My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 113 Welcome

Chapter 113 Welcome

After a while, Sun Jin brought back two plates of food.

In addition to the golden cake that Shu Shu ordered just now, there is also a plate of glutinous rice dumplings similar to Nuomi Ci.

"Sister Xiaotang said that the master taught her to make dumplings with red bean paste before, but today she saw steamed glutinous rice cakes in the dining room, so she made this impromptu."

Sun Jin pointed to the plate of glutinous rice dumplings and said.

Elder Brother Ten got up early, stood by the dining table, swallowed, and urged Elder Ninth: "Brother Ninth, try it quickly..." As he spoke, he saw Shu Shu sitting again, and said, "Sister-in-law, come and eat quickly? "

Shu Shu waved his hand: "You guys eat first, I ate a lot just now, I'll take it easy..."

Seeing that Shu Shu really didn't want to eat, Elder Brother Shi didn't persuade her anymore.

When the ninth elder brother moved his chopsticks, the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother moved accordingly.

I ate several dishes before, and I am not so hungry anymore. Several people have the patience to taste it.

But they were all young men, and they ate up the two plates of snacks in a short while.

"The sticky pastry stuffed with hawthorn is more delicious, not greasy, and the sweet and sour taste is just right... It's a bit strange to eat the hawthorn cake hot. It should be more delicious and stronger after being chilled..."

Brother Ten put down his chopsticks, rinsed his mouth, and expressed his opinion.

Brother Thirteen also said: "Can hawthorn cake be dipped in honey? It tastes a bit bland..."

Brother Nine got impatient when he heard this: "It's just one bite, hot or cold, sweet or salty, there's no end to pick, right? Let's go..."

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly said: "It's not that I'm picky, I don't get tired of food, Brother Ninth, you don't understand..."

Brother Thirteen smiled and nodded, obviously agreeing with Brother Ten.

Brother Jiu snorted softly, and complained to Shu Shu: "You are the one who got used to them, they are all young men, they talk about what they eat!"

What else can Shu Shu say besides "yes yes yes"?
She smiled and said to Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen, "You can try all kinds of methods later, and see what works best."

Elder Brother Ten showed some hesitation on his face, but he still said, "Sister-in-law, let Xiaotang girl take in an apprentice..."

"Didn't the mother of the three stoves learn it before? It's also completely different, why do you think of this again?"

Shu Shu was a little puzzled.

"It's not that I want to pick out one of the two girls around Guo Luoluo and let Xiaotang take more care..."

Brother Ten replied truthfully.

This is envy of Xiaotang's ability to be independent, and wants to cultivate a court lady who knows everything about the stove.

The corners of Shu Shu's mouth twitched, and he would have hesitated before doing it. Now that he is familiar with Elder Brother Ten, he said directly: "Don't worry about this. When the siblings come in next year, choose someone from there..."

Otherwise, it is inevitable to deal with Guo Luoluo Gege, and it would be bad if the future ten Fujin misunderstood.

Elder Brother Shi understood and nodded: "My brother was negligent, so let's wait until Mrs. Borzigit enters the door."

Brother Jiu was not happy, looked at Shu Shu and said: "You are sister-in-law, why should you be so careful, taking care of this and that..."

"If the sisters-in-law make it difficult for me, will the Lord be happy?"

Shu Shu asked back.

Brother Nine immediately stopped talking, thinking of Ba Fujin was still blocked in his heart.

But he is also fortunate that this is the only sister-in-law who is not sensible, otherwise it would be too easy to be bullied as a young one.

If that's the case, he doesn't care about seniority and inferiority, and he will definitely make a fuss.

The thirteenth elder brother watched a few people talking, but did not interrupt.

Brother Ninth has changed a lot since his wedding, and his temperament has softened. Brother Ten also seems to have some expectations for marrying Mongolian Fujin.

Brother Thirteen was thinking about the draft three years later. If nothing unexpected happened, his Fujin would be in the Eight Banners Show Girls. He didn't know what kind of Fujin Han Ama would choose for him.

It would be great if I could be like Sister-in-law Nine, with a decent family background, outstanding appearance, and a gentle personality.

"Master, come here from the imperial court. The holy driver is only ten miles away from here. The head of the House of Internal Affairs has sent someone over to ask the master and elder brothers to come over..."

He Yuzhu came in and reported.

Brother Jiu stood up, opened his pocket watch to check the time, and said to Shu Shu: "It's drying outside, you don't need to rush out, I guess it will take another quarter of an hour, and you will have time to come out..."

"Well, listen to me, please be careful, don't stand under the sun, take your brothers to find a shaded place..."

Shu Shu also instructed gently.

Brother Jiu nodded and took the two of them out.

Shu Shu was really tired, so she immediately went to the back room and spread out a cake on the couch.

When Walnut saw it, he stepped forward and said, "I have learned something from Sister Xiaosong, or else I will help Fujin press..."

"Well, come on..."

Shu Shu said.

If only Brother Nine was around, she would naturally be able to do anything. She would act like a sister-in-law in front of her two younger uncles, and she would have to sit and stand.

Walnut stepped forward, imitating Xiaosong's usual behavior, and began to press from the shoulder and neck.

Although the strength is not as strong as Xiaosong's, and the acupuncture points are not aligned, it is worse than nothing.

Xiaoyu found a clean flag outfit and came over.

Shu Shu was still wearing riding clothes, and she was already wrinkled from riding a car and riding a horse.

Time was limited, and Shu Shu didn't dare to rest for too long, so she turned over in half a cup of tea and changed her clothes.

