Chapter 94
The little monk wore a plain robe, and he looked no different from the ordinary novice monks of the Shenlong Temple among the people of Xianmen.

At least, great virtuous monks like the Four Great Elders all wear cassocks, don’t they?

He came out so slowly, little by little, his whole body was covered with dust, and his monk robe was covered with dust, but those dark eyes were extremely clear, like stars, exuding a dazzling look.

Shen Budu walked slowly in front of Zhao Zixia and helped Zhao Zixia up.

Unexpectedly, the righteous man did not attack, but just hovered in mid-air quietly, watching all this happen.


Duan Yun watched helplessly as the little monk clasped his hands together and softly recited a Buddhist mantra, while Zhao Zixia, the national teacher who had always hated Buddhism, bowed his head and returned the salute.

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces showed disbelief.

Neither the disciples of the Lingxiao Sword Sect nor the monks of the Shenlong Temple would have imagined that this dirty little monk would be worthy of such a formal salute from the national teacher Zhao Zixia.

The Taoist disciples of Difei Mountain even dropped their jaws in shock.

This is their head teacher, this is the national teacher who doesn't even salute the empress!
Standing behind Shen Budu, Mingyue even covered her mouth. As a Taoist Kun, the object of her most admiration since she was a child is Zhao Zixia, a strong Daoist who is in charge of Difei Mountain as a woman.

Zhao Zixia looked at the little monk in front of her, her beautiful eyes sparkled, and she asked softly, "If there is no accident, the ghost of poetry was killed by the monk, right?"

Shen Budu didn't admit it or deny it, but turned his head to look at the righteous man in the sky.

"Mr. Liu?"

Shen Budu clearly realized that although he had the same face, the person in front of him might not be the Mr. Liu he knew.

"I am a man of justice, I am Teacher Qidoumi, and I am also Liu Qingshui."

Suspended in mid-air, like a demon god, opened his mouth slowly.

"I'll give you a chance, you and your companions, go now."

Suddenly, Duan Yun, the young patriarch of the Lingxiao Sword Sect, seemed to have grasped at a life-saving straw, and said, "God monk, take me away! I can give you a reward, and I will give you whatever you want!"

"My little monk wants a ten-thousand-year green fairy fruit."

Duan Yun's expression froze, they came with the national teacher Zhao Zixia, they didn't even know the secrets of the justice of heaven, how could they know what is the Ten Thousand Years Green Fairy Fruit?
But at this time, the righteous man no longer grumbled.

"Come and kill me, the fairy fruit on the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree is all yours."

After saying that, he disappeared in place in an instant.


This kind of battle, the eight-tailed fox who has not yet recovered can't intervene. With a wave of her hand, she pulled Mingyue, Chi Ou, He Taixu and others to the other side of Taiping Paradise.

Tian Justice's speed was too fast, and he still attacked suddenly, and everyone couldn't react at all.

Only Zhao Zixia, when she saw the righteous man, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, obviously not too worried.


In just an instant, a majestic wave of air swept across the entire blessed land, and a huge crack directly lay across the valley.


A shrill scream came out, and a disciple of the Lingyun Sword Sect behind Duan Yun was directly thrown out, with countless scars torn on his body, and blood sprayed everywhere.

Duan Yun and the others all gasped.


The four elders of Shenlong Temple braced their bodies, and the Buddhist radiance of the Zen staff in their hands blocked the aftermath of this shock wave.

Duan Yun, the young patriarch of Lingxiao Sword Sect, took other people and retreated to a place far away from the deepest part of Taiping Paradise.


A few more violent explosions sounded, and the space barriers of the entire blessed land shook. They could only watch from a distance and could not help at all.

Facts have proved that although people in heaven look down on Zhao Zixia, even though Zhao Zixia was beaten into a mess at the beginning.

But when she showed her full strength, it was still enough to pose a threat to the righteous people.

The reason is also very simple, it's not some kind of heavenly artifact or cultivation technique, it's because she still has realm suppression.

Yes, realm suppression!
Strength is not equal to realm, the body, soul, and spiritual energy of Tiangong Daoist all have all-round advantages.

But in terms of realm alone, Tiangong Daoist is still at the third rank, while Zhao Zixia is at the second rank.

All this is not because of other reasons, but because they are still fighting in the peaceful and blessed land.

Taiping Paradise, as one of the Paradise Paradises, is an independent small world that can partially shield the influence of heaven.

It is precisely because of this feature that the righteous man was able to sleep for 500 years.

But on the other hand, as long as he doesn't break through the restrictions of the Taiping Paradise, he won't be recognized by the Dao of Heaven, and he will be able to squeeze out Zhao Zixia to be promoted to the second rank.

The strength of Taoist Tiangong is the strongest person Shen Budu has encountered so far since he came down the mountain. He did not choose to attack rashly, but observed the weakness of Taoist Tiangong.

Zhao Zixia's long sleeves were bulging and seals were formed in her hands, and the most famous Lei Fa of Difei Mountain was displayed impressively.

There was only a sound of thunder, and a thunder snake made of thunder rushed straight to the righteous man.

But Tiangong Daoist didn't dodge or dodge, he threw his right fist upwards fiercely, it turned out to be a lightning method that used his body to shake Zhao Zixia hard.


