Chapter 120 Bird (Part [-])
After lunch, the young couple took a rest.

Spring is sleepy and autumn is exhausting, and they got up early and rushed late before, both of them were tired and fell into a sound sleep.

Near Shenchu, the two got up and changed their clothes.

In order to prevent him from waiting outside for too long like yesterday, brother Jiu has already sent someone to wait in front on horseback, and report back when he sees the Shengjia team.

Shu Shu stood on the porch, looking at the mountains in the distance.

This place is already surrounded by mountains. Because of the fine weather, you can still see the shallow traces of the Great Wall when you look at the distant mountains.

The fortress of the Great Wall that will leave the customs tomorrow is Gubeikou Great Wall, located between Shanhaiguan Pass and Juyongguan Pass, and is the throat from the Central Plains to Liaodong and Mongolia.

Since ancient times, this has been a battleground for military strategists.

Three hundred years later, a water town will be built in the vicinity of Wuzhen in the south of the Yangtze River, named after the Great Wall Pass.

Shu Shu was still thinking, Elder Brother Ten and Elder Brother Thirteen came back from outside.

Brother Thirteen blushed, holding a bird cage in his hand.

Seeing Shu Shu outside, he lifted the cage and stepped forward: "Sister-in-law, there is a big fair in the next town today, and there are birds, this is for sister-in-law to play with..."

It is a yellow bird with gorgeous feathers, like a ball of hair.

Shu Shu brought a little bit of surprise, and took the birdcage: "Thank you Thirteenth Brother, it's so beautiful..."

In her previous life, she was thinking about keeping a parrot, and it was a big parrot, but after asking her friends, she found out that the big parrot was raised by punishment, so she had to let it go.

The first birdie in this life was given by Elder Brother Thirteen, like a hidden sense of accomplishment.

The thirteenth elder brother smiled brightly after hearing this address.

Shu Shu used to call him "Thirteenth Uncle" before, and he was polite and polite. Those who ate and walked with him these few days became much closer and warmer to each other, and they also changed their names.

The tenth elder brother was by the side, and felt that the thirteenth elder brother's smile was an eyesore.

He stepped forward, took out a bird teasing stick from the side of the bird cage, and poked it into the cage.

Shu Shu only thought that Elder Brother Ten was interested, and handed him the birdcage directly.

Elder Brother Ten teased the bird a few times, and imitated the sound of birds.

Apart from avoiding it by itself, the oriole was dull and did not respond at all.

Elder Brother Ten showed distaste on his face: "This is an ill-bred oriole, it can't sing, it's dumb... But it's okay, so I won't disturb people on the road..."

Elder Brother Thirteen was by the side, so angry that he was about to cry.

Shu Shu could only smile and said: "Looking bright, it's already very good... If it's a songbird, we have to walk the bird every day. How can we have the time to wait for us on the way?"

The thirteenth elder brother's cheeks were bulging: "When I return to the capital, I will buy it for my sister-in-law..."

Elder Brother Shi sneered and said, "You are in the palace all year round, and you haven't been out of the palace a few times, and you are still thinking about shopping? Do you know where the gate of the market is open?"

"Why don't you know? Outside Di'anmen is the Maimai Street!"

The thirteenth elder brother said unconvinced.

Elder Brother Shi waved his hand: "Then there is no need to make empty promises, my sister-in-law wants to raise birds here, and I will trade it with Brother Ninth..."

Brother Thirteen muttered, "Brother Ten also wants to go to school?"

Elder Brother Ten took a bit of pride: "At most, it will be the end of the year... Unlike some people, it will take three or four years..."

The two have similar looks, but they are short in stature, and they bickered, watching comfortably.

After living two lifetimes, this is the first time in my life that two men compete for my favor. Even though they are small men, it is quite interesting.

Brother Nine was at the side, lowered his head and said softly: "Watch what's exciting, is it bad or not?"

Shu Shu glanced at him, is this lively?
This is the sister-in-law's sense of accomplishment.

The tenth elder brother has been in contact with each other for a long time, and Shu Shu boasted several times that he is "neixiu", and he is much smarter than the ninth elder brother.

Brother Thirteen, I don't see any "reckless" or "chivalrous" qualities here, but he is just a good-tempered young man.

Elder Brother Ten often stabbed him with words, but he mostly just smiled and walked over.

I can't bear it today because of Shu Shu's presence.

No matter how old a man is, he doesn't want to lose face in front of women.

He Yuzhu trotted over to deliver the letter, Sheng Jia was about to arrive.

Everyone is still on yesterday's itinerary, and they will pick up the car with Ma Jiafugui, the line manager.

After watching Sheng Jia enter, Shu Shu didn't go directly to the courtyard where she was temporarily staying, but waited at the gate of the second courtyard on the left.

When Wu Fujin got off the carriage, he saw Shu Shu waiting beside him, and hurriedly stepped forward to hold her hand: "Is this a special trip to welcome me? Why are you being so polite, the sun is still shining."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "I should have come to see my sister-in-law in person yesterday, something was delayed...Jiuye was ignorant yesterday and contradicted my sister-in-law. It's not my turn to apologize for him, but I just came to thank my sister-in-law for protecting my heart... "

Wu Fujin remembered that Walnut came to deliver food last night, his face turned red, and he felt a little shy: "It's just a sentence, why do I need you to make a special trip to thank me?"

Shu Shu herself is newly married to Yan Er, and she sees Wu Fujin's abnormality.

I just know that she is shy, and just see through without telling the truth.

