Chapter 119 Closed (third update)
Shu Shu understands the unfinished meaning in Walnut's words.

Gifts made by hand can not only make Brother Jiu happy, but also please father-in-law and mother-in-law.

What a smart girl.

After all, she is a girl from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it has become an instinct to try to figure out what the master wants.

Compared with Walnut, Xiaochun and the others are all too honest.

Xiao Yu was listening, and also felt that what Walnut said made sense: "Fu Jin, if you choose one of the two, the belt is better, and it's better to give the gift in the open."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "It's the children who choose, I want them all."

Although the two girls didn't know if it was a joke or not, they understood the general meaning and nodded in agreement.

After all, they are newlyweds, so it is a good thing to behave more at this time.

Shu Shu instructed: "Turn around and prepare more beeswax. Apart from making face cream for Master Jiu, you can try making lip balm for the rest..."

Women, regardless of age, all love beauty.

The two princes, Fujin and sister-in-law, should show respect to each other, and the queen mother and concubine Yi should also show filial piety.

In addition, the thirteenth elder brother's biological mother Zhang Bin, who received such an expensive bracelet before, can also return a small gift.

Thinking of Concubine Zhang, Shu Shu's heart trembled.

Brother Thirteen, because he was the first concubine who was granted grace, was a celebrity in the Yongzheng Dynasty, and his life history has long been revealed.

Teenager loses mother...

Zhang Pin looks about twenty years old, how old is she actually now?

According to the upper and lower age limits for drafts by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is about [-] or [-] years old to [-] or [-] years old.

There was a precedent for elder brother Jiu who almost died in the heat, so Shu Shu didn't bother to speculate about Concubine Zhang's condition.

With the presence of those masters in the Imperial Hospital, and the favored degree of Zhang Concubine, as long as they can be rescued, they will do their best.

too frightening.

Shu Shu was thinking about turning over the Materia Medica again.

Brother Jiu turned around and came back, only to find that Shu Shu was sitting distracted, and the two girls were sitting on a small stool, talking to each other in a low voice.

Seeing Brother Jiu coming back, the two girls stood up quickly.

Brother Jiu glanced at the two of them, frowning: "So ignorant, it's disturbing Fujin not to have a good rest!"

The two quickly admitted their mistake.

Brother Jiu waved his hand and sent people down, and then complained to Shu Shu: "Why don't you take a good rest? When the holy driver arrives in the afternoon, there will be a delay of one or two hours to meet him."

Shu Shu got up, and pulled Brother Jiu to sit down by the kang: "My master is not here, I can't does your master look? Everything in the dining room has been turned around?"

Brother Nine nodded: "The problem is that the repairs are similar, but it looks slightly better than the Yaoting... The dining room is well prepared, I took a general look at it, no matter how it is used, the meat and vegetables prepared are similar to the proportions , can't find any faults... The manager here is more cautious in his actions, even if he is greedy, he is less greedy than the previous one..."

Shu Shu was curious: "Master just turned around like this a few times, there is no other reaction? Didn't anyone secretly stare? Or secretly follow?"

Brother Nine shook his head: "The manager looks like a well-behaved person, and he walked around with the master, all under his nose, what else is there for him?"

The young couple looked at each other.

What about the silent filial piety you thought about before?
Are they so arrogant that they think Brother Jiu can't find anything?
Brother Jiu felt offended by being underestimated, and snorted coldly: "Is that good? I thought they were calm and calm, so it turned out that I didn't take this bald brother seriously!"

In fact, the line manager is also struggling.

He couldn't hide his worry on his face, and he said to his confidantes: "Brother Jiu has gone around all the time, walking in the dining room, the palace kitchen, and the residence of the emperor and the queen mother, and he has seen them all. Did he look at it?" What happened?"

The relationship is so important, and that confidant was not sure, he hesitated and said: "My lord, why don't we still send the filial piety? It's no wonder that there are many people! But what if... according to the news sent earlier, this person is ignorant of the world, Then sending the money out, will it remind you..."

Who thinks money bites your hand?

We are not afraid of spending money to avoid disasters, but we are afraid of not getting enough food.

Now that the manager is used to being cautious, he has made up his mind: "This is not an accident, it is a precautionary measure."

When he had an idea, he didn't delay any longer. He didn't directly equip the dealer's ticket, but took a small box the size of a palm, which was full of gold leaves.

There are also four boxes of ingredients, four kinds of dried seafood such as swallow's wings and abalone belly.

Put the small box among the four food boxes, wrapped it in brocade, and he came out with his confidants.

Shu Shu also gossips with Brother Jiu, because this is a checkpoint, and the town next to it is also full of merchants.

If there is anything that needs to be added, it is just a matter of sending someone out to buy it.

He Yuzhu came in to send a message, saying that he was on his way and the manager was waiting to see him outside.

Brother Nine was stunned: "What? Asking to see Fujin? Are you a slave? You are not asking to see Master, but Fujin?"

He Yuzhu replied: "The servant heard the truth, he just asked to see Fujin, and he brought a big bag of things..."

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and said in a low voice: "See you? I didn't expect that there are still people thinking of finding another way..."

Shu Shu nodded: "I'll see you then, you have to know why you're here before you make other plans..."

