One Punch Monk

Chapter 95 Kill 2 items!

Chapter 95 Kill the second grade!

The branches and leaves of the Hongmeng Qingxian tree are luxuriant, and every branch contains terrifying power. Every time it swings, it will cause a large area of ​​the void to collapse, and the breath is filled as if the entire small world is exploding.

An incomparably thick blue tree, like a pillar of the sky, slowly emerged from the depths of Taipingfudi.


The entire peaceful and blessed land was trembling.

That destructive power comes from it.

A man of heaven and justice can actually arouse the power of the Primordial Green Immortal Tree?
An indescribable sense of fear welled up in Zhao Zixia's heart.

The branches of the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree, like Optimus Prime, danced crazily and fell towards Zhao Zixia.

In Zhao Zixia's eyes, there was also a solemn look, and her body retreated sharply.

This tree was created by the ancient god Pangu, and it possesses terrifying power. After Pangu created the world, an ancient god used the Five Elements Sacred Tree as the foundation to cast the "Hongmeng Shrine".

The power of the Daoist Tiangong to activate the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree is beyond Zhao Zixia's imagination. This is because the immortal gave the "rules" contained in the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree to the Daoist Tiangong.

However, after all, a man of justice is not the Primordial Green Immortal Tree itself, and the power he exerts is also limited.

But even so, with the space ability he controlled, it was more than enough to kill Zhao Zixia, a second rank who was about to fall.

Seeing Zhao Zixia flying back with lightning flashing all over her body, Shen Budu went up to meet her.

"Sir, what's going on inside?"

Zhao Zixia's face was pale, with blood hanging from the corner of her mouth. Her left hand was torn apart by the aftermath of the Tiangong's attack just now. The bloody piece was very serious, but she didn't care about her own injuries, and hurriedly said: "Tiangong is right!" The human has merged with the Primordial Green Immortal Tree, if I expected it to be correct, this should be the rule given to him by the immortal back then."

Shen Budu was slightly taken aback by what the national teacher said.

He saw the heaven-destroying Divine Lightning of Nirvana just now, and even this kind of taboo supernatural power failed to kill the righteous and righteous people. This fate is really hard.

"What are the rules mastered by the righteous people?"

"He himself controls the space, and the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree controls recovery."

Zhao Zixia said hastily, and while the two were chatting briefly, the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree, which was hundreds of feet high, was getting closer.

Facing this unparalleled sense of oppression, Shen Budu finally confirmed one point.

"His spatial rules are not strong enough to teleport such a huge Primordial Green Immortal Tree?"

"Certainly not."

With the violent shattering of the space barrier, the entire small world of Taiping Blessed Land began to appear in the sight of the outside world.

At the foot of Dingjun Mountain, an extremely tall and gigantic tree rose out of the ground, reaching a height of a thousand meters.

What does it feel like when one looks up at an object thousands of meters high?


Under the oppression of the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree, the entire broken small world of Taiping Paradise became dim.


A deafening roar resounded through the sky, and the whole small world began to shake violently, like a lonely boat in the sea, which was in danger of capsizing at any time.


The branches of the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree slammed down, and the coercion descended.

Zhao Zixia's expression froze, and when she put her hands together, more than a dozen thunderballs appeared in her hands, and they spun, and a series of vast thunderbolts gushed out from them, forming a series of solid shields, helping the rear Everyone from the Immortal Sect blocked the huge branches that fell from the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree.


However, to Zhao Zixia's surprise, the little monk didn't dodge, and was directly thrown into the sky by the air wave from the branch.

Could it be that I guessed wrong, this little monk has a false name?
A sense of absurdity flashed in Zhao Zixia's heart. Although she, as the closest friend of the empress, had heard a lot of news from Princess Taiping when she reported to the empress, she had never witnessed the scene of Shen Budu beheading a third-rank poet ghost.

But at this moment, Zhao Zixia suddenly remembered something.

When killing the poet ghost Lu Xuanji, the little monk used a trick,
Fist from the sky.
Zhao Zixia raised her head suddenly, looked at the figure of the little monk in the sky like a small black dot, with a look of horror on her face, and blurted out: "Is this the trick?"

A bright golden "卍" character appeared in the air, from top to bottom, it suppressed towards the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree.

"Fourth Fist: Like My Buddha Comes!"

With the help of the Qilin True Fire, Shen Budu radiated an incomparably scorching temperature, as if he was about to burn everything, he slammed into the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree.

The two collided together, and the roar shook the world.


Where the two collided, cracks spread in the void, and the entire land trembled violently.


A series of earth-shattering roars resounded through the world.

The terrifying power caused the entire world to lose its original color, leaving only darkness.

Hitting the canopy, ripples visible to the naked eye spread out.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the Xianmen only saw that the little monk plunged headlong into the body of the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree.

"This is impossible!"

"What's going on here? Could it be that he really has the means to destroy the Primordial Green Immortal Tree?"

"Impossible, how terrifying is the Primordial Green Immortal Tree, even the God of Nirvana can't destroy it, how can he destroy it?"

"You better hope he can destroy it, or everyone will die today!"

Many practitioners of the immortal sect started discussing one after another, and their eyes were full of surprise when they looked into the distance.

How could the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree, an innate divine tree born from the beginning of chaos, be destroyed by people?

Suddenly, a violent red shock wave emanated from the inside of the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree in the distance.

Like a red flare,
It exploded in an instant!
A terrifying shock wave soared into the sky, and the surroundings were suddenly pitch black.

The smoke and dust filled the air, obscuring the sky and the earth, making it impossible to distinguish the direction.


The smoke and dust dissipated, and the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree collapsed, revealing the figure of Shen Budu.

His whole body was stained with green sap.

