Chapter 107

On this day, I rested in the Miyun Palace.

Because he was going to be separated from the main force tomorrow, elder brother Jiu didn't dare to delay any longer, so he went directly to the Zhenghongqi camp to find his father-in-law.

If Shu Shu rides a horse tomorrow, it is natural that her own mount is more convenient, so as not to be unfamiliar with the mount and make people feel at ease.

Qi Xi is also reckoning the future, although they are biological father and daughter, but now there is a difference in status, even after walking together for two days, they still haven't found a chance to meet each other.

As a born Ama, I have nothing to do, so I can't easily go to see my daughter.

Seeing the prince's son-in-law coming, Qi Xi's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly went up to meet him: "Jiu is Fujin? Is there a lot of car rides? Are your feet swollen? Is the meal all right?"

A series of questions, Brother Nine didn't feel long-winded, so he answered them one by one: "Fujin is fine, with the fifth sister-in-law and seventh sister-in-law as companions to talk, the car is not too tiring, and the feet are not swollen... all the food is prepared in advance ..."

Only then did Qi Xi heave a sigh of relief, and said still distressed: "Going out, after all, is no better than at home. Ku Xia lost a lot of weight before, and this time I'm afraid I'm going to lose weight again..."

Brother Jiu remembered that Shu Shu's body was indeed not as fleshy as before, but because the weather was cooler than the Forbidden City, his appetite was better in the past two days than in the palace.

He knew that Shu Shu was filial to his parents, so he comforted him a little: "Fu Jin ate a plate of roast beef at noon, it tasted better than when he was in the palace, and he should be able to bring it back slowly."

"Is it!"

After hearing this, Qi Xi was very pleased: "It's a good thing to be able to eat, it's better than picky... There is beef, so Fujin appointed Huanxi... I didn't think it when I was a child, but after two years, she likes to eat beef... You The mother-in-law loves her dearly, and is afraid that she won't be able to eat well when she goes out, so when your ex left, you sent people all over Sijiucheng to look for beef... It happened that a cow was injured in Shuncheng's mansion, so she asked for a cow leg to come back... for Save it and make it into jerky, Master Jiu is here, just to take it back..." He said, and ordered his attendant to pick it up.

Brother Nine was raised as a freelancer, even in the years when he was in Yikun Palace, he didn't say he was much favored.

Seeing his father-in-law and mother-in-law loving his daughter so much, he was only envious, and he explained his purpose in a good voice: "Father-in-law, I'm here to pick up the horse... I have an errand with Han Ama, and tomorrow I can go one step ahead and go to the front row to check As for the meeting, Fujin will go with me..."

Qi Xi was surprised: "Why did Master Jiu think of this? There were so many people in the imperial court yesterday that it was inconvenient to speak, and I was just about to mention this..."

"The road to Shengjing is still far away. After passing Boluo and Tun Road, it is difficult to walk. It is a crime to take a car..."

Brother Jiu answered truthfully.

Qi Xi didn't say anything else, just nodded with a smile and said: "Okay! Okay!"

Shu Shu's little red horse was kept in a stable not far away.

After saying this, Weng and his son-in-law walked over and led the horse out.

The long follower came over with several packages, big and small, just looking at them, there were more than five or four.

Brother Jiu couldn't help being dumbfounded: " all dried beef?"

Qi Xi shook his head, pointing to the two green cloth packages: "These two are full of dried beef..." As he spoke, he pointed to the first two blue packages: "This is two riding suits, and matching boots, Socks..." Pointing to the two slightly smaller ones above: "Here are two hats, two pairs of cypress bracelets, two boxes of pearl powder, two boxes of mint ointment..."

There is a half-sized square package in the middle.

Qi Xi explained this alone: ​​"These are prepared by Mrs. Uncle..."

Brother Jiu brought He Yuzhu over alone, and when the master and servant returned to the palace, they looked like big bags and small bags.

This heavy is the love of the elders.

Shu Shu was moved, and Brother Nine sighed with emotion: "We went back temporarily the day before yesterday, and my mother-in-law and uncle and mother-in-law only knew about our retinue. It took only half a day to prepare a lot, and it was not easy..."

