My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 117 Defense

Chapter 117 Defense (Part [-])
silent night...

Nine princes were beaten like chicken blood...

Shu Shu became a wilted cabbage, her voice was hoarse.

She should have gone to say no to Wu Fujin in person last night, but she missed it.

After Brother Jiu followed Liang Jiugong to see the driver, Shu Shu sent Walnut to the front row room in the name of delivering food.

As for what to eat?
Even jerky beef can be regarded as a return gift after eating the fifth elder brother.

She asked Walnut to keep an eye on the situation there, if the fifth elder brother was not there, she would inform Wu Fujin, and after a while Shu Shu would go to talk to Wu Fujin;

As a result, Fifth Brother was here.

As for the Qifujin side, they can't treat each other more favorably, so naturally they also gave a piece of dried beef.

Shu Shu also asked Walnut to tell Qifujin that this dried beef can be eaten for weight loss, just remember to drink plenty of water.

The departure time this morning has been advanced to Yinchu.

It was an impromptu decision made by Brother Jiu last night.

Otherwise, during the daytime, you are in a hurry, and you have to go around the palace, and you have to prepare to pick up the driver and so on.

It's better to move the time to the morning, so that you can rest for half a day in the middle, so you won't be so tired.

Shu Shu also thinks this is very good, go to bed early and get up early, so you will have plenty of time when you listen to it.

The young couple made up their minds and made the decision. As for the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers, they didn't have any opinions, and it didn't matter if they had opinions.

Fortunately, their side is on the left side, and they are in the last row of houses. There is a small door leading directly to the outside, so there is no need to alarm the front.

The ten guards and guards who followed were already stationed outside the line, and they all got up, ready to go.

Therefore, the line left the line quietly without alarming others.

Walking in, the manager took two stewards, holding back his breath, and came out to see each other off.

The steward watched the group of people drift away, and couldn't help being curious: "Sir, let's go now? Didn't you say that this master is in charge of checking the place? Just go around and check it?"

The chief executive said with sleepy eyes: "It's adulthood, find an excuse to get credit... but it's just because of the son of the concubine, the emperor favors it..."

In fact, the manager of the line has already prepared a generous tribute, and he is prepared to make a tribute if Brother Nine finds fault.

Who would have thought that he would be an idiot, it was really a process, and he didn't mean to blackmail him.

The manager thought about it for a while, the ninth elder brother didn't understand the world, maybe he didn't think about other things at all.

He couldn't help but feel a little scared, if he made an unnecessary effort to show filial piety, maybe something extra would happen.

Thinking that the manager walking at the Sanchakou in front was also an acquaintance, he called his confidant and ordered: "Go and tell the old horse in front about what happened here. He is a tortoise, so he likes to hide things and let him know what's going on in his heart." There are a few, don’t show your timidity.”

The steward replied, and went to ride a horse, and ran around to deliver the letter.

On the official road, the sound of "da da da" horse's hooves and "squeak and creak" of wheels are very clear in the early hours of the morning.

In the carriage, Shu Shu was lying in Brother Jiu's arms, squinting his eyes and listening to the sounds outside.

In addition to the sound of horseshoes and wheels, the cry of frogs is also one after another.

Shu Shu asked puzzledly: "Why are there still frogs calling at this time, isn't it the beginning of autumn?"

Brother Nine said: "This year, the rain is heavy and the weather is cold late..."

The thick curtain in front of the carriage was drawn up, leaving the screen door open.

The night breeze is blowing, very cool.

Shu Shu sighed very comfortably, it was much cooler than the capital city.

The construction of the summer resort has not yet started, and it should still be in Rehe.

I don't know if I will go over there this time.

Today I am stationed at Sanchakou, which is the last stop before I leave the customs, and I will leave the customs through Gubeikou tomorrow morning.

This place is so close to Yaoting Xing, the two managers might communicate with each other.

Thinking of this, Brother Nine was already gearing up: "I want to see if they are a nest of snakes and rats, all of them are equally presumptuous and greedy."

Shu Shu thought more carefully, and said: "As long as it has been done, there will be traces. They are moths, and the Lord is also... They are guilty. They may have underestimated the enemy before and did not stare at it. This time it is hard to say ..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "So what? Even if they know about Master's plan, would they still dare to stop him?"

Shu Shu felt that murdering the prince's elder brother would not be a problem, but she was not afraid of [-], just in case, and said: "Be careful, there is no big mistake! Anyway, remember to bring more people this time, otherwise I will not feel at ease. Besides, the emperor will Uncle Nuo San sent all the guards here to protect the Lord..."

Brother Jiu also began to think about it, with curiosity: "If they find out that the master has discovered something weird about the repairs, what will they do? Just apologize to the master and ask for forgiveness, or is it something else?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "If the crime of embezzling these money is confirmed, at least he will be resigned, and at worst he will lose his job... I think, most of the time, it is to stop the mouth of the master..."

Brother Nine laughed and said, "The legendary bribery!"

