Chapter 123 The Pit (Part [-])
Shu Shu followed Brother Nine's gaze, and also saw the banknotes and gold bars on the table.

"From brother five?"

Even though he knew that Fifth Elder Brother's heart and soul was for his own younger brother, but Shu Shu, who was a younger brother and sister, felt embarrassed.

The previous two debts have not been settled...

This adds another...

Brother Nine nodded, then shook his head: "There are Fifth Brothers, not all Fifth Brothers, there are also bosses..."

As he said that, he curled his lips: "Master found that Fifth Brother was a bit stupid, and wanted to deceive him for a certain amount of money... Boss is not smart, he is stupid and generous..."

Shu Shu glanced at him, but he couldn't see that his mouth was full of disgust, and his tail was about to stick up.

This is proud of it.

Two elder brothers felt sorry for him, and when they heard that he was short of money, they offered to give him money.

If the former Ninth Brother would not have calculated the money between the brothers so clearly, he would have regarded it as pocket money from the brothers.

He has been influenced by Shu Shu these days, and he also knows that money is divided into inside and out.

Brothers are brothers, the older brother loves the younger brother, and the younger brother should also be considerate of the older brother.

He happily accepted the favor, and pushed the banknotes and gold bars to Shu Shu's side: "You keep it, remember the account, and find a chance to return it later, no one is rich..."

Of course, this return is not directly paying back the money, but paying back the gift.

Shu Shu put it away, feeling puzzled.

Married to Ninth Brother for more than a month, it was the first time for her to see Big Brother having contact with this place.

It was just before the ninth elder brother suffered from heat stroke, and he was dying. The eldest brother just showed his face and left after knowing that there was no serious problem.

"Prince Zhijun, you behave like an older brother..."

Shu Shu couldn't help but praise.

Who is not short of silver?

Although the elder brother was named the king of the county, he also allocated a leader, but there was also a lot of expenses.

The annual salary is five thousand taels, which is one-fifth.

And the money that was thrown out today was not a loan, but a direct subsidy to the little brother.

Brother Nine remembered what Whip said again, shook his head and said: "The heart is good, but it's only because of one mouth... It's a bit short-sighted, no wonder Han Ama chose the title 'Zhi' for him, probably because of this... ..."

Shu Shu also learned Manchu in elementary school, so she naturally knew that the "Zhi" of Zhijun Wang was actually the Chinese translation of the title in Manchu.

The title of Zhijun Wang in Manwen is "upright and outspoken". In order to fit this meaning, "Zhi" was chosen in Chinese.

Otherwise, Kangxi really wanted to choose a title according to his son's temperament, and the Manchu title of the fourth elder brother when he became a prince in the future would not be "kind and harmonious", and the Chinese would be "Yong".

Thinking of this, Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu.

Kangxi prefaced the twenty-four sons.

Sixth elder brother, eleventh elder brother, eighteenth elder brother, nineteenth elder brother Youshang, no noble.

Eleven princes, including one iron hat.

Five county kings, four Bei Le and Bei Zi.

Brother Nine is the only surviving son, who has never had a title in his life.

He himself owed it, so he had the nerve to say that big brother can't speak? !

On the contrary, Zhuo Zhuo is indeed a biological brother, passed down in one continuous line.

"Why didn't Prince Cheng come over?"

Shu Shu put aside those heavy knowledge points and asked casually.

The current life is real, not just a few lines in the history books, don't have to be stuck in the frame.

Among the older elder brothers, the third elder brother has always been the most enthusiastic towards their husband and wife.

He opened his mouth and kept talking about the relationship between Sanfujin and Shushu, but he almost made it clear that he and his brother-in-law were closer than others.

Brother Nine sneered and said: "It's just a good mouth, just listen to it... To be honest, he is the most unique among the elder brothers. He is a flatterer when he is young. If he doesn't learn how to speak well, he will flatter and flatter Ahma... When I grow up, I will curry favor with the crown prince, and I will save face with other people..."

