Chapter 124 (Second update)
He Yuzhu came in.

"Master, Fujin, Master Ma Jia, please see me..."

Brother Jiu waved his hand: "No see, let's dismiss it..."

He Yuzhu didn't turn around right away, hesitantly said: "The servant..."

Ninth elder brother was impatient: "How do I need to teach you how to do it?"

He Yuzhu hurriedly said: "No need, this servant knows..."

When he went out, Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "You don't want to go out if you don't show up, you don't want to get used to them, so shameless!"

Shu Shu asked: "Is the cat behind the master in the future?"

Let He Yuzhu settle down as a money-grubbing and arrogant character?

In fact, this is indeed a good idea.

There is someone who is responsible for standing in the front, and there is more room than going out directly.

Even if someone arranges it, there is still an "overseeing" that can be avoided.

Brother Jiu didn't answer right away, but hesitated: "I just promised the boss, I won't be like this in the future..."

Shu Shu was stunned.

Did you change your mind?

How do you think that one out is one out?
But, didn't the emperor report everything? !

Brother Nine looked at Shu Shu, with a bit of seriousness: "Let's not take this credit, shall we? In the future, I will ask Han Ama for another errand..."

Shu Shu didn't answer right away, but asked instead: "Master, have you figured it out? You must know that Master is the one who takes the lead, even if you leave it behind, you will be responsible..."

After sorting it out in the future, Brother Nine will also be on the list of enemies of these moths.

"My Lord promised the boss..."

Brother Nine insisted a lot on his face: "I broke my promise and got fat, I don't want to be a big fat man..."

Shu Shu also became more serious, and pondered for a while: "Since the investigation has already started, the emperor will definitely have a result... If the master wants to let go, who will leave this stall?"

It's not good to leave it aside without beginning or end, that's too irresponsible.

Brother Jiu is sixteen years old and married. In the eyes of the world, he is an adult and must be responsible.

Before Brother Nine could speak, He Yuzhu came back and took out two purses from his sleeves.

A light and fluffy one is two Zhuang notes, two thousand taels of silver.

The other was heavy, and it was two gold ingots weighing five taels.

Needless to say, the Zhuang ticket is a tribute to "Cheng Yi" of the nine princes and his wife, and the gold ingot is for He Yuzhu.

Brother Jiu turned the gold ingot upside down and sneered: "Look, this time I know how to be generous!"

Shu Shu didn't know what to say.

This Master Ma Jia is really, he is probably scared, and dare not be generous.

But this generosity, even more in contrast, the previous twelve taels of gold leaf is ridiculous and rude.

"Grandfather is right..."

Shu Shu felt bored.

Where is there any "involuntary" and "drifting with the flow"?
How much is the net worth of a person who can put two thousand banknotes around him?
No matter where the eldest brother and the seventh elder brother are, they only say that the pockets of the fifth elder brother are all scattered, and the sum is less than [-] taels of banknotes.

One by one, the royal moths were all fattened up and became the God of Wealth.

If you really want to accept those "small gifts" in front of you, maybe the young couple will be secretly arranged by these people to make you foolish...

"Receive it, and keep separate accounts..."

Shu Shu greeted Walnut and gave orders.

Walnut blushed, and whispered: "Fu Jin, this slave is illiterate..."

Shu Shu frowned, not because she disliked walnuts, but because she was negligent.

Several of my maids are able to learn to read and write, even if they are walnuts.

The public's perception of the court life in the Qing Dynasty is based on a book of chasing the past, which mentioned that "court ladies are not allowed to read".

In fact, none of the palace rules that Shu Shu learned before and after entering the palace clearly recorded this article.

Seeing that Aunt Xianglan and Walnut have good conversation skills, Shu Shu thought that they were all educated.

In fact, it is normal for ordinary people nowadays to default that girls do not study.

When going out this time, Xiaochun kept the housekeeper, and Walnut was by his side, and it was easy to use.

This is illiterate, and it will be too inconvenient in the future.

Shu Shu thought about the other girls, Xiao Yu had to take care of her luggage and daily life, while Xiao Tang was worried about the food of the group, and Xiao Song was restless.

She asked Walnut to call Xiaosong in and talked about keeping accounts.

Komatsu agreed.

Shu Shu said again: "When you are free, teach Walnut how to read characters. Don't worry, take your time..."

Xiao Song looked at Walnut quite unexpectedly.

The walnut chin reaches the chest.

If there is a crack in the ground, they must crawl into it.

She has always been strong, but she lacks confidence in front of Xiaochun and others.

Because those few people not only have their own strengths, but they are all literate.

Xiaosong saw that she was embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "It's very simple... You and sister Xiaotang will change, we will live together from today, ten or twenty characters a night, and we will learn the Three Character Classic along the way." After finishing it, you will know most of the characters, and then you can add "Hundred Surnames" and "Thousand Characters" later, and you can almost read books by yourself... It is not difficult to keep accounts. You can learn "Enlightenment of Mathematics" later, and then practice abacus. ..."

Walnut raised his head: "Then... I'm going to trouble my sister, I'll serve tea to my sister... make clothes for the four seasons..."

"It's all my own people, don't need to be like this..."

Xiaosong felt embarrassed and hurriedly declined.

Walnut pursed her lips, apparently insisting.

Xiao Song looked at Shu Shu pleadingly: "Fu Jin..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Being a gentleman, you deserve the filial piety of students..."

