Chapter 128 Secret

I really can't blame Brother Nine for being sensitive.

You must know that they are princes and elder brothers, different from ordinary rich and powerful young masters.

For an ordinary rich and powerful young master, this kind of "beauty offering" is common, and it's nothing.

Some people specially buy beauties from Jiangnan just to give gifts.

But prince elder brother, let alone a big living person around, many cats and dogs have to be checked out.

As long as it is used, it is impossible to put it outside.

Otherwise, no one can bear the consequences of a lawsuit that confuses the royal blood.

It is even more impossible to bring it into the palace.

If Seventh Brother had already opened the mansion, things would be easier.

Hang on the household registration of the people under which family, and enter the mansion in the name of "adopted daughter".

Without opening the mansion, these two women are heavenly beauties, and it is impossible to accept them.

That's just going through the motions...

Brother Jiu was responsible for the job of tracking down the line before.

If these two women had prepared before, then they could not be said to be tempting.

After the seventh elder brother took over the errand, he prepared it temporarily, which could not be said to be a warning to the ninth elder brother.

Otherwise it's endless...

Isn't it right that people should be in panic and should be inspected, so how could something unexpected happen?
Everyone knows that Brother Seventh brought Fujin with him this time...

There is also a concubine in the palace who gave birth to the eldest son and eldest daughter...

Shu Shu held Brother Jiu's hand, Brother Jiu's hand was shaking, obviously very angry.

"Maybe we're thinking too much..."

Shu Shu comforted: "Don't talk about others, just look at that Ma Jia's wealth, he is just a fool, and his behavior is very rough..."

Ninth elder brother was a little frustrated: "Don't deceive yourself, you may be able to hide your physical condition from the outsiders, but it's hard for the people in the palace to tell... especially the coats that work in the palace... these bastards , I may not know how to arrange it behind the scenes..."

The most frustrating thing is that even if you know that these people have something else to say, it is not easy to directly express it.

Shu Shudao: "Everyone talks about people behind their backs, and everyone is told behind their backs... Before our little Gege and little elder brother landed, it would be useless even if I went out to talk to people..."

Speaking of this, she hesitated for a moment: "But the imperial doctor said before, my body still needs to be recuperated... At this time, even if we pray to God and Buddha to have a child, I'm afraid it won't be healthy..."

That's what Shu Shu said.

It's not that she's crazy, using a body that hasn't fully developed to conceive and have children.

You know, the current labor test is the life and death test.

Hershey, who is a queen, gave birth a second time, and suffered a bloody collapse after giving birth, so she knew how likely the mother would not be able to survive this time.

Brother Nine really wants to worry about having children early, maybe she has to weigh the pros and cons and make a choice.

She doesn't want to have a baby, and if she doesn't let others have a baby, then this peaceful life will not be able to go on.

In front of Kangxi and Concubine Yi before, all the good things and thousands of good things that were brushed up also came to naught.

The word "jealousy" was something she couldn't bear, and she didn't want to bear it.

What a couple for life, she is not a real girl, she will think about this.

I don't want to change the current state of life, but also because I don't like to be too complicated.

If it is really complicated, then just change the way to deal with it.

She has put a lot of thought into Brother Nine, which can be said to be unprecedented, that is, she has known each other for four months and lived together for one and a half months.

It is a joke to say that love is as deep as the sea.

Brother Jiu was taken aback, and quickly waved his hands: "No, no, I'm crazy, so I'm thinking about having a baby now... I like to talk about it, but I want to see how courageous they are! If they dare Say it in front of Grandpa, and Grandpa will still admire you!"

Brother Jiu's mood stabilized.

Shu Shu is also in the mood to gossip.

"'Skinny horse'?"

Shu Shu's face was ignorant, but she was extremely curious in her heart.

You must know that there are many records about Yangzhou's "thin horse" in later generations.

Training method...

worth a thousand dollars...

The prerequisite is "natural beauty".

A little girl of a few years old, with bound feet, does nothing, and has been studying piano, chess, calligraphy and painting for several years.

Versatile, the best concubine candidate.

If a girl from a poor family is sold by her parents, it is not yet a tragedy for the child.

If a girl from a good family is abducted and sold in because of her good looks, she will fall into the quagmire.

Can't think about it, think about it, the owners of these thin horse gardens should be cut to death.

Brother Nine frowned: "They are all ruining people... people are not cats or dogs... except for serving people, they can't do anything else. It was okay when I was young, and I have nowhere to cry in the future... I don't want to cry... Ordinary peasant women are at ease..."

Shu Shu was not surprised by Brother Jiu's compassion.

He was only in his teens, received normal education, and had normal three views, so he would not agree with this kind of thing.

But if she remembers correctly, one of Brother Nine's last crimes was to send people to buy women from Jiangnan to enter Beijing to network the dignitaries of the Eight Banners.

Although the truth of history is written by the victors, there will never be a crime for nothing.

Shu Shu was disturbed and had no desire to gossip.

Brother Jiu noticed that she was in a bad mood, and he only thought that she was worried about Qi Fujin, and said: "Don't worry, Lao Qi is not a fool, and won't cause trouble for himself..."

Shu Shu nodded: "That's fine, otherwise, I don't know how to treat Mrs. Seven... Is it because of us who took the lead that dragged Qi Beile into trouble..."

Brother Nine stroked his chin: "Master, why do you feel that you have lost money... Obviously we have accepted Lao Qi's gift and paid him a big credit. Why does it seem that this favor is owed back... Who owes whom?"

After he finished chanting, he began to think about it: "Forget it, favors are favors... Lao Qi is not bad..."

The days that followed were repetitive and uneventful.

Shu Shu is still competing with the belt, and it has almost taken shape.

