Senior Brother, no matter what, this problem is settled.

Even if he is a second-rank martial artist, he still has to compete.

Rank two, it's not like they haven't killed them before.

Shen Budu no longer hides, and shows his strength, revealing his aura.

Sensing this aura, Wang Shouxin's face changed slightly. He looked at this monk and couldn't help muttering in his heart, because in his opinion, the strength of this young monk was similar to his own.

He couldn't understand why such a small Xixing Temple could cultivate such monstrous masters. No wonder many strong people fell during the Westbound Calamity.

Wang Shouxin thought for a while, but couldn't think of the reason.

He looked at the little monk with a hint of greed in his eyes.

"I know, it must be you, a little bald donkey, who stole the supreme knowledge of Buddhism that can achieve the land of gods and wonders, so that you have such a terrifying speed of practice, but even so, you can't win me. As long as you are near Xijing, Lao Tzu's Honghu Pagoda is here, and his strength has already surpassed what you think, and he is not far from the level of a first-rank Martial Saint!"

Shen Budu looked at the tall Honghu Pagoda in Xijing City.

The biggest difference between the second rank and the third rank is that the third rank has initially mastered the application of a certain rule of heaven.

As for the second grade, it is possible to erect a tower to absorb the luck of the world.

"Then I will supersede you first, and then pull out your tower."

"good very good!"

Wang Shouxin laughed angrily: "It seems that you are obsessed with obsession, then I will let you understand, I am amazing!"

After he finished speaking, he made mudras with his hands and chanted a mantra in his mouth. A strange energy condensed behind his back, and then gradually condensed into a huge golden armored warrior.

This golden armored general is over a hundred feet tall, with an incomparably huge body, and his whole body is gleaming with gold, as if it was cast from gold.

This is his dharma appearance, and the dharma appearance advances and retreats with his body.

With a low growl, he punched the little monk.

Shen Budu shot out a ball of golden glow from his hand, and then punched Wang Shouxin.

There was a deafening bang as the fists collided, and both of them took a few steps back.

Wang Shouxin's face sank like water, the little monk was really strong, and he could actually compete with himself at the level of a martial arts master.

"Little monk, although you are tyrannical, but this time, I want to let you know how powerful you really are!"

A violent aura erupted from Wang Shouxin's body, and his temperament became unparalleled.

In his right hand, a huge ax appeared, and a mysterious aura flowed from the blade of the axe.

Shen Budu's eyes narrowed slightly, could this aura be a fairy/artifact?

At the same time, a huge ax appeared on his dharma image, and he held the huge ax and chopped towards the little monk.

Swinging the huge axe, he slashed at the young monk directly, and the space around the Faxiang shattered instantly.

At the same time, in the match, Wang Shouxin showed his rules for the first time.

Shen Budu's whole body sank, as if being pressed down by a Mount Tai.

Heaven rules, "gravity"!
However, he slowly straightened his body.

The aura around Shen Budu was also almost boiling, and then turned into several golden dragons, which rushed towards the giant ax one by one.

The two collided in mid-air, and an earth-shattering noise erupted. The entire space instantly collapsed, and waves of terrifying energy raged wildly.

And just after the last golden dragon dissipated, the blow of the giant ax finally reached the end of its force.

Although Shen Budu was hardly affected by gravity on the surface and stood calmly, he was surprised that the giant ax in Wang Shouxin's hand had such a high priority in the judgment of the confrontation according to the rules of heaven.

"It's so strong, the strength of this little monk is actually so strong."

Wang Shouxin's face was serious.

He looked at the ancient artifact in his hand. This was the first time he had sacrificed the Pangu ax without any results.

The strength of the little monk is far stronger than he imagined.

He knew very well in his heart that this little monk only needs to survive this catastrophe, and in a few years, he will surely surpass himself and reach the realm that he can only hope for in his life.

Wang Shou was astonished in confidence, and at the same time, strong jealousy welled up in his heart.

How could this little monk be that person's disciple?

Could it be that the Buddha of their Buddhist sect failed to reincarnate?

He guessed wildly in his heart, and then confronted again.

Their battle attracted the attention of practitioners in Chang'an City.

