Chapter 15
"Well, here it is for you."

"Just picked it by the side of the road?"

"Yes, the wind when it comes is sweet."


After receiving the flowers from Mingyue's hand, Shen Budu thought, probably this is borrowing flowers to offer Buddha.

Picking up the flowers, I felt a little weird, then put them down and gathered them in my sleeves.

"Hey, why are you two here?"

"Excellent. Ah no, eminent monk!"

"Eminent monk, please save my elder brother."

After Shen Budu patiently listened to the incoherent descriptions of the two Acacia Sect male disciples, he probably understood what it meant.

Combined with the inexplicable sentence "The disaster has turned to your friend" left by Mr. Liu, Shen Budu had some guesses in his heart.

In other words, all of this seems to be within Mr. Liu's expectations.
From the roadside tea house in that day, to today's Young Master Kong being captured by monsters.

But if it is said that the person is the mastermind behind the scenes, why should it be made clear to him?Could it be to show off his abilities, or to scare him?
This doesn't make sense, and then I think of Mr. Liu saying that the scholar is his most proud student, and he is "a teacher".

Shen Budu felt that it was not Mr. Liu who took Mr. Kongkong away, if it was him, there was no need to tell himself.

But if it wasn't for Mr. Liu, what kind of monster in the mountains is it that he said "the enemy who attacked this time is extraordinary"?

It was originally his disaster, but it was transferred to Young Master Kong Kong. Does that mean that the enemy's target is actually him, and Young Master Kong Kong is just a scapegoat.

Who is the enemy?What is the enemy's purpose in doing this?
The heavy fog made him fall into thinking.

Seeing his silence, the two male disciples of the Hehuan Sect thought that the "superior" that the senior brother called was unwilling to go.

There were two sounds of "Plop" and "Plop", and he knelt down.

While hugging Shen Budu's thigh, the two began to cry with snot and tears.

"My poor senior brother, I have never touched a woman in Dalian, and I am about to die in the hands of monsters. How can we explain to Master and the old man when we go back?"

"Brother, you always told us that the masters are among the folks. Now it's all right. How can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river? You've lost your hands and ended up in the underworld, woo woo woo."

"You two benefactors, almost got it."

Shen Budu stopped the two of them from hugging their thighs, and only said: "Let's wait here for a while, let Xiaoseng tell Master, and then go with you."

Several carpenters from the village under the mountain are working in the Xixing Temple.

Shen Budu used the copper coins he earned to hire them to renovate the meditation room of the temple. As for the major repair projects such as painting the golden body of the Buddha, he needed to go to Taiping County to hire professional masons and carpenters to do it.

Under the Bodhi tree, Zen Master San Zan still looked like an eminent monk, without an overseer, but with his eyes closed, sitting cross-legged.

Just a snoring noise?

"Master, Master."


Zen Master San Zan opened his eyes, and seeing the good disciple standing in front of him, he couldn't help but blush.

"The cicadas are very noisy today."

Shen Budu told his master about going out to save people, Chan Master San Zan listened and pondered for a while.

"Is there a mysterious enemy who wants to target you? Don't worry, I will give you a divination as a teacher."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the tea to pet the little stone monkey, and turned his back to Shen Budu.


A stream of light yellow tea sprayed out and splashed under the linden tree.

Zen Master San Zan muttered to himself: "No more than three feet, good luck."

Turning around, Zen Master San Zan calmly put the little stone monkey back in place and said.

"Let's go with peace of mind. Although the enemy is strong, it is not to be feared. This trip will surely be auspicious."

"The disciple left."

"Well, go early and come back early, I will wait for you to come back for dinner as a teacher."

Chan Master San Zan stood up and straightened Shen Budu's robes, and patted him on the shoulder.

After saying goodbye to his master, Shen Budu went down the mountain with confidence, as if he had been filled with the confidence buff called "Buddha is with me".

The indescribable position of the little stone monkey is still seeping water, Zen Master Sanzang looked at the little stone monkey that was a little different from before, and asked softly.

