Chapter 115 Giving

In the room, Brother Nine heard Brother Ten's male duck voice, sat up and rolled his eyes: "This guy is too clingy...I really don't want to talk to them..."

Complaining in his mouth, he had already stood up and greeted: "What are you dawdling in, ask someone to set the table..."

When the dinner table was set, Brother Jiu's eyes fell on the marinated fried pork and mutton vermicelli pot.

The pork is all thin slices, and about [-] catties of small pork are used. A plate of pork is only about [-] slices of meat, two or three taels.

The mutton pot looks like a lot of mutton, but it is also sliced ​​very thinly. In fact, there are not many ingredients used.

Brother Jiu laughed angrily.

No wonder I prepared half of the ingredients without fear, so I was waiting here.

If brother Jiu hadn't gone to the dining room in person and knew that the ingredients were not prepared enough, who would have thought that this recipe was deliberately drawn up like this.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother didn't know what to do in the dining room, and they all looked at the new dish "steamed mutton" in front of them.

According to Shu Shu's instructions, this little Tang calculated and prepared the head, and everyone who followed the master this time had a share.

The queen mother and two concubines, the emperor, concubine Yi, concubine Zhang, three nobles, five Changzai, seven princes, three princes Fujin, and two princes Gege.

It is the empress dowager, the emperor, and the concubine Yi, and the gifts are double.

The bowls used are two large bowls, each bowl is half a bowl of lamb, sprinkled with emerald green onions, and it is delicious in color and fragrance.

When everyone started eating, the four of them ate the mutton first.

Shu Shu is satisfied, the lamb meat is extremely tender and smooth, not at all firewood, and there is no fishy smell.

The soup is also delicious. The rich chicken soup is mixed with the freshness of mutton juice, and it is very mellow after a sip.

Maybe the mountain land in Haidian can be used to raise sheep.

Shu Shu's open mind was ready to move again.

Brother Ten was the fastest eater, he was the first to finish his bowl of mutton, and his eyes fell on Brother Ninth.

Brother Jiu always eats slowly, chewing slowly, and now he only finished two pieces of mutton.

"Brother Jiu, can you finish eating? My sister-in-law specially thought up such a good dish, so don't waste about my younger brother cleaning it up for you?"

Brother Ten stretched out his neck, wishing he could count how many pieces of mutton were still in Brother Ninth's bowl.

Brother Nine glanced at Brother Ten and raised his eyebrows: "Think about it, how should I speak?"

Elder Brother Ten showed a cute face: "Brother Ninth, Brother Ninth, I didn't eat well, I want to try again..."

Only then did Brother Jiu snort, and pushed the remaining half of the bowl to him directly.

After everyone finished eating, Brother Jiu called Xiaotang to come in: "What's the matter, there is only a little meat in each bowl? Didn't Fujin tell you to use two lambs, did you cook one? Someone in the dining room made things difficult for you?"

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother were beside them, and they were all annoyed when they heard this.

Elder Brother Ten got up "Teng": "Master, go and see, who dares to bully people like this?"

The thirteenth elder brother also got up, as if he was going to follow his brothers to make trouble.

Xiaotang was taken aback, and quickly replied: "There is no difficulty, there are two!"

Brother Jiu couldn't help but turn dark: "Two? A lamb weighs more than [-] catties, and the fur and internal organs are more than [-] catties. Two of them weigh more than [-] catties. Divide into more than [-] bowls, and each bowl is nearly a catty of meat." , tell me, this is a catty of meat?"

Xiaotang shook her head: "The bones are gone, there is not so much meat, the servants have measured it, picked the bones, and there is about fifteen catties of clean meat..."


Ninth elder brother's face turned darker: "The dining room is not sure, where is half a catty of meat in this bowl? Half a catty of meat per person, isn't it already full..." At this point, he looked at tenth elder brother: "Old ten is full No?"

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said, "I'm not full, definitely not half a catty of meat... I ate two bowls, just to make a base, and I also ate half a plate of glutinous rice cakes to feel full..."

Brother Nine looked at Brother Thirteen again, Brother Thirteen also shook his head: "It feels like I just picked up a few chopsticks, it shouldn't be half a catty..."

Shu Shu was beside him, dumbfounding, and hurriedly said: "It should be half a catty of mutton, that is, if the raw mutton is steamed, the water will lose water, and only six mature mutton will be produced... Calculated in this way, there is almost as much cooked mutton in a bowl." Two or three..."

Brother Jiu was confused by the incident before the dining room, and he was a little bit like a snake.

Both the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother have never been in the kitchen, so they have no idea that there is such a reason.

Brother Jiu's expression turned better: "It's okay, if they respect you face to face, but neglect your prince Fujin's orders behind your back, then I won't tolerate them!"

"With my master here, no one will keep their eyes open..."

Shu Shu said.

I came out with Brother Jiu, so to save myself is to slap Brother Jiu in the face.

On Brother Jiu's side, there are Kangxi and Concubine Yi, the strongest backers in the world.

A fox pretends to be a tiger, but that's it.

"You are Prince Fujin, even if you come out alone, without your master in front of you, it's not their turn to neglect you!"

Brother Jiu shook his head, disapproving of this statement.

Walk in front of the emperor.

The imperial meal has been served, so it is not as simple as the prince's meal.

It is four meat and four vegetables, eight dishes.

The "steamed mutton" and the gold cake are two extra dishes because they are filial piety of Brother Jiu.