Walnut's temper is in Shu Shu's eyes.

She is a girl with a sense of propriety.

Every time I learn something from other people, and I don’t say it’s cheap with empty hands and white teeth, there are always coming and going.

It is not a day or two to learn to read and write accounts, and it is not a big deal to prepare some apprenticeship ceremonies.

Xiao Song was a teacher for the first time, and he was immediately excited, calling Walnut to go down.

Sitting on the edge of the kang, brother Jiu couldn't help feeling sour after seeing this, and scolded He Yuzhu, "You will grow up in the future! Every little girl knows how to learn this and that, so that you can do your best for the master. You learn what?"

He Yuzhu hesitated for a moment, and looked at Shu Shu with some anticipation: "Fu Jin, this servant also wants to learn how to be an accountant from Sister Xiaosong..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "You can say it yourself, prepare for the apprenticeship ceremony yourself, I don't care about this..."


He Yuzhu happily agreed, and then looked at Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine waved his hand: "Study hard, and you will keep a copy of the accounts outside in the future..."

He Yuzhu bowed and went out to find Xiaosong with joy.

Shu Shu was thinking about the two accounts that elder brother Jiu said...

Nine Elder Brothers have already explained: "There are still two accounts for this account, one for He Yuzhu for the external account, and one for the internal account for Hei prepared for any danger..."

Shu Shu understood that this account was not for her own people, but to prevent Kangxi or Concubine Yi from interfering.

Such two sets of internal and external accounts can prove that Shu Shu never interfered with outside affairs.

Shu Shu nodded and didn't say much.

The superiors are not ordinary parents-in-law. To put it bluntly, they are also the immediate bosses. It is a good thing to be well prepared.

"The next errand, I want to leave it to Lao Qi..."

Brother Jiu continued the previous topic.

Shu Shu was a little hesitant: "Your Majesty was worried about offending someone before. If I hand it over to Qi Beile, will Qi Beile be embarrassed? After all, it is an errand to offend people. Qi Beile's family members are also working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

It seems unkind.

Brother Jiu shook his head: "What are you afraid of? There is no merit in this world for nothing. If you are offended, you will be offended. You can make meritorious service... If you don't take advantage of others, I don't want to take advantage of Lao Qi... Lao Qi's birth mother has a low status. I have been angered by many servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it will be better after two years..."

Shu Shu still felt uncomfortable: "Master is kind, but let's ask Qibeile first if he is willing or not... Otherwise, kindness will lead to complaints instead..."

Brother Jiu nodded: "Okay, listen to you, tomorrow I will ask Lao Qi what he means..."

Silent all night.

The next day, Shu Shu slept until Yin Zheng woke up.

Because the checkpoint was not open in the middle of the night, they did not set off early, but had to leave the customs with the big troops.

Ma Jia Fugui came down from the Imperial Palace, and went straight to Brother Jiu's carriage and waited.

Seeing Brother Jiu and Shu Shu coming over, he trotted forward to say hello.

Brother Jiu didn't even give him a wink, and just walked past him.

Shu Shu's footsteps did not stop, but she nodded to comfort her.

Ma Jiafugui's expression became more and more respectful, until the young couple got into the carriage, then turned and left.

In the carriage, Brother Nine was lying lazily, and touched the pillow: "I didn't notice it before, what is this, it feels strangely soft... new cotton?"

"Silk cotton..."

Shu Shu also leaned forward.

This is what Shu Shu asked Xiao Chun to prepare after knowing that she was going to travel far away.

Brother Nine is speechless, the outside is old folk coarse grain cloth, inside is silk floss?

Others are "gold and jade outside", but my own Fujin seems to have answered that sentence, "the meat of the buns is not on the folds".

He looked at Shu Shu and said, "Father-in-law and mother-in-law really love you..."

Therefore, they are delicate and expensive, and they are all fine in food and clothing.

To be honest, he is more comfortable than the princess and prince in the palace.

Thinking about the Qiandong No. [-] Institute, Sanfujin married such a stingy third elder brother, and he didn't gossip about it, but he was a generous person.

Is this the confidence of the nobles of the Eight Banners?

Brother Jiu took out his pocket watch and looked at it. There was still some time before departure: "Forget it, who is the younger brother, or I should go..."

The two convoys are next to each other.

Ninth Brother walked forward sloppyly, and arrived at the side of Seventh Brother's carriage: "Seventh Brother..."

After all, he is going on a long journey, and the prince also has a special frame.

Brother Jiu also has them here, but the luggage of two people has been empty all the time.

Hearing the movement of Brother Nine, Brother Seven picked up the curtain of the car, his face was a little stiff: "What's wrong with Brother Nine?"

Brother Jiu got into the carriage directly.

Glass lamps were lit in the carriage.

Brother Jiu looked at it, and was a bit apprehensive: "Ama Khan rewarded it? It's really partial, why don't we young ones?"

Seventh elder brother frowned: "It was not rewarded by Han Ama, but by Aunt Wang..."

As he spoke, he picked up the teapot next to the glazed lamp, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to Brother Jiu.

It's a cup of hot milk tea.

Brother Nine took it and drank a couple of sips, which made him feel better.

The "Aunt Wang" that the seventh elder brother said was the pure prince Fujin, who almost became the seventh elder brother's stepmother.

Brother Jiu said: "Brother Seven is well informed, he should know what my brother is up to these two days..."

(End of this chapter)

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