Chapter 43
in the wing,
The five mountain visitors who had set up a soundproof circle were whispering.

"Brother, let's do it tonight."

A man suggested with a murderous look on his face.

"Definitely do it, let me think about which method to use first."

The yellow-faced man temporarily stopped a few excited brothers.

Another man with a missing finger said impatiently: "Either you can directly activate the buried Thunder Fire Talisman and blow up that Lao Shizi Princess Pingyang to the sky; or our brothers will rush in and hack her to death with knives." .”

"You can't use the second one."

The yellow-faced man said in a deep voice: "Although the princess is an ordinary person, Qianniuwei's people are not easy to mess with. I think this captain is full of vigor, and I am afraid he is a master."

The finger-less man was quite disdainful: "It's not Princess Taiping who is surrounded by a bunch of little masters, but just a concubine princess of the Wu family. How can there be any master to protect him? Even if there are, they may not be able to defeat our mad knife five evil spirits." Join forces to attack."

"It can't be calculated like this. We just use money to do things. As long as we can kill the princess and receive the reward, it's fine. There's no need to fight hard."

"Alright then, listen to brother."

"Hear me out."

The yellow-faced man lowered his voice and said:

"Before setting up the ambush, we have already designed it. Now it is a little different from what we imagined, but it is only a small impact."

"The Thunder Fire Talisman was buried under the hall from the tunnel dug under the dry well, and there is still a trigger distance. Someone must walk close to the big tree between the dry well and the hall to successfully cast the spell. Just get up at night to pee and walk over there."

"Brother, I'll go later."

The man with missing fingers volunteered, the yellow-faced man nodded and said.

"Be careful, don't get hurt by the collapsed hall."

"Don't worry, wait for my good news."

The five people discussed and decided, so they stopped talking, removed the sound-proof formation, and continued to lie down and rest.

The white cat turned around quietly, and the soldiers guarding the temple didn't take it seriously.
Only Chen Wa looked at the white cat in his arms thoughtfully.

Willow branches on the moon,
The devil is in the grass.

A thin man, carrying a bulging bow bag and holding a weed in his mouth, bent his waist like a ghost and ambush into the grass.

With the light of the blood-red moon, his sharp eyes like a falcon easily saw the situation in the Taoist temple halfway up the mountain from the commanding heights.

At a glance.

His name is Wei Zengjian,
He is a legendary hunter who travels across the Qinling Mountains, and a shadow assassin who is famous in Xichuan Road in Jiannan.

Since childhood, Wei Zengjian grew up in a Orion family.

His mother died of illness. Since he was eight years old, his father took him into the mountains, let him learn various hunter skills, how to survive in the mountains, and taught him many things, including hiding his breath in the dark and not being caught. Methods of prey discovery.

Wei Zengjian learned to hide his whereabouts in the mountains and forests when he was ten years old, and he was more cunning and agile than other children. Running and shuttling in the middle, it can even easily catch prey such as leopards and jackals.

When he was there, Wei Zengjian was hunting in the Qinling Mountains. Whether it was rabbits, deer, wild boars or tigers, none of them could escape his horn bow.

And in this year, Wei Zengjian's father strayed into the mountains and died at the mouth of a monster.

Wei Zengjian vowed to avenge his father. He took all his belongings to join the Seven Dou Rice Sect to become a practitioner, and under the training of the Seven Dou Rice Sect, he became an assassin who killed countless people.

Hiding in the shadows, nocking arrows, pulling strings, and shooting. Harvesting human life is much easier than shooting wild animals.

Wei Zengjian also became more indifferent and bloodthirsty because of this,

There are good things in Jiannan poems:
"When an arrow shoots down a wild goose in the sky, thousands of people watch it.

I don't know where this arrow came from, Wei Zeng, the god of splitting the sky, has seen it! "

Having said so much, I want to say that Wei Zengjian is an extremely powerful assassin who disregards life.

In his eyes, only to complete the task.

The task given to him by the senior management of Qidou Mijiao is to track down the inspection of the underworld who escaped from Hanzhong with serious injuries, and carry out sniping.

Wei Zengjian glanced at it, and a white cat slipped into the hall.

If there is a white cat, then the main hall must be the target.

Wei Zengjian completed the preliminary investigation of the surrounding environment of the target, and also confirmed that the target is in this temple.

It's just that there seem to be too many people around the target.

It may be a passing pedestrian, or it may be a helper of the target.

In Wei Zengjian, everything is treated as the enemy.

The next step is to patiently obtain further information through observation and find the right opportunity to complete the task.

Wei Zengjian hadn't shot at the donkey cart at the foot of the mountain, that would have exposed himself by scaring the snake. As an excellent assassin, he would not make such a low-level mistake.

The night is getting darker, and the chill in the mountains and forests is getting stronger.

After a long period of observation, Wei Zengjian confirmed the situation in the temple, the target should be hiding in the main hall.

There were also several people in the side room.

Even if the main target is seriously injured, he is still a dignified underworld inspector, the strongest underworld walking in the world, and it may be impossible to kill him with one blow.

There are many enemies, but it doesn't matter, what he is best at is to shoot slowly and weaken the enemy.

Kill the exposed ones first,
Weaken the enemy's strength to a certain extent. If the enemy still doesn't notice it, he will take the initiative to make a noise and shoot down a more important enemy within the range of the enemy's sight.

Let's see if they go to save them or not.

What he likes most is watching the enemy die in despair,

This way of death, where there is no friendly rescue or rescue friendly soldiers die one by one on the rescue road, is very damaging to the morale of the enemy.

Finally, Wei Zengjian got his first goal,
A mountain guest who looks like he got up at night to pee.

But Wei Zeng knew,

He is anything but ordinary.

Although no breath was revealed,

But Wei Zengjian's old hot eyes had already seen through him,
This man is a practitioner,
And full of killing intent.

Most likely, this is the target's newly hired bodyguard.

must be so,

My reasoning is so plausible,

What a genius!
The bow was bent like a full moon, and the bow string made an undetectable "squeak" sound. The big bow of the middle-grade mysterious spirit weapon provided him with sufficient range and lethality.

The arrow impregnated with a special poison can even paralyze a person to the point of being unable to make any sound the moment it enters the flesh and touches the blood, and dies from the poison in a very short time.

"call out!"

The arrow goes like a shooting star.

Quickly shot at Shan Ke's eyebrows.

Wei Zengjian outlined a cruel and bloodthirsty smile at the corner of his mouth,
This mountain guest seemed to sense the danger coming, and wanted to turn sideways, but he was still a beat behind.

An arrow pierces the brow,

No blood, no cry,
Shan Ke fell headlong.

Thanks to the fact that the Taoist temple has been dilapidated and neglected all year round,
Even the sound of falling was concealed by the thick weeds that did not reach the height of his thighs.

The arrow shot from between the eyebrows, and the triangular arrow protruded from the back of the head,

The white arrow feathers kept swaying.

The mountain guest's eyes were wide open, as if he couldn't believe it.

What's wrong with him, he's just trying to pretend to pee,
Just go to the tree and cast a spell to detonate the Thunderbolt Talisman
(End of this chapter)

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