He Yuzhu went out to spread the word, and then brought him in to be in charge.

As soon as he was walking outside, he greeted a group of people, and Shu Shu had already met them.

He was in his forties, wearing a regular sixth-rank official uniform, and looked like an honest man.

The man knelt down when he came in, and greeted Shu Shu with a big gift: "Slave Ma Jia is rich, I have seen Fujin, please greet Master Fujin..."

Listening to the familiar surname, Shu Shu blinked her eyes: "Master Ma, please. Listen to the old surname of your lord. Could it be that he is related to the Xianglan Banner?"

Ma Jia Fugui kowtowed and said: "The decent people of the tribe, only the slaves who came back from the country, entered the Coated Flag..."

Shu Shu signaled He Yuzhu to help him up.

"I'm not an outsider, my lord, please sit down and talk!"

Shu Shu was reserved and somewhat polite.

The Ma Jia family of Xianglan Banner is the family of Fusong's stepmother's natal family.

It is common in the Eight Banners that the descendants of the same family are assigned to different banners due to the difference in the time of surrender.

Just like their Dong E clan, and the Dong E clan of Zhengbai Banner where Empress Xiaoxian lives are both branches of the same ancestor's blood.

The population multiplied in the early years and split into two adjacent tribes.

Among them, Shu Shu's great-grandfather, He Heli, led his troops to vote before the emperor Taizu unified the state, and then he fought in the world, with the deepest foundation.

Empress Xiaoxian's great-grandfather, Lunbu, defected to Taizu after the founding of the country.

In fact, He Heli and Lunbu are cousins ​​of the same great-grandfather, and their blood is not too far away.

The empress filial piety and the concubine Zhen who died in the funeral are both in the same generation as Qi Xi, and they are Shu Shu's clan aunt.

Since Ma Jiafugui pretended to cling to Shu Shu, he presumably had this kind of cousin relationship with Shu Shu's aunt, and also had daily human relations.

Shu Shu ordered people to serve tea: "Although we met on the first day, it seems that the relationship is not far away. I don't know why your lord is looking for Ben Fujin?"

Ma Jia Fugui respectfully said: "The slave shouldn't bother Fujin, but I often hear the third aunt mentioning Fujin, and knowing that Fujin is down today, I prepared some filial piety... They are all vulgar things, but it's just the slave's wish..."

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu looked at each other, their eyebrows and eyes widened: "They all say that you don't get paid for nothing, but since you are a relative, you are different from others, otherwise it will appear that you are not a man of the world..."

As Shu Shu said, she picked up the tea.

Seeing Ma Jia Fugui, Zhiqu got up: "Then Fujin and Master Jiu are resting, the servant still has some mundane tasks to go over and watch over."

Shu Shu nodded, and told He Yuzhu: "My lord and Ben Fujin send you off..."

When the two went out, the young couple looked at the brocade package together.

"Is this rich man stupid? There is no one who bribes in broad daylight. Isn't this all in the eyes of others?"

Brother Jiu showed a bit of contempt: "Is it too honest? I can't think of this at all!"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "This is the real smart person... It's obviously just some filial piety, so how can you just bribe? I'm afraid I will be disappointed. There must not be much money here. Do you want to make a bet with me..."

Brother Nine stretched out his hand to unpack the package: "I'm not stupid to bet on this with you?"

A few things are laid out.

Swallow wings and abalone belly, etc., inevitably have a taste.

Brother Jiu had disgust on his face: "How can anyone send these? It stinks!"

Shu Shu looked carefully at the same thing.

They are all high-quality ingredients, some of which are better than the imperial dining room in the palace.

There are dozens of taels of silver for these few boxes of ingredients.

Brother Jiu opened the box and took out the gold leaves inside: "It's all sticky, it looks old and young, but it's very light... This box is half a catty..."

Brother Nine had disappointment on his face.

No matter who reads it, it is not good to classify this as "bribery".

After all, the ingredients and the gold leaves add up to a hundred taels of silver.

Using this little money to bribe the prince and prince Fujin, isn't it a joke?
"Looking honest, I didn't expect to be a slippery old fox!"

Brother Jiu threw the box aside and looked at Shu Shu: "What should I do? With such a mind, you don't need to guess to know that there is no big problem with his accounts. Even if he is greedy, there are many cover-ups..."

Shu Shu said: "My lord is just investigating the matter, not targeting anyone... Whatever it is, if everyone really wants to act cautiously, then the hole can probably be smaller, which is also a good thing..."

Shu Shu intends to support Brother Nine to smear heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but it is not an indiscriminate attack, and the offended people will go to sea.

Ninth elder brother is still unwilling: "The one who is close to vermilion is red, and the one who is close to ink is black. They are both the same. I don't believe that the former one is so greedy, this one is innocent... Besides, the white paper is pasted on the wall. The styles are all the same..."

Shu Shu saw that he was turning a corner, and pointed out: "Who is the current rule, the trend of 'conformity', maybe it is the same in the officialdom... Think about it differently, maybe this person is an opportunity... I am Master's Fujin, I accept it." The thing is that the master took the thing...Those who hesitated to be filial or not before being guilty of thieves, there is a precedent, so there is no need to hesitate..."

(End of this chapter)

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