My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 125 Respect

Chapter 125 Respect (third update)
Brother Jiu thought of several excuses before, such as it was inconvenient to take Fujin with him, or it was inconvenient to take care of his younger brother, or he felt that he lacked energy.

Seeing that Brother Seven entertained him in a serious manner, he put all these words aside.

"At Khan Amma's place, my younger brother should clean up these moths, first collect the money, then keep the accounts, and then settle the accounts...I went to mess around yesterday, and that's why...Brother doesn't know the inside story, he just thinks I'm in a tight spot, and scolds my younger brother Yes, the younger brother promised the elder brother that he will not accept the money from the head... Seventh Brother pondered over whether he would be willing to take over this job... If he is willing, the younger brother will go and tell Han Ama... If it is troublesome, just listen to it, Just treat me like a younger brother to thank you today..."

Seventh elder brother's eyebrows were twisted into twists, and after looking at ninth elder brother for a few times, he said, "Is it really white paper on the wall?"

Brother Nine said: "Of course it's true, my younger brother has checked it himself. It's the same in Yaoting, and it's the same in Sanchakou... They really dare, except Khan Ama's place, it's the same..."

"What's going on in the dining room?"

Seventh elder brother asked again: "Yesterday and the day before yesterday, there was nothing abnormal about the meal supply..."

Brother Jiu talked about the shortage of pork in the dining room.

Brother Seven frowned even tighter, and said after a while, "I'll go with you to see Ama Khan..."

The team has already started to leave.

Naturally, this is not the time to go to Yuqian.

It wasn't until they left the checkpoint and walked along the imperial road for another hour and a half that the team stopped.

The glazed lamp has already been turned off.

Brother Nine took a few glances before getting off the carriage.

Much brighter than other lights.

When I returned to Beijing, I was sent outside to search for a new one.

My wife is used to going to bed late, and once complained that the lights were not on and it was difficult to read books.

On the holy carriage.

Kangxi was looking at the papers that had not been processed yesterday.

Huguang Maogang appeasement envoy Tan Hongchao begged for rest due to illness.

This is a military native official, hereditary from the Maogang Chieftain Tan.

According to the rules, the imperial court does not intervene to appease the envoy's successor.

The successor selected by the previous appeasement envoy will be the appeasement envoy.

The candidate recommended by Tan Hongchao's book is either his son or his nephew Tan Shengji.

Kangxi took the notebook and pondered.

He remembered clearly that Tan Hongchao's pacifier was not passed down from father to son, but from his father, brother, and nephew.

Now the heir is another nephew! ?
Regardless of whether Tan Hongchao was willing to recommend him or was coerced into coercion, if the papers were sent to the imperial court, the successor would be assured.

A chieftain's land is less than a county, and the inheritance dispute cannot be explored.

Kangxi also looked at the papers of the magistrate of Lizhou, which contained Tan Shengji's resume.

In the year of Lizhi, his bravery was different from ordinary people. Last year, he led his disciples to cooperate with Shizhu Chieftain to put down the Hongmiao Rebellion.

Kangxi's eyes fell on "The Year of Standing".

Big Brother is twenty-eight years old.

The prince is also twenty-five years old.

There are more than a dozen elder brothers standing upright...

He felt that he was still in his prime, but his sons were growing up and his grandchildren were falling to the ground one after another, all of which reminded him that he was getting old.

He took a long breath, wrote a "Zhun", and closed the booklet.

I heard Liang Jiugong proclaim through the curtain of the car: "Your Majesty, the seventh and ninth masters are begging to see each other..."

Kangxi put down his pen, and the successor came in.

It was inconvenient to stand in the carriage, so Kangxi signaled the two to sit down, and asked casually, "How do you brothers get together?"

Brother Nine glanced at Brother Seven and wanted to speak, but Brother Seven's eyes stopped him.

"Khan Ama, my son wants to ask for orders, so I took over Brother Jiu's current errand..."

Brother Seven bowed and said.

The smile on Kangxi's face faded: "Oh? Okay, why did you think of this? Brother Jiu asked you for help? It's not an urgent matter, the two princes are not needed..."

Seventh elder brother said solemnly: "Khan Ama, there are several elder brothers accompanying the imperial court, and the sons and servants are just making up for it... Ninth elder brother has little errands here, but he can run around in the morning and evening... Ninth elder brother was seriously ill before. It's time to recuperate, so as not to damage the foundation, if the recuperation is improper because of this, wouldn't it make the elders worry... Besides, there are nine younger siblings and two young elder brothers accompanying me, so there are many inconveniences..."

Ninth elder brother stared blankly at seventh elder brother, with surprise on his face.

