One Punch Monk

Chapter 28 Three Funeral Classrooms

Chapter 28

Another beautiful summer morning.

The fragrance in Xixing Temple is overflowing, and the breeze is blowing, blowing the tall and straight bodhi tree.

A gust of wind blew by, and the wind chimes on the eaves of the temple rang softly, echoing in the empty and quiet temple, forming a beautiful piece of music.

After eating, the master and apprentice stretched neatly.

When he came back from the city yesterday, Shen Budu brought back the masons he had appointed before, and asked them to paint the golden bodies of Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Arhats, and repair some of the damaged buildings of the temple.

It cost a lot of money even with labor and materials, it cost half of Shen Budu's entire household.

Forty copper coins!
But judging from today's results, the money was definitely not wasted!

The golden light of the Buddha is shining, majestic and solemn; Miaoyin Bodhisattva is kind-hearted, dignified and dignified;

These are just like the real ones, so lifelike, people can't help being in awe.

That's right, you have to spend money to make money, and only when the temple has a brand name will it convince pilgrims and clients more.

Shen Budu didn't feel much distressed. The first Yinling Pill was sold to Mr. Kong Kong in exchange for three hundred low-grade spirit crystals and 83 copper coins, and hundreds of low-grade spirit crystals seized from Baiqiu. I didn't spend it, and now I still have 43 copper coins on my body.

With money in your pocket, you don't panic.

"Master, you have worked so hard to cook, may I give you a shoulder squeeze?"

Looking at the attentive disciple, Chan Master San Zan asked with a smile.

"Good apprentice, is there anything you want to ask Master?"

"Master's eyes are like torches!"

With a flattering offer, Shen Budu asked while pinching Master's shoulder.

"I have always been doubtful. Although the two exercises that master taught me, the Tathagata Fist is extremely powerful, but it is still within the scope of my understanding. But this "Truth" can only be recited silently. Absorbing spiritual energy seems to be different from the process of entraining, nourishing, and refining the energy of the two Taoist monks I know?"

"Then do you know where the qi refining method originated from?"

"When I went down the mountain, I heard that the sorcery originated from the demon clan. In ancient times, the immortals instructed the human race to produce various Qi refining cultivation systems."

"Well, it seems that the two times you went down the mountain to exorcise demons and exorcise evil spirits, it was not in vain, and you made progress."

Chan Master San Zan stroked his white beard and said with a smile, "However, apprentice, you only know one thing, not the other."

"Today's human race's qi refining technique originated from the demon clan's sorcerer's art. It was instructed by the immortals. There is nothing wrong with that. But where did the demon's sorcery come from? Have you ever thought about it, apprentice?"

"I have never thought about it before, please enlighten me, master!" Shen Budu's eyes lit up.

"Derived from the ancient gods, there was Pangu when the world was created, and later there were Fuxi, Nuwa, etc., and then there were Chiyou, Gonggong, Zhurong, Houtu, Houyi, etc."

Ancient gods? !
Master knows so much,

Ginger is still old.

Shen Budu was slightly taken aback, but Zen Master San Zan continued to speak slowly.

"The sorcery of the monster clan and the sorcery of the witch clan became the predecessors of the two major practice systems of qi refining and body refining, while the sorcery and witchcraft were created by ancient gods and taught to the two clans of the lich. .”

"Dare to ask what are the ancient gods?"

"In this world, when the chaos first opened, there were ancient gods. The essence of the gods is produced by a part of the world's rules. They instinctively have the tendency to plunder other rules, so they are eager to devour their own kind. The rules will produce a strong tendency to split and self-destruct, and the mind will gradually fall into madness.

In the untestable age, the war between gods has never stopped, and many gods also fell into extreme madness because they devoured too many rules, and then fell into the devil world.

Until a god found a way to overcome this predatory tendency and loss of sanity, that is to make himself a worship god of a certain race, using faith as an 'anchor'. "

Shen Budu was dumbfounded.

In his known world view, the earliest can only be traced back to the era when the lich catastrophe and the high-ranking immortals existed, and the theory of gods was unheard of.

"Master, what happened next?"

"Later, for some unknown reason, the god...disappeared."

Chan Master San Zan paused for a moment, then spoke again.

"After the gods such as Zhuanxu, Gonggong, and Chiyou disappeared, the immortals, as the servants of the gods, changed the realm of the gods into the realm of immortals, and carried forward the means of anchoring beliefs. At that time, due to the disappearance of the gods, the witches and demons on the ground lost In order to control and adjust, the tragic catastrophe of liches began to compete for the dominance of the mortal world.

