Chapter 116

Brother Jiu felt that his heart and liver were in pain!
In the whole trip, the living, sitting and sleeping places of Shengjia only accounted for one-fifth of it.

If only this one place is repaired, it will be [-]% of the silver.

"Khan Ama, my son has already checked, and there are problems with both food and lodging..."

Brother Nine gritted his teeth, and said what he found in the afternoon: "The supply of the dining room in the palace is large, and all the meat in the dining room for the palace people has been wiped off... The son of the house checked a few places. The room, and the last two entrances in the middle road...the walls are covered with white paper, pretending to be repairs, and they even know how to cover them with incense burners, how dare they?"

Liang Jiugong was beside him, he couldn't help but be speechless.

These servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are really lawless.

Those who work in the capital, even if their hands and feet are not clean, dare not be so greedy.

Those who put it outside have become fattened.

You must know that Shengjia has to go outside the Great Wall to escape the summer almost every year, and this business also allocates repair expenses every year, which adds up to a lot of money.

Kangxi's face darkened: "Is that true? It's the same with the Queen Mother?"

He is not close, his biological parents died early, and he is sincerely filial to the empress dowager, the aunt.

The tribute from all over the place is the first one at the Queen Mother's place.

In these years, except for the visit to the mausoleum in the [-]nd year of Kangxi, the queen mother did not come. For other visits to the mausoleum, summer vacation, and visit to Wutai Mountain, Kangxi would accompany the queen mother.

With such respect, he naturally does not allow others to belittle him.

Brother Nine shook his head: "Son doesn't know, in order to avoid 'striking the grass and startling the snake', the son is on the side of the middle road, and the son is on the side of the empress..."

Kangxi looked at Liang Jiugong: "Go to the Empress Dowager and send two glazed lanterns on my behalf."

Even the mother and child have to hold the lamp, and they need to avoid it.

Liang Jiugong went in response.

Brother Nine was a little uncertain.

If the empress dowager's place has also been properly repaired, what does that prove?
It proves that these people are greedy, but they are still loyal and respectful to Khan Ama.

The number of greedy ink can be controlled below [-]%.

Khan Ama will not forgive these guys, will he?
Brother Jiu grinds his teeth.

He didn't want to look it up once, "There's loud thunder and little rain", so he counted the meat for dinner with his fingers.

"Regardless of the division between Han Ama and the emperor's grandmother, only counting the other two layers of masters, they add up to more than [-] catties of pork... But tonight's dish, there is only one fried pork with salt, which is thin Spread out a plate, estimated to be two or three two plates, the gross weight is half a catty, and it is only a dozen catties of pork, and only [-]% of the proportion was used..."

Nine princes murmured about the details, and the more he talked, the more angry he became: "This is not scraping meat, this is chewing even the bones!"

Kangxi's face became more and more gloomy, and he couldn't wait for Liang Jiugong to come back, so he got up and said, "Follow me to see your mother..."

Brother Nine silenced, and followed behind with a guilty conscience.

In the next afternoon, after listening to his elder brothers reprimanding him, he remembered that he took Shushu and the others out of the big team before saying hello to his mother.

Concubine Yi is living, and she enters behind.

There are five main rooms, where Concubine Yi lives.

There are five rooms in the east chamber, which are lived by Concubine Zhang.

There are five rooms in the west wing, where three nobles live.

Several regulars live in the ear room.

Kangxi didn't bring anyone else with him, and he didn't sound his whip to clear the way, so he brought Brother Jiu, followed by several eunuchs and guards.

The court ladies and eunuchs in the courtyard all retreated to the side and knelt when they saw it.

The courtyard was quiet, and the main room was already lit.

Concubine Yi was sitting on the kang, doing needlework under the lamp.

Hearing footsteps in the yard, he looked up through the window.

The sky was not yet dark, after taking a general look, Concubine Yi got up immediately to greet her.

When she reached the door, Kangxi had already strode in.


Concubine Yi was about to perform a squatting salute, but was supported by Kangxi.

Kangxi touched her hand, saw that she was wearing a thimble, and couldn't help frowning: "What kind of work do you do when it's dark? Carefully damaged your eyes..."

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "Being idle is also idle. The concubine saw that the weather in the past two days was boring and the tide was worse than in previous years, so she wanted to sew a tunic for the emperor. I used Songjiang cloth, which absorbs sweat..."

Kangxi's brows stretched out, and he nodded slightly: "Then don't stay up too late, you can sew it up at noon tomorrow..."

Concubine Yi smiled and nodded: "The concubine listens to the emperor..."

Brother Jiu followed Kangxi, watching the imperial concubine get along with each other, feeling strange for some reason.

Concubine Yi's corner of the eye had already caught Brother Jiu's body, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows: "Yo? Who is this? Why does this Gong look familiar?"

Brother Nine said awkwardly: "Emiang..."

"Hmph! Now that I think of this mother-in-law, Bengong, I think you jumped out of a crack in the rock, and you're the only one!"

Yi Fei was angry.

You bastard looking for trouble!

Be a monster!
Not to mention Fujin who is tormenting himself, how brave is he to take his two younger brothers on a trip? !
Riding a boat is three-point risky, but if there is a mistake, it is his fault!
Brother Jiu quickly looked at Kangxi: "Khan Ama..."

Kangxi coughed lightly: "He's grown up too, he has to learn to take responsibility..."

Concubine Yi snorted, and then ignored Brother Jiu.