After getting dressed, Shu Shu took a look in the mirror, her eyebrows and eyes were still a little tired, so she put on a layer of powder, rouge and lip balm, and invisible eyeliner, which made her eyes look bigger and her whole body was full of energy .

She didn't wait for others to come and invite her, so she took the two maids to the front of the palace.

Brother Nine and the brothers, as well as the head of the House of Internal Affairs and the head of the Palace are waiting.

Brother Jiu saw his wife coming, looked up at the sky, and said angrily, "Didn't I tell you to come out later? There is no shadow yet, I don't know how long it will take... I don't know how to wear a hat or bring an umbrella, Why did you come here like this..." Then he told Xiao Yu: "Hurry up and get the umbrella..."

Xiaoyu went in response.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu's feet again, saw that he was wearing one-inch high-flag shoes and didn't say anything, so he turned around and told He Yuzhu: "I don't have the eyesight, go and move a small stool..."

He Yuzhu trotted away.

The head of the House of Internal Affairs and the head of Xing Zai looked at each other, and looked more respectful towards Shu Shu.

Even the prince wanted to hold it carefully, this Fujin stood still.

Shu Shu didn't think it was necessary to take an umbrella and a stool, but she didn't refute Brother Jiu's words in front of others, and only accepted his kindness with a smile.

Brother Jiu was really satisfied, and the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

In the end, He Yuzhu was more reliable than Brother Nine, he didn't bring a single stool, but brought a few eunuchs to move a small square stool.

Ninth elder brother pushed one side to Shu Shu's side first, and then took tenth and thirteenth elder brothers to sit down.

Ninth elder brother is the leading elder brother, he didn't let the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the chief executive sit down, so the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers naturally didn't speak.

Although Shu Shu has always been considerate, but it was to her family, relatives and friends, she didn't mean to show it in front of outsiders, she just pretended she didn't see it.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the head of the line wiped their sweat and looked at each other, but they both breathed a sigh of relief.

If it was really a well-mannered elder brother who came down to inspect the palace, then they would be nervous.

Everyone waited for a quarter of an hour, and then the sound of horseshoes was heard from a distance, indicating that the large army was coming.

Shu Shu stood up.

"It will take a while, don't worry..."

Brother Jiu was talking beside him.

Shu Shu didn't listen to him this time, and motioned He Yuzhu to move the stool.

Brother Jiu reluctantly stood up.

Another quarter of an hour later, Shengjia arrived.

Headed by Brother Nine, everyone stepped forward to greet him.

Kangxi didn't get out of the car, and directly sent Liang Jiugong out to pass on a message: "Master Jiu, the emperor said, it is said that Master Jiu met you for the first time..."

It is almost the second quarter of Shenchu, and there is still nearly an hour before Youchu.

Brother Jiu agreed, led a group of people, stepped aside, and watched the frame go.

The eldest brother, the third elder brother, the fifth elder brother, and the seventh elder brother were accompanying on horseback before, but this time they got off the horse one after another.

"Brother and sister..."

"Brother and sister..."

The elder brothers nodded to Shu Shu first.

Shu Shu also squatted down and met the princes.

Only then did the elder brother look at the ninth elder brother, with disapproval on his face, he frowned and said: "They are all married people, and they want to go out as soon as they come out... You are impatient to be restrained and toss around, and you have to make your younger siblings follow you suffer..."

Brother Jiu showed dissatisfaction on his face: "My brother is carrying an errand on his back..."

"Hmph! Where there is a big fart, there is still the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs waiting in front. What else can we investigate?"

The elder brother only regarded him as a sophistry, and reprimanded him unceremoniously: "When you want to be loose, you can't do it, but I can't bear it these days, that is, Khan Ama indulges you! If you want to learn errands, how can you learn seriously?" No!"

Brother Jiu's face turned red.

Although he did use this as an excuse to leave Shengjia before, but he didn't think about fooling around with the errand, shouldn't this be a good investigation?And there are rewards!

The third elder brother has always been a good person, and hurriedly said: "It is also the filial piety of the ninth brother, and the daily life and diet are also important... It is good to have more people watching..."

Fifth elder brother pouted, but did not speak.

It's not that he doesn't protect his younger brother, but that he also shows disapproval on his face.

That is to say, after receiving grace, he came out as a follower, and he just followed the imperial court honestly.

This morning, a few younger ones disappeared from the line all of a sudden, and the fifth elder brother was shocked.

Even on the side of the empress, they also sent people to ask.

It can be seen how self-assertive this bastard is, he brought Fujin and his two younger brothers out without reporting to anyone.

Not only tormenting his wife, but also responsible for the safety of the two little elder brothers.

The seventh elder brother stood beside the fifth elder brother and didn't say anything, but his meaning was obvious, and he also felt that the ninth elder brother was wrong.

As usual, Brother Nine had an attack early.

What's so great about elder brother? !
With Khan Ama and the empress here, it's still not the turn of a half-brother to teach him a lesson!
However, being led by Shu Shu every day, he was influenced by his ears and eyes, and he thought about things more than before.

In the early days, I always thought that the boss looked down on these little brothers, and if he kept his mouth shut, he was teaching others, which was very annoying.

Just like now, if you don't ask clearly when you come up, you will be reprimanded first.

But after experiencing the waywardness of the old ten in the morning, and he himself just reprimanded the old ten half an hour ago...

Brother Nine actually felt much less resentment in his heart.

The boss is not a talkative person, and usually takes the status of the eldest son of the emperor, so he doesn't like to talk to people easily.

If the boss really doesn't pay attention to these little elder brothers, he probably won't even bother to reprimand...

(End of this chapter)

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