Chapter 110 Check

Brother Jiu glanced at the group of people on his side.

He started on his way before dawn, and rested for a quarter of an hour in the middle. He was tired, so he said to the man in the main pipeline, "Get settled first..."

The line manager responded and led the group to the room on the left.

The rooms here are much smaller than the rooms in the palace two days ago.

The previous two places are not counted as the places where Shengjia is stationed, but the courtyards on the two roads are seven or eight houses in the front and back, and there are more than a hundred houses in each.

It's going to be a little smaller here.

Except for Wujin’s yard where Shengjia is stationed in the middle, the left and right roads are row houses.

Each row is divided into five and six north-south rooms, which are divided into three small suites.

When Brother Jiu saw it, he occupied the second row and made assignments.

He and Shu Shu lived in the two rooms in the middle, and the one on the left was given to Brother Ten, and the one on the right was given to Brother Thirteen.

Palace servants and eunuchs carry luggage in big and small bags,

Brother Jiu took out his pocket watch and looked at it, feeling a little anxious.

It is already noon.

Counting the holy driving team, if it was early, they would have arrived before Shen Chu, but if it was late, Shen Zheng would have arrived too.

There are less than two hours.

Brother Jiu didn't know where to start to check.

He didn't want to show timidity in front of his younger brothers, so he dragged Shu Shu into the room, and secretly asked, "Where should I start? What should I check? It looks clean. I asked the dining room, and the ingredients are also ready." complete……"

Shu Shu's mind was spinning.

The hospitality here is nothing more than food and accommodation.

Living, it is the repair and sweeping of the palace, all placed on the bright side, and nothing can be seen for a while.

The rest is food.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs allocates the money, and the line here arranges the supply of materials in a unified manner according to the standards.

There is a high probability that there is no problem with the imperial meal and the diet of the accompanying concubines and princes, and they dare not fool around.

What about the food supply for the accompanying guards of the Three Banners and soldiers of the Eight Banners?
The guards are all of high rank, and they come from extraordinary backgrounds, so they won't bear it if they suffer a disadvantage, and ordinary people can't afford to offend them.

What about the Eight Banners armor?
Each banner has its own kitchen, and they take the ingredients and go back to make their own distribution.

It's not easy to skimp on it either. The capitals of the Eight Banners and the deputy capitals are not vegetarians.

Only by colluding with each other can the matter be settled.

It's just that those who can achieve the command of the capital and deputy capital are mostly nobles of the Eight Banners, and they will not pay attention to the chief executive of the coating industry, and they will not be so blind to the food money of dozens of taels of silver.

In fact, there are still food supplies for some people, which are easily overlooked.

That is the accompanying palace servants, eunuchs and others, who are in charge of the House of Internal Affairs.

There are a lot of people, and there are hundreds of people in total.

Brother Nine wants to get involved in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so he has to be this "picky" villain.

Shu Shu immediately pointed out this: "If you want to say that the deduction is insufficient, it should be in the kitchen of the palace people... Palace ladies and nanny are also supplied with a catty of meat every day, and the same is true for eunuchs with a little face..." Speaking Here, she walked to the door and called Xiaosong to come in: "Yesterday, the day before yesterday, how was your food? What kind of food do you have?"

Xiao Song couldn't help grinning after hearing this: "It's the same two days, just a stewed cabbage... The cabbage is not rotten, and there is no oily star..."

Shu Shu asked again: "Where's the regular walnut dish?"

Komatsu's daily rations are in accordance with the rules of "girls in the family", no meat, only rice, vegetables, and salt.

Xiaosong shook his head: "It is said to be stewed cabbage with pork, but it looks similar to the servant's, except that there are two extra meatballs the size of fingernails! Fortunately, Fujin prepared the road vegetables and kelp buns in advance, otherwise I would not be able to eat them at all The rice, the rice also has a musty smell..."

Walnuts are "women of the palace", and each meal is served with a catty of pork. It is the same when they are in the palace, and it is the same when they come out.

This is not the grace of Kangxi, but the basic daily supply.

Brother Jiu frowned beside him, thinking about the palace ladies, deacons and eunuchs who came out, and the hundred or so people who had pork supplies.

Check it out for this?
Even if they found out that they had deducted dozens of catties of pork, wouldn't it be too much of a fuss?

Shu Shu waved his hand, sent Xiao Song out, and then said: "The emperor decides on big and small matters... I only do my duty... I found out such subtleties, doesn't it mean that I am careful..."

Brother Nine was encouraged, and immediately stood up: "Yes, it seems that the master is doing his job with all his heart... If you do it well, Khan Ama will hand over the serious job in the future..."

Brother Jiu didn't need the people walking here to lead him, so he took He Yuzhu to the dining room.

The dining room in the row is in the northeast corner, and it is also a row of five broken six houses.

There is a partition in the middle of the inside, four rooms on one side, which are kitchen rooms, and stoves are built on three sides, with dozens of large and small stove holes on the top.

The stove eye on the west side is relatively large, and there is a steamer on it. This should be the white table.

On the other two sides, there are red cases and stir fry.

On the other side of the stove, there are two separate rooms, which are temporary warehouses, where various ingredients are stored, such as pork, mutton, chicken, duck, etc., as well as various seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Brother Nine stood at the door, glanced casually, and actually made a mental count of the approximate number of pigs, sheep, chickens, and ducks.

I really can't see it right!

