One Punch Monk

Chapter 44: Gourd Baby Saves Grandpa

Chapter 44: Gourd Baby Saves Grandpa
"Boss, why haven't you moved for so long?"

In the wing room, the remaining mountain travelers held spiritual weapons and weapons in their hands, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

They waited for an explosion to sound,
Then he rushed out to collect the head.

It's not the first time I've done this kind of thing, and I'm already very proficient.

"Is the fifth meeting okay?" the yellow-faced man asked.

He meant to find someone to go out and take a look, but none of these superficial brothers were willing to move.

"It shouldn't be. From our current wing room to the big tree between the dry well and the main hall, the distance is only about [-] steps."

"Then let's open the door and have a look."

Faced with this proposal, the yellow-faced man hesitated slightly.

The reason why Lao Wu had to pretend to be up at night was because the broken door of this wing room was in disrepair for a long time, and the door shaft was badly lacking in oil. As long as it was pushed open, it would make a teeth-stinging "creaking" sound.

This kind of sound is very piercing in the silent night.

If you push the door frequently, it is easy to be found.And if you sleep with the door half open, it is really unreasonable to let the mosquitoes influx, and it is easier to reveal their purpose.

"Look out the window first."

The yellow-faced man made a compromise suggestion.

There was a mountain guest who moistened his fingers with saliva and pierced the film.

Looking out through the small hole, it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

"Boss, I can't see clearly, it's dark outside, and the ground is full of tall weeds."

"Who's going to see it?"

There was silence.
Among the several plastic brothers who were sworn brothers, only the fourth and fifth brothers had a close relationship. He put the spirit weapon blade into the storage bag and said volunteeringly.

"Let me go and see what's going on with the fifth child. There's no sound of fighting outside, so nothing serious should happen."

The yellow-faced man agreed, but he still said: "Don't close the door, the brothers are watching you from behind the door, be smart."

The fourth child's heart warmed up, he nodded heavily and said: "I know."

So he pushed open the door.


The long, tooth-piercing voice echoed in the silent night sky.

The fourth child tentatively walked towards the big tree,

There was no one around, and the insects were still chirping, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

The remaining three brothers were all staring at his every move,
This can't help but make the fourth child feel a sense of illusion.


The world focuses on me!

It's just a little strange, why is there no news about the fifth child?
The fourth child was puzzled, he was about to reach the big tree, and the door of the main hall was tightly closed, there was no abnormality.

Although the princess carelessly left the little monk and the others behind, the captain who led the army did not let down his vigilance. He was faintly guarding against the little monk and others who would riot in the middle of the night. Due to the shortage of manpower, he adopted a defense of tight inside and loose outside. According to the strategy, there are no soldiers standing guard outside the hall.

The fourth child could almost see the vicissitudes and wrinkled skin of the trunk, and a few faded wishing cloth strips hanging from the branches.

He let go of his heart, as if he touched something under his feet,
Lower your head, huh?
"Fifth, wake up, can you hear me?"

in the next second,
"call out!"

one arrow,


The three people in the house could see clearly that the fourth child was shot down under the big tree, and his life and death were unknown.

And with this cry, the lights in the main hall were quickly extinguished, and the soldiers of the Great Zhou Qianniuwei began to move in an orderly manner under the command of the captain and the captain.

"Protect the princess!"

The door was firmly sealed, and a few small holes were opened in the window, behind which were the military crossbows erected by the soldiers.

Now is the best chance to complete the task. Although they don't know who is behind the scenes, if they can't reach the big tree and detonate the Thunder Fire Talisman, their sky-high bounty will be ruined.

"Brothers, who is going to perform the mission?"

"Boss, you know me."

"You go!"

The third child, with a mournful face, rushed out sullenly,

And it is still "S" type plus "Z" type movement,

Various repeated horizontal jumps.

"Go, move, you can't see me!"


The sound of arrows piercing the flesh sounded, and the third child was shot directly.

This time Wei Zengjian did not use poisonous arrows, but heavy arrows that were powerful and heavy.

The terrifying force directly penetrated the third child's abdomen, nailing him to the ground.

"Second child."

This one is even more heavyweight,
He crawled on the grass that could reach the thigh of an adult man, twisting irregularly like a snake, trying to avoid the marksman's shooting and complete the task.

He crawled for a long time without being attacked.

But his brother got in the way.

"Brother, hold on, I'll cut off the arrow shaft that's stuck in the ground under you."

The third child who was nailed to the ground nodded painfully,
The second child turned sideways, trying to insert the knife into the gap in the ground from the side.

Before he moved the knife,

"call out!"

He too was pinned to the ground.

The typical gourd baby saves grandpa,
Send them one by one.

The yellow-faced man in the wing room watched the four brothers fall down one by one. He had no choice but to prepare himself.

This is a master of archery that he has never seen before. The exquisiteness of archery is far beyond his imagination. He can't think of how to deal with this terrifying existence in the dark night.

Reluctantly, he turned his head, and directly removed the bed and door panels, using the most direct method of confrontation.

In the hall,
The captain stood in front of Princess Pingyang, crossed his hands and saluted and said.

"My lord, a few mountain travelers outside were shot dead by the sharp archers and fell on the open space. The enemy has only found one person so far, and his archery skills are superb. But we also brought shields, so there is nothing to worry about in the hall, you Let's see if we want to go first"

After finishing speaking, the captain glanced at Shen Budu and Chen Wa.


Princess Pingyang rejected the proposal to control the two of them, she did not show too much panic, but asked after thinking for a moment.

"What do you think is the best way to deal with it now? Will the enemy have reinforcements, and the marksman is only used to restrain us from moving?"

The captain replied decisively:

"will not!"

Seeing the captain's expression, Princess Pingyang suddenly realized that she was concerned but confused.

If the enemy has a large group of reinforcements, there is no need for sharpshooters to delay at all. As long as they don't do anything, they will still stay here at night.

"There is only one enemy. If you want to cover the retreat of the princess, the subordinate can do it, but the subordinate suggests sticking here and waiting for the dawn. As soon as the dawn dawns, whether it is sending a signal for help or relying on the oar shield to cover the charge Get out, everything is easy to talk about."

It's not peaceful tonight, but Master's words really come true!
Shen Budu looked at the woman in the other corner of the hall, thinking that she is a princess, no wonder there are Qianniuwei guards around her.

At first, he actually thought of Princess Taiping, but after thinking about it, he knew that Princess Taiping was the youngest daughter of the Empress, and the Empress was already eighty, and Princess Taiping was also in her thirties this year, her age did not match at all.

Moreover, Princess Taiping loves literature, politics, and etiquette, and has an extraordinary influence on the Great Zhou Dynasty.

She doesn't know how to wear a hunting suit, nor does she wander around the mountains with so few guards.

It's just that I don't know which princess of the Wu family this Pingyang princess is the daughter of.
Princess Pingyang doesn't intend to go out to take risks, and Chen Wa has no objection either. Chen Wa doesn't know whether the sharpshooter is coming for her or Princess Pingyang, but anyway, if he can be mixed in Princess Pingyang's team, there are so many With the protection of soldiers with scull shields and crossbows, the safety will naturally be a little more guaranteed.

Needless to say, Shen Budu, right now the enemy is in the dark, he lacks defense and evasion techniques, he doesn't know where the enemy is, and he can't even talk about attacking, so it's safer to stay in a closed building.

Around the Taoist temple, the only thing that was moving at this moment was a yellow-faced man with a Sima face who was tearing down the door panels.

Oh no, there is also a tiger demon rushing over excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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