One Punch Monk

Chapter 96 The Great Harvest

Chapter 96 The Great Harvest

Is that human being?

All the practitioners of Xianmen were horrified.

They all looked at Shen Budu in shock.

Killing a second-rank powerhouse with one punch, this level of strength is really terrifying.

And they were very fortunate that they were not against this little monk, otherwise, they would be the ones who died now.

"Is this person really from Da Zhou? Who the hell is he?"

"With such terrifying strength, I'm afraid it's the reincarnation of a land god?"

Immortal disciples from Difei Mountain, Shenlong Temple, and Lingxiao Sword Sect looked at the young monk standing in the distance, couldn't help feeling their scalps go numb, and guessed frightenedly.

"Elder, has there ever been such a strong person in Buddhism?"

At this time, the monks of Shenlong Temple had long lost their indifferent appearance. One of the most outstanding monks of the younger generation asked the elders of his own temple in a low voice.

"I don't know, but he has such supernatural powers, and the origin is not simple."

Huiyuan, the elder of the Discipline Hall of Shenlong Temple, shook his head and said thoughtfully.

"Why did such a character appear?"

"He should be related to the new round of heaven and earth catastrophe."

"I heard that every catastrophe will produce a son of great luck. Could it be that this young man is a son of luck?"


Everyone looked at Shen Budu who was standing in the distance, and couldn't help guessing in their hearts.

And Mingyue and others who were watching the battle from a distance were even more arguing. When they learned from Chi Ou that it was Shen Budu who punched and killed Shigui, not only Mingyue and He Taixu were extremely shocked, but even the eight-tailed fox was shocked. I shivered in fright.

Lu Xuanji, the poet ghost, is a third-rank powerhouse!
However, seeing a second-rank was bombed and killed with my own eyes, it seems that it is not so shocking
Shen Budu gently waved his hands, touching the corpse while it was hot.

Tiangong Taoist didn't have a storage spirit weapon, but before Shijun was fused, he dropped one.

After a quick glance, Shen Budu narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

The Seven Dou Rice Religion has been spread in Hanzhong Mansion for many years, and Shijun's family background is still very rich.

After doing all this, he turned around and looked at Zhao Zixia among the crowd in the distance, with a warm smile on his face, he said, "Benefactor, can you come forward and say something?"

His smile gave people a feeling of spring breeze, but when he said to let Zhao Zixia come over, the disciples of Difei Mountain felt a chill rising from the bottom of their hearts.

"Headmaster, who is he? Will it be bad for you?"

"This is not your business."

Zhao Zixia got up, and immediately said slowly: "When you see this divine monk in the future, you must be as respectful as you are to me, understand?"

Hearing Zhao Zixia's answer, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then their expressions changed drastically, showing disbelief.

Shen Budu didn't care what these immortal disciples were thinking, he led Zhao Zixia to the depths of Taipingfudi.

Seeing Zhao Zixia's posture, the three immortal sects of Shenlong Temple, Lingxiao Sword Sect, and Difei Mountain neither dared to act rashly, nor dared to leave at will.

Shen Budu and Zhao Zixia came to the depths of Taiping Paradise, but Zhao Zixia just sat cross-legged and motioned for Shen Budu to go in by herself.

Here, there is a small tree no taller than one person. The small tree is simple and vicissitudes, exuding an endless sense of history.

This small tree is the main body of the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree left after the ancient gods forged the "Hongmeng Shrine".

As for the giant tree outside that can absorb the will power of living people, it is just an evil alien species cultivated by immortals based on its "resurrection" origin.

"God is fair, this little monk has already killed you, and these fairy fruits will belong to this little monk."

On the small tree, there are two large ripe fruits hanging lightly from the branches, besides that, there are six small green fruits.

The big fruit is blue in color and exudes strong spiritual power. The most amazing thing is that even a drop of dew that touches the fruit can condense into a rain spar.

This is the Ten Thousand Years Green Fairy Fruit, the most precious elixir in the world.