There are two kinds of pork, two suckling pigs under [-] catties, and only half a fan of ordinary big pigs, adding up to a hundred catties.

One large lamb without skin and two lambs.

Chickens and ducks add up to five or six.

The dining room here is in charge of eating and drinking for the emperor, empress dowager, concubines, princes and Fujin.

Each time these people add up, it is several times the amount of these meats.

It turned out that it wasn't just the hundreds of catties that were deducted from the palace servants and eunuchs, where is the big head? !
Brother Jiu was so shocked that he didn't show it on his face.

When the manager got the news, he rushed over, bowed and said, "This place is messy, why is Nine Master here... If you have something to do, you can just order..."

"Fu Jin wants to add food to the Empress Dowager and Han Ama..."

Brother Jiu looked at the fat head and big ears of the manager, and replied smoothly.

The steward was courteous, pointing to the two empty stove holes on the north side of the stove, and then to the two cooks next to him: "The slave will arrange two masters to wait for Fujin's orders..."

Brother Nine nodded and left with a bit of disgust.

Xing Zai the manager personally sent it out, and it was not until Brother Jiu returned to the residence that he turned his eyes away and turned back to the dining room.

"How long has Master Jiu been here? What did you ask?"

He called a kitchen steward to inquire.

The steward replied: "Just arrived, I just stood there and looked inside and outside... Don't worry, the manager, we are acting according to the rules, there is nothing to be picky..."

In the end it is the prince's elder brother, but the manager doesn't want to capsize in the gutter, he still hopes to deal with the ninth elder brother.

Now it seems that even if Brother Nine gets married, he is just a child with high eyesight and low hands, so don't take it too seriously.

But Jiufujin...a great name in the House of Internal Affairs...

The manager of the line also raised caution and instructed carefully: "Jiu Fujin is not an ordinary person, you must serve him respectfully and obediently, and no one is allowed to pierce his mouth! If anyone offends this living Hades, don't say anything at that time." I've been punished by myself and lost my errand, maybe the whole family has lost their dignity..."

The voice of the steward of the dining room responded: "Don't worry, the manager, who dared to provoke this one after eating a leopard? Be sure to be respectful, it will only be two days, what can't be tolerated..."

Not far from Xingzai's dining room, there is another yard and two rooms, which are also kitchens, which are the kitchens of palace people.

Sun Jin brought a young eunuch and wandered over.

The people inside are busy and preparing dishes.

Seeing a stranger coming, one of the cooks with a bitter face looked over impatiently: "I haven't started preparing yet... Shen Zheng just started serving food here..."

Sun Jin took out a string of money and stuffed it into the cook's palm: "Master, I just want to ask, can I add more food? It's rare to come out. I met two fellow villagers and wanted to drink two cups..."

The cook received the money, still impatient, and pointed to the pile of vegetables in the corner of the room: "Take a look yourself, what can you do besides radishes and cabbage? Cold Chinese cabbage or cold daikon?"

Sun Jin pointed to the two pieces of pork in the corner: "Isn't there still meat? It's okay to fry a piece of meat..."

"That's not from here, I'll accept it in a while..."

The cook was short-handed, and was afraid that he might accidentally offend someone who shouldn't be offended, so he got up and rummaged through the pile of vegetables, wrapped two cucumbers and a head of garlic, and stuffed them directly into Sun Jin's hands: "Take it, take it, this is A good thing to drink, it tastes good!"

Sun Jin accepted it with a smile, and hid the cucumber and garlic in his sleeves when he went out, so as not to make people look suspicious.

In row house.

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "Master really underestimated them... How dare you, the masters dare to reach out for their food..."

After more than a month of marriage, he is no longer a little elder brother who doesn't know the worldly affairs. He has grown up a lot with Shu Shu's ears and eyes, and he probably knows the daily supplies of the masters of all levels in the palace.

The emperor's own share is [-] catties of pork, two sheep, and eight chickens and ducks.

At the queen mother's place, there is a piglet, a sheep, a chicken and a duck.

Concubine, nine catties of pork.

For example, the pork is six pounds.

My lord, six catties of pork.

Promise, the pork is worth a pound.

Prince Fujin, twenty catties of pork.

Prince, six catties of pork.

These people who came out with them added up to a daily quota of more than two hundred catties of pork, three sheep, and ten chickens and ducks.

"The money from the Ministry of Internal Affairs must have been allocated in full, but the supply here is [-]% less..."

Brother Jiu's eyes shined brightly: "At first I thought it was just some palace people's oil and water, but I didn't expect to be so brave, but I gave the Lord a credit for nothing..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help being suspicious.

The courage of corruption is brought up little by little.

Even the imperial kitchen staff dare to stretch out their hands, what else is there that they dare not stretch out their hands? !
Thinking of this, she looked at the residence.

According to the previous report from the general manager, the repairs here were completed in July.

The surrounding walls are covered with white paper, which looks clean and bright.

The furniture and furnishings in the room are relatively simple and unpretentious. They should be uniformly configured and repainted with lacquer.

The only slightly delicate thing is an incense burner on the round table.

Cigarettes curled up, filling the room with the scent of sandalwood.

There seemed to be other flavors in the sandalwood fragrance.

Shu Shu's sense of smell is relatively sensitive, she got up and walked along the source of the smell, and walked directly to the wall.

She reached out and touched the wall, a little surprised, because the white paper was not smooth.

Wasn't it just repaired?

Why is it uneven?
(End of this chapter)

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