Chapter 111 Clues

Seeing Shu Shu's strange movements, Brother Jiu followed him and asked curiously, "What are you looking at?"

Shu Shu didn't answer, but took a look, found an inconspicuous place behind the washstand, touched it for a while, and then carefully peeled off a piece of wallpaper, revealing the mottled marks underneath.

There are traces of cracks on the wall, peeling of the wall skin, and traces of moss and mildew in between, so that the smell can be faintly emitted.

"Wow! These bastards! It turned out to be such a repair! What labor and construction period, to put it completely, just paste wallpaper?!"

When Brother Nine saw this, he couldn't help but explode in anger, and wanted to go out to find someone.

Shu Shu hurriedly stopped her: "Master, don't startle the snake with grass!"!"

Brother Jiu didn't struggle, but he was not convinced: "The physical evidence is here, what are you afraid of, can you run away?"

"If you move this place, and the news spreads to the front, isn't it 'scare the snake'?"

Shu Shu was very calm instead.

You need to know the repairs of the palace, not to say that the money is allocated and spent immediately, there is acceptance, and there is also the purpose of writing off the accounts every year.

Just like embezzling and following everyone's diet, this is definitely not the only place.

Otherwise, the diet of Xiaosong and the others yesterday and before would not be at the same level.

Brother Nine listened, his eyes widened: "If they are all like this, then we have to find out a bunch..."

"Take your time, I'll just look at it first, it's important to be safe, and the emperor will be at ease in the future to hand over the errand..."

Shu Shu spoke softly, and couldn't help being excited.

This is the case for a small business, so what about the other yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Three weaving?
If brother Jiu can really take over the task of investigating the Ministry of Internal Affairs, will he be able to leave the capital and go outside for a while? !

If there is a chance to go to Jiangnan, it will take two years in three years...

Where did Brother Jiu think that Shu Shu would think so far?

He thought about the manners of the elder brothers, except for the frizzy and frizzy fourth elder brother in the early years, the others seemed to be quite reliable.

Every time I take over an errand, I can't say that it is done perfectly, but it also seems to be dedicated.

I have only been out for a long time, so there is really no need to be in a daze, looking unsteady.

"Well, I understand... I won't act rashly, let's take my time..."

Brother Nine is admonishing like a stream, and his mood is much more stable.

"Do you know how much the maintenance cost of this place is every year?"

Shu Shu asked curiously.

This place is incomparable to the Miyun Palace, but I have probably seen it. It has a three-span and five-entry structure, with more than a hundred rooms.

"Let's say it costs a few hundred taels of silver..."

Brother Nine replied with a dark face

How many palaces are there along the way? !

Khan Ama advocates frugality, and every meal is delicious, and the money saved goes into the pockets of these dog slaves.

Shu Shu was silent.

Regarding the corruption of the Kangxi Dynasty, there is a strong record in history.

However, according to the "textual research party" research data, the conclusion drawn is that apart from the corruption of the emperor, it is also related to the court party struggle caused by the prince's seizure of the heir.

Unexpectedly, it is only thirty-seven years of Kangxi, the prince was first appointed, and the pattern of seizing the heir apparent has not yet formed, the House of Internal Affairs already has signs of corruption.

"Grandpa, master..."

It was at this time that Sun Jin came back, took out two cucumbers and a head of garlic from his sleeve, and told about what he had seen in the palace's kitchen.

The couple looked at each other in shock.

This is not greedy for money, it is simply black-hearted.

It's not greedy for half or most of the share, but just wiped this.

Brother Jiu sneered and said, "I thought they would be greedy for half of the pork, but I didn't expect it to be so black. What does it mean to put two pieces of pork as a display? Just in case I send someone to check? Is this a fool?"

"Don't be annoyed, they're all 'grasshoppers after autumn', and they won't last long... That's fine, it's completely bad, and the emperor doesn't have to hesitate to deal with it... If it's just a thief, it doesn't look good if it gets violent Kindness, if you keep it and continue to use it, it will be disgusting..."

Shu Shu comforted her.

Who knows that nowadays everyone has a default view, "When the water is clear, there will be no fish", so they turn a blind eye to the little greed.

From the beginning to the end, Shu Shu disagreed with this point of view.

This will only encourage the courage of the corrupt, and the petty greed will become a big one.

Brother Nine is still not happy: "Come with other elder brothers, how dare they fool you like this? Even if you look down on me, you don't even care to cover it up, I'm afraid you don't have awe at all in your heart, and if you feel that you have offended me, you won't make a fuss... "

Shu Shu thought much more.

No matter how respectful the minister-in-charge and the minister-in-charge are, you can see how crazy they are acting just by looking at them knowing that elder brother Jiu has an errand to check on him, and leaving him aside and ignoring him.

"Master, after checking this time, we really have to find a way to live outside... Let's lift the cover this time, and we will offend many people, so we really have to be careful...'It's better to offend a gentleman than a villain ’, who knows what sneaky tricks they’ll be up to…”

Shu Shu's vigilance escalated in her heart, but she deliberately made it more serious when she said it.

This is an opportunity, if you can't leave the palace early, it depends on this!

Don't be afraid to offend people!
Those people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs were cleaned once when the prince was abolished.

