Chapter 35
It's night time.

Today is the first day of the new year, and the moon is white and bright, almost bloodless.

It's just that the atmosphere seems a little weird, and even the mosquitoes are no longer moving around.

Shen Budu hid on a big tree with the hidden talisman given to him by Mingyue, and quietly watched the courtyard below under the bright moonlight.

This is a large garden, the backyard is full of all kinds of cherry blossoms, bell flower cherry, weeping cherry, mountain cherry, double white cherry, pink and white, especially lovely under the moonlight.

In the Tang and Zhou dynasties, cherry blossoms were extremely popular in Chang’an, the capital of Xijing, and Luoyang, the capital of the gods. You can see gorgeous cherry blossoms blooming everywhere, and even a small country attached to the East China Sea Demon Kingdom entrenched on Fusang Island sent envoys to Tang and Zhou. Every time I come here, I will deliberately bring a few cherry blossoms back.

It can be seen that the owner of Bieyuan is a person who loves cherry blossoms.

According to the information provided by Xiaohong, this other garden is the outhouse where the county prime minister lives here. The location is remote and the environment is spacious and beautiful.

It is worth mentioning that the vixens dare not absorb people's yang energy anymore because of the unbearable pressure, so they thought about walking in the world, helping people solve things to gain merits to assist their cultivation, and thus gained a lot of miscellaneous benefits. intelligence.

After several investigations, combined with the clues provided by Master Lu, if anyone is said to be a flying man, this outer room is the most likely, so Shen Budu lurked here early.

It is not difficult to enter the other garden, because the gatekeeper is only a deaf old man, who is "babbling" holding a pipa for self-entertainment, and has not noticed that someone slipped in over the wall.

On a sultry summer day, a flying insect flapped its wings and approached a cooler pond.


The long tongue shot out like a slingshot, and the flying insect was sucked into the mouth.

A woman's head appeared strangely in the backyard.

Her ears stretched out extremely long, flapping like two wings.

This is flying head man,
At this time, her body was lying quietly on the couch and sleeping deeply.

Fei Touman slapped his ears, and flew towards the courtyard wall slowly, not going through the main entrance, presumably because he was afraid of disturbing the old gatekeeper of the other garden.

Although the old man is deaf, he is not blind after all.

The strings of the pipa are muffled, as if weeping and complaining, and it seems to be telling the unsuccessful ambitions of life. From this, the old man is still a person with a story.

Fei Tou listened intently for a while, then was about to fly over the courtyard wall.

Just at this time,


The long knife was out of its sheath, and the cold air came directly.

Flying headman reacted extremely quickly, and instantly fell to the side.


A gust of wind blew past, and a black figure rushed out.

It was the woman in black wearing cloth shoes, but her cat was missing.

"The Yin Division inspects Chen Wa and asks you to be a sensible ghost."

Then he slashed out again, hitting Fei Touman's eyebrows.

"Pfft!" The blade pierced straight between the eyebrows.

"Gu dong gu dong!"

Fei Touman made a weak sound and fell to the ground.

Fei Touman writhed on the ground a few times, finally stopped struggling, and turned into a cloud of Yin Qi, which was absorbed by Chen Wa.

The woman squatted down and groped around Fei Touman's body, a rare smile appeared on her cold face, and she held a Yinling Pill in her hand.

"The Yin Qi is so heavy, there really is something good!"

With this yin elixir, although the absorption is relatively slow, it is finally possible for him to recover from his injuries, and he no longer has to drag his seriously injured body to Chang'an, which is destined to be in crisis.

Chen Wa didn't stay long, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Crack. Creak"

There was a sound of soft footsteps on the floor of the backyard building.


A white cat meowed and paced up and down the floor, looking very anxious.

Surprise flashed in Chen Wa's eyes, and she couldn't help raising her head and looking towards the backyard.

In the depths of the backyard, a figure shrouded in a black robe was watching her quietly.

"It's a trap!"

Chen Wa's pupils shrank instantly.

At the same time, two men in black appeared on her left and right sides.

The three formed a triangle, faintly surrounding her in the middle.

"Hehe! Even if he is seriously injured, he can kill Flying Man with two knives. Is this the strength of the official inspector of the Yin Division?

Sure enough, it's very powerful, but so what, you still can't escape tonight! "

The man in black said in a low voice with a hoarse voice.

Looking at the attires of the three, Chen Wa knew in her heart that all three were wearing black robes, and all wore ghost masks, with only a pair of eyes exposed, and their identities were distinguished by embroidered threads.

"So that's it, you are from the Ghost Palace." Chen Wa said lightly.

"Haha! It's good to know, but what about inspections? One day, under the leadership of the palace master, we will also enter the underworld and take charge of reincarnation!"

The man in black said frantically.

"You guys are too confident."

After Chen Wa finished speaking, a strong killing intent suddenly emanated from her body.

Her figure appeared behind the black-robed man, and she was chopped down with a single knife!

Chen Wa's speed was so fast that the black-robed man had no room to react.


The sound of the long knife piercing the flesh sounded, and a drop of bright red blood dripped down the neck.

A fine scratch appeared on the neck of the man in black, running through his shoulder blades, and blood gushed out, staining his clothes red.

However, in the next moment, the black-robed man disappeared on the spot.


The three-pole array flag stood on the spot, and the figures of the three men in black robes just now turned out to be transformed by the flagpoles, but at this moment, a shallow white mark appeared on the flagpoles in front of Chen Wa.

"What a weird method, it can be turned into a formation flag to hide its whereabouts!"

Chen Wa's heart sank gradually.


Suddenly a thunderous sound exploded in the sky.


Dark clouds cover the sky, and electric lights flicker.

A figure leaped out from the formation and landed on the ground, it was the Lord of the Ghost Hall!
The dark evil spirit rose into the air, covering the courtyard and forming an independent space.

Chen Wa was stunned.

This man was so well-prepared that he trapped the entire mansion with a formation. He must have kept Flying Man, and when he hunted with Yin Qi, he would start an ambush.

Chen Wa's eyes fell on the evil spirits around him, and they were all made of evil spirits. Such strong evil spirits killed many people!

This is the evil ghost banner of the Ghost Palace, which is condensed with human souls and resentment.

It also has a great restraint effect on Yin and Yang.

Chen Wa waved the long knife in his hand, and a beam of light flew towards the Lord of the Ghost Palace.

"call out!"

The light of the sword cut through the night and instantly enveloped the Lord of the Ghost Hall.


The man in black robe was chopped into pieces by the light of the sword, but it was still a phantom.
"Ha ha!"

The laughter of the Lord of the Ghost Palace came: "The inspectors don't know yet, this ghostly ghost banner is a treasure cast by the elder himself, and it was cast by the unjust souls of countless dead souls. Destroy it. Unless, black ribbon or even red ribbon is sent, but the civil war in the underworld is at a critical juncture, does Chen inspector think it is possible?"

Hearing what the black-robed man said, Chen Wa's face became ugly. If the other party had all the means, then she might be in danger tonight.


The corner of Chen Wa's mouth curled up in a cold arc, and the killing intent in her eyes was awe-inspiring.

"Then with you and the three minions, even if I'm trapped, so what?"

Behind her, the white cat's figure gradually began to swell, as if it had been blown, and it became several times larger. Its fluffy tail swung freely like an iron chain, and it looked majestic and majestic.

"I won't bother the inspector to worry about this hall master. To deal with you, there will naturally be real bones."

The bone arm in the sleeve robe of the Lord of the Ghost Hall gradually lit up with light.

Hearing the name of Real Bone, Chen Wa's complexion changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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