Chapter 109
Elder Brother Thirteen's eyes widened, and he looked at the remaining red and white horses with surprise on his face. He obviously didn't understand why two people had to ride together because the horses were rich.

Elder Brother Shi's expression remained unchanged, he reined in his horse and followed behind.

"Da da da da..."

The sound of horseshoes sounded, and "Coral" carried the two of them to a trot.

Shu Shu squinted her eyes, feeling the cool autumn wind, feeling refreshed.

Brother Jiu sat behind and held Shu Shu in his arms. The fragrance of magnolia flowers was faintly visible, which made people feel distracted.

"Haha! Ninth brother, Ninth sister-in-law, younger brother goes first..."

The good atmosphere was immediately interrupted by Brother Ten's male duck voice.

With the sound of speaking, Elder Brother Ten has already galloped away, drifting away.

Norob hurriedly motioned for several guards to follow up quickly.

Brother Nine gritted his teeth, but he had no choice but to shout: "Don't be too fast, wait at the station ahead..."

There is a station in thirty miles, and the station in front of it is just in the middle of Miyun Palace and Yaoting.

A group of people came out of Miyun Palace, and after walking for half an hour, the carriage had already traveled more than ten miles.


Elder Brother Ten's reply sounded from far away.

The thirteenth elder brother didn't dare to be as reckless as the tenth elder brother. He looked pitifully at the way his brother and sister-in-law believed in the rein, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable.

Shu Shu wants to ride a horse by herself.

Although the weather was cool this early in the morning, it didn't feel hot at all, but the humidity was also high, the young couple was next to each other, and their clothes were damp.

It was another saddle, and there were two people sitting on it, not only crowded, but also a little cramped.

After about two miles, Shu Shu said, "Master, it's alright..."

Brother Jiu's eyes flickered, he touched the soft mane of the horse under his hand, and discussed in a low voice: "How about, let's switch to riding today, I ride this horse, you ride my master..."

Shu Shu has no objection: "Well, let's change it... as long as the master's horse doesn't recognize life..."

Brother Nine heard this, without even thinking about it, he hurriedly said: "Forget it..."

His red and white horse was given by Princess Heshuo Kejing. It can be used as a mount for the prince's elder brother, so it is natural to teach him a little.

Brother Nine rides Shun Shun, the same horse he often rides when he goes out for the past two years.

But where in the world is there anything absolute?

Even if this red and white horse doesn't admit to life, it is not as secure as Shu Shuda's small mount.

Shu Shu could see that he was careful, he just fell in love with the big and tall "Coral", and didn't want to be shorter in front of others.

"It's okay, I'm riding this one and Thirteenth Brother is in front, I'm riding my grandfather's horse, and Xiao Song is riding another one..."

Shu Shu said: "There are still several days to go on the road, and I can't always let my master accompany me and leave my brothers beside me..."

The husband and wife now have four horses accompanying them. In addition to their respective mounts, there is also a replacement horse for each.

Brother Nine still hesitated, and nodded after a while: "Then you should try it first, if you are not obedient, don't try to compete with it, get down quickly..."

"Hmm! Don't worry, Lord, I have ridden other horses too..."

The two got off their horses, and the whole team came to a stop.

In addition to the guards and guards who followed the two, the carriage also followed behind.

Xiao Song looked at Shu Shu eagerly, thinking about it, but was afraid of Brother Jiu next to him.

Shu Shu couldn't stop laughing, and greeted him: "Go and lead the little white horse, you ride that one first..."

Xiaosong had been eager to see everyone riding a horse, and when he heard that he could ride a horse, he immediately smiled and went down to lead the horse.

At this moment, Brother Jiu brought a red and white horse and introduced to Shu Shu: "It's called 'Dengyun'. You can see that most of it is red. Its waist, legs and hooves are white. Does it look like a horse?" Like the red horse in the clouds?"

Shu Shu listened with a smile, and took a few careful glances.

It has to be said that even with the use of her imagination, she didn't see that the white areas looked like clouds.

Brother Nine obviously chose a bad name. This name can't be said to be appropriate, it can only be said to be irrelevant.

Brother Jiu had been groping around "Dengyun"'s neck for a while, calmed down the horse, and helped Shushu get on the horse.

As soon as Shu Shu got on the horse, she noticed the difference, her gaze was lower, but she was more comfortable sitting astride.

Shu Shu's mount is tall and her waist is amazing.

In contrast, "Dengyun" is much smaller.

Shu Shu tried the reins, and "Dengyun" changed direction obediently.

Seeing that Shu Shu was riding the "Dengyun" smoothly, Brother Nine felt relieved, but he seriously told him: "Don't hurry now, just ride and walk, don't try to run..."

Shu Shu nodded in agreement.

The days of horse riding are still long, so don't rush for a day and a half.

Although Brother Jiu got his wish and rode the tall and mighty "coral", he didn't intend to gallop. He pulled the reins and walked side by side with Shushu.

The thirteenth elder brother followed behind, feeling very anxious.

Isn't there an errand? !

They set off early, didn't they want to check the palace pick-up before the holy driver team?
This is all delayed on the road, is there still time to check?

Brother Thirteen really doesn't understand why riding a horse is so slow, even slower than riding a car.

He is a little impatient and has already regretted it. If he chooses again, he feels that he will bite the bullet and go with Elder Brother Ten.

Komatsu is in the third row.

Looking at Shu Shu's back, she couldn't help but glared at Brother Jiu who was beside her.

Grandpa is too clingy!
It was when I was in the second school, and it is still the same when I come out!

Fujin clearly asked him to ride with him!

Brother Jiu sneezed heavily.

