Chapter 127 Commandments

The little sister-in-law is not like a little sister-in-law, she is completely like an old sister-in-law...

Although the two elder brothers are not young, they also let Jiu elder brother understand the feeling of being a parent in advance.

He has no expectations of raising children at all.

This is the younger brother who is almost the same, and it is annoying to see him in front of his eyes.

Distract your wife.

If it were a child, it would definitely be more cumbersome to take care of, and it would take a lot of energy...

Shu Shu was in the carriage with the curtains drawn open.

There are several small boxes in the carriage. In addition to perforated pearl rice beads of various colors and gold beads of various sizes, there are also several boxes of matching beads, coral beads, black and red agate beads, clam beads, turquoise beads, and beeswax. beads.

In Xiao Yu's hands were two tapestry brocade belts, about two inches wide and two and a half feet long.

This was taken from Shu Shu's shirtless clothes.

Because most of Shu Shu's daily clothes are "pine leaf patterns" and "crane patterns" that imply longevity, it is also suitable to use this as a belt embryo.

Shu Shu held a notebook in his hand and was typing a sketch.

Since the Mongolians recognize gold, jade and gemstones, they should be decorated with gold beads and covered with tiles, with colorful coral, turquoise, and beeswax in the middle.

There is no need to make too complicated patterns, just the wishful patterns.

But they are all small beads and can only be used as a backing.

Shu Shu drew a gemstone buckle in place of the belt buckle.

After she put down the pen and paper, she picked up the smallest box, only the size of a palm, with double pinch gold and ruby ​​clasps inside.

The gold thread is extremely delicate, and the ruby ​​is a circle larger than a pigeon's egg, looking very gorgeous and delicate.

This is taken from under her cloak.

Shu Shu plans to make two belts, one is made of bead embroidery as the base and the gemstone is the belt buckle before the Mongolian prince goes on a pilgrimage.

The other belt is for daily use, and the design and color don't need to be too complicated.

When Brother Nine came back, he saw a cart full of things laid out.

"What's all this? What work do you do on the road?"

Brother Jiu brought disapproval.

He saw the small notebook next to him, picked it up and read it, and couldn't help being stunned.

Women's belts are all tied inside the clothes, mostly soft belts, which are not so cumbersome.

This style is a men's belt.

"Is this prepared for Grandpa?"

Brother Jiu's eyes sparkled, and he picked up the pair of gem buckles: "How long have you been preparing for this, so complete?"

Shu Shu couldn't explain that it was a sudden idea, and it was only two or three days since she remembered the belt.

She just smiled and said: "I know what I do, I'm not good at these things, and I'm slow to do it, as long as I don't dislike it..."

Brother Jiu picked up the pair of ruby ​​belt buckles and said, "Who would dislike it? It's the first time I've seen such a fine gem..."

Shu Shu felt like a loser.

This is a good thing that Dong E's family has at the bottom of the box.

It's my grandmother's dowry.

Brother Nine compared it with his body: "Such a big ruby, the color is so upright, making the hat upright also makes..."

On the other hand, Shu Shu said: "A set of clothes is also good-looking... I will look for it later, but I can't find a similar color matching. I will make a hat for you..."

Brother Nine grinned, overjoyed, but said in his mouth: "No need... no need... how can anyone want to give a gift?" Having said that, he added another sentence: "Let's talk about next year's birthday..."

Shu Shu remonstrated like a stream: "Then listen to the master..."

Shu Shu felt that this was not going to work.

It's fairly simple to prepare the ceremony for Brother Jiu, just do the same work with your own hands every year.

But what about other salutes?
It gives me a headache every time I think about it.

There is no precedent for the young couple who just got married.

Go back and inquire with Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin about the general relationship between people and what gifts to give.

Brother-in-law's birthday, little elder brother's and little princess's birthday, concubine's birth in the harem, and so on.

When there was movement ahead and the convoy was about to start again, Shu Shu put away her things.

Because she wanted to make one of them before entering Mongolia, Shu Shu's energy was all on this belt.

The oriole was directly handed over to Xiaosong to take care of it.

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Brother Thirteen are good kids who are not picky eaters, and it is enough to add a meal of Yi noodles to each meal.

But Shu Shu was also afraid that the two of them would get tired of eating, so she ordered Xiaotang to change her way of doing it.

Yi noodles can be made in various ways, such as soup noodles, mixed noodles, fried noodles and so on.

It is not visible when it is a palace, and when resting on the road in the morning, others are eating dry food, pasta and so on.

The taste of freshly cooked Yi noodles here is too fragrant.

Except for the elder brother, he also held the identity of the eldest brother, so he didn't come over.

The third elder brother and the fifth elder brother are here.

The Fifth Elder Brother and Shu Shu also got to know each other a lot, without the politeness and restraint before, he said directly: "Sister and sister, cook another one, and I'll have a bowl too..."

Naturally, Shu Shu didn't respond, and immediately ordered Xiaotang to prepare.

The third elder brother saw that the pot on the small stove is not big, and it would be troublesome to wait for the next pot, so he hurriedly said: "Add more bowls of water, I will try it too..."

Shu Shu also agreed.

When Brother Nine saw his brothers coming over, he put down his job and stood there.

He was not happy when he heard San Age's voice.

Who is this showing off to?
The prince of the county is amazing, he kept saying that he still has to wait for the big gift to see him?

"The county king still eats this?"

Brother Nine curled his lips and said.

