Chapter 118 Taboo (Second update)
Speaking of this, Elder Brother Ten raised his heart again: "No, we can no longer live in the palace, we have to find a way out. Only when we get out can we hold the land in our hands. Continue to live in the palace. In their eyes, they are the people that elder brother said, and we can't see it strictly, there are always negligence... If they plot against sister-in-law, they will regret it if they make a mistake..."

Brother Jiu's heart was raised.

He couldn't bear Shu Shu being bullied, let alone being plotted and murdered by others.

"I forgot to mention this to Khan Amati last night. Anyway, I plan to do a good job. I will ask for an order later to set aside our two mansions... No matter which flag we are allowed to enter or which part we are divided into, we will all suffer anyway." with..."

Brother Jiu also got serious.

Elder Brother Ten nodded and said: "Of course, I said earlier that we will live next to each other, Brother Ninth, don't even think about leaving me..."

Speaking of this, the brothers digressed.

Brother Nine muttered: "Will Khan Ama assign me to Zhenghongqi? I feel a little awkward. The owner of Zhenghongqi is Chuntai, who is the same age as us, and the one who will attack is the undefeated king... If A senior and senior clan uncle or clan uncle would do it if he was the banner owner, but I don't want him to be on top of me..."

Elder Brother Shi smiled and said, "Brother Ninth, you have a pretty good idea, Khan Ama will not assign you to Zhenghongqi!"

"But isn't Myna going to Zhenglan Banner? He took Fujin who was born in Zhenglan Banner..."

Brother Jiu still thinks there is a possibility.

"That's different!"

The tenth elder brother "quack" laughed twice: "Ninth brother, to be honest, Khan Ama asked the eighth brother to marry the Guo Luoluo family in order to take over Zhenglan Banner in the future. The good days of Prince An's Mansion are coming to an end... Nine Brother here, why does it make people feel that Khan Ama seems to have given up his son and planted maggots between King Kang's mansion and Dong E's family...Their two families were married and hugged together. The Yue family, when one Peng Chun was abolished, he promoted Master Qi to fill it up... Master Qi is acting so fond of girls, can the Dong E family and Prince Kang's mansion still be as close as before?"

Brother Jiu curled his lips: "It's so disgusting! You say it like a maggot."

"There is also my sister-in-law's generation. There is no unmarried princess in the palace, and there are no girls from the two direct families of Dong E's family who can marry into Kang Wang's mansion... The marriage of this direct branch is interrupted. Even if the marriage is done with a side branch, it is one level away..."

Elder Brother Shi was very eloquent when he mentioned this.

Ninth elder brother deeply agrees: "It's true, even if the mother-in-law is pregnant, it will be too late to add another girl..."

Although the Eight Banners discuss relatives regardless of seniority, they are distant relatives.

Prince Kang's Mansion and Dutong Mansion are cousins, so naturally they have to be ranked according to their seniority.

Thinking that these two families will gradually drift away from each other in the future, Brother Jiu is a little secretly happy.

Shu Shu slept for half an hour, then woke up, and found that the team had stopped, busy looking around.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother chatted for a long time, and they turned around and got into the carriage.

"Wake up, are you feeling better?"

Brother Jiu asked with concern.

"Well, well, my mind has cleared up a lot..."

Shu Shu said with reproach: "Sir, don't be like this next time, let so many people wait with me, how bad..."

Brother Nine said: "What's the matter? You're better than anything else when you rest!"

Shu Shu didn't continue to preach, seeing Brother Nine's radiance and the sky outside, she said, "Then let's ride a horse..."

Brother Jiu naturally had no objection, and the young couple switched horses.

It was still yesterday's assignment, Brother Jiu rode the little red horse "Coral", and Shu Shu rode Brother Jiu's red and white horse "Dengyun".

Elder Brother Thirteen also rubbed his eyes and got out of the carriage, changed horses, and walked side by side with Elder Brother Ten.

The masters all rode horses, and the speed of the whole procession accelerated.

Because I took a short rest for half an hour before dawn, I didn't rest when halfway through the journey, and walked directly to Sanchakou.

Shu Shu looked at it with her pocket watch, and the benefits of starting early showed that it was ten o'clock.

There are still two and a half hours before the pick-up time in the afternoon.

The scale of this walk is between Miyun Palace and Yaoting Walk.

Unlike the fat head and big ears of the manager of the remote pavilion, the manager here is very thin, his face is longer than ordinary people, and he looks a little sad.

When Shu Shu and his party were welcomed in, they were still arranged first.

This time they were placed in the third small courtyard on the left.

There are three courtyards, the main room and the left and right wing rooms.

With the previous experience, Brother Jiu started to check from his own residence.

It's almost the same as that at Yaoting, it's brand new wallpaper and refurbished furniture.

But maybe because the ventilation is better here, there is no smell, and there is no mold under the wallpaper.

Although there is an incense burner in the house, no sandalwood is burned, only the mosquito repellent incense is placed beside it.

Brother Jiu looked around and told Shu Shu: "You have a good night's sleep, don't think about serving dishes... don't make it a routine, or they won't care about it..."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Master, go take a look around, and come back earlier to sleep..."

Shu Shu didn't rest well last night, so Brother Nine naturally worked harder.

Brother Jiu nodded, and Shu Shu warned again: "Remember to bring more guards..."

Both Shu Shu and the tenth elder brother said this, and the ninth elder brother naturally wouldn't insist on going against the grain, greeted Yi Shi's guards, and left in a mighty manner.

