My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 114 Vegetables

Chapter 114 Vegetables
While the elder brothers were talking, the carriage behind gave way to the side of the road and stopped.

Wufujin and Qifujin's sisters-in-law got out of the carriage at the same time, and walked over with concern on their faces.

Seeing this, Shu Shu hurriedly greeted her: "Fifth sister-in-law, seventh sister-in-law..."

Wu Fujin looked at Shu Shu several times, and was relieved to see that she was fine.

Qi Fujin patted her on the arm unceremoniously, and complained in a low voice: "I came out early with Lao Jiu, and I didn't know what to say. I didn't see you this morning, so we were shocked..."

Shu Shu accompanied her with a smile: "It's my fault, I should tell my sisters-in-law first."

In fact, she has always been thoughtful, how could she forget this?
Just yesterday when I wanted to send someone out to pass on a message, I was stopped by brother Jiu...

When I want to send people out again, it's already late, and it's not convenient to walk around in the palace.

Wu Fujin frowned and said: "Uncle Jiu must be messing around. I was tired from traveling every day and had to get up early... Otherwise, you will live with me from today on, and Uncle Jiu will let him make troubles by himself..."

Shu Shu quickly said: "No, no, the road is not very fast, and it is not very hard."

Concubine Yi specially brought Wu Fujin out, and she was counting on Wu Fujin to develop a relationship with Fifth Elder Brother and have a grandson, how could she be an eyesore?

Wu Fujin only thought that she didn't dare to disobey Brother Jiu, thought for a while and said, "Otherwise, I'd better go and tell Uncle Jiu that I won't embarrass you..."

Ninth elder brother took a meal and said, followed by a few older brothers to say yes, and sent tenth and thirteenth elder brothers to go back with a few older brothers, and then came to pick up Shu Shu.

Hearing Wu Fujin's words just in time, he asked curiously, "What does Sister-in-law Wu want to say?"

Wu Fujin said sternly: "From today on, let your siblings live with me, and you can concentrate on your own errands."

Brother Nine became impatient when he heard this, turned his head and shouted at the backs of the elder brothers, "Fifth Brother, Fifth Brother, come quickly..."

The elder brothers all stopped.

Brother Fifth thought there was something urgent, so he didn't dare to delay, so he trotted over: "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Brother Jiu said as if he had eaten gunpowder: "Why is fifth brother so ignorant? If you bring fifth sister-in-law out, you must accompany fifth sister-in-law well. Don't let fifth sister-in-law idle alone..."

The fifth elder brother listened to the thoughtless, with doubts on his face, looked at Wu Fujin, and asked silently.

Wu Fujin's face was flushed, he didn't understand, the uncle was blaming her for meddling, his lips were trembling, he didn't know how to explain it.

Shu Shu grabbed Brother Jiu's back.

Brother Jiu snorted coldly, took Shu Shu's hand, turned around and left.

Seeing so many people around, and walking at the door, Shu Shu couldn't resist him, so she was dragged away.

The big elder brother, third elder brother and others in front were worried that something was going on here, so they didn't leave, they stood there and watched.

Seeing Brother Nine approaching angrily, Big Brother said, "What happened just now? Shouting at the top of your lungs?"

Brother Jiu said in a muffled voice: "It's okay, it's just that some people are too busy to eat." After finishing speaking, even the eldest brother and the others didn't bother to talk to each other. They raised their chins and continued to drag Shu Shu back.

The third elder brother couldn't help worrying: "What is Lao Jiu doing? Could it be that he wanted to attack him, Fujin? Master Qi is still accompanying him..."

The eldest elder brother said with a sullen face: "How dare he? If he dares to imitate that worthless brat who vents his anger on women, I will let him know what real promise is..."

Elder Brother Ten was watching the excitement from the sidelines, but now he couldn't listen anymore.

If they continue to guess wildly, who knows what news will appear tomorrow.

"Ninth Brother is not angry with Ninth Sister-in-law, it should be because he choked on Fifth Sister-in-law just now..."

Elder Brother Ten expressed his guess.

Brother and sister-in-law seem to be mixing oil with honey, they are warming up, and they can't leave for a moment, why are there quarrels?
Eldest brother was still dissatisfied: "How old are you, and you are still like a child, heals up for a while, annoys for a while... Wu Fujin is his sister-in-law, even if you say a few words about him, you should listen honestly..."

Brother Thirteen's Chronicle is the smallest, and he has no room to speak. He just watched the backs of Brother Jiu and his wife go away, thinking that perhaps Wu Fujin was talking about not Brother Jiu, but Fujin Jiu, so Brother Jiu couldn't bear it...

Here at Wufujin, the fifth elder brother misunderstood what the ninth elder brother said, and he was dissatisfied: "What are you talking about with Lao Jiu and the others? Isn't the lord having this job, to be by Khan Ama's side, and to go to the Queen Mother?" around, running twice a day..."

Wu Fujin felt tired, ashamed and annoyed, his eye circles were red, and just about to explain, Fifth Brother handed over the handkerchief: "Okay, okay, don't cry, it's not okay if the master comes back later ?"

Wu Fujin couldn't help being stunned, and looked up at Fifth Elder Brother.

The fifth elder brother felt a little uncomfortable, and looked away: "The emperor's grandmother has trained the master, and the empress has also said that the master..."

Wu Fujin's eyes filled with tears, and the tears fell down.

The fifth elder brother was so anxious that he was at a loss, and sweat came out of his forehead.