Shu Shu nodded: "It's been like this since I was a child, but when it comes to me, Amu and Ernie regard it as a big deal..."

Whether it's looking for beef from Jueluo's Sijiu City, or the good things Mrs. Uncle brought out to put in the bottom of the box, they are all loving.

On this point, Mrs. Uncle did the same thing as Concubine Yi did. She also knew that the Mongolian prince's family had good eyesight, so she found good things to save Shu Shu's face.

A box of old beeswax beads, the middle beads and the back cloud are all made of sapphires, it looks exquisite and luxurious.

Another gold corolla, inlaid with rubies and emeralds, looks a bit bulky and does not conform to the current aesthetics of the capital.

But I feel bright, there is a word inside and out, "expensive".

Brother Jiu was silent for a while, struggling a little on his face, but he still opened his mouth when he saw the packages in front of him: "Father-in-law and mother-in-law are reluctant to part with you, or I will ask Khan Ama, we will choose a site in Zhenghongqi to open a house in the future." ?”

Shu Shu's heart fluttered immediately, if that were the case, she would be able to stay away from Babeile Mansion!

But then Shu Shu calmed down.

Too much too!

Which father would really like his son to live next to Yue's family? !

He's a son, not a son-in-law!
Brother Nine really wanted to speak, fearing that Kangxi would be dissatisfied, and it would be bad to blame himself or Dong E's family.

Seeing how much Kangxi promoted Dong E's family, and Qi Xi also relied heavily on it, it seems that there is a lot of holy grace, but the premise is that Peng Chun, the pillar and patriarch of the Dong E clan, is idle.

If you don't put Qi Xi at the front, then it's not easy to justifiably supervise the red flag.

Even if the Nala family is elevated to the deputy capital, it is still different from the Dong E clan's deep roots in Zhenghongqi.

To put it bluntly, Dong E's family, as the in-laws of Prince Kang's mansion, is like a delicate balance point between the emperor and the prince of Zhenghongqi.

People from Dong E's family occupy the position of the Manchurian capital, the emperor is at ease, and the lords of Zhenghongqi are also at ease.

Unless there is an accident, no one will take the initiative to break this situation.

"There is no need to ask for this specifically..."

Shu Shu held Brother Jiu's hand: "I accept the Lord's wishes, but filial piety does not mean living far or near... Even if we live next to each other, we live our own lives behind closed doors... The emperor is the emperor's father, he has his own arrangements, we respect you According to the arrangement..."

When speaking of "Royal Father", she increased her volume.

Brother Jiu understood what Shu Shu meant.

The emperor's father, the emperor's father, the emperor comes first, and the father comes after.

It was also Kangxi who was too gentle these two days, which made him less awed and courageous.

Brother Jiu felt bored, so he put the matter aside and talked about tomorrow's plan with great interest.

Sheng Jia set off at the beginning of Mao, and they left the palace ahead of them, so it was two quarters of an hour earlier, and the sky was already dawning.

"Let's take a car first, and go out for ten or eight miles, and then change horses after it's daylight... Besides us, there are also the guards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the guards of the Shangsanqi. There are too many people, and when the time comes, the Lord tells you to come out again, just say It's my father who arranged for you to ride with me..."

Brother Jiu said, then paused: "I still follow the luggage and so on, so as not to be inconvenient when I can get it...Tomorrow, I will be stationed in Yaoting, more than sixty miles away from here, and the travel time is shorter than today... If you don't rest in the morning, We can arrive before noon...the speed of the carriage is slower, and it is about the same at the beginning of the week..."

Shu Shu naturally had no objection.

Otherwise, if the luggage and the accompanying people are separated, it will be troublesome.

Even Shu Shu brought expectations, not to mention the two little ones.

"It's so good. If you walk with a large team every day, the horse can't run, and it's even more tiring to ride..."

Elder Brother Ten didn't show it in front of Kangxi at noon, and he wanted to dance in private: "Tomorrow we will be at the front, and no one will hold you back. It's all up to you... Then look at the palace dining room. What ingredients are prepared, let's ask my sister-in-law to think about it carefully, and add two new dishes for the Queen Mother and Khan Ama..."