All rabbit tails can't grow!

Brother Nine sometimes behaves poorly, but in fact he is considered well-behaved in his bones, and has always followed the crowd.

Hearing what Shu Shu said, he felt a little regretful: "Isn't the master not using this excuse to come out?"

"No, no... it's all for me, I'm happy... I'm married, I don't have this errand, and there are other things, I have to learn to take responsibility..."

Shu Shu's eyes are bright.

It was also on a hurry, and the first two days were in the middle of the big army, and the time was extremely difficult.

Today is different, I am much more comfortable and feel better.

Only then did Brother Jiu feel more comfortable, but he also remembered Shu Shu's words just now: "Whether it's in the Zhenghongqi area or in Beixinqiao, this time the master will work out a residence with Han Ama..."

Even if there is no knighthood, it is better to be the master of the family earlier than to be a little elder brother in the palace.

Shu Shu got excited in her heart, but she was used to Zhou Quan, she thought for a while and said, "Master, let's check if it's a coincidence... In case it's just bad luck, it just so happens that this room is like this, we'll show it if we poke it out." Making a fuss out of a molehill, I’d better go to Uncle Ten’s room to take a look first, and then go to the next few rooms to take a look..."

Brother Nine immediately stood up, thinking a little too much: "Yeah, we have to prevent such a bastard from setting me up...Master, let's go to Lao Ten's place now..."

It's just so big here, the ninth elder brother went to the tenth elder brother's house and the row house at the back, and then went to the place where the concubines were placed in the middle road.

There is a small courtyard with more than a dozen rooms.

The four walls are still white, and there are incense burners on the tables.

Brother Nine moved away from the incense burner, sniffed it carefully, and then turned to leave.

Back in the row room, Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said, "My lady's place is the same as ours. There are also incense burners... I'm afraid it's the same in other places except the place where Khan Ama lives... How dare they?" Here, it's hard to hide the anger: "Be patient like this, if you don't deal with them, I'm afraid you'll suffocate to death..."

The fault is found, and the fault is also found, how to deal with these moths?
Shu Shu said solemnly: "The rest will naturally be left to the emperor... The Lord is in charge of the 'clearance', hasn't this been checked? As for the follow-up, you don't have to think so carefully, otherwise how can it be called a school job? Yes Any deficiencies, the emperor will teach little by little."

Brother Nine sighed and said: "It's a beautiful idea. Except for the prince, how can Khan Ama have the patience to teach others? It's the boss, the third, and the fourth, who take advantage of the preface. The emperor back then I taught it personally, whoever was called the elder brother Jingui at that time, and the older ones who died, just stop at these few... From the beginning of the fifth brother, it was like freeing them, and they were not properly managed..."

Shu Shu was very helpless, she really dared to say anything.

She walked to the door, but fortunately there was no one else.

Row houses also have the advantages of row houses. The yard is empty, and it is clear at a glance when someone comes in.

"That's enough. I'll report to the emperor in private, so there's no need to make any further complications. As I said just now, they are well-informed. If I mention it publicly this time, they will definitely send the news to the front..."

Shu Shu persuaded.

"So what if I'm well-informed? The house can't be repaired in a day, and at most the food can be replenished..."

Brother Jiu muttered.

"But in that case, the only credit for the master is this loss..."

Shu Shu pulled Brother Jiu to sit beside him: "This is my first errand, so naturally I have to do it carefully to show my ability..." Speaking of this, she lowered her volume: "Besides, what a good thing it is Is it? 'Family ugliness should not be publicized', and it is also related to the face of the emperor. Now that it is exposed, it is likely that 'big things are turned into small things, and small things are turned into small things'... Even if the master wants to make meritorious service, it does not need to be at this time..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, then nodded and agreed: "You are right, especially since this place is too close to Mongolia, if there is any noise, spread it to the other side to make people laugh... I will take notes first, and go back to Mongolia. The capital will settle accounts with them again..."

"Ninth brother, sister-in-law, is it convenient to come in?"

Elder Brother Ten stood at the door, shouting in his male voice.

"Come in!"

Brother Jiu didn't move, and raised his voice.

Elder Brother Ten followed in, Shu Shu stood up and beckoned him to sit down.

"Brother Jiu, did you go to the dining room just now? Do you have any good ingredients?"

Elder Brother Ten asked anxiously.

"There is pork, do you want to eat it?"

Brother Jiu replied: "There are big pigs and small pigs, why don't we just have fried pork belly?"

"It's fishy, ​​who eats that... what else?"

Elder Brother Ten continued to ask.

Brother Nine thought for a while: "What else can I have? Chicken, duck and mutton... that is, chicken and duck are the proportions of the Queen Mother and Khan Ama, so we can't embezzle them... Sheep are different, except for big sheep, there are also Two lambs, less than three months old..."

Elder Brother Shi heard this, his heart was moved immediately, and he turned his face: "Sister-in-law, the lamb is less than three months old and hasn't started to eat grass. It has grown up on milk, and it weighs more than ten catties without the fur and internal organs. It is very tender... It’s just that the only way to eat it in the palace is to bake it, and I’m tired of eating it, is there any other way to eat it?”

 It is still the first two chapters, Chapter 3 before [-] pm, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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