My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 122 Friends

Chapter 122 Friends (Part [-])
Ma Jia Fugui wanted to cry, but he didn't expect Brother Jiu to be angry because of being rude, and he even started to make a fuss after Sheng Jia had already stationed.

If this trouble comes to the imperial court, can the emperor discipline his son for a servant?
Maybe I will believe this set of fallacies and heresies, and feel that I am less filial and treat the prince disrespectfully.

Ma Jia Fugui hurriedly begged for mercy: "I don't dare to be disrespectful, I have already prepared a thick Cheng Yi..."


Brother Jiu still didn't open his mouth. He Yuzhu raised his orchid finger and pointed to the golden leaves scattered on the ground: "Bah! Thick? Our master is not rare for such generous gifts, and we can't afford to lose that person!"

Brother Jiu glanced at He Yuzhu, and left with a dark face. He Yuzhu trotted to keep up.

Ma Jiafugui sat on the ground, wiped his sweat, as if mourning.

He is like this, let alone follow the kneeling steward.


Ma Jia Fugui slapped himself.

He has always been cautious in his actions, and when he tried to give gifts before, he also wanted to leave no excuses, but he forgot the dignity of the prince.

They are ordinary people, and there is a saying that "rituals are more important than affection".

For the prince elder brother, filial piety is filial piety.

Receiving filial piety is also giving dignity to the slaves.

If the filial piety is too low, it will naturally feel disrespectful.

"grown ups……"

The steward was startled: "Why did you come here?"

"I've been living comfortably these past few years, but I've been confused and lost my caution..."

Ma Jiafugui smiled wryly.

"Then... how much filial piety does this have? It's scary, why is Jiu Ye so tempered, he doesn't show any sympathy..."

The steward has lingering fears.

"Young concubine, you have the confidence to be domineering..."

Ma Jiafugui squeezed her purse and smiled wryly, knowing that she would not be able to get through this time if she didn't cut her flesh, but she also breathed a sigh of relief.

Back in the small courtyard, Brother Jiu told Shu Shu vividly, and finally, with disgust, he stared at He Yuzhu: "What kind of drama should you add? If you stick your fingers like that in the future, I will break them off for you! My mother!" Girl, who did you learn from?"

He Yuzhu patted his right hand: "Don't dare anymore... The master asked the servant to act, and the servant was afraid that the performance would be poor, so he remembered the way he went to the eunuch on the stage..."

Brother Nine slapped him shabbyly: "What a fool, that's a joke, how can you take it seriously? Who can clean his face and hold a fly slinger in his hand all year round..."

Shu Shu was at the side, trying not to laugh out loud.

But it was a surprise.

"Looking at my eagerness to learn before, I thought I was going to end in person..."

Shu Shu laughed and joked, "Why did you change your mind temporarily?"

Brother Nine sat down by the kang, flicked his sleeves: "I'm not a fool, I don't have a long memory after I'm old... Didn't I just say that I have a red face and a bad face two days ago... Besides, if you want money, just come directly from my mouth." It’s a shame to say it…”

Shu Shu nodded in praise and said: "Master thought of Zhouquan, and He Yuzhu was hurt... He is the most loyal and prudent person. For the sake of Master, this time he must bear the reputation of being greedy and domineering... Remember, Master, I will see you in the Times next time." Be prepared..."

Otherwise, there will be something wrong with Brother Nine in the future. Kangxi may not directly teach his son a lesson, but he will definitely not spare the people around him.

He Yuzhu was beside him, tears were about to come out, and he looked at Shu Shu with gratitude.

He had just performed a show with his master, and he had no idea, because he was afraid of this.

I am not afraid of taking the blame for my master, but I am afraid that the emperor and empress will take it seriously, write this down, and deal with him later.

Brother Jiu felt uncomfortable: "I still wear the hat of being greedy for money, have you been wronged?"

Who doesn't like a good name.

Shu Shu thinks that "being greedy for money" is not a bad thing.

Compared with checking the driver's appointment, perhaps this is the real job.

There is some meaning of "fishing law enforcement", but those moths are not wronged.

Shu Shu was lost in thought.

Sai Weng lost his horse, how do you know it is not a blessing?
Brother Nine's "failure to become a talent" is placed in front of the world, and he is a big step away from seizing the heir.

What's more, he will soon face the wealthy Mongolian prince!

With such a name on his back, he might really be able to take the opportunity to reap some benefits.

Shu Shu thought, got up and walked in front of Brother Jiu, looking him up and down.

The appearance is not bad, and the expression is not bad, is this dress...

It doesn't look very eye-catching, but the regular clothes on her body look ordinary, with a brocade robe with dark patterns, and Hetian ink jade buttons, and a large string hanging around her waist.

Shu Shu has not been married for a long time, but who knew about the retinue half a month ago, and asked someone to prepare autumn clothes in advance.

Brother Jiu's clothes, this is a comfortable aesthetic, low-key luxury.

However, according to Yifei's meaning, the Mongolian prince's judgment on people's clothing still comes from the more straightforward gold, jade and gemstones.

Brother Jiu was uncomfortable being looked at, and lowered his head to look at himself a few times: "What's wrong?"

"I guess when will the Mongolian princes meet? I said Karaqin before, when will I be there?"

Shu Shu asked.

Brother Jiu thought about the distance and time: "It will be around the ninth or tenth day of the lunar new year. There is a princess mansion there, and there should be many people waiting. Khan Ama may not stay for two days..."