Looking at the crimson unicorn armor faintly exposed, Zhao Zixia muttered to herself: "What a decisive strategy, first use the space rules to prevent it from operating, directly enter the body of the Hongmeng Qingxian tree, and then destroy it with the unicorn real fire inside. But, really Can the 'resuscitation' rule be overcome?"

Zhao Zixia couldn't be sure, after all, she was not the owner of the Primordial Green Immortal Tree, so she couldn't judge, and she always felt that the Taoist Tiangong who had just advanced to the second rank would not die so easily.

Shen Budu also looked towards the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree,
Tens of thousands of souls who had been captured and cruelly refined their vitality and vows rushed to escape from the collapsed Primordial Green Immortal Tree, and began to gradually dissipate as they escaped from the confinement of the Primordial Primordial Green Immortal Tree.

And ray after ray of golden light of merit also poured into Shen Budu's body.

"Daoist Tiangong was seriously injured by the national teacher before, and now that the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree has been destroyed again, he is probably dead?"

"I hope so."

"No, it's not that simple."

The four elders of Shenlong Temple had serious expressions on their faces. They stared at the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree in the distance without blinking.

"Cough cough."

A figure crawled out from the collapsed Primordial Green Immortal Tree.

God is fair!

Zhao Zixia's pupils shrank suddenly, and her face changed drastically.

The righteous man is not dead!

"Hehe, you underestimate the rules of the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree." Tiangong Daoist sneered: "Although I have been severely injured, the original rules of the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree exist, and now I have returned to the peak state gone."

As the Tiangong Taoist said, he slowly raised his right foot and stepped on the sole of his foot.


When one foot fell, the whole earth shook.


A ripple of power visible to the naked eye rippled out centered on the righteous man.

Zhao Zixia's body seemed to be struck by lightning, she stepped back dozens of steps, her face was pale, it was obvious that she was seriously injured.

The elders of Shenlong Temple were even more miserable. One of them flew upside down and hit the mountain wall, opened his mouth, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Why...he's not dead!"

"I must be dreaming, it's not real!"

Seeing the weird scene in front of them, everyone was dumbfounded, completely unable to believe what they saw.

This. Is this a real thing?

"Is this an illusion?"

"How is it possible? The righteous man will not die after being beaten like this?"

Many immortal cultivators looked at the Taoist Tiangong in the distance with expressions of shock and disbelief, not knowing what to say, because everyone present knew how seriously the Taoist Tiangong was injured. And he was able to survive, and even returned to his peak state, which simply subverted everyone's common sense.

The peak state of the righteous man is that one person wants to overthrow the existence of the Han Empire!

Despair, confusion, helplessness, panic.

All kinds of emotions linger in the hearts of everyone.

Their gazes all looked at one person in unison.

On the mountain farther away, Mingyue, Chi Ou, and He Taixu brought by the eight-tailed fox watched all this nervously.

Shen Budu felt the ocean of spiritual energy pouring into his body after countless lights of merit, and took a deep breath.

He clenched his fists tightly, and the shuttle ring also emitted light.

"Benefactor, dying under this punch will be the greatest honor in your life."

Daoist Tiangong's complexion changed drastically. He looked at the young monk in the distance. He was almost invincible, and his body began to tremble undetectably.

A force that made him feel the threat of death was rising from the little monk.

Heavenly Justice no longer hesitates, without the shackles of the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree, and with the help of the "resurrection" rule origin of the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree, he has successfully resurrected with full blood, and now he can use the space rules without any scruples.

But at the moment of teleportation,
Heaven's justice and people are like falling into an ice cave.

What did he see?
A statue of thousands of feet, showing the shape of wrath, is the dharmakaya of the mighty King Ming who subdues all evil spirits.

"Fist Five: King Ming Comes to the World!"

The Dharma Body of King Fu Ming roared up to the sky, a roar like thunder made the whole world shake.

A pair of scorpion-like eyes, looking down at the sky, seemed to be able to see through all falsehoods.

This is the true power of King Ming's Dharma Body!


Tiangong Taoist felt the huge power transmitted from Fu Ming Wangfa, felt the terrifying power that suffocated him, and his heart seemed to stop beating.

In the face of such power, even if he is a second-rank powerhouse, he still feels the taste of death.

At this moment, the righteous man finally felt what fear is.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"How is it possible, mere ants, how can it be possible to have such powerful power!"

A look of madness appeared on the face of the righteous man, and he roared loudly.

He roared up to the sky, wanted to struggle, and wanted to activate the space rule teleportation, but he found that he couldn't even move a finger!

Just a slight delay was enough to kill him.

"Liu Qingshui, are you crazy?! If you kill me, you will die too!"

Mr. Liu's hoarse voice echoed in his mind: "Zi said: Heaven mourns!"

The righteous man had no time to say anything more.

His physical body was like an ant crushed to death by an elephant under the fist of King Ming's Dharma Body.

He kept howling, the blood, skin, and bones on the surface of his body were all evaporated and turned into nothing.


The flesh of the righteous man was burned to pieces.

His soul was also snatched out by the Dharma Body of King Jiang Mo Ming.

The Dharma Body of King Jiang Mo Ming grabbed the soul in his hand, squeezed it hard, and it exploded!


The righteous man screamed horribly.


From the eyes of King Jiang Mo Ming's Dharma Body, two dazzling golden lightning bolts shot out, directly piercing through the fragile primordial spirit of Tiangong Daoist who wanted to escape.

The primordial spirit of the righteous man was directly killed.

In this world, all traces of existence are lost.

All the people of Xianmen who were present were silent when they saw this scene.

With one punch, the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree was destroyed.

One punch, kill the second rank!

(End of this chapter)

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