Chapter 108 Horse
Offense is the best defense!

Since the previous strangeness was all in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then go and get familiar with the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
If the Ministry of Internal Affairs can make a knife, it can be held in the hands of others, or it can be held in its own hands.

Shu Shu was still on alert all the time, not because of the Second Nurses or the like, but because of the death of Elder Brother Eleven.

Also, elder brother Jiu is indeed old and married, and it's time to learn errands.

Because of the words of novelists in later generations, everyone has a misunderstanding, thinking that the prince can control a political affairs.

Actually, not at all.

As a young emperor who succeeded to the throne, Kangxi first served as the four major assistant ministers, and then the clan princes, who have long been accustomed to monopolizing power.

The six parts are the skeleton of the imperial court. How could Kangxi divide the power from one son to one part? !

It was not the prince who was threatening that way, but the emperor himself!

At present, princes above the eighth elder brother are on errands, and they are all in charge of affairs.

To put it nicely, it's like a project team one by one, with each person leading a supervisor.

To put it bluntly, it's like a temporary worker, sending one over wherever the employer is watching.

It's just that the status of the prince is precious, and there is a difference in respect and inferiority. It seems that the one who makes up the number has become the backbone.

Just like the eighth elder brother, in May, he began to be responsible for the accounting of the river engineering accounts for the thirty-sixth year of Kangxi in Gyeonggi. In the past two months, he has often worked in the Dushui Qingli Department of the Ministry of Industry.

After handing over the errand in early July, I was free.

It's not that the site of the Ministry of Industry is his.

Perhaps because of his experience, the next similar job will probably be his.

Some people misunderstood these deeds and left one or two strokes in the record or other materials, thinking that when the prince became an adult, he divided up the rights of the six departments, so that he was able to compete with the prince.

In fact, the prince and the prince are not the same weight at all.

Monarchs and ministers are monarchs and ministers.

Only Kangxi can compete with the prince.

"It's good to intervene in the affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so you don't have to worry... the six errands, those who are good and those who are bad, the censor will stare at them, and impeach them every now and then... and they are mostly related to people's livelihood, and a little slack will affect the stability of the place. Checking the information to find out, but also going through the old cases, looking at the previous responses of others, every errand, if you want to do your best to do it well, it is probably like learning a new homework... The Ministry of Internal Affairs is different. It’s good to go back, and it’s the daily affairs of the royal family. Even if there is a negligence, the scope of influence is small, and the burden is not so heavy..."

Shu Shu sorted out the benefits of working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in her heart, and said it again.

In fact, the most critical one is to stay away from the court, to limit the circle, not to hook up with the civil and military ministers because of interest disputes, and to be able to detach from power conflicts.

At the same time, because the Ministry of Internal Affairs is directly responsible to the emperor, it is still at the center of imperial power, with a stable position and a sense of presence in front of the imperial court.

Brother Nine heard this, and his heart moved too.

He has studied in Shangshufang for more than ten years, he has learned enough, and he really doesn't want to continue studying.

It's okay if you learn what you like, but it's even more uncomfortable to learn what you don't like.

However, he still hesitated for a moment: "I thought about it two years ago, and when I grew up, I went to Li Fanyuan..."

"For this, did Grandpa learn a foreign language?"

Shu Shu asked back: "How did I hear that the Li Fan Academy still manages a lot of inner and outer feudal clans. Isn't it the Ministry of Rites' job for foreigners to enter the court?"

"There are also some belonging to the Lifan Academy, just want to meet more people and learn more about the world..."

Brother Nine mentioned this, and he was also excited: "Since ancient times, books have written about the 'circle of heaven and earth'. It wasn't until Western priests came over and made a globe that we didn't know that there was a big round ball under our feet... and There are so many stars in the sky, maybe there are countless balls, isn’t it very interesting?”

Shu Shu listened, feeling sorry for Brother Nine.

Had he been born three hundred years later, he might have become a linguist, translator or astronomer.

"If you want to go, find a chance to try... Maybe you can do well..."

Shu Shu still felt a little disrespectful in her heart, but seeing that brother Jiu was in high spirits, she didn't say those spoiling things.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and shook his head first: "That's what I said, the errands of the Lifan Academy are not so easy to do. At the beginning of the year, Khan Ama sent someone to Zhungeer to deliver orders, but he just came back now. It takes half a year to go back and forth... It's better to go to Khalkha, and ride back and forth for three or four months. If you go to Tibet, you have to go over mountains and mountains, which is farther than Jungar..."

Shu Shu blinked: "Does the Ministry of Internal Affairs use business trips?"

Brother Jiu thought for a while, then shook his head: "I don't know... there are quite a few yamen outside, like the three major weaving companies in the south of the Yangtze River... I just don't know how to manage things on weekdays..."

Shu Shu also thought of the three major weaving in the south of the Yangtze River.

The Cao family...

Which red fan is not curious? !
Jiangning Weaving Cao's House is now in the stage of blooming flowers.

The eldest daughter of the Cao family will be the Fujin of Naersu, the king of Pingjun in the future...

Naersu is still the little elder brother of the palace, a little older than Xiaoliu...

Where is Cao Yong, the son of Cao Yin?
It must be a precious work like jewels.

Shu Shu's eyes are shining, and she really wants to go to the field to explore the past and present of the characters in the Red Mansion.

As for the statement that "Dream of Red Mansions" is "Pearl's family affairs", she put it aside for the time being, it is not easy to substitute.