Shu Shu had already taken a nap before, and she wasn't sleepy at the moment, she just asked someone to fetch water and washed up briefly.

Since there is no need to think about serving dishes today, let's make up for yesterday's negligence.

That is the two hundred guards and ten guards who are responsible for escorting them.

It would be alright if Brother Nine didn't act like a monster, this idea came up all at once, and everyone was working harder than usual on the road.

Shu Shu passed Sun Jin on, and said: "You go to the dining room to manage the matter, do you have any extra ingredients, and if you have any, prepare a few sheep... The guards will send one, and the guards will send nine, just say It was awarded by Lord Jiu, Lord Ten, and Lord Thirteen... I want another end, and the people you follow will add food..."

Shu Shu and his wife, together with the two elder brothers, and the accompanying maids, eunuchs, and nuns, there are more than twenty people.

After instructing Sun Jin, Shu Shu said to Walnut again: "Give him the silver, twenty taels, don't make us look stingy..."

Walnut went to get the purse out and handed it to Sun Jin.

Sun Jin didn't go to the dining room immediately, but waited for Xiaotang.

Everyone has been driving for a long time, and we can't wait until we pick up the driver before eating, and we have to have an extra meal at noon.

Xiaotang was listening to orders, Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "Don't bother, look at the ingredients prepared in the dining room, and order someone to make a few stir-fries with steamed cakes..."

Xiaotang responded, and asked Xiaosong and Sun Jin to go to the dining room together.

Only Shushu, Walnut and Xiaoyu were left in the room.

It was still walnut who pressed Shu Shu for a quarter of an hour before Shu Shu felt comfortable.

"You guys have been working on carriages, are you tired? If you are tired, you can take turns riding..."

Shu Shu thought of this and asked.

Last night, before Brother Jiu went to Yuqian, he picked out a new horse while it was still dark.

It was a white mare, very docile.

In this way, Brother Nine has five horses on his side.

They are very rich, and they have all been trained. They are not afraid of strangers, and there is no problem with transportation.

Walnut smiled and said, "I don't know how to ride a horse, but I'm really curious. I want to beg Sister Xiaosong to learn from her, so that I can ride with Fujin in the future..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "If you want to learn, you can learn. You spend a lot of time on the road, just pay attention to safety and don't be impatient... But you are always steady, so there shouldn't be any problems..."

She could see that Walnut might not really like riding horses. The key is that she wants to ride with her in the future. She is a self-motivated girl. Well integrated.

In contrast, the other three court ladies are ordinary.

But with this one, Shu Shu is already satisfied.

She likes such a girl and is willing to support her.

Xiaoyu said with a smile: "I don't want to learn it... When I was a child, my grandfather taught my servants to learn, so he strangled his hands. He was so afraid..." While speaking, he stretched out his hands, white and slender, much better maintained than ordinary people .

She took Shu Shu's hand, looked at her palm, and showed distress: "Fu Jin has been riding a horse for the past two days, his hands are rough, soak them in hot water for a while, and then apply a layer of ointment to take care of them..."

Shu Shu carefully looked at her hands, her palms were a little red, she nodded and said: "Okay... I was careless, you turned out the gloves for me to use, I forgot..."

These daily maintenance are all ready-made, and the walnuts brought hot water.

After Shu Shu soaked for a while, Xiao Yu let Xiao Yu apply the ointment.

Walnut was beside him, with a hint of envy on his face: "Sister Yu is really amazing..."

Xiaoyu's eyes swept over Walnut's face, and then landed on her hand: "Don't use good words to coax people, I will make you a face cream and skin care cream when I return to Beijing, use it well, and I will call it back in half a year... ..."

Walnut worked as a maid in the palace two years ago, and did a lot of chores. Whether it's hands or faces, they are not as delicate as Xiaoyu and the others.

Walnut said with a smile: "Thank you sister, I don't need face cream, I just want to take good care of my hands, so that I can learn needlework from Sister Xiaochun... My hands were rough before, and I couldn't cut a thread..."

Xiao Yu showed admiration on his face: "You are really patient, you can learn everything, ordinary people can't stand this hard work..."

Shu Shu listened to the gossip of the two girls, thinking about Brother Jiu's birthday present in his mind.

There are only [-] days left. If it's needlework, it's time to start.

How can I have time to do needlework when I am on the road every day, sleeping and resting?

Brother Nine loves to show off, and if he wants to match what he likes, he has to make something for him to show off, otherwise he will definitely not be happy.

Shu Shu had no idea for a while, and asked: "I have half a month left to prepare a birthday gift for my grandfather, and I still don't know what to prepare. Do you have any good ideas?"

Walnut didn't speak, but looked at Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu thought for a while and said: "As long as it is made by Fujin himself, my elder brother will be happy... But I was in a hurry all the way, and I didn't have time to do fine work... Didn't Madam prepare a lot of pearl powder? Or else Fujin would Try making a pearl ointment... I heard that there is a strong wind outside the Great Wall, so it can be applied on the face and hands..."

Shu Shu nodded, and looked at Walnut again.

Walnut thought about it and said: "After the Mid-Autumn Festival, I will change my hat, and I will change my clothes... Fujin has brought several boxes of small beads, which ones should I use to make a thick belt? It's not that hard to nail the beads directly, it's about the same The pattern is enough... the elder brother takes it out, and the emperor and the empress can see it..."

(End of this chapter)

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