One Punch Monk

Chapter 107 Auction

Chapter 107 Auction

The next day, it was sunny.

The huge city of Chang'an seemed to wake up from a sleeping lion or tiger.

In Chang'an city, there are people coming and going everywhere, very busy.

The streets were bustling with people, and even in the workshops where the rich and powerful lived, the faces of the servants were filled with rare smiles.

After all, the Guanlongmen faction has been intertwined for hundreds of years, and they are the real masters in this city.

Outside the inn, a carriage suddenly drove up.

The carriage stopped under the tile eaves, and the curtain of the carriage was lifted.

Two maids emerged from inside, and they respectfully said to the people in the carriage: "Princess, we have arrived."

The person in the carriage hummed lightly, and then opened the curtain.

Seeing a man, a woman, a bear and a monkey approaching, Wu Lanshan's eyes were not calm.

What happened yesterday was widely circulated in the Chang'an clan.

Wang Hussar suffered a great loss, which is what almost all the elites are happy to see.

As for why there is such a fragmented situation, it is naturally that the empress abolished the "ancestral law".

Well, it's actually not the ancestors of the Empress, but the rules set by the ancestors of the Guanlongmen Clan.

Since the Great Wei implemented the government military system to equalize the land, the Great Sui and the Great Tang dynasties both took a conniving attitude towards granting land.Of course, if according to the normal system, every noble family grants land according to the number of slaves and servants, and it is fine to take it back after death.

But the problem is that rules are dead and people are alive. In short, the clan has been using methods similar to "card bugs" for a long time to artificially "death" slaves and servants, and at the same time increase the number of people in Yongyetian quantity.

This situation has changed to a certain extent since Emperor Gaozong of the former Tang Dynasty.

Sensing the crisis, the Guanlong clan supported the coup d'état of the female emperor Wu Zhou and Tang Dynasty, but they did not expect that the female emperor did even worse than Gao Zong, and she was simply digging their roots.

And Wang Shouxin, as the empress' most powerful helper in suppressing Guan Long, was naturally the object of hatred by the clansmen.

Seeing that he suffered a big loss now, it is natural to gloat.

For this reason, the Guanlongmen faction even specially notified in advance to hold the most grand auction in Guanzhong Road this year.

There will be countless good things in this kind of auction, and it is also what practitioners are most looking forward to.

Of course, the barriers to entry are also high.

Wu Lanshan glanced at Master Budu, he actually put that thing up for auction
Several people got into the car together, although the empress ordered that both parties should not entangle this matter any more, and Wang Shouxin also returned the equipment, but Shen Budu was still worried and asked the senior brother to place the order.

This is Chang'an City, if he is not by his side, and his strength has not recovered, what will he do if he is murdered.

Wu Lanshan glanced at Mingyue, and she already knew that this was a real Martial Sect cultivator at the late stage of the sixth-grade alchemy realm. At this age, he was about to reach the threshold of the fifth-grade Yuanying realm, so his talent was not weak.

What worries her the most is that this girl grew up in Xianshan since she was a child, and her appearance is quite elegant, without any vulgarity.

Compared with that, the fat bear gnawing iron pellets on the road and the little monkey who kept "squeaking" did not attract her attention so much.

Sun Wukong is wearing a golden armor, and there are two ornaments on his head. He is majestic and looks very proud.

Although the physical injury is not light, but the mental state is extremely excited.

Obviously he recalled something, and he was very happy that his junior brother helped him vent his anger.

Monkey King jumped onto Shen Budu's shoulder and hit his head three times with an iron rod.

This is the meaning of teaching him new supernatural powers at night.

Shen Budu turned his head and touched him, Sun Wukong didn't fly away, it seems that the senior brother's favorability has risen again.

The venue for the auction was set up in Cangchi, and it was also the largest auction venue within the sphere of influence of the Guanlongmen Clan.

In the past, the Han Imperial Palace was brightly lit, people came and went, and it was very lively.

The tickets for the auction are provided by the Guanlong Men Clan. Ordinary people are not eligible to get the tickets for these auctions.

Unless you are rich, or powerful, or have status, it is really difficult to get tickets.

The hall of the auction house was occupied early by the big names of the big families.

Sitting in the corner of the hall, there are many nobles, most of them are still standing in the distance waiting tactfully.

Because before the auction starts, they will be brought inside, and then the auction will start.

And in this auction, the reason why these people are so cautious is because they know that there are people outside, no matter which side of the force dare not mess with it casually, so they must ensure their own safety.

No one will deliberately provoke conflicts, and there are no scenes of pretending to face.

Just north of the hall, there are many practitioners wearing uniform clothes.

They have different badges embroidered on their chests, which are the symbols of the powerful.

These people are the order maintainers of today's auction.

Auctions are a good place for exchanging items and treasures among various powerful families.

At the auction, there will be corpses and spiritual materials of all kinds of rare and exotic animals, as well as rare spiritual herbs and medicines. Of course, there will also be some rare exercises, cheats, and spiritual equipment.

These auction items can allow these powerful children to obtain what they are satisfied with.

And the children of the big families can also sell what they want to sell through the auction "consignment".

Therefore, the auction is a bridge for transactions between powerful families and major families, and it is full of interests.

In the palace, there are many handsome men and beautiful women among the crowd. The atmosphere of Dazhou is relatively open, and there are also some young girls present. They all want to use this auction to achieve certain goals.

There are also many people's eyes, intentionally or unintentionally, always falling on Mingyue and Wu Lanshan.

Especially Mingyue's beautiful face is even more stunning, and her pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes have made many men's hearts flutter.

They had also heard about Wu Lanshan's identity, and knew that she was the daughter of King Wei, and she was considered a well-known figure among the powerful.

King Wei can be regarded as a rather special figure in the Wu family. Unlike the domineering King Liang, he has a very ambiguous attitude towards the powerful and the Li family.

Wu Lanshan did not wander around in the hall, but directly entered the auction room, entered the reserved compartment, and then sat down on the seat near the left, and several people followed her in naturally.

After a while, practitioners participating in the auction arrived one after another.

"Ahem, now that we're all here, let's start."

At this time, a thick voice sounded, but it was an elder from the Guanlongmen Clan. The old man had white beard and hair, but his voice was full of spirit.

As soon as the sound fell, there was intense applause in the lobby, mixed with cheers.

"Everyone, congratulations on coming to today's auction. There are many treasures in this auction. I hope you can enjoy it to the fullest."

The old man's gaze scanned the venue, and finally landed on a row of long tables directly in front of the lobby.

He personally lifted the black cloth that isolated the detection.

"Today's first auction item is a thousand-year-old green fairy fruit. The starting price is [-] low-grade spirit stones. Each increase in price must not be lower than [-] low-grade spirit stones. Let's begin."

There was an eerie silence at the scene.

People can't help but doubt their ears.

Millennium green fairy fruit?
This kind of natural material and earthly treasure that can directly forcibly elevate ordinary practitioners to a level has appeared?

Moreover, it is the first auction item!

There was an uproar in the auction venue!
(End of this chapter)

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