Coincidentally, Concubine Yi was also accompanied by an order, and two bowls of mutton were placed in front of the concubines.

"Lao Jiu is promising, he knows how to share my worries, and he has learned to be filial..."

Kangxi asked Liang Jiugong: "Is this a heavy gift? Why are you so old?"

Liang Jiugong bowed and said: "The slave just thought it was too important, so I asked one more question... So the emperor has two copies here, except for the emperor, the empress dowager and concubine also have two copies..."

Kangxi found it interesting: "Where is the odd number?"

"That's right, Master Ninth Zhouquan, all delivered...Princess Concubine and all young masters, fellow masters, together with Fujin, as well as elder brother and third elder brother's Ge Ge..."

Liang Jiugong bowed and replied.

After hearing this, Kangxi showed relief on his face, and boasted to Concubine Yi: "After all, you are old, and you behave very well..."

Concubine Yi also nodded: "It's all taught by the emperor..."

The imperial concubine knew in her heart that this was due to Dong E's family.

Brother Nine himself doesn't know anything about the kitchen, let alone this kind of distribution.

Only Dong E's is careful and prudent in his actions, can he think so thoroughly.

When the imperial concubine moved her chopsticks, she was amazed at the bowl of mutton.

It looks unremarkable, but the taste is very delicious.

Kangxi remembered that the banquet given by the Mongolian princes every year during the pilgrimage might be regarded as a new dish.

Kangxi didn't waste the remaining two bowls of mutton, and gave them away. One bowl was awarded to the University Scholar Isang'a, and the other bowl was awarded to Zhenghong Banner Manchuria Dutong Qixi.

Yisang'a is the highest rank among the retinue officials, and Qi Xi is because of Jiufu Jin.

When the dining table was removed, Kangxi ordered Liang Jiugong: "Go and pass on my oral order. Brother Jiu's dishes are good. Allow him to pick a horse for Jiufujin tomorrow, and let the Ministry of Internal Affairs make a pair of saddles!"

Liang Jiugong went down in response, while Concubine Yi smiled and didn't say anything.

If Kangxi didn't understand the real reason why Brother Nine had to go early yesterday, he also knows today.

Who told a horse to occupy the place.

A horse transferred from the Zhenghongqi barracks to the Prince's horse fell into the eyes of many people.

It's just that in everyone's eyes, they all thought that Qi Xi gave it to Brother Jiu.

However, Kangxi knew Qi Xi's temper and would not act recklessly like this.

Although he and Brother Ninth are sons-in-law and have a closer relationship, a courtier is a courtier, and all princes and elder brothers are minor masters.

Not to mention that they treat everyone equally, nor will they favor one of them so unabashedly and eagerly.

When Zhao Chang was asked to inquire and found out that the horse was Dong E's old mount and not given to Brother Jiu, Kangxi knew the real reason why Brother Jiu took the initiative to ask for an errand.

I want to take Dong Eshi to ride a horse...

This bastard has gone around such a big circle...

Kangxi couldn't laugh or cry.

But I am also happy to see my son enlightened.

Here in the row room, Brother Jiu reckoned that it was almost time, and just as he was about to go to the imperial court, Liang Jiugong, who delivered the decree, was ushered in.

Hearing the content of the reward, Brother Jiu was very pleasantly surprised.

He heard that this reward was actually for Shu Shu.

As it should be!
He is happier than he is rewarded!
"My lord and Ada went there, and thanked Khan Ama in person!"

Brother Jiu's face was full of joy.

Liang Jiugong didn't leave immediately, but took a look at Shu Shu: "Today, Lord Jiu's 'respectful dish', the emperor eats it smoothly..."

Ninth elder brother had a proud face: "It doesn't matter who is filial..."

But Shu Shu came to her senses and said, "Let Master Jiu send Fang Zi over later..."

Liang Jiugong nodded slightly: "Fu Jin worked hard..."

Brother Jiu's smile froze, directly showing reluctance.

I still want to open a restaurant, this recipe is one less dish...

When he arrived at the imperial court, Brother Nine boldly complained: "Ama Khan, my son has foreign debts, and he expects the restaurant to open to pay off the debt..."

Kangxi snorted softly and said, "Impressive prince brother, you're not doing your job properly, just thinking about these messy things..."

"Khan Ama..."

Brother Jiu said helplessly: "My son is embarrassed to eat soft food... If you rely on Dong E's dowry silver and makeup to make a profit, then you must not be short of money, but you are just guilty..."

Kangxi glared at him: "Don't cry poor with me, there will be money at the end of the year!"

The ninth elder brother was overjoyed: "Khan Ama, how much money? But it's agreed, don't let the son be too far away from the brothers, whoever is knighted or not, isn't it all sons... The son has already married, not the old ten Their kind of little elder brother who feeds the whole family by himself, and there is Fujin to raise..."

"Stop rambling, the silver reward will be halved!"

Kangxi frowned.

Brother Jiu immediately shut up.

"Okay, let's report to an errand... Check it out, what did you find out?"

Kangxi asked casually.

Brother Nine stopped laughing, showing anger on his face, instead of answering immediately, he stood up, walked around the room, and sniffed vigorously.

There is also an incense burner in the corner, and the cigarette smoke curls up.

But the smell is not strong sandalwood, but green grass, which repels mosquitoes.

There is no musty smell in the room, and the walls are also painted, not pasted wallpaper.

Just as Brother Jiu had predicted, this place has been repaired...

(End of this chapter)

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