My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 121 Learning

Chapter 121 Learning (Second Change)
Shu Shu listened carefully, and understood that these words were not meant for herself, and she was just a tool to spread the word.

Yifei's sharp gaze just now has been firmly imprinted in Shu Shu's mind.

No wonder the most common conclusion on the forums of later generations is one, mother-in-law is not mother!
The previous tenderness was because Shu Shu wholeheartedly cared for Brother Jiu.

If it really affects Brother Jiu, or if something bad drags Brother Jiu down, then Concubine Yi will be the first to clean her up. It's not hard to predict the direction of this mother-in-law relationship...

What Concubine Yi thinks is up to Concubine Yi.

Isn't there that sentence?
No matter the mind, no matter the heart, no one is perfect.

Shu Shu just woke up a little bit.

"The fragrance is far away and the smell is close", the principle is the same in ancient and modern times.

Shu Shu even wanted to move out of the palace earlier, with a worried face on her face: "My daughter-in-law has never experienced anything, and she is also timid, so it is inevitable to think more... There is also the example of the dining room before, for these uncles in the Ministry of Internal Affairs , I was also afraid... Before, I was just a slave who wanted to be rich, so he dared to plot against the prince like that. Now that he has become the enemy of life and death, who knows what will happen to them... The ninth master is precious, how can he stand up to the slightest mistake? The daughter-in-law thought If it doesn't work, let's clean up one of the yards under the daughter-in-law's name... At that time, I will use the reason that the daughter-in-law is not in good health and needs to rest, so as not to be too hard to guard against under their noses..."

Concubine Yi raised her eyebrows, her face was ashen, and her voice was sharp: "I don't think who would dare? If someone dares to plot against Lao Jiu, I will never let him go!"

Having said that, she also knew in her heart that if there was a mistake, it would be useless to retaliate afterwards.

She couldn't say that the palace was safe and sound, she only took a long breath, and her expression gradually calmed down: "There is still Erniang here, don't worry too much..."

Shu Shu nods her head trustingly, but she slanders her in her heart.

Although Concubine Yi has been in charge of palace affairs, her sphere of influence obviously does not include elder brother's office.

Otherwise, the ninth brother would not be plotted against, and the cause of death of the eleventh brother would not be in doubt.

Concubine Yi just took care of the overall situation blindly. In order not to make the fifth elder brother feel partial, all the sons raised by her side dare not get close to her. Isn't this another kind of partiality?
Here, Shu Shu made a report in front of her mother-in-law, and over there, Brother Jiu also came to the imperial court and told Kangxi about receiving gifts today.

The relationship between father and son was not close at first.

Brother Jiu was used to being ignored when he was young, and he also has the arrogance and self-esteem in the bones of a teenager, and he is not willing to move forward.

Thinking that you don't value my son, I don't care about you, Ama.

However, seeing the relationship between Dong E's parents and their children, he was deeply touched.

It seems that the father-in-law and mother-in-law love and protect their daughter, but in fact they also rely on her.

Khan Ama, is it possible that he is not as strong and resolute as he has shown?

Fate is not good, and there are no relatives to rely on.

At a young age, he lost his father and mother one after another, and his wife was beaten...

Brother Jiu couldn't help but feel sympathetic.

The three banners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are all royally coated, and they are all slaves of Khan Ama.

"Beating a dog depends on the master."

Even if he finds out Hua'er, Khan Ama Gangang will decide how to deal with it.

"Isn't this Chief Ma Jia underestimating his son? Husband and wife, a prince Fujin, is only worth a hundred taels if he flatters him once?"

Brother Jiu said, with annoyance: "This old boy is not authentic, he just looks honest... If he directly honors his son, he will fall on his face... Biansheng will put Dong E's family in front, she has a soft temper, If you are only polite in front of outsiders, how can you care about the amount of gifts?"

Kangxi cast a glance at him, and snorted softly: "I don't know the sufferings of the world! An Eight Banners vest has an annual salary of twenty-four taels, which is enough for the whole family to chew on... The annual salary of the six-character line is sixty taels, and this gift will give away two years' salary , not sincere enough?"

Brother Nine looked around and said: "Ama Khan's dormitory today is more spacious than yesterday's. My son has probably seen the house I'm walking here. There are about [-] more rooms in total. The repair money is less than that every year." The Yaoting line is two hundred taels more... only half of it, five hundred taels of silver a year... My son has inquired about it, he has not moved his nest in this position for five years, and he has been greedy for two thousand five taels A hundred taels of silver, even if you want to distribute it to others, the big head is still his, otherwise who would like to live in the mountains, and would have asked someone to find a relationship and transfer back to Beijing..."

Kangxi's face was calm: "Then tell me, what should I do?"

Brother Nine blinked his eyes, and asked tentatively, "Why don't you, son, go back first? Otherwise, in the future, everyone else will follow this example of 'filial piety', and your son will be a joke!"

Kangxi frowned, and looked at Brother Jiu suspiciously: "Are you trying to catch moths, or scrape money?"

Brother Nine is very calm: "Of course it is to catch moths! The money does not go into the son's pocket, and the son will be a 'passing god of wealth' for a few days..."

Kangxi waved his hand: "It's up to you, enough is enough, don't let people see the joke..."

Brother Jiu nodded honestly: "Don't worry, Ama Khan, my son also loves face..."