Shu Shu nodded, thinking that this was the greatest possibility: "If the master takes the money, they can feel at ease; if the master doesn't accept the money, they will probably go to Shengjing and ask Guo Luoluo's house for entrustment."

They are all from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and after several lifetimes, they are all relatives and relatives.

Brother Nine's eyes were full of eagerness, and he asked expectantly, "How much silver will they take to seal it? Three thousand taels, five thousand taels?"

Shu Shu didn't answer casually, but asked instead: "I asked the emperor yesterday, how much is the annual repair cost for this place?"

Brother Jiu's face turned black: "It varies from eight hundred taels of silver to two thousand two hundred taels of silver! From the capital city to Mulan Paddock, there are two round trips, so there are [-] houses in total... Depending on the number of houses, the amount of silver There is also a difference in the amount, but the repair fee is allocated once a year... After the supply for the past few days, it will be allocated separately..."

Twenty-one offices, calculated according to the minimum standard, is [-] taels of silver a year!

Shu Shu felt distressed when she heard it.

According to the "repair" method of Yaoting Xingzai, [-]% of them can go into the pocket of such a person, which is [-] taels.

And this is not a one-time "income generation", there is a fixed income every year.

Brother Jiu was a little uncertain: "If such a doggy slave really wants to bribe, will you really accept it? This cannibal has a short mouth, but that person has a soft hand..."


Shu Shu said: "Then keep every penny accounted for, don't touch it, it's all evidence!"

"Can it still be like this?"

Brother Nine hesitated: "It's a bit detrimental! Is this too much? It sounds a bit wicked..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "It's not that they took the initiative to blackmail, and they won't wrong a good person! It's because they have a guilty conscience that they want to give filial piety."

Brother Nine nodded: "You're right, it's the same reason. That's fine, the evidence is conclusive. Otherwise, I'd just find fault with the food and look petty... The rest of the repairers don't even need to think about it. Sometimes there will be thousands of reasons to justify... This real banknote is delivered, but it is ironclad evidence..."

Having said that, his heart became more at ease, and he looked forward to the next inspection.

Shu Shu squinted her eyes and unconsciously fell asleep.

But she didn't sleep soundly, she could vaguely hear the movement outside, her brows were furrowed.

The team didn't know when it stopped.

Without the sound of horseshoes and wheels, the whole world fell into a state of silence.

Shu Shu's brows stretched.

Brother Nine tiptoed out of the carriage, still excited about having a big fight. .

Elder Brother Ten came over breathing heavily, and was about to speak at the top of his voice, but Brother Ninth gagged him.

After getting away from the carriage, Brother Jiu put down his hands and warned, "Keep your voice down, your sister-in-law is asleep..."

Elder Brother Ten lowered his volume: "Brother Ninth, what are you bothering about? You have to rest halfway in the early morning, isn't that still 'wake up early, catch an evening show'?"

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly: "It's okay, what time is it...the time is still very long, and it won't delay anything if you rest for half an hour before starting..."

Brother Nine said this, and looked at the carriage behind.

Elder Brother Thirteen didn't come out of the carriage, most likely fell asleep.

The tenth elder brother was no one else, so the ninth elder brother whispered about the findings of yesterday's inspection.

The two little brothers talked about everything when they were young. Brother Ninth didn't think about hiding it from Brother Ten before. When he went to Brother Ten's house to check yesterday, he took off the wallpaper in front of him.

From yesterday to this morning, they were in a hurry, so the two brothers only had time to spend alone.

Brother Ten saw Brother Nine taking off the wallpaper yesterday, but he was only thinking about eating at the time, and didn't think too much about it.

Listening to it today, his face was heavy and his brows were tightly knit: "Brother Nine, this matter is really troublesome!"

Brother Jiu said with arrogance: "What's the trouble? Isn't it just a few moths? Catch them and clean them up! There are so many people in the Three Banners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, how can they be short of people?"

Elder Brother Ten still had a bitter face: "Ama Khan has enclosed the Mulan paddock for twenty years, and he started to set up a line along this road... After all, it has been more than ten years... If there is a problem with the repair of the line in the middle, this The money involved in the middle is not a small amount, and there are more people involved. It is not something that can be settled by one or two palace managers. I don’t know how many people are involved... This is not like the previous one or two nuns in the second school. little things..."

Brother Jiu pursed his lips: "I have reported to Han Ama, even if the cover has been lifted, they still dare to deal with me?"

"Haven't Brother Nine heard a sentence? 'Cutting off a person's wealth is like killing their parents'. Besides, this is not only cutting off their money, but also involving their lives. We must prevent someone from jumping over the wall in a hurry..."

Elder Brother Ten said solemnly.

Brother Nine listened, and couldn't help but get anxious: "Sister-in-law Ni also advised me to keep it a secret first, and settle this matter after returning to Beijing... I thought she was thinking too much..."

Elder Brother Shi breathed a sigh of relief, and his brows stretched out: "Sister-in-law is very thoughtful, but even if you go back to the capital, you have to be on guard... We live in the palace, and everything is under their noses. I know where there is a calculation..."

(End of this chapter)

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