When Kangxi came in, he looked around the room and saw the snow-white wallpaper on the surrounding walls.

On the kang table, there is an incense burner, but it is not burning, it has been extinguished.

Concubine Yi poured the tea and brought it over. She saw Kangxi's movements, followed her, and explained: "The concubine felt that the smell was too strong, so she ordered people to put it out... The climate in the mountains is low, and there are few mosquitoes. The house is fine..."

Kangxi didn't speak, but raised his chin at Brother Jiu, motioning him to come forward and check.

Brother Jiu still found a secret place and removed the wallpaper.

Kangxi stood behind him and watched, looking at the stains and mildew under the wallpaper, his face was livid.

Concubine Yi was curious about the movements of the two men, she followed, covered her mouth with a handkerchief, turned her gaze to Brother Jiu, with a worried look on her face.

Kangxi didn't say anything, watched Brother Jiu restore the wallpaper, and said to Concubine Yi: "Nalanzhu, you should rest earlier, I will take Brother back..."

Concubine Yi complied and personally sent the two of them out.

After a while, all the nobles living in the yard will know that Sheng Jia is coming.

He didn't dare to come out to be eye-catching, and there was only one person standing at the door of the west wing, looking in the direction of the main room.

Seeing Kangxi coming out, the man immediately blessed him, and said softly: "Your Majesty..."

Kangxi glanced away and left the yard with great strides.

Brother Jiu followed behind, feeling a little uncomfortable.

It seems that Khan Ama was really annoyed, and she blamed Guo Guiren...

The same goes for Guo Guiren, everyone else stayed in the house honestly, and she came out.

If something happened here, wouldn't it be a joke for the other concubines?

Liang Jiugong had already come back. Seeing Kangxi coming in, he didn't dare to delay, so he bowed and said: "The slave specially looked at it. The room is bright and majestic, covered with brand-new wallpaper...the sandalwood scent is very strong, and there are two incense burners in the room. For this, the Empress Dowager even praised the servant, saying that the manager is doing her job with care..." At this point, she paused: "The servant has smelled it carefully, and there is a faint musty smell in the room...The servant dare not disturb the Queen Mother , did not check the upper room, and went directly to find the nanny who came with her, and she placed it in the side room...the slave picked out the chest of drawers and took off the wallpaper, and there was no trace of repairs inside..."

Kangxi's expression was already calm, and he was not surprised by this result.

He looked at Brother Jiu: "You found out, tell me how to deal with it?"

Brother Nine straightened his waist: "Responding to Ama's words, I feel that it is not appropriate to 'startle the snake'...Looking at their behavior, they don't seem like novices...There are also two palaces before, I haven't checked them, but I just Food deduction is allowed...according to my son's idea, 'family ugliness should not be publicized', it is better to hide this matter first, and keep in mind all the way to investigate... When Khan Amaruan returns to Beijing, he will settle the matter uniformly ...Without those people in the capital to cover them, they wouldn't be so greedy..."

When Kangxi heard this, surprise appeared on his face: "This is all your own thinking?"

Brother Nine was a little excited, and nodded: "If it were any other yamen, such moths would naturally be caught and charged immediately... But this is the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the errands are filled with Shangsanqi coats, so there is no need to make too much noise... ..."

As for Shu Shu's role in the middle, Brother Nine was so worried that he didn't even think about it, for fear of showing traces.

The harem is not allowed to interfere in politics.

Shu Shu is not a harem, and this matter does not involve government affairs, but Brother Jiu faintly feels that this is a taboo.

The male lead outside, the female lead inside.

Whether it's Khan Ama or Niangniang, she is willing to take care of her daily life, but she doesn't want her to intervene in her external errands.

Sure enough, Kangxi scrutinized Brother Nine's face several times, and no trace of guilt and lying could be seen, so he nodded, "You've thought it through, so let's do this first. You've done a good job, and you know the general idea..."

Brother Nine's face was flushed, and he felt a little lighter.

From childhood to adulthood, it was the first time for him to be praised by Khan Ama!
Until returning to the row room, Brother Nine was still a little bit flustered, his whole body was almost bubbling, and the corners of his mouth were cracked to the side of his ears.

Seeing this, Shu Shu couldn't help but look forward to it: "What kind of reward did you get?"

How much money is it?

Can it be so beautiful? !

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows, with a bit of pride: "Money? Is the master short of money? Khan Ama will reward you with money at the end of the year!"

"Then, is this... a compliment?"

Shu Shu said casually.


Brother Jiu waved his hand and sent the walnuts at the door down, then turned over and lay down on the couch, laughing "haha".

This kind of joy is no one else.

Shu Shu was taken with a smile on her face.

It's really a child, so happy to get a word.

"Khan Amama praised his thoughtfulness, saying 'I did a good job and knew the general situation'..."

Brother Jiu explained the process of being praised in detail, his eyes sparkling.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "It's really thoughtful... Otherwise, with my previous temper, I'm afraid I can't bear it..."

Brother Jiu hugged Shu Shu in his arms, and said in a low voice: "I know, I'm greedy for your credit... I should have praised you, but I didn't say anything..."

"I know, the Lord is protecting me..."

Shu Shu also lowered her volume, and said softly, "Master treats me so well..."

There are many beautiful things in this world, and fellowship is one of them.

Brother Jiu let go of Shu Shu, looked at her smiling face, his heart jumped, and felt that the most lovely woman in the world was in front of him.

Every word can touch people's hearts...

(End of this chapter)

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