As for the jokers?
After tomorrow, it will be outside the customs.

In a place where Manchus and Hans live together, there are more scruples in doing things.

When Shu Shu came back from Concubine Yi, he saw Brother Jiu pacing back and forth in the room with a strange expression on his face.

"What are you doing here? Look at the kang table for a while, and look at the ground for a while?"

Shu Shu looked confused and asked directly.

Brother Jiu looked at her and suppressed a smile: "Master is thinking about how to learn from you..."


Shu Shu followed Brother Jiu's gaze, and landed on the Kang table, thinking about his actions just now, she understood.

This is to imitate her appearance of flipping the table.

She glared at Brother Jiu: "What's the matter? Master, is this a joke about my aggressive behavior?"

Brother Jiu patted his mouth, and hurriedly said: "Slip of speech, slip of speech! Master thinks that you are angry and confident, so I want to follow suit..."

Then, he talked about going to return the gift.

"Is this what the emperor meant?"

The corner of Shu Shu's mouth twitched, isn't it a little too casual?

It looks like playing house, but it is actually a shameless extortion of bribes.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows: "It's my master's idea, even if we only become the 'passing God of Wealth', the price can't be lowered, otherwise it doesn't suit our status..."

It was all approved by Kangxi, Shu Shu naturally would not be long-winded, but just reminded: "I also said that I am 'often reasonable', and my pickiness this time is not unreasonable... According to me, there is no need to learn from others. I just think about how Gui Dan behaves in front of others, and I can do as I see..."

Brother Jiu really listened to it, thought for a while and said: "That kid must be very capable, the aura of 'fox pretending to be tiger' is full!"

"Isn't that just right? The emperor and the empress are both here, so I can just 'fake the tiger'!"

Shu Shu suggested with a smile.

Brother Nine nodded, and with a reference, he walked away arrogantly and high-spiritedly.

Shu Shu sighed heavily.

After this time, the hat of their husband and wife's greed for money may be firmly worn.

Xiao Yu waited at the door, served the tea, listened to everything, looked strange, brought the tea over and muttered in a low voice: "Fu Jin, fortunately there is no other Xiao Gege in our house, or else we would be implicated for no reason... Elder Brother, too, what? There's no way out, just thinking about this, and getting Fujin's reputation..."

A good or bad reputation is just icing on the cake for a man, even if there is a mistake, there is still a saying "the prodigal son will not change his money back".

It is difficult for women, and it is easy to be criticized and picky about their character.

Of course Shu Shu also knew the powerful relationship, but she was not worried. She belonged to the royal family, which was different from ordinary women.

There is a difference between superiority and inferiority, and general criticism does not fall on her head.

As long as Kangxi and Concubine Yi knew the inside story, it would be fine if they knew that she was being implicated by Brother Nine, and others would ignore it.

But when Xiao Yu mentioned the mansion, Shu Shu felt homesick.

Seeing Concubine Yi lose her composure and worry because of protecting the calf, she also misses her Ama and Ernie.

The father and daughter stayed together for several days, but they didn't get a chance to meet each other.

And the house...

Needless to say, Ah Mou, E Nie is also a person of forty to five years old. If Dong E's family adds another character, they can only rely on the cousin.

But that would not be a good thing for Dong E's family.

Xizhu's physical condition is so. If the cousin-in-law can conceive, the whole family will look forward to a male, not patriarchal, but the long house needs a male, otherwise there will be fear of extinction.

Xiao Yu is the granddaughter of Jue Luo's wet nurse. She grew up in Jue Luo's room, and naturally she was partial to the Dutong Mansion in her heart. , the master didn't answer...the uncle didn't mention it in the past two years, he should be looking forward to his grandchildren..."

Shu Shu nodded, who doesn't want his blood to be passed on.

Ama insisted that she should not, and understood this.

The uncle has always hesitated, and may not have made up his mind. If he agrees here, it will only affect the brotherhood.

Mrs. Uncle has never made any statement, otherwise Xizhu's background here, and his physical condition, is indeed not a suitable heir.

For a family with military exploits like the Dong E family, the head of the family can't support it, and it's easy to fall silent.

The best choice for Dong E's family is to choose one of Xiaowu and Xiaoliu to adopt the eldest house. Whether it is on the military register or filling in the vacancies in the future, it can still be passed down as a general.

Mrs. Uncle obviously also had a grudge, she didn't mention the heir, but she also refused to record the concubine in her name. It's okay now, but it will be troublesome when she becomes a lord in the future.

Walking here at Zhifang, Ma Jiafugui was dumbfounded.

He Yuzhu's chin was raised high, his toes were high, he wrapped it in his hand, and slammed it on the ground. Gold leaves, sea cucumbers, abalones, and even boxes and boxes were scattered all over the ground: "How bold!" Son! Who is this looking down on? Where are you sending the beggars?"

Brother Nine remained silent, as if he was looking at an ant, and his face was full of anger.

Ma Jiafugui knelt down in a "plop": "Master Ninth calm down, this slave dare not!"

Ninth elder brother drooped his face and remained silent.

He Yuzhu sneered and said, "What else do you not dare to do? In the next afternoon, if you climb up here chattering and talking, our master will show you face and treat you as sensible. I didn't expect you to treat us as a joke!"

(End of this chapter)

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