Qi Jinfu was still watching the fun at the side. The couple were lukewarm before, but now they seem to have a turning point, but this gradually sticky energy makes them uncomfortable when seeing people, and it is difficult to walk, for fear of breaking the relationship between the two of them. He could only look away boredly, and met the frowning Seventh Brother.

It turned out that Brother Qi saw Qi Fujin here, and was worried that she was also involved in the quarrel or dispute just now...

Back in the row house, Brother Nine was still indignant: "I still treat her as a good person and respect her, but she is entrusted to her and becomes our home!"

"Fifth sister-in-law is kind. She is afraid of my hard work and I dare not tell you this directly, so she wants to stand up for me... Seriously, if you don't ask clearly, she will come back with a temper..."

At the end of Shu Shu's explanation, she was also angry.

Brother Jiu's face is still ugly: "Anyway, in our family, you can be the master, or the master is the master, it's no one else's turn to be the master..."

Shu Shu didn't follow him, and changed the subject: "When it's time for dinner, I don't know what the dishes are today, whether the empress and the emperor like it or not..."

At Wu Fujin's place, she planned to go over to accompany her after dinner.

This sister-in-law is handy, and she really comes out at critical moments, not just talking about it.

It should be that Wu Fujin wanted to keep someone, which angered Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine hadn't noticed yet, but he had already started to rely on her.

Shu Shu found out, feeling quite complicated.

Brother Jiu was very nervous that he would leave. Last time when Ama said that he would take her back to her natal home, Brother Jiu anxiously said "unspeakable secrets"; So many people gave Wu Fujin no face.

Shu Shu knew in her heart that this dependence had nothing to do with the "deep love between husband and wife", it was just that elder brother Jiu got used to her company, fell in love with this state, and refused to change this state.

"You can't go wrong with the gold cake, didn't we eat it just now... it's 'Steamed Mutton', a new dish, let's try it later... It's about our filial piety, if you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't want to fuck it in the future Heart……"

As Brother Jiu said, he also complained in a low voice: "Khan Amate is stingy, we delivered the food before, don't talk about rewards, you should praise it... Yesterday at noon, I asked for a long time about the kelp bag and Iraqis." In front of you, I thought I was going to reward you, and there is no follow-up..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said, "Maybe it's not a good practice..."

As soon as Kangxi rewarded it, there was a lot of movement.

Then the other princes, Fujin, are they going to "respect the dishes"?
Then reward?

It became the prince Fujin fighting for favor in front of the imperial court, and the atmosphere was inexplicably wrong.

Nine Brothers blinked: "I can't complain that Ama didn't mention this... I can't say that there is no mention of your filial piety..."

Thinking of this possibility, he couldn't help feeling sorry for Shu Shu: "It's better not to be filial..."

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Master, don't you still have to see me later? Or send someone to pick up the meal, don't delay..."

Xiaotang and Xiaosong didn't come back, so Shu Shu called Sun Jin and said, "Take the two of them there, and let them come back..."

At this moment, the dishes must be ready.

The two of them should have experienced the matter of the second dining room, and they started to be cautious, not worrying about putting the food there to honor the elders and send the princes and Fujin, so they stayed and guarded.

Sun Jin agreed, and took two young eunuchs to the dining room of the palace.

In the dining room of the palace, the eunuchs next to each master took meals and left one after another.

For Xiaotang and Xiaosong, there are only four bowls of mutton and four plates of golden cake left.

Seeing Sun Jin bring someone over, Xiao Tang said, "Take them all away, two bowls from master and elder brother, and the rest from master ten and master thirteen..."

In addition to these two dishes added in the name of Brother Jiu, there are also special dishes in the dining room.

The prince and Fujin are still two meat and two vegetables, fried pork with salt, mutton vermicelli pot, celery peanuts, sweet and sour cabbage heart, glutinous rice red bean cake and honeysuckle roll as staple food.

On the side of the row room, Brother Nine dragged Shu Shu to lean in the inner room.

He was worried that Shu Shu would be persuaded by Wu Fujin, or that he would dislike the boring road, so he mentioned an interesting story on the grassland: "In addition to the wild rabbit, there is also a kind of jumping rabbit that cannot be eaten... half the size of a rabbit, it is called a clever ...can take detours, and is nicknamed 'flying on the grass'. If you can't shoot it with an arrow, you have to chase after it on a horse... That little guy is not big, but his endurance is not small. You have to ride a horse for half an hour until you vomit blood from exhaustion , the little thing can't run anymore, so I caught it..."

Shu Shu listened and asked curiously, "Catch and eat?"

It takes an hour to chase them on horseback, which is too much trouble.

With such a small size, there should be no meat except bones.

Brother Jiu curled his lips: "It looks like a big mouse, who would eat this? There is a tuft of hair on the tail, which can be used as a writing brush... mainly for chasing and playing..."

Shu Shu smiled, she had really figured out a trick.

Outside the row house, the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother were standing in the yard.

Just now I saw some eunuchs next to my elder brother picking up the food boxes, so they are about to send someone to the palace dining room to pick up the food.

In the end, Xiaotang and his party came back in a mighty manner, carrying a lunch box.

Seeing a group of people coming, Brother Ten smiled and said: "I was just about to send someone to pick it up..." After finishing speaking, he turned his head and shouted into the room: "Brother Ninth, the meal is here, how do you eat it?"

 It's still the first and second update, and the third update is at [-]:[-] p.m.
(End of this chapter)

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