Shen Budu walked to the tree, stretched out his hand, and gently stroked the branches of the small tree.

The fruit on this small tree is the essence of the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree, which contains infinite mysterious power. As long as one eats one, it can increase the speed of cultivation for a period of time, and it can even directly make people in the middle three realms and below. jump.

Shen Budu stretched out his right hand and waved towards the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree, the two fairy fruits on the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree immediately flew over and landed in Shen Budu's palm.

"Well, it went well."

Shen Budu looked at the two fairy fruits in his palm, nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

Then he put the two fairy fruits into the storage bag, and then looked at the Hongmeng Green Immortal Tree seriously.

After thinking for a moment, he carefully picked off the six small fruits, and then carefully uprooted them.

He patted the dirt on his hands, scanned around to make sure nothing was left behind, and flew outside.

At this time, the time for a cup of tea has passed since Shen Budu entered the depths of Taiping Fudi.

"Benefactor, you seem?"

On the periphery of the deep place, there were only the two of them here, seeing Zhao Zixia's downgrade, Shen Budu who had just come out couldn't help asking.

Zhao Zixia shook her head and smiled bitterly.

She waved her hands to form a barrier to isolate the outside world, and said in a low voice in this closed space: "God monk, my rank has fallen, and I am now considered a half-disabled person. I am afraid that only by mastering the new rules can I step into the upper echelon." Three Realms."

Although she said it easily, her heart was secretly bitter.

Zhao Zixia naturally knew her own situation. The rules were the most difficult to master. Once lost, they would never be recovered. This was one of the reasons why she did not choose to use forbidden magical powers before.

Unfortunately, it is irreparable.

"Benefactor, try this Evergreen Fairy Fruit."

Hearing Shen Budu's words, Zhao Zixia raised her head in disbelief, and looked at Shen Budu, her eyes full of astonishment.

The Ten Thousand Years Green Fairy Fruit is the rarest panacea in the world.

Such a precious treasure of heaven and earth, the little monk gave it to himself so generously?
Although, when the little monk brought her to the depths of the blessed land, she had a certain guess in her heart, but when the guess came true, it was a bit difficult to accept.

Shen Budu smiled slightly, and handed the evergreen fairy fruit in his hand to Zhao Zixia.

Zhao Zixia hesitated for a moment, but still accepted it.

"The Divine Monk is so kind and virtuous, Zhao Zixia swears by the way of heaven, if there is a need in the future, no matter what it is, my Feishan will definitely repay it with all my strength!"

She looked at Shen Budu, said solemnly, and saluted Shen Budu respectfully after speaking.

[You gave a ten thousand year green fairy fruit as a gift, triggering ten times the critical strike compensation, you get: 10 year green fairy fruit! 】

Zhao Zixia returned to the team of Xianmen, and she did not shy away from it. Now that the injury is so serious, if she eats it earlier, she will lose some rules less.

Zhao Zixia meditated on the spot under the protection of the people in Difei Mountain.

Seeing the leaving figure of the little monk, everyone in Xianmen was shocked.

They all knew how precious this Wannianqing fairy fruit was to practitioners, but the little monk gave it to Zhao Zixia without hesitation.

Moreover, looking at the young monk's expression, it seemed that he didn't take the Evergreen Fairy Fruit to heart at all.

They all understood somewhat that the strength of this little monk had definitely reached a level they could hardly imagine.

Such a character has never been heard of before.

What is the background of this little monk?
Is it the reincarnation of the Buddha?
"Is this what you want?"

Looking at the evergreen fairy fruit in the little monk's hand, the eyes of the eight-tailed fox lit up.

The eight-tailed fox nodded.

She looked at Shen Budu, took out a drop of blood from between her eyebrows and said: "God monk, you rescued me from Baiqiu, and now you have the grace of rebuilding with me. If there is a need for the god monk in another day, he will go to heaven and hell if he is called!"