Shu Shu was very surprised: "Before I only heard that Prince Cheng was good at studying, but I didn't hear anything else..."

Brother Jiu glanced at the door, saw that there was no one else, lowered his voice and said: "My temperament is like that of Zhong Cui Gong's wife, she is usually kind, and she speaks nicely... But a brave man, he only strokes in and does not spit out... Why do you flatter the prince? Grandpa is courteous? Apart from the prince’s hat in the future, it’s also because the crown prince’s hands are loose and he has a lot of filial piety outside. He is happy enough to miss three melons and two dates on weekdays..."

Shu Shu smiled and listened to Brother Jiu's gossip, but thought of what he just mentioned "there are so many filial piety outside".

"Princeling" has become?
Are they all thinking about "Conglong Gong"?

"Isn't the school known for doing this way? Why have I never heard of it? No one mentioned it outside before, and no one in the palace seems to have talked about it..."

Shu Shu was moved and wanted to follow suit.

Pixiu is as good as Pixiu.

Pixiu with a glossy surface is even better.

Not to mention anything else, just the rules of rewarding silver that elder brother said are enough to make people upset.

After going out to start a mansion, her own territory, Shu Shu plans to re-establish the rules.

It's not being stingy, but it shouldn't be the case.

If you get an errand salary, you should work hard.

If it is done, I am willing to reward you with silver, and reward again.

It should not be coerced by the so-called rules and precedents as it is now, and rewarded in one piece.

They don't feel grateful either, they just feel that they deserve it according to the rules.

"How about the old third thief?"

Ninth elder brother was full of contempt: "If you are stingy, you are stingy, and if you are stingy, you are stingy. He just said that he is imitating Khan Ama's frugal behavior... On weekdays, preparing birthday and annual gifts for the elders is to copy scriptures by hand, "Diamond Sutra", " The Medicine Master’s Sutra comes in turn; to give birthday gifts to brothers, copy the book and replace it with the “Book of Filial Piety”, do you think he will damage it or not? Just do this thing that hurts others and does not benefit oneself, who is willing to have a deep friendship with him..."

Shu Shu felt weird when he heard it.

All evil and adultery are the first, and all goodness and filial piety are the first.

filial piety……

Whenever there is a mistake, the conduct is easy to be criticized.

What does it mean to send the "Book of Filial Piety" to your peers?
Does it imply that the brothers are not filial enough?
But listening to Brother Nine's gossip, Shu Shu recalled A Mou's private comments and exhortations to several concubines before entering the palace.

Concubine Hui, the mother of the eldest son of the emperor, the first in the harem, must be respected.

Concubine Yi, her own mother-in-law, has been favored for twenty years and must be respected.

Concubine De, who was once a concubine alone, had many children and should be respected.

Concubine Rong is the earliest servant and the most experienced. She once raised the prince, so she must be respected.

Why didn't Brother Jiu mention this when he mentioned the relationship between Brother San and the prince?

If this is the case, it is only logical that the two get close.

But looking at Concubine Rong's current silence, she doesn't have the splendor and dignity of the prince's adoptive mother.

"Master, I heard that Zhong Cui Gong's wife was ordered to raise the prince, is it true?"

Shu Shu asked.

"Ah? Who told you that? How come you haven't heard of it?"

Brother Jiu was also curious: "How could there be such a statement? How could that empress be able to support her children? Four of them died in the first place, and even the third child was sent to the home of the Minister of Internal Affairs to be raised..."

But Shu Shu believed Amu's news channel.

It's been too long.

The prince was born in the thirteenth year of Kangxi, and he started studying at the age of six. This so-called upbringing and care should be in the middle.

At that time, there was no Nine Brothers.

It was already twenty years ago.

It's normal that brother Jiu hasn't heard of it.

After the ninth elder brother asked back, he pondered for himself: "It's a bit weird to say that..."

