Chapter 112

After hearing this, Shu Shu began to think about recipes related to lamb.

Stewed, stir-fried, braised, grilled...

They are all existing practices, nothing new.

What else is there to do in a special way?

The Imperial Dining Room has never appeared before...

The first thing Shu Shu thought of was the improved mutton pot "cooked sheep" in Mongolia, which was tender and delicious.

But a pot is a pot, hot.

It is okay to eat this in an air-conditioned room in later generations, but it is not suitable to eat it now.

Now is the "autumn tiger" raging, three or four in the afternoon is the most sweltering time.

And that ice...

Nowadays, the ice cubes are all river ice dug out in winter, which is good for relieving heat and driving away heat, but not edible.

She also thought of a famous dish in Ning Province, "Steamed Mutton".

This dish is not as dry and greasy as roasted lamb, but also more nourishing. It is very suitable for nourishing this solar term, and it is also suitable for the age of Empress Dowager Kangxi.

Shu Shu felt that he could try it, so he asked Walnut for a pen and paper, and wrote down the method of "sweating steamed lamb" in detail.

Brother Jiu came over and looked at it: "This looks a bit simple, is the taste too bland?"

The method of "sweat steamed mutton" is very simple. Fresh mutton is cut into pieces, placed on a plate with scallions, seasoned with ginger and garlic cooking wine, and steamed for two quarters of an hour on high heat.

Put the steamed mutton into a soup bowl, add green onion and salt, add chicken broth, and steam for another quarter of an hour.

Shu Shu said with a smile: "As long as the ingredients are good, the taste will not be bad."

Elder Brother Ten is worried: "Sister-in-law, since it's a fresh dish, what if the dining room messes with it? It's a pity that something good is spoiled!"

Shu Shu felt that she was negligent, not because she was worried about being fooled by the chef in the dining room, but because there were not many literate people.

The current literacy rate is not high, and most of them are wealthy people.

For the working class like the master chef on the stove, it is obviously not within the scope of knowledge popularization.

Shu Shu immediately called Xiaotang over and handed her the recipe: "Master has already told the dining room that he has left two stoves and arranged for two masters. Go over and watch and ask someone to try this recipe." Dish……"

Xiaotang agreed, and Elder Brother Shi was relieved, but he turned his head and reminded Shu Shu: "Sister-in-law's portion is a bit small, this lamb weighs more than [-] kilograms, but after removing the fur and internal organs, it probably weighs about [-] kilograms... There are many followers, and this dish will take a lot of work, so don't be short of food when the time comes..."

After listening to Shu Shu, she remembered what Wu Fujin said before, "it's not good to eat alone", especially since they left the main force and came here in advance to use the inspection line as an excuse to meet the driver, so Xiao Jing should naturally look more careful when eating as well.

Now that you have done it, be more thoughtful and don't ask people to pick it up.

After the raw meat is cooked, the portion will be reduced, and it will be even more difficult to divide.

"Then make two..."

Shu Shu gave Xiaotang a command, but hesitated for a while.

A dish is too monotonous.

"Steamed mutton" is a big dish, and the next one is not suitable for a big dish.

Otherwise, it's not like their small contribution, but it's more like joining the menu arrangement of the imperial dining room.

Small dishes and snacks...

Shu Shu then thought about the current seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Vegetables are not considered, flowers cannot be made, and it is either soup or stir-fried.

Fruits, now is the season when persimmons and hawthorns are on the market.

Persimmon conflicts with many ingredients, so it’s important to be on the safe side, so I won’t consider it for the time being.

Hawthorn is always available in the dining room, and is used to make seasoning stews or desserts.

There is a traditional method of hawthorn in the palace, which is hawthorn in syrup, and the taste is similar to that of canned hawthorn in later generations.

Shu Shu thought of a later delicacy that hadn't appeared yet, golden cake.

The golden cake recipe is simple, except for hawthorn, there are three ingredients: sweet-scented osmanthus sauce, sugar, and flour noodles. The latter two are common auxiliary ingredients, which are available in dining rooms.

As for osmanthus sauce, use it if you have it, and it doesn't matter if you don't have it.

Shu Shu wrote the recipe for the golden cake again, and handed it to Xiaotang: "If the hawthorn is rich, make more... If the hawthorn is not enough, you can replace it with pear meat..."

Anyway, this kind of fruit cake, hawthorn can help digestion, and pear cake can also moisten the lungs and relieve cough.

Elder Brother Shi smiled happily when he heard it, and told Xiaotang repeatedly: "Good girl, this golden cake should be made quickly, remember to send two sets first when it's done, everyone have a taste..."

These days, Elder Brother Ten often ate and drank at the second office, and Xiaotang was familiar with him, so he responded readily, and then asked Xiaosong to follow him to the dining room.

The people in the room still said this, Brother Thirteen went outside, rubbing his stomach, hesitant.

In fact, I ate breakfast early and took a short break at noon. I only ate a few jujubes, and now I am hungry.

Shu Shu looked up, saw it, got up and said with a smile: "Uncle Thirteen, come in quickly... There is still some time before dinner, and I am calling you over, let's make some cushions first..."

Brother Thirteen came in, greeted everyone, and then did it after Brother Ten.

Shu Shu went to find some food in person. Besides pork dates and dried beef, there was also a bag of peach crisps and a bag of wax gourd candies, which were given by Qi Fujin.

She was greedy, so she brought out a lot of candied snacks, and now she wanted to cut them off without worrying about her stature, so she divided them into two shares, Shu Shu and Wu Fujin each got a share.