Seventh elder brother said all the reasons he thought of to shirk the errand before.

Could it be that among the brothers, the one who connects with him is not the tenth brother who grew up with him when he was young, but the seventh brother who rarely gets along with him? !
Brother Jiu was really surprised, he couldn't breathe well for a while, and coughed.

"Cough! Cough! Cough..."

He hurriedly turned sideways to avoid the tea tray on the small table, but he couldn't stop, coughing several times.

Kangxi frowned, reached out and patted him on the back a few times.

Brother Nine finally stopped coughing.

Seventh elder brother brought tea and handed it over: "Take a sip of hot water and press it... Is it a cool breeze? It's a little cold this morning..." As he spoke, he glanced at the vest on his body, nodded and said: "Sister and sister Be careful, add more clothes, don't have to follow the rules..."

According to the current rules, changing clothes must follow a fixed time.

Most of them change their clothes after the Mid-Autumn Festival on August [-]th.

Brother Nine took the teacup: "Thank you Seventh Brother... hey! Who wears this now? Only Dong Eshi is too verbose, so I wear it..."

Kangxi carefully looked at Brother Jiu's face, which was tired, and his eyes were blue and black.

In fact, Brother Nine got a little excited after being cared for by his brothers in turn yesterday, and spent half the night with Shu Shu in ink, talking about those little things when he was a child.

On the first day when I went to the Shang Study Room, I was frightened by the big elder brother holding it high, so I avoided it like a tiger in the future, and it would be annoying if I got older.

My tenth brother and I are not good at homework and don't like copying books, and the fourth child insists on coming over to work as a supervisor and watch the two copying, rambling.

The third elder brother is putting on airs, he is much older than them, and he is still a glutton, so he has the cheek to rely on his snacks.

The seventh elder brother was very angry. Once in the school field, the eighth elder brother kindly wanted to help him onto the horse, but he was thrown off by his arm and ignored him for half a month.


It's all trivial matters, Brother Jiu talked lively, Shu Shu listened with gusto, and chatted till midnight.

Kangxi was annoyed, and scolded: "What did you say earlier? You don't know if your body is comfortable or not? Do you have to be brave at this time?"

Brother Nine put down his teacup and listened honestly.

He glanced at Seventh Brother, but it was hard to justify.

After all, Seventh Brother said a lot, but it was actually for his own good, so that he would not temporarily take off his errands and leave a bad impression on Khan Ama.

For those reasons, brother Jiu said it himself, as if he was picking on the easy and fearing the heavy.

It would be better if Seventh Brother said it out.

Nine Elder Brothers appreciated it, acquiesced that his body was weak, and only said: "It's just that I haven't rested well in the past two days, and it will be fine in a few days..."

Kangxi glared at him: "I handed over the errand, follow the team carefully, and ask the imperial doctor to ask for a safe pulse the next day..."

Brother Nine's pulse cases are all on Kangxi's desk.

Thinking of the imperial physician's previous recuperation plan, he had to start recuperating Brother Jiu's body after he came out.

Because of the need to follow suit, and the fact that brother Jiu was able to eat and supplement a few days ago, he didn't start.

"Start taking medicine tomorrow!"

Kangxi made up his mind: "Treat the spleen and stomach first..."

Brother Nine showed displeasure on his face: "Ama Khan, didn't you say you were not in a hurry? Now that you are away from home, you can't eat well. You can eat bitter soup twice a day..."

"Not happy? Then you stay in Lamadong, or go back to Beijing first!"

Kangxi's expression was beyond doubt.

Lama Cave is where we will be stationed tonight.

Brother Nine shut his mouth honestly, his face turned bitter.

Shu Shu was lying in the carriage, admiring Brother Jiu very much.

Sometimes he is narrow-minded, and sometimes he is really generous.

Just like this errand, it's not hard work, but visible credit.

Pretty cute.

After riding a horse for two days, Shu Shu was quite satisfied.

It was a bit bumpy in the carriage, but it was fine after getting used to it.

horse riding……

Wearing a hood and gloves, sun protection is in place.

But still not too long.

The thighs are uncomfortable.

After walking on the mountain road for the past two days, the temperature has dropped, and the carriage is not as boring as before.

Or learn to adapt, slow down, and enjoy the joy of the journey.

As Shu Shu thought about it, she groaned, "Be more energetic..."

Xiao Song responded, increased his strength, and continued to press her waist.

In the bird cage next to it, the little squirrel stood on the beam, staring at Xiaodou, looking at the two curiously, very cute.

Who can resist the temptation of fluff?