Shu Shu nodded, remembering it in her heart.

When the time comes, she will tidy up Brother Jiu, make him rich and powerful, and become a "Lucky Nine".

The palace is such a big place, and there are people coming and going in the value room where the manager is.

As soon as elder brother Nine led someone to have a seizure, the news spread immediately.

Even the reason for this outburst was clearly heard by others, it was due to lack of filial piety, so he dropped something.

The elder brother got the news here, so he came here immediately.

At the gate of the yard, he bumped into Fifth Prince.

"What's the matter with Lao Jiu? What are you doing here?"

The elder brother frowned and asked, "I usually look like a clever person, how can I act so unreliably?"

The fifth elder brother pursed his lips and didn't say anything, he couldn't hide the remorse on his face.

He misunderstood, worried that his younger brother was in a place where money was spent again, and he wanted to come out to search because he was embarrassed to talk to him, annoyed that he didn't think about subsidizing it before.

The eldest elder brother saw it in his eyes and knew that there was an inside story, but the fifth elder brother didn't open his mouth, and it was difficult to ask.

The courtyard is small, and the main house has only three small rooms.

As soon as the two elder brothers came, Shu Shu followed behind the ninth elder brother, welcomed them to the west room, and hid in the east room bedroom.

The eldest elder brother couldn't sit down, stared at the ninth elder brother, hated that the iron could not become steel, and said: "If you are short of money, who can you tell? Guo Luoluo's family, Dong E's family...or talk to the brothers, which one can't make a fortune?" , Why do you want to scrape the leader? This is the first time you are on an errand, and you act like this, what does Khan Ama think of you?"

Khan Ama seems to be affectionate, but in fact he is not lenient.

Otherwise, Bo Wang and Uncle Wang would not have been idle since the Battle of Ulan Butong.

Brother Jiu couldn't tell the truth, so he could only speak bluntly: "Brother didn't see it, and he must be annoyed if he saw it! What kind of gift is that? A few kinds of food, a few taels of gold... Otherwise, don't give it away, just take care of it if you give it away." Respect for each other. I really think my younger brother is slapping the autumn wind, or what? If I tolerate it, then others will be able to slap my younger brother in the face!"

Everyone in the world values ​​face, especially men.

The eldest brother listened and felt that it made sense, but he still reprimanded him: "Even if you are not satisfied, why don't you use yourself? A slave is worth your troubles? Send someone over and give him a lesson, he will be sensible Do you do it with great fanfare, for fear that others will not know, and you will still lose your dignity!"

Brother Jiu blushed and was full of stubbornness, but his heart was quite strange.

Because the elder brother claims to be the eldest son, he always likes to preach to the younger brothers, especially the eighth elder brother.

The eighth elder brother listened respectfully every time, but the ninth elder brother was very upset when he watched.

I always feel that the boss is occupying the status of "Emperor's eldest son" and "Concubine's son", so he gesticulates and reprimands the eighth elder brother, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Yesterday, as an older brother, he himself had just reprimanded the disobedient ten elder brothers...

I don't know if he has experienced the sadness and difficulty of being an elder brother. He was scolded today, but he didn't feel so disgusted.

Brother Nine nodded honestly: "My brother knows, it won't happen in the future... It's just that I can't hold back my anger..."

Youthful spirit, everyone grows up at this time.

Seeing that he was acting well, the elder brother's expression improved, and he patted the shoulder of the ninth elder brother: "Anyway, you have grown up, so don't act as you want in the future, you should think more... Khan Ama is watching..."

Brother Nine listened.

After the eldest elder brother finished speaking, he glanced at the fifth elder brother who was silent beside him, knowing that the two brothers had something to say, he said, "Then I'll go back first, and if I dare to mess up again, I'll whip you straight away!"

The emotion in Brother Jiu's heart immediately disappeared.

That is to say, the mouth is great!
With Khan Ahma around, it's his turn to discipline Elder Brother!

The ninth elder brother endured not to reply, and sent the eldest elder brother out.

When approaching the door, the elder brother stopped, pulled a pouch from his belt, threw it into the arms of the ninth elder brother, and complained: "The mouth is growing for nothing? Is it a decoration? From now on, talk when your hands are tight, don't let it go." Disgraceful outside!"

The purse was so light, the ninth elder brother was stunned, the eldest elder brother had already strode far away.

When the ninth elder brother turned around holding the purse, he saw the fifth elder brother standing behind him and staring at him, his eyes were red.

"What are you looking at, brother five?"

Brother Jiu looked around.

The fifth elder brother didn't speak, but still stared at him fiercely.

Ninth elder brother was a little hairy, and whispered: "If you want to train, you can train? Don't be too angry..."

The fifth elder brother gave him a hard look, didn't say anything, just took out a bulging purse from his sleeve and stuffed it in his hand, then turned and went out.

Brother Jiu had a purse in each hand, with a strange look on his face, he went into the room and put it on the kang table to read.

The purse given by the elder brother looked light and fluffy, but it contained two banknotes of five hundred taels.

The purse given by fifth elder brother was very heavy, but it was a bit messy inside, except for a few banknotes, there were also a few gold bars the size of a little finger.

When Shu Shu heard the movement, she knew that the guests had left, so she walked in, and saw Brother Jiu sitting on the kang in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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