Essence and blood melted into Shen Budu's palm, and the two seemed to have an invisible induction.

Shen Budu said with a faint smile: "It's okay, it's just a little effort."

[You gifted a ten thousand year green fairy fruit, which triggers a hundred times critical strike compensation, and you get: a million year green fairy fruit! 】

The eight-tailed fox swallowed the evergreen fairy fruit, and a dazzling light shone on her body. With the blooming of the light, her death energy caused by the five declines of heaven and man began to gradually dissipate.

This process lasted for half a stick of incense before she stopped.

When she opened her eyes, her energy and spirit were greatly improved.

"This ten thousand year green fairy fruit is of great help to cultivation. I have absorbed most of the spiritual power. The cultivation in the next period of time should be smoother." Eight-tailed fox thought to himself.

The dead energy on her body caused by the five declines of heaven and man has been completely wiped away, leaving only a strong vitality.

However, her realm has not stabilized, and her cultivation has not returned to the peak state.

After all, the power of the five declines of heaven and man is really too great.

The eight-tailed fox bowed to Shen Budu, then shook his body, turned into a wisp of green smoke, and disappeared into the void, apparently leaving this place.

A few friends are a little curious.

But they still have to face. Shen Budu brought them to Taiping Blessed Land, and he has gained a lot of knowledge. When fighting mobs to divide up the spoils, the spiritual weapons and belongings of those Yellow Turban Generals, Yellow Turban Warriors, and Skeleton Soldiers, everyone also I took a lot.

It's a lot of money after a trip.

Not to mention the benefits of opening the Meridian Valley before.

Shen Budu smiled, and he took out five thousand-year-old green fairy fruits.

"There are still a few small ones, each of us will have one."

[You gifted four thousand-year-old green fairy fruits, which triggered ten times the critical hit compensation, and got: ten-thousand-year green fairy fruits*4! 】

The eyes of the few people were full of surprises. Although the thousand-year green fairy fruit was no better than the ten-thousand-year green fairy fruit, if Shen Budu hadn't given it to them, they would never even have heard of it in their lifetime.

"Brother, this... is too precious."

"Mr. Ge's, I'll take it! At worst, I'll work for the little monk for the rest of his life."

"Fellow Daoist, Bright Moon Wish."

Shen Budu stopped their increasingly nasty words: "Don't, don't, hold it, this fruit can't be kept, and the aura will dissipate after a while."

He also fed one to the white-fronted tiger by the way.

Several people ate it, and the effect was almost immediate. They felt a majestic aura pouring from their mouths and noses into the sea of ​​dantian qi.

The realms of several people are constantly soaring.

Except for Shen Budu, I just felt that the aura had increased, and I didn't feel anything else.
After just half a stick of incense, Mingyue's cultivation reached the peak of the seventh-rank foundation-building realm from the late stage of the seventh-rank foundation-building realm, and then broke through the obstacles, surpassed the early stage, and directly reached the middle stage of the sixth-rank alchemy realm!

"I have broken through to the condensed core state! Or go straight to the mid-stage condensed core!?"

Mingyue looked at her hand with an expression of disbelief, and then she took another look at Shen Budu, feeling even more excited in her heart.

This is an inexplicable worship.

At this moment, in Mingyue's heart, Shen Budu is like a god.

"Thank you buddy!"

Mingyue hugged Shen Budu from the front.

He Taixu also hugged Shen Budu fiercely from behind after waking up. He just entered the early stage of the sixth-grade alchemy realm, and was directly pushed to the peak of the sixth-grade alchemy realm by the medicinal effect of the thousand-year-old green fairy fruit!
Chi Ou and the white-fronted tiger also had strong demonic aura, and their realm had obviously improved, and they felt comfortable and full of energy.

"Let's go, we should go back."

After all, he rode on the white-fronted tiger, galloped towards the way he came, and disappeared into the vast mountains in the blink of an eye.

 Chapter 2 is late, I have a headache today

(End of this chapter)

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