Chapter 126 Reluctant (Part [-])
Brother Jiu went away and didn't come back until half an hour later.

The convoy is ready to start again.

Brother Nine had annoyance and confusion on his face.

"what happened?"

Shu Shu looked at something wrong: "I didn't see Ama, or there are not enough horses..."

"A horse with a silver mane will grow just right, and a horse with a red mane will grow into it..."

Brother Jiu described it, feeling pain in his heart and soul: "It was brought by my should be intended for my father and the tenth son...there is no silver-maned horse or red horse under the name of my father...they are all Tianshan horses , tall and handsome, strong and well-proportioned..."

What man doesn't love horses?
Which man would dislike Ma Duo?

Seeing Brother Jiu's pitiful appearance, Shu Shu couldn't laugh or cry: "Isn't there still 'coral'? That's also a red horse..."

Brother Nine clearly curled up his mouth, but he still couldn't help but retort: ​​"Isn't that yours? Why, yours is also yours?"

Seeing him push his nose up and face, Shu Shu raised his eyebrows: "Master, you want to make a clear distinction with me?"

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "'Shu Shan' likes to eat snacks, I will send some carrots to the dining room for a while, and tomorrow I will give 'Shu Shan' to eat..."

Shu Shu rolled his eyes at him: "Master really loves the new and dislikes the old. 'Coral' likes to eat carrots, but 'Dengyun' doesn't?"

"Horses have spirituality. Whoever feeds them will kiss them. In the future, you will feed 'Dengyun'..."

Brother Nine is plausible.

This is Lai Ding "coral"!

Tonight the resident is Lama Cave.

Looking around, the mountains are behind, and the landform in front tends to be gentle.

When stationed, it was still the young couple who brought the two older brothers.

Arrange for people to unload the luggage here, but before they settled down, a little eunuch came over and delivered the emperor's oral order, calling the three elder brothers to meet him.

Brother Jiu took out his pocket watch and looked at it. It was the second quarter of Shenchu, and it was time for dinner.

"Khan Ama is going to pass the food on. He told us to come over now, so we might be able to enjoy it... If we haven't come back after two quarters of an hour, you don't have to wait, you can eat first..."

Brother Ninth exhorted.

Shu Shu nodded: "I'm not hungry anyway, let's talk about it at that time."

After Brother Nine and the others left for a quarter of an hour, Sun Jin brought someone back with a lunch box.

Shu Shu didn't assign it immediately.

About a quarter of an hour later, a young eunuch came to give food.

Phoenix egg shark fin.

Shu Shu motioned for Walnut to offer a reward, and Walnut took the top prize.

The little eunuch touched the purse lightly, with a more respectful face, and said one more sentence: "In addition to the three elder brothers, Lord Qi is also in front of the imperial court..."

Shu Shu was not surprised, she knew that it was Ama who wanted to bring the matter of sending the horse to light.

After all, in addition to the prince's father-in-law, he also has the status of the Red Flag Manchuria, so it is not appropriate to befriend the prince in private.

Shu Shu looked curiously at the plate of phoenix eggs and shark fins.

A ruler is used.

The yellow and orange ones on the top are fried egg flowers, and the ones that look like vermicelli are shark fins.

I have eaten shark fins before, but this is the first time I have seen shark fins with this combination.

Xiaotang set the dining table.

The dishes brought back from the dining room are four products, steamed white duck with mushrooms, sliced ​​meat, yam fungus, garlic sprouts and tofu brain, two pastries, lotus leaf cake, and salt and pepper rolls.

Yam is in season, and lotus leaf cake can be served with shark's fin. Shu Shu kept these two, and Xiaotang and the others took them away.

Not to mention anything else, just say that this plate of gift dishes is full of weight.

After picking up a chopstick and taking a bite, Shu Shu showed surprise.

It still tastes like crabmeat.

Delicate tasting, with the aftertaste of savory ham and broth.

It’s good to eat it dry, but it’s another taste to eat it with lotus leaf cake.

Despite Shu Shu's appetite, this plate of shark's fin has not been eaten yet.

It's not good for Xiaotang and the others, otherwise it would be disrespectful.

I can only keep it until Brother Jiu comes back to eat.

Shu Shu started feeding the orioles after dinner.

In the afternoon, Xiaosong had already inquired about the recipe of the oriole from Elder Brother Ten.

Millet is the main ingredient, supplemented by melon seeds, peanuts, perilla seeds and egg yolks.

Millet is the staple food, and melon seeds and perilla seeds have oil, which will make their hair bright.

The egg yolk is for the feathers, and it is said that eating the feathers will make them more yellow.

That is, you should not feed too much fat-containing foods such as melon seeds, otherwise you will be too fat, easy to get sick, and fail to moult.

The elder brothers came back after lighting the lamps.

Brother Nine smiled happily, and couldn't wait to announce the good news to Shu Shu: "Father-in-law mentioned 'coral'... it means that coral has been taken away from the public, and it will be raised in the Shangsi courtyard in the future, directly under your name, it doesn't hinder anything..."

Shu Shu is naturally also happy.

Brother Ten and Brother Thirteen came to thank us again.

Seeing the two men's eyes dimmed with alcohol, Shu Shu was startled.

Ninth elder brother is so refreshing, she just treats it as a gift.

Who would have thought of drinking? !
"Thank you sister-in-law..."

Elder Brother Ten can't see anything yet, but his tone of voice is different from usual: "Hello Ma, Brother Ninth, sister-in-law is better..."

Brother Jiu scolded with a smile: "You bastard, can this be compared together?"

Elder Brother Ten was not annoyed: "Why can't we compare together? Master's Yin Niu is tall and mighty, and she is also close to Master... In the eyes of Master, besides Ninth Brother and Sister-in-law, it is Yin Niu..."