In fact, it is very difficult for the two statues of hundreds of feet not to attract attention.

"Oh my god! Wang Hussar made a move, it's the great master fighting, what a terrible aftermath of the battle!"

"Yeah, they are not practitioners anymore, are they gods?"

Practitioners in Chang'an City talked a lot.


The battle is getting fiercer.

This is the first time that Wang Shouxin has made a full-fledged shot for so many years in Xijing.

"No, this little monk's strength is too strong. If I fight like this, I might even lose. How did this little monk practice?"

Wang Shouxin looked horrified, with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

For a person like him who has reached the peak of body training, this kind of situation is almost impossible, but now it happened.

And Shen Budu was also a little puzzled.

This man is surprisingly resistant to beating.

Yes, fight back.

Every time he was injured, the Honghu Tower in Chang'an City would quickly replenish him.

However, Shen Budu's spiritual energy could not be replenished in time.

This is too stupid, no wonder the second-rank powerhouse wants to erect a tower.

At this moment, he already understood why Zhao Zixia, the national teacher of the second rank, was defeated and pushed out of the rank by the righteous man of the third rank.

Co-authoring is not relying on your own tower to fight.

If the battle is fought in Shendu, even if Zhao Zixia, the second rank, is a parallel importer, and the empress pushed her up with the luck of the country, I am afraid that the righteous and righteous people who have just recovered will be consumed by Zhao Zixia to death.

But without his own tower, without the supply of luck and aura, Zhao Zixia, relying on hard power, naturally couldn't fight against the justice of heaven.

At this moment, said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

A stream of light flashed in the east, and Zhao Zixia's figure appeared above the battlefield.

The two separated.

"The sage has an order, and Wang Shouxin, the general of the hussars and the head of the Guanzhong Road Marching Army, accepts the order."

The sage of Ziwei Palace obviously learned about this sudden battle through some means.

The saint's will is very simple, there is no need to entangle the grievances of the previous dynasty, since Wang Shouxin "borrowed" the spiritual weapon from Xixing Temple, now the master comes to ask for it, and he should return it.And Xixing Temple can't use this as an excuse to cause another incident.

Wang Shou was very unconvinced in his confidence, but since the empress had made an order, he had no choice but to give up and continue fighting, and turned around and flew away.

Seeing the direction in which Wang Shouxin was flying away, Shen Budu's eyes were cold, and he didn't stop him, but silently put away his palms.

Wang Shouxin flew all the way back to the Honghu Pagoda, his face was very ugly, along the way, many practitioners saw his appearance.

Seeing this, many elites were talking about it, guessing who is the god, who was able to repel the powerhouse of the Grand Master level.

However, there are also quite a few strong men who can't understand Wang Shouxin. Some of the Guanlongmen Clan's chiefs and clan elders, when they learned of Wang Shouxin's appearance, they laughed with sarcasm and disdain.

"Looks like he was defeated by a junior. Hmph, it's just relying on an ancient artifact, and it's not like he was defeated by others. It's just a shame."

"Haha, Wang Shouxin, I knew that a good-for-nothing who sold Li Tang in exchange for a magic weapon, but now he is so disheartened."

"Such a disastrous defeat, with only this little strength, even a junior can't deal with it."

"What a pity!"

"Such a waste is also worthy of guarding Guan Zhongdao? To become a martial saint is simply a dream!"

On the high tower, one after another almost undisguised laughter reached Wang Shouxin's ears.

The Guanlongmen faction, with the split of interests, now treats the Empress in a positive way, not to mention he, the loyal dog of the Empress who is a traitor and seeks glory, is even more eager to make trouble at any time.

"Bastard, I won't let you go!"

Wang Shouxin cursed with a ferocious face.

He looked angrily at those who laughed at him, then smashed the railing, turned and left.

"Hmph, little monk, you are lucky this time, I won't kill you! But, I will find you again sooner or later, and then you will pay the price for your stupid behavior."

Wang Shou said secretly in confidence, his heart was full of killing intent.

And just outside the city, Shen Budu, who had finished talking with Zhao Zixia, looked at the direction Wang Shouxin left, and smiled indifferently.

This time, I failed to save you, but next time, I will definitely not let you leave alive.

(End of this chapter)

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