Brother San's eyes fell on the small table next to him. There were a few pieces of bread, a few eggs, and a seasoning box, but nothing else.

"It's simple and rough, let's deal with it, this is not on the road..."

The third elder brother frowned slightly and said.

Brother Nine was about to speak, but Brother Ten dragged him away.

"That's the mallet, what does Brother Jiu care about with him..."

Elder Brother Ten persuaded in a low voice.

"Look at his virtues, he's a good boy when he gets a bargain..."

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth.

"That's bearable... Who told him to be at the front, brother Jiu wants to make another mistake of 'disrespecting elder brother'..."

Elder Brother Ten continued to dissuade him: "One time, it can be said that it was unintentional, and it is easy to make amends. If it happens again, what does Khan Ama think? Do you think that Brother Nine is not good at rules and rude?"

Brother Nine pursed his lips, still not angry.

Elder Brother Ten lowered his volume: "If we are awarded a title next time, Khan Ama will also give us an evaluation like 'crazy, disrespectful and rude', and we will be wronged if we put the title down to the second class..."

Only then did Brother Jiu nod his head: "Okay, bear with him..."

When the two uncles came over, Shu Shu couldn't stay close, so she ordered Xiaotang to go forward.

Qi Fujin sat in the car, staring at the two sesame biscuits on the oil paper, his eyes were on fire.

Shu Shu came in, looked straight at her, and said with a smile, "What's the big deal?"

Qi Fujin turned his face away, and told the girl next to him: "Take it away! Take it away! You share it, don't let me see..."

Shu Shu could see clearly that this was a taboo and a glutton.

Qifujin swallowed, and laughed himself.

"I didn't expect people to be so greedy...I want to eat it when I see it, but I can't get enough...Especially if I want to eat something sweet, I send out candied melons and candied fruit, so I think the pastry is also good...I didn't see it yesterday. Hold back, I ate a plate of flower rolls and a plate of lotus leaf pancakes... until it reaches my throat, and I still feel that there is something missing in my mouth..."

Qi Fujin said, still with lingering fears: "I can't do it again, even if I want to eat, I have to reduce it first..." As he spoke, he stretched out his arms.

A pair of Hetian sapphire jingle bracelets on the wrist.

She gestures with her fingers.

"Look, I could only stick one finger in before, but now I have two fingers... There's a lot more room, and I guess I lost three to five catties, so I'm not hungry for nothing..."

Qifujin's eyebrows and eyes were filled with joy.

Shu Shu smiled and nodded: "That's great, congratulations Seventh Sister-in-law..."

Shu Shu didn't pour cold water on Qifu Jinxing's head.

In fact, dieting to lose weight is fairly simple.

Because, the difficulty lies behind.


"Seventh sister-in-law drinks barley tea every day, and I can drink it tonight, so I don't get sleepy... If you want to change the taste, hawthorn water is also fine, it's all for reducing cellulite..."

Shu Shu suggested.

Qi Fujin nodded in agreement, then leaned over and whispered in Shu Shu's ear: "Go back and ask Lao Jiu for me, what exactly did the Emperor ask Qi Ye to do?"

"Didn't you accept Jiuye's errand? Check the reception?"

Shu Shu was puzzled.

In the past two days, the ninth elder brother followed the big army, and the seventh elder brother disappeared.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the seventh elder brother took over the errand of the ninth elder brother.

"But I didn't take you with me. I didn't come back last night..."

Seven Fujin's voice was full of dissatisfaction.

Shu Shu felt a little embarrassed.

If Brother Nine hadn't taken the lead in making this happen, Brother Seven wouldn't have been involved.

Seven Fujin followed the tour with great interest, not to see the scenery of the grassland, but to prepare for pregnancy.

This errand can be regarded as disrupting Qi Fujin's plan.

"I'll ask Lord Jiu to ask..."

Shu Shu immediately agreed.

Qifujin pursed her lips and rubbed her stomach: "I just hope that everything will go well... With our status, no matter how good the others do, it's our duty. It's our duty to spread branches and leaves... Otherwise, we're just a Butler..."

This is the truth.

This is also a little comfort.

Serving Ninth Elder Brother's body meticulously, taking care of my younger uncles carefully, I received a lot of praises, after many rewards, looking at the scenery, I just looked at it.

That's not real confidence.

If she is barren, she will be bestowed with a noble side Fujin.

If she only had daughters, then she would have to add a few characters that are good for her offspring.

Shu Shu nodded: "Who said it wasn't... Thank you, sister-in-law, for your suggestion, I can save..."

After continuing to leave in the afternoon, Shu Shu mentioned the matter of the seventh elder brother to the ninth elder brother.

Brother Nine's face turned angry.

Shu Shu was taken aback: "What's the matter? Master Qi was tricked?"

"Those bastard bastards, those bastard bastards, jumped to death one by one!"

Brother Nine was literally burning with anger.

Looking at this posture, Shu Shu didn't seem to feel sorry for Seventh Brother, but seemed to empathize with him.

"Yesterday, the lama cave was there, did you prepare a big gift for Qiye?"

Shu Shu guessed: "More than what was given to us? Doubled?"

Brother Jiu shook his head: "The same amount, both are two thousand taels of banknotes..." Having said that, he gritted his teeth: "I just prepared two maids for Brother Seven..."

Shu Shu's face was also ugly.

What do these guys from the Ministry of Internal Affairs mean?
Is it an unintentional move, or a deliberate arrangement?

Is it a threat, or a warning? !
(End of this chapter)

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