On this day, he was stationed in Boluo and Tun.

Another person came before the emperor, and sent a few elder brothers to accompany him.

It is [-] miles away from the capital, [-] miles away from Rehe Palace, [-] miles away from Mulan Paddock, and [-] miles away from Princess Harqin's residence.

A palace was built here, which is much larger than the previous ones.

Shu Shu finally divided the small yard by herself.

The followers who followed also had a place to resettle, instead of going to the temporary barracks arranged by the Ministry of Internal Affairs at night.

Seeing the excitement of Xiaoyu, Walnut and the others, Shu Shu smiled and said, "Don't be stingy with the money, just ask for more hot water, you can wash it well..."

Not only do people need to take a bath, but even the clothes they change need to be washed.

Hurrying along the way, the road is small, and it is not convenient to dry it.

Even on Shu Shu's own side, she also saved a lot of dirty clothes.

In the current weather, it actually dried after washing for half a day.

In the final analysis, it was inconvenient because there were many things to pay attention to because I brought the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother to live together.

The girls are all busy.

Shu Shu was not idle, and ordered Sun Jin to fetch hot water in the dining room, and asked Xiao Yu to pull out the iron.

Yes, there is an iron at this time.

The appearance is almost the same as that of later generations.

It is made of copper, and the handle uses a heat-insulated wooden handle.

Fill it with hot water.

The waistband has been roughly finished, and the rest is ironing and finishing.

When Sun Jin came back with hot water, Shu Shu wanted to try it.

Xiao Yu hurriedly stopped her: "Fu Jin, it's better to come here as a slave... You can't iron this silk tapestry directly..."

Industry specializing in surgery.

Shu Shu didn't try to be brave, and watched Xiao Yu operate.

Xiao Yu took two clean white cloths, brand new and undyed.

I poured a white cloth with water as a padding, and tested the temperature of the iron before ironing the waistband little by little.

Ironing on both sides, the bead side is flattened, and the stitches on the other side of the tapestry are also pressed down.

It's just super slow.

However, the belt was one and a half inches wide and two feet long, and it took Xiao Yu half an hour to iron it before it was considered complete.

But the results are also very significant.

Holding it in her hand, Shu Shu was a little surprised.

No pins can be seen at all.

Without the roughness of handwork.

It's like it was made by a machine of later generations.

For the present, it is enough to be praised.

Xiao Yu boasted without hesitation: "I have never seen such a beautiful belt before. The color matching is good, the pattern is good, and the gemstones are especially good..."

Shu Shu held his belt and felt good too.

All the gold beads are used as the backing.

This is a golden belt!

Even if small beads are used, they are still gold.

There are too many, it is very overwhelming.

Most of the boxes of gold beads were used up, and the weight of a single piece of gold weighed more than a dozen taels.

And the pair of rubies.

The color is good, and it is very watery, and it cannot be bought in the market for a few hundred taels of silver.

No matter how rich the Mongolian prince is, can he use such an exquisite golden belt?
Shu Shu thought about how Brother Jiu would look wearing it, and felt that he could fight for wealth and attract money.

When Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin came together, they saw Shu Shu drooling while holding a golden belt.

Qi Fujin was amazed directly: "Where is this popular style? It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful belt. Other people's belts are designed with at most two buckles to be more delicate. This one is good for the whole body..."

Wu Fujin remembered the gold jewelry given by her mother-in-law after leaving Beijing, and understood that it was the same thing but the same effect.

Shu Shu invited the two sister-in-laws to sit down, with a bit of pride: "I designed it myself, it's a birthday gift for our grandfather..."

Qi Fujin immediately sat next to Shu Shu, and took her hand: "My good sister, help me design one too..."

Shu Shu was puzzled: "Didn't Qibeile's birthday pass?"

At that time, the Second Institute prepared a birthday ceremony, which was a few days before Sheng Jia's tour, so Shu Shu remembered it clearly.

"Who said he, my birthday is coming..."

Seven Fujin took a bit of flattery.

Shu Shu rolled her eyes: "Sister-in-law Seven still has two birthdays? Isn't it April?"

"There are only eight months left..."

Qi Fujin broke her fingers: "There is not much time..."

Shu Shu was so entangled by her: "Okay, what does Seventh Sister-in-Law want? Speaking of which, I messed around too, and I'm not proficient in these..."

Qifujin smiled and said, "Naturally I also want a belt..."

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin looked at each other, both of them were puzzled.

After all, nowadays women's belts are all inside, and they are all soft scarves and the like.

What design?

Qi Fujin covered her mouth and smiled: "It's not for daily use... I want this kind of style inlaid with jewels... I don't need tapestry for the underlayment, just a gold chain..."

"What clothes do you wear?"

Shu Shu couldn't think of it for a while.

The flag dress is a full-body long robe, which definitely doesn't match the belt outside.

Hanfu with a belt...

"It doesn't deserve anything, when you don't wear clothes..."

Qifujin raised his eyebrows, said softly, and laughed himself first: "Our master, came back in the middle of the night last night, and tossed and tossed for half the night..."

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin felt uncomfortable immediately.

Although the sisters-in-law are close, they have never mentioned these private topics before.

Qifujin looked at them and snorted softly: "Is there anything I can't say, I'm not a girl, I can't hear this..."

Shu Shu hastily changed the subject: "Sister-in-law Qi didn't want to learn Mongolian before, how did she learn?"

 It has been on the shelves for ten days, and the scumbag author works hard to update three times a day, but the data does not increase... There is no follow-up recommendation, the sadness of niche works, the reader base is small, and it is very difficult to increase the data. , It's time to chase, it's time to take a look, Xiao Jiu begged.


(End of this chapter)

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