"Wukong, are you worried about your little junior brother? If yes, piss one drop, not two drops."


"Don't worry, you have watched him grow up these three years. Those foxes in Baiqiu are not capable. As for the ghost hall, the only real threats other than the hall master are the white bones who have just entered the fourth rank and the fourth rank The peak poet Lu Xuanji, but these two people in the Ghost Palace may not be able to control them."

Their first destination was the last small mountain village that Young Master Kong Kong had set foot on before his disappearance.

There was an old man at the entrance of the village. He was wearing tattered clothes and walked on straw sandals.

His grass shoes were covered with moss and mud, and every step he walked, he looked as if he was about to fall down at any time.


The old man uttered the Buddha's name, and he seemed to be a lay Buddhist who believed in Buddhism.

"Amitabha, I dare to ask the benefactor, have you ever seen a young man with dark eyelids enter the mountain?"

"I have seen."

After answering the short two words, the old man stared straight at Shen Budu.


Just about to continue asking some questions, Shen Budu saw the hand stretched out by the old man.

Helpless, he had no choice but to pass some dry food from the package into the hands of the old man, to feed him first.

The old man gulped down a few mouthfuls, wiped his mouth, and signaled to Shen Budu that he could continue to ask.

"Where did he go in the mountains?"

"Go to the white hill in the south. That mountain is easy to identify. The whole mountain is white."

"Thank you benefactor."

"Hehe, you're welcome."

The few people got the exact news and started to enter the deep mountain from the narrow path beside the village at the foot of the mountain.

"Monk, I have a question."

A male disciple of the Hehuan Sect asked: "You are called benefactors because they give alms to monks. Just now the other party accepted your alms instead. Does that mean you are his benefactor?"

"You are quite right, my lord."

Shen Budu affirmed what the male disciple said, and then extended his hand to him.


The male disciple reluctantly took out the copper plate in his pocket and stuffed it into Shen Budu's palm, paying the tuition fee for his curiosity.

The other male disciple smiled unkindly.

"Amitabha, this donor also wants to give alms to the monk?"

His smile instantly froze on his face.

Just when a few people were laughing, an old man in a small village in the distance was watching them coldly as they entered the deep mountain.

"Hmph, you have entered the territory of the Baiqiu fox clan, will those foxes let you go away alive? Not only are there powerful people like the fox demon grandma, there is even a legend that there is a sleeping ancient monster who has been protecting Baiqiu all the time. Fox family, are you juniors able to provoke? The little monk is so handsome, I am afraid he will be sucked into a fox. Don't blame me for being cruel. If you want to blame, you can only blame your friend with kidney deficiency for not opening his eyes It’s a big event for me in the Ghost Palace, and it hurts you.”

It is perfect to use the hands of the Baiqiu Fox Clan to kill and eliminate the enemy quietly.

"Jie Jie Jie~"

The Lord of the Ghost Palace let out a sinister laugh unique to the villain.

Several people slowly entered the depths of the mountain, looking at the black forest in front of them, a sentence of ancient text suddenly popped up in Shen Budu's mind.

"There are mountains on both sides of the strait, and there is no gap. There are many rocks and peaks, hiding the sky and covering the sun. Since Feiting is midnight, the sun and the moon cannot be seen."

The dense forest is composed of layers of plants.

The top one is a towering giant tree with a height of tens of meters or hundreds of meters, which can be roughly recognized as an arbor; entwined on the arbor, relying on its nutrition to parasitize, are endless vines, black, purple, dark blue, and mottled in color; Further down, there are clumps of scattered bushes, with sharp thorns waiting for lost prey; on the ground, there are all kinds of strange bracken, mushrooms, moss, flowers and plants.

In such a three-dimensional and rich forest ecosystem, the sunlight is exclusive to the trees on the top layer. The little sunlight that was originally obscured by the fog in the forest is even more obscured by layers of plants in the forest like a night. Generally dark.

to be frank,
This environment, this atmosphere,
I can't justify not encountering some monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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