You must know that the decline of the Cao family is a complete decline. In the final analysis, it is because the family background is not enough, the rise and fall completely depend on the emperor's favor.

Mingzhu's house is different.

Even though Mingzhu lost power, the family did not decline. It was still an honored family in the Eight Banners. The children and grandchildren married the clan, and the great-grandchildren even gave birth to the princesses and concubines of the Qianlong Dynasty.

Brother Jiu misunderstood.

When Shu Shu's eyes glowed when he heard "Jiangnan", he couldn't help laughing and said, "You are really looking at the heights of the mountains, so you followed the holy driver to tour Mongolia, thinking about the southern tour..."

"Will you tour the South next year?"

Shu Shu was very excited, now that the canal is unblocked, taking a boat is different from taking a car: "Will you still follow me?"

According to legend, Kangxi made six tours to the south, but he lived in Jiangning weaving mansion several times.

If you follow the past, you can just see the scene of the Cao family.

Brother Nine felt a little unsure: "Who knows, the sons of Khan Ama take turns to take them out..."

Shu Shu saw it and changed the topic.

Silent all night.

Everyone woke up early the next day.

When it was still dark, the group left Miyun Palace.

Because it was a night road, not only the ninth elder brother did not ride a horse, but even the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother rode in a car. Including the servants and luggage, there were eleven carriages, which was already a large team.

Accompanied by one Shishi imperial bodyguards and one hundred barracks vests, they all guarded the team before and after riding.

Shu Shu got up early and put on her riding clothes, put on her boots, and waited in high spirits.

Now in the early autumn season, the dawn starts to be late.

At the beginning of Maochu, the sky was white, and it was not until the second quarter of Maochu that it was completely bright.

Shu Shu lifted the curtain of the carriage to watch, impatient with the long wait, saw the scene on both sides of the road getting clearer, so she pushed Brother Nine: "Master, change the horse..."

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu, feeling a little uneasy: "Why don't I take you for a ride first? Riding a horse at home is different from riding outside..."

Shu Shu was not convinced, but after thinking about it, she didn't refute, so she nodded: "Then please trouble me..."

Since she wants to be an obedient Fujin, it seems more reasonable for her to be "forced" by brother Jiu to ride with her.

The corners of Brother Jiu's mouth turned up, obviously very satisfied with Shu Shu's obedience.

The carriage of their young couple is at the front of the convoy.

Brother Nine picked up the curtain and called to stop, and the whole convoy stopped accordingly.

The bodyguard in charge of the guard is the first-class bodyguard, Norobu, the general of the town, with a yellow belt around his waist. He was born in the Shuncheng Palace and is the concubine brother of Mrs. Uncle.

Nuo Luobu had been riding his horse to accompany him around. When he saw the car stopped, he also dismounted and came over: "Jiuye..."

Although according to his seniority, he is a cousin, but there is a difference in respect and inferiority, and he is still a courtesy.

Untitled princes are treated better than Prince Heshuo. Even if they see Prince Heshuo, they don't bow down to each other and hold hands. The same is true when seeing the county king, Baylor and Beizi.

Below Beizi, you need to greet the prince.

"Dawn, change horses!"

Brother Jiu got off the carriage directly.

Norob is only performing the duty of guarding, so naturally he will not stop him.

But when he saw Elder Brother Jiu helping Shu Shu get off the carriage, and seeing Shu Shu dressed in riding clothes, he still couldn't help dissuading him: "Master Jiu, there's a lot of dew outside..."

Brother Jiu's face darkened, and he felt unhappy, and wanted to yell at him.

Shu Shu hurriedly stepped forward and saluted Norob: "Third Uncle..."

Norob hurriedly avoided, and nodded in return: "Fu Jin is well..."

Brother Nine was dumbfounded, glanced at his wife, then at Norob, remembered the relationship between the two, immediately felt embarrassed, coughed twice and said: "My lord will take Fujin to ride a horse for a while, so as not to be bumped by the car..."

Shu Shu explained with a smile: "It's my niece who is impatient to take the car..."

While talking, He Yuzhu and Xiaosong led the horses over.

He Yuzhu is leading a red and white horse, a Mongolian horse given by Princess Heshuo Kejing. It is medium-sized but has good stamina, making it suitable for use as a mount.

Xiaosong leads, of course, Shu Shu's little red horse "Coral", which has the bloodline of Tianshan horse, and its body is mighty and majestic.

When picking up the horse yesterday, elder brother Jiu didn't think anything, only that Shu Shu's mount looked very handsome.

But when the two horses are put together, the contrast is obvious. The red and white horses are a head shorter, very imposing.

Ninth elder brother looked down on him a little bit.

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen have already changed their horses and rode over here.

"Why isn't brother Jiu leaving? Isn't he going to Yaoting before noon? Don't delay!"

Elder Brother Ten was still thinking about the ingredients for the palace, and kept urging.

Elder Brother Thirteen's eyes were glued to "Shu Shan", and he said enviously, "Brother Ninth, this horse is really majestic!"

His mount is a young Mongolian green horse that has just grown up, and its shoulder height is not high.

After hearing this, Brother Jiu didn't deny it, but was moved and looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu smiled and nodded slightly.

The horse that Ama specially selected for her has a very docile temper and does not reject strangers.

Brother Jiu did not act rashly. He took the whip from He Yuzhu first, and then went to pull the reins of "Coral". He touched the temples of the horse, and did not rush to get on the horse. behind...

 The first and second updates were released together, and the third update was released before [-] pm

(End of this chapter)

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