However, the high-ranking immortals instigated the two clans of liches to fight, but secretly supported the rise of the human race.Waiting for the decline of the lich and the rise of the human race, after experiencing the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the immortals invented a better way to get something for nothing.

They overthrew the Zhou Dynasty and divided the land into countless countries. Each country had to worship and worship them.

If the population of the human race is too large, wars and disasters will be launched to reduce the population, so as to prevent the human race from getting out of control.Because their bodies, like the previous gods, were also bound to the fairy world when they got the anchor. Due to the restrictions of the world rules, they could only descend to the mortal world with their dharma bodies for a short time, and could not exert their full power. "

Shen Budu was stunned to digest the brand new world view for a long time.

After a long time, he finally asked with difficulty: "Master, then is the Heaven-Sealing Tribulation?"

"Yes, every catastrophe the total amount of luck in the mortal world will skyrocket several times. This is the case in the Lich catastrophe, and the same is true for the Heaven-Sealing Catastrophe millennium after the Lich catastrophe. This is actually to overdraw the luck of the next thousand years. For the price, in a short period of time, a group of sons of luck who are loved by the world have been created.

Buddha, Taoist, Confucian sage, and Dharma sage, the four pioneers of the school, stepped into the first-rank land gods and fairyland during the catastrophe of closing the sky nearly 1000 years ago.After stepping into this realm, as a teacher, I don't know if they can compete with the ancient gods, but there is no doubt that they can already compete with the immortals who have descended from the mortal world. "

"Then what's next? Where are these land gods?"

"After the catastrophe of sealing the sky, the gate of heaven was closed, and the immortals could no longer blatantly interfere in the affairs of the world. With the support of the Dharma Sage, Zu Longjun ruled the land of China, and the two disappeared during the east tour. According to legend, the moon is It turned red at that time, I don't know if it has something to do with the disappearance of the two of them."

Shen Budu heard the words and glanced at the blood moon in the sky, could it be that there are two people living on the moon?
"Later, the White Emperor rose up by cutting the white dragon, and with the support of the Taoist ancestor, he established a great man. After several decades, the Taoist ancestor disappeared, and another sub-sage from the Confucian school stepped into the fairyland of the land gods. The great man no longer worships the Taoist sect. , but to depose a hundred schools of thought to respect Confucianism.

Hundreds of years have passed in this way, the Taoism has been suppressed to the limit, and the immortals in the sky, who are unwilling to be lonely, have used all their resources to support the righteous and righteous people of the Taiping Dao, and set off the Huangtian Rebellion.

The great Han successfully suppressed the uprising, but soon after the country was subjugated, the body-training iron cavalry of the Wu Kingdom dormant in the north rolled southward, and the aristocrats crossed the south, relying on several dragons from the Huaihe River and the Yangtze River to support them, which is called the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

Afterwards, the sage of the Great Sui Dynasty ruled the world and completely unified the Middle Kingdom for the second time. The Tang Dynasty was the Sui Dynasty, and the Zhou Dynasty was the Tang Dynasty. . "

Zen Master San Zan stood up and patted his apprentice on the shoulder.

"Apprentice, as a teacher, I can only tell you that the "Zhenjing" is not an ordinary method of refining qi. Its origin is extremely ancient, so don't judge it by common sense. As for the realm system of your cultivation, it is also completely different from the major mainstream systems in the world. What you have to do is to stick to your heart, practice hard, slay demons and slay demons to accumulate merits, and survive the new round of world calamity safely.

The teacher said so much to you today, just to tell you a truth, never be complacent, and don't be lost by power, the stronger the power, the closer to the "divine nature" and farther away from it under the restrictions of the world's rules 'Human nature' can even be completely crazy, which is unavoidable even by gods, understand? "

Shen Budu clasped his hands together, and saluted seriously to his master, Zen Master Sanbuan.

"The disciple understands!"

Zen Master Sanzhe said silently: It is good to understand, the disaster from Hanzhong is quietly approaching, whether Xixing Temple can be preserved, and whether you can save your elder brother, all of this depends on you, my dear disciple...

At this moment, someone knocked on the door hastily outside the temple.

Shen Budu interrupted the question that Shen Budu just wanted to ask his master about how strong he was.

(End of this chapter)

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