One Punch Monk

Chapter 14 Eldest brother was captured by monsters

Chapter 14 Eldest brother was captured by monsters
It's still the bamboo forest.

However, there are no teahouses on the side of the road.

Outside the bamboo forest, several mass graves made up of barren graves and mounds were randomly piled together.

Even though they knew that these lonely souls and wild monsters had seen the light once, there was a high probability that they would have been sent to the underworld.

But Shen Budu still sat down seriously, and recited the mantra of passing away in front of their graves.

The air is dry and hot, and the summer sun is coming reluctantly.

In this environment, fine beads of sweat will appear on the human body.

"Amitabha, may all benefactors reach bliss soon."

Shen Budu sincerely blessed, and after finishing, he wiped the sweat from his forehead with the sleeve of his monk robe.

After the ceremony was over, he took out the old string of red strings from his sleeve and placed them in front of the scholar's tomb.

As for why the tomb of the scholar can be distinguished from the mass graves, it is naturally because it is the only one with an epitaph engraved on it.

The part of "Records" briefly introduces the life of the scholar. He was born in Taiping County, Chang'an Prefecture, Guanzhong Road. He was born in a small mountain village. He once went to Luoyang Prefecture, Henan Province to take part in the imperial examination, but failed many times. He barely survived by selling paintings .

The part of the "Ming" is different from the exaggerated four-character rhymes of the time. It is just a few simple sentences, which evaluate the person's filial piety and noble character.

Overall, the man's life was unremarkable.
Of course, since the scholar was able to draw the woman with a mortal body, it must have been an adventure.

"He is my most proud disciple."

A tired but still gentle voice came from behind.

Shen Budu turned his head, and a Tsing Yi appeared behind him silently.

It is a middle-aged Confucian scholar with a pale face, three long beards hanging on his chest, and piercing eyes, looking at the red rope in Shen Budu's hand with a smile.

"I forgot to introduce myself. In Xialiu Qingshui, I am a teacher."

Shen Budu felt vigilant, clasped his hands together and asked.

"May I ask when Liu benefactor came behind the little monk?"


Seeing Shen Budu's vigilance, the middle-aged Confucian scholar smiled slightly, and continued: "Master, don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you, but I want to ask where you got this string of red strings from?"

"Anyone entrusted to the monk, entrust the monk to burn it in front of his tomb."

Liu Qingshui seemed to have expected it a long time ago, but just said: "In the end, it's people who blame different ways."

"What does sir seem to know?"

Liu Qingshui sighed, and said: "I cut off the marriage line between him and the person in the painting back then, and he has hated me for a long time for this."

Shen Budu clasped his hands together, and asked firmly: "That day after the rain in the bamboo forest, the young monk once saw a man wearing green clothes, is he also a gentleman?"


"Why did Mister set up an illusion? The genitals of Chen Family Village are raised by Mister? If you want to do something to this little monk, Mister might as well say so."

Shen Budu was ready to act at any time, although this person didn't show any aura, but it gave him a lot of pressure.

The middle-aged Confucian scholar didn't answer, but just looked into the distance for a moment, then said.

"Master, as I said just now, I have no malice towards you, and I did not raise the genitals in Chenjiacun. I did it that day to help you avoid the disaster and take refuge. But the disaster of the mage has been avoided, but this disaster has been transferred to the mage. The enemy of my friend's attack this time is unusual, and I hope the mage be careful."

After all, before Shen Budu could reply, there was no sound.

The person has disappeared, leaving only a section of fresh wicker, still flowing with green juice.

"What kind of method is this? A practitioner of Confucianism?"

Shen Budu frowned slightly, recalling the words left by Mr. Liu just before he left, he did not raise the penis in Chenjia Village, my friend is in trouble?

Many things are like mysteries, the more Shen Budu thinks about it, the more complicated it becomes, these things seem to be separated from his world, and it seems that the root of everything exists around him.

This made Shen Budu feel deeply confused, and felt a little irritated.

it's me
Shen Budu suddenly woke up.

"Affliction is called sentient beings, and enlightenment is called Bodhi. There is no difference between them, only the ears of delusion and enlightenment."