Shu Shu was startled, and immediately reined in the reins: "Did you catch a cold? Is there something uncomfortable? Is your head heavy? Is your throat itchy?"

She regretted a little, even if it wasn't time to wear a cloak, Brother Jiu should have worn a thicker vest instead of this silk vest.

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "Master is fine, I guess it's Old Ten who is muttering about Master behind his back..."

Shu Shu nodded, didn't say anything more, but remembered the matter of adding and removing clothes.

She glanced back at Elder Brother Thirteen, who was wearing a hard-faced vest, which tightly protected his chest and back.

The thirteenth elder brother already showed anxiety on his face.

Shu Shu saw it, and persuaded Brother Jiu: "Why don't you take Uncle Thirteen first, so that Uncle Ten won't be waiting alone..."

Brother Jiu refused to move: "Who told him to be disobedient, let him wait in front... This is on the imperial road, and the front and back are mostly safe. If you go to other places, if you dare to say that in the wilderness, just leave. It should be hit hard with a board!"

"Are you... worried about wolves?"

When Shu Shu mentioned this, he looked at the two sides, one side was the mountain, the other side was the field.

A few years ago, there was a wolf disaster outside the city, which destroyed several villages.

There are many legends left.

Brother Nine shook his head: "Wolves can't even rank up... In the area of ​​Gyeonggi, especially in the north, there are tigers and leopards... These big beasts have eaten humans once, and tasted human taste. Can't stop..."

Shu Shu wasn't curious anymore, she just felt her scalp tingling.

Fortunately, there were more than [-] people in this team, which was considered mighty. Even if there were really beasts hiding on both sides of the road, none of them dared to come out to show off their might.

Twenty miles away, the young couple just walked around and rode like this, which took almost an hour.

Elder Brother Ten had been waiting so bored for a long time, and when he saw a group of people arriving, he complained to Brother Ninth: "It's too slow, I can't get there before early noon..."

Brother Jiu calculated the time in his mind, and said: "Take a short rest, time is enough..."

Brother Jiu still refused to speed up.

He was worried that Shu Shu was not used to riding a horse for long distances, and wanted her to get used to it slowly.

Shu Shu returned to the carriage and took out the prepared hat.

The sun is three feet high, and it is already a little dry.

The team rested for a quarter of an hour and set off again.

The tenth elder brother didn't make a fuss about taking the first step, but followed the ninth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother and rode side by side.

Shu Shu is wearing a hat, the kind with a face scarf.

Xiao Song finally got his wish, and rode beside him.

Looking at Xiaosong's black and red face, Shu Shu said angrily: "You are lazy, I gave you face cream before, why didn't you put it on well... the hat is also, your sister Chun prepared it, why don't you wear it?"

Xiaosong laughed "hehe" and said, "It's sticky, I'm not used to's uncomfortable to wear a hat, and my servant has a big head, even wearing a hat feels like I'm strangling..."

Shu Shu glanced at her, her head was getting bigger.

But Xiaochun is careful, doesn't she know how to release an inch?
It's because this girl is not used to wearing it that it takes so much effort.

Xiaosong asked excitedly, "Fu Jin, can we go out and hunt rabbits today?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Be patient for another day, I'll take a look at it tomorrow, and I still have to take a look at the arrangement on the master's side today..."

After all, it is a step ahead in the name of errands, it is not good to do nothing, even if it is a formality, you have to go through it again.

In fact, what Shu Shu is most curious about is how much an egg is for the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to the legend of later generations, Daoguang dynasty thirty taels of silver for an egg...

Mostly fabricated...

Otherwise, there would have been historical records that could be verified.

Every time Shu Shu sent people to the imperial dining room to ask for eggs, the other party didn't open their mouths like a lion, and only said that it was a reward from the master.

Who has the nerve to be stingy? Naturally, it costs a few hundred dollars every time.

This money is not being taken advantage of, but it is also several times the market price outside.

At noon, the group arrived at their destination.

The accompanying chief came out respectfully, and there was also an official wearing a third-rank supplementary uniform, who was the current chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Hai Laxun.

In April, the engagement ceremony between Shu Shu and Brother Nine was organized by the manager, so Shu Shu also knew this lord.

"Slave Hai Laxun has seen Master Nine and Fujin Jiu, Master Ten and Master Thirteen..."

The line manager followed suit with a thousand salutes.

Brother Nine stood up straight, cupped his hands in the direction of the way, and said solemnly: "My lord is ordered by the emperor to come and check whether the preparations for the meeting are in order."

The two bowed in response.

"Is the palace dining room ready?"

Brother Jiu looked at the director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: "How many ingredients have you prepared? With the grace of the emperor, the guards of the Shangsanqi who are accompanying the guards will provide one catty of meat per person per day, and the vests of the Eight Banners will provide each person with half a catty of meat per day. The ration is sufficient." Forehead?"

There are nearly [-] bodyguards in the retinue, and about [-] Eight Banners vests, which add up to a lot of daily consumption.

In order to consume all the way, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already allocated money.

The head of the House of Internal Affairs bowed and said, "Don't worry, Jiuye, forty pigs, sixty sheep, and fifty chickens and ducks have been sent from the nearby Huangzhuang, for two meals today and tomorrow..."

Brother Nine looked at the manager again: "How about doing the repairs first? Can you sweep and clean in these two days?"

The chief executive said respectfully: "The repairs will be completed early, and the construction period will be [-] days. Forty-seven craftsmen will be employed. The master of the construction department will accept it on July [-]th... Dust has been cleaned and swept away in the past two days, waiting for the holy driver..."

Both of them were very respectful, and their reports seemed to be detailed.

But Brother Nine still remembered what Brother Ten had said before, you fooled me, I fooled you...

(End of this chapter)

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