Brother Jiu couldn't stand it, and complained to Shu Shu: "Ama Khan gave me a glass of wine, and Lao Shi drank it well, so he played tricks and toasted several glasses with the wine cup...

The thirteenth elder brother was obviously more drunk, he lost his usual adult appearance, and his mouth was about to hang oil bottles: "Ninth brother, younger brother also respects..." As he said, he looked at Shu Shu: "Sister-in-law, I want to eat soup Xindan...I haven't eaten noodles for two days...the red tiger is also pretty..."

Shu Shu slandered endlessly in her heart.

Needless to say, Elder Brother Shi got a silver-maned horse and named it "Silver Girl".

The thirteenth brother got a red horse, named "Red Tiger".

It's not mighty at all!
Two bad names!
Shu Shu hurriedly ordered Xiaotang to mix two bowls of honey water for them to drink.

Elder Brother Ten is fine, he is already sixteen years old, and he is considered an adult at this time.

But brother thirteen is only this big...

Shu Shu couldn't help complaining about Kangxi.

Is there such a thing as Ama? !
Feel free to!

The next day, the brothers each had a big horse, looking very proud.

Elder Brother Thirteen also reined in the horse, leaned close to Shu Shu's frame, and asked Shu Shu in a low voice: "Sister-in-law, can you prepare some snacks for 'Red Tiger' too? It's better than carrots..."

Shu Shu picked up the curtain of the car and looked. It turned out that Brother Ten had snatched the carrots prepared by Brother Jiu and was feeding his own mount.

Shu Shu then handed a pouch of plain noodles to Elder Thirteen: "Horses love sweet things, this is a pack of peanuts in frosted sugar... Thirteenth brother hides from people and feeds it, lest anyone go to the emperor to gossip..."

Kangxi advocated frugality, and he did not like extravagance.

In fact, if it was really troublesome, Shu Shu would not take it out.

The Manchus win the world on horseback, and they don't treat horses as ordinary big animals, but as companions and relatives.

The thirteenth elder brother put it away immediately and put it in his arms carefully.

The three brothers fawned over their mounts, and all of them reined in their horses and went forward, strolling around Yujia.

All of them are arrogant.

The big elder brother's mount is also a Tianshan horse, a dark horse.

In its prime, it looks more majestic and taller.

The elder brother naturally doesn't pay attention to the new horses of his younger brothers.

The mounts of the third elder brother and the fifth elder brother are Mongolian horses, and both of them are so greedy.

When they had a short break, both of them circled around a few horses.

When he heard that two of the horses were given to the two young elder brothers by Master Qi Xi, and the ninth elder brother's was Shu Shu's mount, the fifth elder brother smiled.

He took out a handful of pine nut candies from his purse, counted them carefully twice, and there were sixteen in total, so he fed six pine nut candies to each horse of "Silver Girl" and "Coral", and the remaining four were given to "" Red Tiger".

The thirteenth elder brother just got a new horse, just when he regarded it as a treasure, and said angrily: "Fifth brother, why did you distribute it like this, and you lost a 'Red Tiger'..."

The fifth elder brother touched the body of "Yin Niu" twice: "The little girl needs to be treated preferentially... besides, children should eat less sugar..."

Brother Thirteen is dumb.

Brother Ten's horse looked taller than his because it was a grown mare.

Although Brother Thirteen is a stallion, it is a little smaller than the silver-maned horse because it has not fully grown.

He glanced at Fifth Brother several times, and found that this Fifth Brother was not joking, but seemed to really think so.

The third elder brother pulled the ninth elder brother to the side, and complained: "The tenth and the thirteenth are still young... Such a good horse will go to the Si courtyard to idle around, it's a pity..."

Brother Jiu said casually: "Isn't that the case? Let's put it aside and raise it. When I leave the palace, I will travel..."

The third elder brother looked distressed, and lowered his volume: "Lao Jiu, tell the truth, Master Qi prepared these two horses, did he intend to give them to you and me?"

Brother Jiu showed surprise on his face: "Why does Third Brother think so?"

It's a beautiful idea!

Even if the father-in-law "loves the house and loves it" and brings an extra horse to his son-in-law and brother, it will not be the third elder brother's turn!

There are ten elder brothers who are inseparable from me!

And the fifth elder brother of my compatriots!

What's the matter with the third child! ?
The third elder brother snorted softly: "What's so difficult to guess? I have prepared two good horses, and one of them must be yours, that is, the old thirteen's undersized horse. If you don't give it to me, I will give it to you." Who is it for? I am the son-in-law of Dong E's family, and I am a serious son-in-law of Mr. Qi..."

Brother Jiu was speechless.

I just think that Brother San has such a big face.

At this time, do you know what "Tang uncle" is?
I didn't see him go to talk to Qi Xi along the way.

Seeing the third elder brother staring at him, insisting on giving an excuse, the ninth elder brother became impatient: "Who knows...I don't know either, so the third elder brother, tell me, why did my father-in-law change his mind?" ?”

The third elder brother said angrily: "Then there is no need to think about it? Han Ama gave the two young ones to your husband and wife to take care of... You are still half-grown children, how can you take care of others? Master Qi must be worried that there is something that is not well taken care of. Brothers and sisters are not following, I will help you find love in advance...'Eat people's mouths are soft, but people's hands are short', the old ten and the old thirteen got a good horse, even if there is any dissatisfaction in daily life, they are embarrassed to talk to Han Ama chanted..."

Brother Nine was upset when he heard that.

Emotions are in his eyes, everyone is like him, "complaining fine"!
Besides, why didn't you take good care of it?

(End of this chapter)

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