Amitabha, let your conspiracy come here, and I will come and go as I wish.

Concentrated, he burned the red rope in front of the scholar's tomb, then took out the prepared cold food to worship, Shen Budu got up and left.

While Shen Budu was offering sacrifices, on the other side, a visitor unexpectedly came to the Zhenwuzong branch in Taiping County.

The Nine Great Immortal Gates do not have branches in all counties in the world. In fact, for remote areas, some only have branches at the "fu" level.

Not all branches are headed by experienced practitioners. In counties or remote areas, usually only mortal families attached to the immortal sect perform duties on their behalf.

The specific responsibilities include conducting a test every few years to recruit children with cultivation qualifications, and reporting abnormal situations to the Xianmen. The most important duty is to hand over the profits generated by the local Xianmen industry to the Xianmen. .

In the Wu Zhou Dynasty, Xianmen had the privilege of reducing taxes, so many bankrupt self-cultivated farmers would rather sell their land cheaply to Xianmen and become tenant farmers of Xianmen than landlords who gave them money for young crops.

Therefore, when the person in charge of Zhen Wuzong's branch in Taiping County heard the news that a practitioner came to ask for help, he was quite surprised.

The old Taoist is very old, and because of his dull aptitude, he has practiced for a lifetime and is only at the Ninth-Rank Inducing Breathing Realm. He has no great skills, and he can only do some rituals for the common people.

But fortunately, Taoist Mingyue, who came from the headquarters of Zhenwuzong in Xiangyang Prefecture, stayed here for some reason. The old Taoist thought about it and told her to solve the matter.

"Ah? It's you!"

Two disciples of the Albizia Sect were drinking tea when they saw Daoist Mingyue approaching. One of them was so frightened that he even knocked over his teacup.


The fragments of the teacup splashed on the ground, soaking the ground immediately.

It seems that Mingyue has left a deep psychological shadow on them.

"You two have come to my Zhen Wuzong, what are you doing?"

Mingyue held the whisk in her hand, sat gracefully on the chair, looked at the two people who were in a hurry and asked.

"This girl."


"This fellow Daoist."


"This aunt."


"I beg you to save my elder brother!"

"Your big brother?"

Mingyue recalled it for a while, remembering the man with kidney deficiency she saw at the courtyard of the Shihua Pavilion that night, and then asked suspiciously.

"What happened to your big brother?"

"Eldest brother, he was captured by a monster!"

Mingyue frowned slightly, and asked again: "Little Taiping County, are there still monsters?"

"In Zhongnan Mountain"

After a detailed explanation by two male disciples of the Hehuan Sect, Mingyue finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that after parting that day, the three of Hehuanzong suffered from pain in their crotch, and had no choice but to go back to the inn to recuperate.

But someone like Mr. Kongkong is destined to be unable to stay.

Just two days later, he went outside to "inquire about the customs". For some reason, he heard that there was a beauty in Zhongnan Mountain, so he happily went there.

But for some reason, when he entered the mountain, the jade talisman used by He Huanzong to communicate received an urgent message.

It is only said that there are monsters in the mountains, please rescue them quickly.

He didn't say what kind of monster it was, let alone why he was taken away, or whether it was a conspiracy against him.

The two male disciples of the Hehuan Sect discussed for a long time, and felt that their strength was low and they were unfamiliar with the place.

The elder brothers were all captured by monsters, and they gave them away as if the gourd baby saved Grandpa, isn't it also free?

Unbelievably, the monster in the mountain hiccupped and said:
Don't come to slide the shovel, I can't eat anymore.

After thinking about it, they also met the fellow Taoist of the Zhenwu Sect who had only met once, so they took the liberty to visit and ask for help.

"Grandma, I don't know if the Taoist friend who called my elder brother will be there that day?"

"Why are you looking for him?"

"After my senior brother had an epiphany that day, he was suddenly enlightened. He often sighed to both of us that that fellow Taoist is an extraordinary expert. We felt that if we could find that expert to rescue my senior brother, It should be pretty sure."

Mingyue's expression seemed to be a smile but not a smile, she said.

"He is indeed an expert. That's all, then I will take you to find him."

(End of this chapter)

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