"What do you remember, grandpa?"

Shu Shu asked, but felt pity in his heart.

These taboo palace secret histories should not be written down.

Otherwise, she really wanted to make a second small book.

As for the pinyin or other text notes...

Forget it.

are all hidden dangers...

Ninth elder brother is rare to be serious: "The empress of Zhongcui Palace has the most seniority, and she has given birth six times. Even though four children died young, she still gave birth to a daughter and a son... For the first time in sixteen years, Khan Ama sealed off the harem for the first time. For the seventh concubine, the empress of Zhongcui Palace is the fourth, after the empress of Yanxi Palace, in front of our empress... But after twenty years of Khan Ama's concubine, the empress of Zhongcui Palace was demoted to the last place, between our empress and Yonghe Palace After the Empress... A few years ago, the empresses were in charge of the palace affairs, and the empresses of the Yanxi Palace and our empresses were the main ones. Taking care of the daily life of the princesses..."

Having said that, the young couple looked at each other in blank dismay.

Concubine Rong is idle.

From the first concubine who gave birth to a child a year, to the decline in ranking, and then to having no power in her hands, this is falling out of favor.

It's just that Concubine Rong entered the palace early, and she was already in her thirties in the [-]th year of Kangxi.

In the eyes of the world, this age is already an old woman, and it is normal not to go to bed.

The concubine in the back is still young and tender, no one will regard Concubine Rong as falling out of favor, after all, the concubine is here.

Thinking about the queen mother's greetings, Shu Shu has been there four times in total, and the queen mother talked to Concubine Rong once, unlike the other three concubines who have to talk every time.

"What happened in the past [-] years? Mostly it's about the fading and falling in love..."

Brother Jiu really couldn't guess: "It shouldn't be a big deal, otherwise the third child can have the dignity he is now?"

Both of them mentioned it in gossip, and let it go if they couldn't figure it out.

Until it got dark, there was no movement from the third elder brother.

On the contrary, the eunuch next to Brother Qi came over and sent five hundred taels of silver notes, and sent a message on behalf of Brother Qi: "Our master said, if the elder brother is not enough, just say it, and send someone back to Beijing to get it... "

Brother Nine was overwhelmed by flattery, and quickly waved his hands: "Enough, enough..."

When the eunuch left, Brother Nine fell into a dream: "Are we taking advantage of Brother Fifth? The seventh brother has always been on good terms with Brother Fifth. Is this a good sale for Brother Fifth? Or is it just a formality, and give it to Khan?" Amma see?"

Shu Shu said: "They are all brothers, how can there be any reason to take care of another brother for this brother? Qi Beile doesn't talk much, but he sounds like a man with a cold heart and a warm heart... The youth is rough, but his temper is firm and resolute. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be as good as I am today, and we should have respected her..."

Brother Jiu nodded slowly, and then gloated: "Everyone else came, but the third brother didn't come. What do you think Khan Ama thinks of him? This is the older brother, who is not as old as us... We are the same The old tenth class is the big one, three years older than the thirteenth, and he is still comprehensive... This brother, he has lost friendship... Well, let him be picky..."

Although the Eight Banners have entered the customs, some Manchurian customs still remain.

Adopting a step-marriage is gone...

But it's common for older sons to be reused, and elder brothers to take care of younger brothers...

The third elder brother ignored his younger brother who seemed to be in trouble, and lost his friendship.

Shu Shu listened and understood Brother Jiu's joke.

The third elder brother has tight hands, few rewards, the relationship between people is simple, and the news is blocked.

He probably didn't know about the news this afternoon at all.

Otherwise, even if it's just pretending to be a cutscene, I will come here.

Shu Shu is so embarrassing.

This is the so-called "butterfly effect"? !

Ninth elder brother took someone to ask for a bribe, but he actually cheated the irrelevant third elder brother...

(End of this chapter)

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