Brother Nine said speechlessly: "That's what I thought of? I told Han Ama that I will go ahead and check whether there are any omissions in the matter of welcoming the driver in the palace..."

Elder Brother Ten curled his lips and said, "The itinerary is the same every year, and the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is watching in front, what could be wrong? Let's just use the excuse to come out and breathe, but don't make troubles to make people hate you..."

Brother Nine was gearing up and wanted to show off in front of Shu Shu, but he hesitated after hearing what Brother Ten said.

Elder Brother Shi put his shoulders on his shoulders: "Brother Ninth listened to younger brother, although we used this as an excuse to leave the imperial court, we can't make a joke of 'taking chicken feathers as arrows'... Khan Ama really wants to restrict the investigation The Ministry of Internal Affairs has already sent the elder brother down, what can our little bald brother do? We can only see what they want us to watch! It’s nothing but you fooling me and I fooling you... We know that he is fooling, and they also know that we know that they are fooling... what else can we do? It depends on the owner to beat a dog..."

The thirteenth elder brother really thought that the two elder brothers were self-motivated, so the ninth elder brother asked for an errand on his own initiative, with envy on his face.

Hearing Elder Brother Ten's words, he had objections in his heart.

Since it was the oral order of Khan Ama, it was either a "chicken feather" or a "command arrow"!
Even in front of Elder Brother Ten, he couldn't directly refute.

It wasn’t until the two brothers left the East Chamber that Elder Brother Thirteen whispered to Elder Ninth: “Brother Ninth, although the older brothers are all studying in the Sixth Ministry after they become adults, the House of Internal Affairs is also an important place... Wasn’t Uncle Gong the only one in his early years? Managed the House of Internal Affairs? Khan Ama has accepted Brother Nine's request and allowed Brother Nine to intervene in the affairs of the palace, so it may be necessary to look at Brother Nine's performance, and then consider where Brother Nine will learn to do errands..."

The ninth elder brother looked at the thirteenth elder brother, very surprised: "You are only so old, so you have thought about this?"

The thirteenth elder brother shrank his neck: "In April, the clan's family inspected the clan's clan, and a few Beizi Guogongs who are not doing their jobs well..."

Over the years, many clans have been successively reformed.

The errands that are vacated everywhere will fall on them, the princes who are gradually growing up.

If you really don't focus on doing errands, even if you are named a noble and start a mansion, you can still use "burnout errands" to dismiss the noble.

As a young elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother has naturally thought about these things.

In his opinion, this wave of princes starting from the ninth elder brother may be the idle errands of the House of Internal Affairs, Clan House, Honglu Temple, and Li Fan Yuan in the future.

Brother Jiu raised his chin: "Okay, wash up and go to sleep, brother knows it well!"

Elder Brother Thirteen nodded honestly and went back to his residence.

Brother Jiu returned to the dormitory and sighed to Shu Shu: "I thought Shisan was a brat, but I didn't expect to start thinking about errands!... Tsk tsk! I really can't see that Shisan has a heart ah!"

Shu Shu smiled.

Although Concubine Zhang did not come from behind and surpass Concubine Yi in the limelight, she was also the most favored concubine in the palace after Concubine Yi.

She has been honored and favored for more than ten years, but beauty alone cannot last so long.

Can such a biological mother give birth to a fool?

That's Lord Thirteen!
The entire Yongzheng Dynasty left a rich and colorful "Prime Minister Wang Minister".

He was jokingly called "Deputy Emperor" by later generations of textual research!
Brother Nine just said that, but he habitually consulted with Shu Shu, so he said what Brother Ten and Brother Thirteen had said, and then hesitated: "Old Ten advises Master not to move, Thirteen advises Master to move, Everyone has their own reasons... Who do you think I should listen to?"

"Listen to Brother Thirteen!"

Shu Shu's heart skipped a beat, and she gave the answer without hesitation.


Brother Nine was a little hesitant: "You are also like Shisan, thinking that Khan Ama will watch the performance of the Lord? But the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not a serious government office, it just manages the daily trivial matters of the royal family. If the Lord really wants to get involved, even Khan Ma is satisfied, this is not a good thing, is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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