The righteous man's fist collided with Razer.

But the result of this blow was unexpected.

Because the body of Daoist Tiangong remained motionless, and the thunder snake was shattered by the shock, turning into infinite thunder and lightning power, scattered between the sky and the earth.

However, Zhao Zixia was not in a hurry. In the endless power of thunder and lightning, a group of golden light of lightning condensed and formed.

The law of heaven she mastered is thunder.

The light of thunder and lightning became brighter and brighter, bigger and bigger,

In the end, it condensed into a huge beam of light shining with golden thunder, and shot fiercely at the righteous man.

Heaven is just and righteous, his face became serious for the first time.

In the priority determination of the rules of heaven, due to the gap in realm, his space teleportation cannot avoid the attack of Lei Fa.


A huge sound came, and a huge mushroom cloud rose up. The whole space seemed to tremble, and ripples spread out layer by layer, forming countless waves visible to the naked eye.


Afterwards, the figure of Taoist Tiangong appeared in front of Zhao Zixia, his body was covered with fine scratches, his body was like a dead tree, and green blood flowed continuously.

The Taoist robe on Taoist Tiangong also became a little damaged, but his gaze was unusually firm.

"You are not my opponent, your Lei Fa is still a bit worse."

The Taoist Tiangong said calmly, he raised his head and looked at Zhao Zixia.

His gaze seemed to be able to penetrate any disguise and reach Zhao Zixia's heart.

Zhao Zixia frowned slightly, but she didn't feel any panic, instead she smiled and said, "That's not necessarily the case."

The pupils of the righteous man constricted suddenly, and he felt a strange danger emerging in his mind.

"Xuanqing thunder method, the gods will die!"

In a split second, Zhao Zixia made a judgment, and without hesitation, she resorted to her favorite trick.


I saw that the boundless mysterious runes condensed around her body and turned into a thunder net, enveloping the Taoist Tiangong, as if to cover the entire peaceful and blessed land.

Xuanqing Leifa is a supernatural art that Difei Mountain has only passed down from generation to generation among the masters. It can summon the mysterious and unpredictable Heaven and Earth Thunder Yuan, which is so powerful that it can even destroy the enemy's "rules".

Yes, the acme of thunder can even destroy "rules". This is the extremely overbearing power of thunder.

Countless years before Zhao Zixia, it was only used once during the Great Tribulation of Sealing the Heavens.

Once, Zhu Xian!

As for the cost, the slightest one is falling down the grade and losing control of the rules, and the most serious one is unimaginable.
Once the cast is completed, Zhao Zixia's rank will be reduced. If there are no special factors, she will never be able to re-advance to the second rank. , will directly fall into the upper three realms, and it will take a long time to learn new rules, and it may even be impossible to complete in a lifetime.

Zhao Zixia's second grade was lifted up by the empress of the Great Zhou Dynasty by transferring the national destiny. If Zhao Zixia's rank falls, the national destiny of the Great Zhou Dynasty will also be affected.

But at this moment, Zhao Zixia had no choice.

If you don't use taboo magical powers and wait until the people of heaven and justice break through the land of peace and happiness, then you won't even have the qualifications to use them.

The gods and thunder, which means "quietness", gathered from all directions, forming a huge thunder god above Zhao Zixia's head.

Thunder God raised his arms high, the thunder condensed on his fingers, and an incomparably shining thunder light flashed out.

"Thunder penalty!"

Zhao Zixia let out a low snort, and that Thunder God Finger, which contained endless coercion, was like a sharp sword between heaven and earth, straight towards the righteous man.

In front of this divine thunder of extinction, all the spatial teleportation of the righteous man is useless, it is just a futile struggle.


The divine thunder pierced through the chest of the righteous man in an instant, causing him to fly upside down.

Not only did Zhao Zixia not show any joy on her face, but she looked at the direction in which Tiangong fell, her eyes were filled with ice-coldness, and said with a sneer, "Tiangong, your time of death has arrived!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Zixia stepped forward, and her whole body turned into a stream of light, chasing in the direction where the righteous man fell. The speed was so fast that it arrived almost instantly.

She didn't dare to be careless, after all, this is a peaceful and blessed land, and it can be regarded as half of the home court of the righteous.

The distance between the two became closer and closer, and soon they reached the area where the righteous man fell.

"Whoosh~" The two arrived here almost at the same time.

"Heaven is just and righteous, suffer death!"

Zhao Zixia snorted coldly, a dazzling thunder burst out from her whole body, like a god of thunder, she attacked Tiangong Daoist.


Zhao Zixia flipped her wrist, and an extremely thick thunderbolt condensed in her hand, sending out circles of lightning arcs, and slashed towards the righteous man.

The seriously injured Tiangong didn't show any fear. He raised his head, and two divine rainbows shot out from his eyes, and they greeted Zhao Zixia's thunder.

Even though a big hole was blown out of his chest and half of his body was scorched black, the next moment, the righteous man still teleported to the depths of Taipingfudi.

The Taoist Tiangong came under the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree, and immediately after, the entire Taiping Blessed Land shook violently.

Zhao Zixia, who was already at the end of her strength, originally wanted to deal with the justice of heaven with one breath.

However, she watched helplessly, the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree that was hundreds of feet high and thousands of meters long.

stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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