Xiaosong's childlike nature, without a glance: "Fu Jin, feed the millet or the bugs?"

Shu Shu looked sideways: "I shouldn't be picky eaters..."

The oriole was brought for a long time, but it was not placed in the house last night. The little eunuch next to Elder Brother Ten took care of it.

Xiaosong said: "If you don't eat millet, the slaves will catch grasshoppers..."

This is Shu Shu's knowledge blind spot.

"Go and ask Master Shi later, and see what Master Shi said..."

Shu Shu ordered casually.

Seeing how Elder Brother Ten was playing with the birds yesterday, even if he hadn't raised them himself, he should have known about them.

Eat people with short mouths, and take people softly.

Thinking about accepting the gift from Elder Thirteen, Shu Shu asked Xiaotang: "You asked the people around Master Thirteen about their food taboos before, do you know about Master Thirteen's food preferences?"

Xiaotang nodded: "I'm not a picky eater, I don't eat coriander, I eat all other vegetables, my favorite is meat... I like any meat..."

Shu Shu nodded.

Two days ago, she asked someone to pack up two boxes of snacks, and gave them to the people around the two elder brothers, so that they could feed them when they were hungry at night.

Now there is no need to send food.

Although there should be reciprocity, there is no need to return it immediately after receiving it yesterday.

That's not a return gift, but rather a clear line of demarcation.

There is also Big Brother and Seventh Brother, who have delivered food before, so there is no need to rush.

On the other hand, Elder Brother Ten neglected one thing.

That is horses.

The ninth elder brother said before that the horse under his name was not good enough to compete with the tenth elder brother, but the emperor gave him a horse.

Shu Shu has an idea, not self-discipline.

Ninth elder brother came back limply and complained a lot.

"Khan Ama did it on purpose! He dislikes you again. He must be picking on me for being overreaching, forcing me to drink bitter soup right away!"

Brother Jiu put his head on Shu Shu's shoulder and said aggrievedly.

"Don't blame me, it's my fault, I should stop it... The emperor and empress asked me to watch Master Gu's body..."

Shu Shu said with a bit of guilt.

"I can't blame you... It's my own opinion, and I didn't discuss it with you..."

As Brother Jiu said, he felt guilty. This was because he remembered the previous agreement between the husband and wife.

The two of them said before that when things happen, they can be negotiated.

He was only thinking of surprising his wife and forgot about it.

Shu Shu saw it in her eyes, she didn't mean to pursue it, she just said softly: "A surprise like this, just once, who knows when the surprise will turn into a fright... I know it's for me, and I miss you too , I just feel unreliable..."

This kind of thing that is not in the plan disrupts the rhythm and makes people anxious.

Brother Jiu nodded: "I didn't expect it to be so troublesome, and even harder than before..."

Shu Shu sighed: "This is the human heart. The real money is right in front of you, within reach. How many people can hold it?"

Moreover, the corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is only a corner of the corruption in the officialdom of the Kangxi Dynasty.

River channels, water transportation, relief...

The money allocated is the big one...

"By the way, there is still some time for the team to set off. Otherwise, I will go to Ama... Let Ama come forward and send a horse to each of Tenth and Thirteenth Masters..."

Shu Shu said.

Brother Jiu showed regret: "Why did you forget this, I'm so confused..."

He didn't mean to be polite to Yue's family, he immediately got up and said: "That's fine, but I have to let father-in-law spend the money..."

Qi Xi had thousands of Zhenghongqi officers and soldiers by his side, even if he had several horses, it would be a trivial matter to draw two horses temporarily.

There are no rules for ministers to send horses to the prince.

Some are relatives, so give them away.

Some were not relatives, but they were also given away.

As the ninth elder brother's father-in-law, Qi Xi gave the horse to the two young elder brothers at this time, and no one else would look sideways.

After all, the two young elder brothers are now following the Jiu elder brother and his wife, and the brother and sister-in-law are taking care of them.

It is not uncommon for Qi Xi to "love the house and the crow", and it is not uncommon to contribute.

Brother Jiu immediately took He Yuzhu to Zhenghongqi camp.

Shu Shu had already got out of the carriage, watched Brother Jiu go away, and thought of a sentence.

One daughter and three thieves.

I seem to be a little heartless, I don't want to help my mother's family, and I even take advantage of my mother's family.

It shouldn't be!
A good horse is worth a fortune.

Especially in a hurry, it would be fine if his own horses were sufficient, but if not enough, he would embezzle them from others and owe favors.

Shu Shu felt a little regretful...

 Fat chapter, [-] words today, exhausted the author's prehistoric power, ho ho, ask for a monthly ticket. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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