With barley tea, everyone ate up a few plates.
Brother Ten and Brother Thirteen both fell in love with dried beef.
I thought pork jerky was delicious before, but I didn’t expect beef to be more delicious. The aroma is not comparable to pork, and it is very chewy. Honey and sesame are spread on the outside, and the more you eat, the more delicious it becomes.
"That's good, why haven't I seen it before?"

The tenth elder brother ate with eyes shining: "Did the fifth elder brother buy it from the empress dowager?"

Ningshou Palace has beef, which is well known.

Brother Jiu shook his head, and said with a bit of pride: "It's not made by Ningshou Palace, it was prepared by the Dutong Mansion. My father-in-law and mother-in-law bought beef all over the city, and my father-in-law brought over in big and small bags. Yesterday I only got it in the evening..."

Elder Brother Ten is really envious: "I have never seen anyone who loves girls more than Mrs. Qi and Mrs. Dutong..."

Brother Nine has seen it a few times, and earlier envy was mixed with jealousy, but now he is proud of it: "Of course the first-born girl is different."

The tenth elder brother and the ninth elder brother looked at each other, and both looked at the thirteenth elder brother involuntarily.
How can it not make people feel sour?

The first few elder brothers were personally taught by Khan Ama when they were young, and they could only consider themselves unlucky. Whoever made them fall behind in the rankings did not catch up with the good times.

But what happened to the little brother in the back? !
Arrange a special teacher and take it with you when you go in and out. This is a small one, and you have to teach it yourself? !

Okay, just these few among them were picked up? !

Post Ama!
How could Shu Shu have thought that the two brothers would start to feel sorry for themselves, jealous of Brother Thirteen's pet, and seeing that the two brothers were silent and looking depressed, she thought they were tired, and asked, "Do you want to rest first?" Take a break? Wait for the food to be delivered before calling you over?"

The thirteenth brother looked at the tenth brother, he got up too early, he was a little tired, but he was not too sleepy, he could rest or not.

Elder Brother Ten shook his head quickly: "There is no lack, there is no shortage, and I am still waiting to eat the golden cake... It will be almost time after eating, and we have to meet Sheng Jia when he comes..."

Speaking of this, his expression was a bit wrong: "Ninth brother, are we at a loss? Every morning, we rush here to ask about the dining room, and in the afternoon, we have to watch the time and follow the people who are walking to meet us. It's even harder than our previous two days..."

Shu Shu was listening, and she was a little worried. She looked at Brother Jiu and asked, "Are you tired? If it's hard, let's go with the big team..."

Although it is a good thing to use the moths of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to claim credit, but it is not worth the loss to exchange the health of Brother Nine.

After all, Brother Nine's small body is here, just looking at it, and hasn't started serious conditioning yet.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, it was time for him to drink medicine to invigorate Qi.

Seeing that his wife was nervous, Brother Nine hurriedly said: "What's the hard work? It's not like rushing on the road. Isn't it good to be walking around like this today..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Elder Brother Ten and said unceremoniously: "You are disobedient, play dirty on the road, eat and drink, don't worry about anything, you have the face to say it's hard? Then you will talk to Sheng Jia tomorrow." Walk together……"

The thirteenth elder brother couldn't sit still, he was afraid that the two elder brothers would quarrel.

Elder Brother Ten was not annoyed by being eaten, but stood up with a solemn expression on his face: "Brother Ninth, Sister-in-law Nine, I am sorry to you, my brother made a mistake today, and I won't be like Touwu in the future." capricious……"

It was only after he realized that his willfulness would bring trouble to his brother and sister-in-law.

It's okay if there is no accident, but if there is a mistake, then the brother and sister-in-law will be implicated.

Shu Shu couldn't sit still anymore, she stood up, she didn't want to say anything, after all, it was her elder brother who taught her younger brother a lesson, and it was not her sister-in-law's turn to speak first, so she looked at Brother Jiu.

The thirteenth elder brother looked at this and then at that, and couldn't sit still, so he stood up.

Brother Nine's little face was tense, he stared at Brother Ten, adding a bit of elder brother's majesty, and scolded: "Old Ten, remember, there will be no next time! If you don't hear about it again, don't do it again in the future." I want Grandpa to take you..."

The tenth elder brother listened, and nodded obediently: "Ninth elder brother, don't worry, there will be no more."

Brother Nine's complexion improved and he nodded.

Brother Ten looked at Shu Shu again, apologetically.

Shu Shu has self-knowledge, taking care of the prince's daily life does not mean that she is qualified to discipline the prince, she smiled reassuringly, and explained: "Your ninth brother is worried about you, after all, you are in the wild, and there are tigers and leopards in the mountains here..."

Elder Brother Ten responded: "My younger brother knows, Brother Ninth misses me..."

The thirteenth elder brother saw the relationship between several people, and felt envious in his heart.

There are many Argos in the palace, but because of the age difference, the closest contacts are brothers from class to class.

After all, except for the brothers, the people who get along with each other on a daily basis are only a few of the same age.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are Tong Geng, they played together when they were young, and later went to school together. After more than ten years, they have a deep relationship.

What about yourself?
Brother Twelve, who is one year older, is a "lone ranger" and does not associate with their brothers.

Brother Fourteen, who is two years younger, is a "devil king of the world", and he is inseparable from him on weekdays, but he claims to be the son of a concubine, and he has been the youngest son for many years. He acts recklessly and needs to be coaxed...

(End of this chapter)

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