Qi Fujin's carriage was right behind, and he also got out of the carriage. Seeing the two sisters-in-law holding hands and talking in a low voice, he raised his voice and said with a smile: "Why haven't you seen each other for a while, and you two are talking behind my back?"

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Aren't you going to tell me behind your back? I'll discuss it with my sister-in-law and think about something delicious, so I need to be greedy..."

Qi Fujin spread his hands and said: "I don't care, I will share a portion if I hear it..." As he spoke, he sincerely boasted: "I have never eaten such a good is very durable, two fingers wide, you can eat it." Grinding my teeth for a long time..."

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing, it's not that dried beef is delicious, it's probably because of snacks: "There's not much dried beef, but enough dried pork, I'll give you two packs later..."

Qi Fujin quickly shook his head: "Don't bring it here...don't be greedy...I have to bear it...we'll eat it when we return to Beijing..."

Wufujin and Qifujin were exhausted, and the two of them still had to get acquainted with each other, so Shu Shu left after saying these few words.

After returning to the back yard, Shu Shu ordered Walnut to pack a box of dried beef: "Send it to the empress, please ask the empress if it is not convenient for me to go over and say hello..."

Today, Shu Shu accepted the gifts from the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in full view. Even if there were other reasons, Shu Shu still planned to make a report in front of Concubine Yi, otherwise it would be bad if there was a misunderstanding.

Walnut responded, and was about to leave when Xiaoyu came in: "Fujin, Aunt Xianglan is here..."

Shu Shu stood up: "Please come in quickly..."

For a while, Xianglan came in with Xiaoyu, holding a small fruit basket in his hand, but a grown man with big fists, and inside were a few exquisite and lovely persimmons.

"This is the filial piety of the manager of Yaotingxing. I heard that it is a special product in the nearby mountains. The lady ate sweets and said that it was like honey. She saved some for Fujin..."

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Thank you, ma'am, for thinking about it, it's the season, today I'm looking at the persimmon tree from a distance during the day and still muttering..."

Xiang Lan said: "Your Majesty has prepared something else, and sent the slaves to invite Fujin to come over and talk..."

As soon as Shu Shu went out to pick her up, she was all neat and tidy, so she asked Walnut to take her to eat, and followed Xianglan to Yifei's side.

On the way, Shu Shu felt funny inexplicably.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, every time they send someone to communicate with each other, they always use food as an excuse, and there is no time when they are empty-handed.

After a while, I arrived at the place where Concubine Yi lived.

Concubine Yi was sitting on the kang in a daze, her face was covered with powder, and her eyes were hard to hide the bruise.

Seeing Shu Shu come in to Fuli, she got up and pulled Shu Shu to the side of the kang, but she didn't speak in a hurry, but waved Xiang Lan to take a group of people down.

"What's going on with Brother Nine? Okay, why did you think of checking this? Who is it in your ears, or is there some other reason?"

Concubine Yi lowered her volume, and asked questions one after another, her expression was very solemn, and she looked at Shu Shu with scrutiny.

Shu Shu's heart sank, but she didn't show it on her face, she just sighed: "It's all a combination of circumstances... Jiu Ye was impatient and restrained at the beginning, and saw that the older brothers all had their own errands, so he used this To make an excuse... I thought it was just going through the motions, and then asked the daughter-in-law to think of two new dishes, which is also our filial piety as children... I never expected that these people would be so bold, and repairing it is just a piece of cake. For face-saving projects, except for the place where Khan Ama lives, the rest are covered with white paper on the walls... The same is true for the Empress Dowager's dormitory. I heard from Master Jiu that this is what Khan Ama annoys the most..."

Concubine Yi frowned and rubbed her temples, obviously feeling uncomfortable.

Shu Shu got up, walked behind her, and helped her massage.

Mrs. Uncle suffered from obvious neurasthenia and often suffered from headaches in her early years.

Shu Shu just learned this, practice makes perfect, and the acupoints are pressed in the right place.

Concubine Yi frowned, and took Shu Shu's hand: "Okay, Er Niang is better... Hey! This bastard, how can he interfere..."

Shu Shu can also understand Concubine Yi's embarrassment.

It's really offending people.

If we really want to investigate thoroughly, even Guo Luoluo's family may not be in the right place.

Although Guo Luoluo's family received the grace to carry from the Baoyi Banner to the Shangsan Banner, they only carried the Sanguan Bao.

This is also the practice of "raising the flag". Only the population of the original branch is carried, not the combined clan.

Concubine Yi has a cousin who is the manager of the line.

The only peace of mind is that he is not on the way out of Beijing, so he can't be found for the time being.

Brother Nine specifically mentioned this matter, so Shu Shu also knew about it.

Shu Shu talked about receiving gifts today: "Daughter-in-law didn't dare to promise these things, but Master Jiu said, this is an opportunity, if you don't leave a gap for these people to exploit, it's hard to guarantee that they won't have other bad thoughts... Anyway, whether it is money or other objects, they are all recorded in the booklet and handed over to Khan Ama for disposal..."

Concubine Yi showed surprise on her face, and she also brought some doubts: "Is Lao Jiu still so clever?"

Shu Shu didn't dare to take credit at this time, so she only had guesses: "On the way out this morning, Master Jiu and Master Shi murmured for a long time, and it must have been calculated by the two of them..."

Concubine Yi's expression became more relaxed, she nodded: "Lao Shi is a good..."

However, no one can control the follow-up of this matter, it depends on the emperor's mind.

She still sighed: "Since it has already started, I have to do it well. If you offend these villains, you will also offend the emperor. It is better than disappointing the emperor... The emperor hopes that his son will become a dragon" and looks forward to everyone Elder brother is alone..."

(End of this chapter)

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